Page 24 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 24

P24 – PAKISTAN LINK – SEPTEMBER 25, 2020                                                                                                                           COMMENTARY

The Surprising Connection between Golf & Investment                                                                        Pakistan Flood Relief

  n By Saghir Ahmed Aslam                ment Director, also happens to            notice that every single player                                        In late August of 2020, Heavy monsoon
        Rawalpindi, Pakistan             be a 20-year member of the PGA            goes through a routine before                                          rains once again caused devastation in
                                         of America who counts many                making a shot,” Champion says.                                         Pakistan, killing over 100 people and
       (The following informa-           golfers as clients. Here, gathered        “This routine is critical to sus-                                      damaging thousands of homes. Hidaya
tion is provided solely to edu-          from personal experience in both          tained performance.”                                                   Foundation’s partner organization, Hidaya
                                         golf and working with clients, he                                                                                Trust has a strong infrastructure of over
                 cate the Muslim         shares his thoughts on how les-                Investors can also create a                                       300 team members across 8 district
                 community about         sons from the golf course can             routine that drives action. That                                       operation offices, and is active year round
                 investing and fi-       help inform investors’ financial          routine should include specif-                                         with nearly thirty projects and experienced
                 nancial planning.       long game.                                ic steps, such as defining your                                        in providing disaster relief throughout the
                 It is hoped that the                                              overall financial strategy, mea-                                       country over the past 20+ years.
                 Ummah will ben-              Lessons from the golf course         suring risk tolerance, knowing
                 efit from this effort   can help inform investors’ long           your time horizon and aggres-                                          Please donate Zakat and Sadaqah
                 through greater fi-     game.                                     sively saving. “Find moves you                                         towards the disaster relief and
nancial empowerment, enabling                                                      can make on auto-pilot, such as                                        ongoing assistance of the region.
the community to live in security             • Tweet this                         regularly putting money into a
and dignity and fulfill their reli-           • Share this on LinkedIn             401(k),” Champion says.                         Donate online:
gious and moral obligations to-               • Share this on Facebook                                                     By Mail: PO Box 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056
wards charitable activities)                  • Email this                              (Saghir A. Aslam only ex-
     Did you know that the tried-             Follow a Routine                     plains strategies and formulas                                                                  408.244.3282
and-true habits of top golfers can            “When you watch golf, you’ll         that he has been using. He is                                                      
also be applied to how you invest?                                                 merely providing information,                                                      
     Many amateur duffers watch                                                    and NO ADVICE is given. Mr.
tournaments to pick up tips from                                                   Aslam does not endorse or rec-          Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
pro golfers on how they might                                                      ommend any broker, brokerage
improve their swing, go the dis-                                                   firm, or any investment at all, nor     Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
tance on the fairway, or handle a                                                  does he suggest that anyone will
difficult putt. In fact, golf and its                                              earn a profit when or if they pur-
best practitioners have a lot more                                                 chase stocks, bonds or any other
to offer in terms of discipline and                                                investments. All stocks or invest-
lessons learned, especially when                                                   ment vehicles mentioned are for
it comes to helping investors stay                                                 illustrative purposes only. Mr.
the financial course.                                                              Aslam is not an attorney, accoun-
     Mason Champion, a Mor-                                                        tant, real estate broker, stockbro-
gan Stanley Financial Advisor                                                      ker, investment advisor, or certi-
and Global Sports and Entertain-                                                   fied financial planner. Mr. Aslam
                                                                                   does not have anything for sale.)

