Page 19 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 19

COMMUNITY                                                                                                                            SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 – PAKISTAN LINK – P19

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy to Direct ‘Ms Marvel’                                                                           Umrah Pilgrimage to
   as the Studio’s First Pakistani Filmmaker                                                                          Be Restored in Phases

Celebrated Pakistani di-                Kevin Feige has also said that the     been affiliated with Beverly Hills            n By Tareq Althaqafi               number will rise, Benten added.
        rector, Sharmeen Obaid-         first onscreen Muslim superhero        Cop 4 and Rebel.                                                                      Abddulfattah Mashat, the deputy
        Chinoy will be directing        will be featured in future Marvel                                             T Makkah
ntheey+M. s Marvel series for Dis-      films as well, in addition to the           Obaid-Chinoy on the other                he suspension of Umrah in          minister of Hajj and Umrah, said that
                                        series.                                hand, became the first Pakistani              Saudi Arabia, which was            a forum had been organized, titled
     The two-time Academy                                                      to win an Oscar in 2012 with her              implemented to prevent the         “Managing Institutional Change and
Award winner has joined the                  The studio is presently           documentary, Saving Face. She          spread of COVID-19, will be lifted        Transformation in the Umrah Sector,”
team comprising Adil El Arbi,           searching for an actor who could       bagged another Academy Award           in phases, Saudi authorities an-          with the aim of enriching the experi-
Bilall Fallah and Meera Menon           play the role of the hero who de-      in 2015 for A Girl in the River:       nounced on Monday.                        ence of Umrah pilgrims. The econom-
to direct the series, reports The       picts her struggles as a Pakistani-    The Price of Forgiveness.                                                        ics of Hajj and Umrah are not limited
Hollywood Reporter.                     American woman with a reli-                                                        Minister of Hajj and Umrah Mo-       to the services provided to pilgrims
                                        gious family.                               Menon, who is also on the         hammed Saleh Benten said that while       but also include many other optional
     Written by Bisha K. Ali, Ms                                               directing roaster for Ms Marvel,       public health remains the Kingdom’s       services and logistics, he added
Marvel introduces the first Paki-            Directors El Arbi and Fal-        has been working for TV shows          top priority, his ministry is studying a
stani and Muslim superhero,             lah have a number of acclaimed         like You, For All Mankind and          three-stage plan for the gradual resto-        The ministry is working to man-
named Kamala Khan, into the             titles under their belt, including     episodes of The Walking Dead.          ration of the pilgrimage.                 age the institutional transformation
Marvel Cinematic Universe.              the Bad Boys franchise that was        She is also known for her 2013                                                   effectively, improve services, enrich
                                        revived for a third-instalment af-     indie road trip comedy, Farah               During the first phase, Saudi        the experience and enhance the sus-
     President of Marvel Studios,       ter a 25-year gap. They have also      Goes Bang. - The News                  citizens and expatriates living in the    tainability of the sector to serve more
                                                                                                                      Kingdom will be allowed to perform        pilgrims.
Pakistani Teen Included in Group of                                                                                   the minor pilgrimage. However, Um-
United Nations’ Young Leaders                                                                                         rah services will operate at 40 percent        Mashat said that in 2019, 5.3
                                                                                                                      of the normal capacity. This will be      million Saudi citizens, 6.4 million ex-
Islamabad: An 18-year-old hu-                “As the UN marks its 75th an-     have on children’s mental and phys-    increased to 75 percent in the second     pats, 1.2 million residents of Gulf Co-
man rights activist, Hadiqa Bashir      niversary during unprecedented         ical health by canvassing and lobby-   phase, and in phase three full capac-     operation Council countries, and 7.5
from Swat, has been included in a       times, the 2020 Young Leaders for      ing legislators and religious leaders  ity will be restored and pilgrims from    million people from other parts of the
17-member global cohort of young        the SDGs are a clear example of        against child marriages.               outside the Kingdom will be allowed       world performed Umrah.
leaders on sustainable development      how young people are leading the                                              to return.
goals.                                  way in shaping a more sustainable           She is the founder of Girls                                                      He said pilgrims traveling from
                                        and inclusive future for all,” said    United for Human Rights and is              During all three phases, the min-    other nations previously had to go
     Announced by the United Na-        Jayathma Wickramanayake, the           working for the protection and pro-    istry said, strict health precautions     through an agent and a registered
tions on Friday, the Young Lead-        UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on        motion of Girls Rights in the tribal   will be enforced.                         Umrah company to obtain a visa and
ers for the SDGs Class of 2020 is       Youth.                                 regions of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa                                                    make other arrangements. However,
a flagship initiative of the Office of                                         (K-P).                                      Benten said the ministry stands      the ministry is taking steps to im-
the Secretary-General’s Envoy on             This group will come together                                            by all the people — investors and         prove the entire system, he added.
