Page 28 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 28
UMRAH FROM P19 sal values by allowing wider media tional legitimacy. harm us all.” tacts with the military leadership were
access and more personal freedoms “Kashmir has been rightly de- And Rwanda’s president, Paul made public. The disclosures follow Mr
residents or citizens of Saudi Arabia. for citizens, particularly for women. scribed as a ‘nuclear flash point’,” he Kagame, appealed to the universal Nawaz’s hard-hitting speech at the op-
Rather than the more than 2 million While the trend towards recognizing said, noting that the UN Security desire for a return to normal: “En- position’s September 20 multiparty con-
pilgrims the kingdom hosts for the Netanyahu’s Israel smacks of defeat- Council has considered the situation suring equitable access to vaccines, ference in which he had lashed out at the
annual event, as little as 1,000 took ism and sells out Palestinian interests, in Jammu and Kashmir three times therapeutics and diagnostics will army, saying there was “a state above the
part after being tested for the virus the decrease in anti-Semitic propa- in the past year. speed up the end of the pandemic state in the country” and the conference’s
and quarantined. ganda augurs well for all. “It must take appropriate en- for everyone.” communique calling for an end to “estab-
forcement actions. It must also take Just two days into nearly 200 lishment’s interference in politics” and
Saudi Arabia on Monday began Bucking progressive trends in steps to protect the Kashmiris from speeches by world leaders, it was “no role of armed forces and intelligence
easing some restrictions on interna- the Arab world, Pakistan is busy an impending genocide by India,” he clear the urgent need for a vaccine agencies” in future elections.
tional flights for the first time in six manufacturing new narcissistic il- said. would be mentioned by almost
months. lusions. Lacking the will to address Pakistan, he said, had always everyone. Considering the mind- Major Gen Babar said the COAS
urban chaos (as in Karachi) or to called for a peaceful solution. But popping challenges ahead, that’s no during his two meetings with PML-N
The kingdom allowed Gulf Arab generate significant employment, it for peace to prevail, India must re- surprise. leader and ex-governor Mohammad
nationals and foreign residents of Sau- seeks solace through concocting a scind the measures it has instituted “We’ve never dealt with a situ- Zubair “made it clear to him that their
di Arabia abroad to enter the country, Turkic-Islamic past and heaping ado- since Aug 5, 2019, end its military ation where 7.8 billion people in [Sharifs] legal issues would be addressed
provided they are not infected with ration upon the fictionalized Ertugrul siege and other gross human rights the world are needing a vaccine at in court, while political matters were to
the coronavirus. The kingdom also al- drama series. Now watched daily by violations, and agree to resolve the almost the same time,” John Nken- be dealt with the parliament”.
lowed for some residents of Saudi Ara- millions, it is a new form of escapism. Jammu & Kashmir dispute in accor- gasong, head of the Africa Centers
bia, such as Saudi students with schol- dance with the relevant UN Security for Disease Control and Prevention, The military spokesman added that
arships abroad and foreign embassy Evidence for a further closing of Council resolutions and the will of said this month. Mr Zubair was categorically conveyed
staff, to exit and enter the kingdom. the Pakistani mind is starkly visible. the Kashmiri people, he added. That has led to difficult ques- that the military should be kept out of
Absent from our school curriculum Afghan peace: The prime min- tions: Who will get vaccine doses political matters.
Despite taking early and sweep- is the study of world history, philoso- ister said Pakistan’s desire for peace first? Who is making private deals to
ing measures to contain the virus, phy, epistemology, or comparative re- in the region was also manifest in its get them? This week’s speeches make Also appearing on television chan-
Saudi Arabia has recorded more than ligions. In PTI’s Single National Cur- efforts to promote a political solution clear that such questions have exis- nels afterwards and later through his of-
330,000 cases, including more than riculum, rote learning has massively in Afghanistan. “I have consistently tential meaning. ficial social media account on Twitter, the
4,500 deaths. - AP increased, as has religious content. maintained over the past two decades The vaccine quest must not be former governor did confirm his contacts
The brains of our schoolchildren are that there is no military solution to a “purely mercantile act”, Iraq said. with the military leadership while claim-
HOUSES FROM P18 being programmed for a world other the decades-old-conflict in Afghani- Nor “an issue of competition”, Tur- ing that he had gone to discuss economic
than the one they live in. stan,” he said. “The only way forward key said. issues. However, he admitted, Nawaz
development. was and is a political settlement “We must take the politics out Sharif and his daughter Maryam did
According to Directorate of (The writer is an Islamabad- which involves the full spectrum of of the vaccine,” Kazakhstan said. come up for discussion.