HISPANICS FROM P20                       Puerto Rican Imams, Islam In Span-        unscheduled rains create hurdles in     Countries  Buying                       Selling
                                         ish, Hablamos Islam, CAIR Español,        our journey. We are late in reaching                    Rs.                         Rs.
Catholicism and Christianity and         and others.                               the pasturelands,” he said.
realize that historically, these faith                                                                                     USA        165.90                       166.40
systems were imposed on them by               It is no secret that the Muslim           “Pakistan is facing more late      UK         210.50                       214.50
European colonizers, they also inves-    population is growing day by day in       winter rains,” said Sardar Sarfaraz,    S.Arabia
tigate other beliefs and are eventually  the United States due to many factors     the director of the country’s meteo-    Japan         43.85                       44.40
led to Islam.                            that include immigration, birth rates,    rological department. “Some stud-       Euro            1.57                        1.60
                                         and conversions. Of those conver-         ies indicate the lessening of early     UAE
     The presence of Muslims in Lat-     sions, the fastest growing minority in    winter December-January rains and                  192.50                       194.50
in America does not only date back       Islam are Latinos, just as they are the   increasing of later winter rains, that                44.95                       45.45
to the discovery and settlement of       fastest growing population in the US.     can partly be attributed to climate
the New World. During and after the      The interesting thing about Muslim        change.”                                (*September 24, 2020)
dismantling of the Ottoman Empire        Latinos is that they can trace their
in the 19th and early 20th centuries,    roots back to Islamic Spain, West Af-          Rauf said the animals struggle     order to protect plants under Prime     ate national parks and protected ar-
Muslims migrated to Latin America        rica, and the tribes of the Americas      in extreme heat, remembering a          Minister Imran Khan’s Billion Tree      eas but it should also accommodate
in massive numbers, and continue         that may or may not have also been        year when “we spent four months in      Tsunami project.                        Bakarwals,” he told The Third Pole.
to do so until this day, bringing the    introduced to Islam. When they em-        the Deosai pastures, where the tem-                                             “These communities have been tra-
number of Muslims and their de-          brace Islam, they are tracing their       perature is usually 6 degrees C to 8         Khan said, “When thousands of      versing these routes for centuries —
scendants living in that region to       heritage rooted in centuries of Islam-    degrees C. But when we reached the      animals pass through forests, they      stopping them is a violation of their
millions. We often hear about the        ic influence. Islam offers a return to a  plains of Punjab at the end of Oc-      eat small plants. Goats especially      indigenous rights.”
glory of Islamic Spain or Andalusia,     glorious past, a connection with the      tober, the temperature was above 35     uproot plants and all the efforts [of
but we ignore that the legacy of Mus-    Almighty, and the promise of victory      degrees C. Our animals could not        the plantation drive] are wasted.”            Tahir Rasheed agreed that the
lims in Spanish and Latino culture       in the Hereafter.                         bear this change in temperature.                                                government should recognize pas-
lives on.                                                                          They fell ill and had to be sold. It         As a result, the animals are only  toralists’ role and rights and include
                                              (Wendy Díaz is a Puerto Rican        was not like this before. This year,    allowed to pass in vehicles.            the services they provide in the
     In all Latin American coun-         Muslim writer, award-winning poet,        it rained heavily in Gilgit-Baltistan,                                          country’s GDP. He said that a new
tries there are mosques, or Islamic      translator, and mother of five. She       which is why we are returning a              Bakarwals are reluctant to         climate calendar should be devel-
centers, where Islam is practiced. In    is the co-founder of Hablamos Is-         month earlier.”                         transport their animals this way, due   oped for them, providing weather
the United States the existence of       lam, Inc., a non-profit organization                                              to the poor condition of roads in the   alerts so they can adjust when they
Muslims of Latin origin grows daily.     that produces educational resources            He added that the same thing       mountain regions. Animals are in-       travel.
More than six percent of the seven       about Islam and culture in Spanish.       happened last year, and the Bakarw-     jured during the rough journey and
million Muslims currently in the         She is also the Spanish content co-       als were forced to sell 700 sheep at    some are suffocated. Another major           Dr Nafees was in favor of in-
