Page 17 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 17
Community Link
VOL. 30/39 Friday, September 25, 2020 Safar 8 , 1442 AH
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Left: Dr Ahmad, professor and head of the department of mechanical engineering in Kashmir, was forced to leave his job and arrived in Australia in 1971. He has been at the forefront of building Islamic institutions,
founding community organizations and promoting interfaith harmony for almost half a century. Right: Dr Ahmad receives the OAM award from the Governor of NSW (standing right) in Sydney
n By Dr Aslam Abdullah Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad: Australia’s In his young age, he got involved
Most Honored Muslim in India’s freedom movement. He met
It was the winter of December dian origin. A caring man, a dedicated said. who nominated him for an OAM. and worked with Mahatma Gandhi,
1992, the deadliest winter of community leader, a humanitarian “Community-based ventures “The person has not revealed Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Maulana Abul
India. On the sixth day of this in the real sense, a Qur’anic scholar, Kalam Azad, first education minister
unforgettable month, Hindu nation- a passionate patriarch of a large fam- can’t survive without the passion and themselves to me, but I can still be and of India, and Dr Zakir Hussein, who
alists raided the 16th century Babri ily, and a compassionate intellectual, dedication that volunteers bring. am grateful for their acknowledgment became India’s President.
Mosque in Ayodhya. They demol- whom Australia recognized this year and effort for making the nomination,”
ished it brick by brick, leading to a worthy of a Medal of the Order of Aus- “While government services are he said. “So I would like to say thank Ashfaq Ahmad and his wife Ja-
chain of events that forever changed tralia (OAM), the highest honor given essential, community-based delivery you. mal Ara have six children, three boys
the country. That day’s events would to a civilian in the country. of some of those services achieves a lot (Zia, Najm, and Manar) and three girls
lead to pogroms against Muslims in more than throwing lots of money can “Initially, I was perplexed, and in- (Fauzia, Sadia, and Najia). All of them
which 2,000 Indians got killed. Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad OAM, ever do. clined to withdraw. “However, the his- were born in India before they migrat-
90, is a retired professor of mechanical tory of Muslims in Australia and their ed to Australia.
The American Federation of engineering. He is a Qur’anic scholar “This is a value that I sought to in- efforts to establish themselves within
Muslims of Indian Origin was in Delhi and a long-time community leader. still in my family - that while excelling the wider community must be better In 1959-60, he obtained MS in
for its annual Convention to recognize The award was announced on 26 Janu- in their profession is important, they known. Through this recognition of engineering from the University of
India’s highest achievers in tenth and ary earlier this year. The investiture aren’t complete without the free time, my humble efforts, I feel this will help Wisconsin and later completed his
12th grades. The education of Mus- ceremony, delayed due to the pan- effort, and money they contribute for in that objective.” PhD while on a University of Sydney
lims was the central theme, but the demic, took place in September at the the betterment of the community.” scholarship.
reference of the demolished mosque Government House in Sydney under Dr Qazi Ashfaq Ahmad is a re-
was inevitable. The first day sessions COVID-19 restrictions. Some of his most significant tired engineer and academic by pro- For eight years before migrating
focused on the general plight of Mus- achievements have been working with fession, having earned his degrees to Australia, Professor Qazi Ashfaq
lims. One of the speakers gave a com- Dr Ahmad, professor and head like-minded people to establish the at Aligarh Muslim University, India, Ahmad, served as Head of the Depart-
prehensive talk on conditions leading of the department of mechanical en- national bodies for Muslims in Aus- University of Wisconsin, USA, and ment of Mechanical Engineering and
to the demolition of the masjid. He gineering in Kashmir, was forced to tralia and Papua New Guinea, student University of Sydney, Australia. acting Principal at Regional Engineer-
broke down several times describing leave his job and arrived in Australia organizations, interfaith groups, and ing College in Srinagar, Kashmir.
the illiteracy, poverty, powerlessness, in 1971 and has been at the forefront the annual Multicultural Eid Festival He is the founder of the Austra-
and persecution of Muslims in inde- of building Islamic institutions, found- and Fair. lian Federation of Islamic Councils Due to political interference, he
pendent India. Concluding his speech, ing community organizations, and (AFIC), Islamic Foundation for Edu- was suddenly terminated from his job
he asked Muslim leaders and intellec- promoting interfaith harmony for al- The 90-year-old said he had loved cation and Welfare (IFEW), Multicul- in 1969 and framed with anti-national
tuals, “why did they let this happen?” most half a century. He is a close fam- living in Australia since he arrived in tural Eid Festival and Fair (MEFF), charges. Therefore, he left India for
and asked their counterparts in the ily friend. His son, Zia Ahmed, runs 1970. “When I came to Australia to do and many other community organiza- Australia in 1971.
Hindu community, “How long will Australia’s most famous Muslim news- my PhD at the University of Sydney, I tions and institutions.
you continue to let this happen.” The paper, the Australian Muslim Times. was overwhelmed by the support and Dr Ahmad, 90, now has an ex-
audience was mesmerized and speech- friendship shown to me by Austra- He is a pillar of the interfaith tended family of over 70 people, the
less. After the speech, there was abso- “I feel very honored but also glad lians, including our original inhabit- communities in Australia and interna- majority living in Sydney, Australia,
lute silence, which still rings in my ears that the tradition of recognizing com- ants and owners of the land, those with tionally in India, Malaysia, UK, USA, and is a father, grandfather, and great
until this day. munity leaders and volunteers is alive European ancestry and more recent and Saudi Arabia. grandfather. (Dr Aslam Abdullah is
and well because they are the back- migrants,” he said. resident scholar at He
The speaker was Dr Qazi Ashfaq bone of a cohesive society,” Dr Ahmad Born in Eastern Uttar Pardesh, in is editor in chief of Muslim Observer
Ahmed, an Australian citizen of In- “I knew very early that Australia India on 12 December 1930, he lost his and a trustee of American Federation
would be our new home.” father when he was two years old, and of Muslims of Indian Origin. He gives
four when his mother passed away. Friday sermons at Islamic centers in
Dr Ahmad said he didn’t know California and other states)