Youth which recognizes the efforts      as a community to support efforts            She volunteered for the Soci-    workers — involved in the sector dur-
of young people in driving action       to engage young people in the real-    ety for Women’s Rights, for Hwen-      ing this time of institutional trans-          As part of the planned transfor-
and galvanizing others in support       ization of the SDGs both through       do Jirga, and is on the volunteer      formation. It wants, he added, to         mation of the sector, Mashat said that
of the 2030 Agenda.                     strategic opportunities with the UN    board of directors at EveAlliance.     empower Umrah companies and re-           an Umrah company will be able to
                                        and through their existing initia-                                            lated organizations to become strong      acquire existing companies and either
     These young leaders — be-          tives, platforms and networks.              She is also a Women Deliver       economic entities that provide high-      merge with them under its name, or
tween the ages of 18 and 29 years                                              Young Leader, the winner of the        quality services through the I’tamarna    form a new entity.
old — represent the diverse voices           From Pakistan, Hadiqa Bashir      With and For Girls Award (2018-        application, which will make it easier
of young people from every region       was selected. Born into a patriarchal  19), a Commonwealth Youth              for pilgrims to book their journeys.           In light of this transformation
of the world, and are collectively      family in Saidu Sharif, she worked     Award Finalist (2017), a two-time                                                of the sector, he stressed the need for
responsible for activating millions     against early and forced marriages,    Children’s Peace Prize Nominee              Benten said more than 30 local       businesses to change the concept of
of young people in support of the       sensitizing her community on the       (2016 and 2017), a winner of the       and international companies will pro-     the services they provide and develop
SDGs.                                   negative effects that child marriages  Asian Girls Rights Award (2016). -     vide services to the pilgrims through     new business models. – Arab News
                                                                               The Express Tribune                    an electronic platform that will enable
                                                                                                                      the service providers to carry out the         AP adds: Hajj Minister Muham-
                                                                                        necessary follow-up while serving         mad Benten said the kingdom will
                                                                                                                      pilgrims. He added that Umrah com-        launch an online application that al-
                                                                                                                      panies and institutions serve more        lows citizens, residents of Saudi Ara-
                                                                                                                      than 16 million pilgrims from the         bia and visitors to apply and reserve a
                                                                                                                      Kingdom, the region and the rest of       specific time and date in which they
                                                                                                                      the world.                                can perform the pilgrimage, known
                                                                                                                                                                as “umrah,” to avoid crowding and
                                                                                                                           Highlight                            maintain social-distancing guide-
                                                                                                                           During the initial phase, the        lines.
                                                                                                                      Umrah operations will remain at 40
                                                                                                                      percent of the actual capacity under           The minister, who spoke during
                                                                                                                      normal circumstances.                     a virtual seminar, did not say when
                                                                                                                           He also stressed the importance      the pilgrimage would be permitted to
                                                                                                                      of early registration for Umrah, and      resume nor how many people would
                                                                                                                      said that Umrah companies are re-         be allowed to perform it at the same
                                                                                                                      sponsible for conducting studies to       time.
                                                                                                                      identify the needs of pilgrims, includ-
                                                                                                                      ing those who arrive through transit           The kingdom held a dramatically
                                                                                                                      countries. Citizens of 80 countries       downsized, symbolic hajj pilgrimage
                                                                                                                      can now visit the Kingdom for Um-         in July due to concerns that it could
                                                                                                                      rah without requiring a visa and this     easily have become a global super-
                                                                                                                                                                spreader event for the virus. Pilgrims
                                                                                                                                                                were selected after applying through
                                                                                                                                                                an online portal and all were

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