United States are Latino. The high-      ordinator for the Islamic Circle of       low prices as they fell ill.            factor that compels Bakarwals to        volving them in forest policy. “We
est concentrations of these Muslim       North America’s WhyIslam Project                                                  travel on foot is that they cannot af-  can learn from our neighbor Af-
Latinos live in cities with the highest  and a columnist for MuslimMatters.             “A few days ago, 300 of our        ford vehicles. They also consider the   ghanistan,” he said, adding that the
Hispanic populations such as New         com. Díaz has also written, illus-        relatives’ goats died during their      journey by foot as beneficial to ani-   country has recognized the Bakar-
York, Chicago, Houston, Miami, and       trated, and published 10 children’s       journey towards the Ganga peak          mal health.                             wals as an integral part of national
Los Angeles.                             books. She is a frequent speaker at       pastureland in Kashmir because of a                                             policy. “A system can be created for
                                         major conferences.)                       drastic change in temperature.”              “Many of the goats die dur-        pastures and agricultural lands so
     Latino Muslims have been                                                                                              ing the loading and unloading in        that the land after a certain height
present in the United States for de-              Tahir Rasheed is former chief      trucks,” said Sultan Ahmad, a herd      will be considered as pasture.” He
cades, and have even been involved       article/ojal-or-oh-allah?eType=Ema        executive of South Punjab Forest        keeper from Gujrat.                     added that frequent vaccination of
in championing the struggle for          ilBlastContent&eId=6b04e6cc-f550-         Company, a government organiza-                                                 Bakarwal cattle would help them
civil rights since the 1960s. Due to     42b7-bbdd-9b339c752160                    tion that aims to promote sustain-           According to Jamil Khattana,       withstand harsh weather condi-
the growing need for Spanish re-                                                   able forestry investments, and an       a professor from Kashmir, “Until        tions. Mobile schools, health sys-
sources, and to fulfill the needs of     BAKARWAL FROM P22                         environmentalist. He said that cli-     three decades ago, herdsmen had         tems and mobile courts can also be
Latin American Muslims in the US,                                                  mate change is the biggest threat to    thousands of animals, but now they      developed.
many organizations have been estab-      where — if these crimes are being         the Bakarwals, adding, “If there is     are limited to a few hundred as pas-
lished with the purpose of tackling      committed, the forest department          prolonged snowfall, grass will not      tures are being converted into agri-         Dr Nafees said that if these
the challenges of living as a minority   should arrest the culprits,” he told      be available — a factor which affects   cultural land.”                         problems are not addressed, this way
within a minority. There are Hispan-     The Third Pole.                           the health and price of the animals.”                                           of life could die out. “Pakistan may
ic-led Islamic groups spread across                                                                                             The former top boss of forests,    lose traditional and affordable live-
the US that offer services that range          Rauf added that Bakarwals are            In recent years, Bakarwals have    Syed Nasir Mahmood, said the gov-       stock production. The meat, leather
from outreach and mentorship to so-      being forced to abandon their way         protested against the forest depart-    ernment must protect Bakarwals          and wool industry will be affected
cial services and disaster relief. Some  of life due to prolonged rain and         ment, which has banned them from        and formulate a policy to solve their   badly. Most importantly, there will
examples are the Latin American          snowfall as well as extreme heat.         travelling through the forests of       problems as Pakistan has ratified the   be an imbalance in the mountain
Dawah Organization or LADO, PIE-                                                   Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.                     United Nations Declaration on the       ecosystem.” - The Third Pole
DAD, ¿Por qué Islam? (WhyIslam’s               “We usually begin our journey                                               Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Un-
Spanish department), Ojalá Founda-       towards the meadows in Vaisakha                Ayaz Khan, a member of Khy-        drip) 2007.
tion, Outreach in the Barrio, the 3      [the second month of the Indian cal-      ber Pakhtunkhwa’s forest depart-
                                         endar, which corresponds to April/        ment, said livestock are banned              “The government should cre-
                                         May], but now harsh weather and           from crossing the forests on foot in

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