based physicist and writer. Dawn) Afghanistan’s political actors.” “We need true globalization of com-
Archaeology Director Dr Abdul Mr Khan pointed out that Paki- passion,” Slovakia said. “Gen Qamar Bajwa is an old friend
Samad, the two houses although SAN FROM P18 stan “fully facilitated the process” The Dominican Republic de- and not only that I have met him many
owned privately, hold great historic that culminated in the US-Taliban ployed all-caps in a statement: “We times as a friend but our families have
value, which is why the government contact us at If peace agreement on Feb 29 this year. demand this vaccine be available also been meeting cordially over dinners
has decided to take them under their you would like to help us ensure that “Pakistan is deeply gratified that it to all human beings on the planet.” etc. In my most recent meeting with him
wing and preserve their heritage. our community votes this year, you has fulfilled its part of the responsi- More gently, Mozambique warned economy, politics and, of course, Nawaz
can make a donation here. bility. The Afghan leaders must now that “nationalism and isolationism Sharif and Maryam Nawaz, all came
As per the director, his depart- seize this historic opportunity to in the face of a pandemic are, as far under discussion. No relief was ever re-
ment has allocated over Rs 50 mil- It doesn’t matter what your po- achieve reconciliation and restore as we are concerned, a prescription quested,” tweeted Mr Zubair.
lion for the repair and restoration litical leanings are - the 2020 Election peace in their war-torn country,” he for failure.”
of some 13 historic buildings, other is an important opportunity for our said. No matter their reputation at Talking to one of the TV channels,
than the said houses of veteran Bol- entire community to raise its voice The prime minister urged Af- home or on the global stage, lead- Mr Zubair expressed his surprise over
lywood actors. “Other than this, res- and be represented. ghan leaders to use the intra-Afghan ers are finding a shred of common the DG ISPR’s statement. “Such meetings
toration work at Peshawar’s ancient negotiations, which commenced on ground as the world nears a stagger- are secret. I don’t understand as to why
Mahabat Khan Mosque is already PM FROM P1 Sept 12, to work out an inclusive, ing one million confirmed deaths the army spokesperson needs to talk on
underway,” the director told The Ex- broad-based and comprehensive po- from the pandemic. [my meeting with the army chief] it,” he
press Tribune. of upping the military ante against litical settlement. The process must “The Covid-19 vaccine must be said.
Pakistan in a nuclearized strategic en- be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned, considered a global public good. Let us
FAUCI FROM P18 vironment,” he said. and without any interference or out- be clear on this,” said Rodrigo Duterte, A senior PML-N parliamentarian,
side influence, he added... Dawn president of the Philippines... AP speaking on the background, said he
“How the virus might damage Mr Khan informed the world wasn’t surprised to hear about the party
heart muscle is just one question re- body that despite constant Indian VACCINE FROM P1 EXTRADITION FROM P1 leadership’s “backchannel contacts” with
searchers are now probing,” reports provocations and ceasefire violations But the absence of Washington, Britain and Pakistan do not have an the military establishment. He said it was
Science Mag. “Other studies are fol- along the Line of Control (LoC) and Beijing and Moscow means the re- extradition treaty, but have in the past pragmatic to have both private and pub-
lowing people during and after acute the Working Boundary targeting in- sponse to a health crisis unlike any two years stepped up cooperation to lic channels. The Sharifs, he said, sought
illness to learn how common heart nocent civilians, Pakistan had exer- other in the UN’s 75 years is short of successfully exchange several wanted the private channel through their close
inflammation is after COVID-19, cised maximum restraint. “We have truly being global. Instead, the three criminals. confidante who flaunted his personal
how long it lingers, and whether it consistently sensitized the world powers have made vague pledges of Mirza Shahzad Akbar, adviser to contacts with Gen Bajwa in the party.
responds to specific treatments. Re- community about a ‘false flag’ opera- sharing any vaccine they develop, Mr Khan on accountability, said Mr
searchers also want to know whether tion and another ill-conceived misad- likely after helping their own citizens Sharif ’s extradition could be demanded The Leaguer agreed with the per-
patients fare similarly to those with venture by India,” he added. first. in return for further transfers. ception that Nawaz Sharif ’s scathing
myocarditis from other causes, This week’s UN gathering could “It would be difficult for the Brit- remarks about the army at MPC
which can include chemotherapy The prime minister said that serve as a wake-up call, said Gayle ish government if Nawaz Sharif being could be a result of the impression
and other viruses. In more than half while his parents were born in the co- Smith, president of the ONE Cam- a convict continues to stay in the UK, he got from the contacts that there
of virus-induced cases, the inflam- lonial India, his was the first genera- paign, a nonprofit fighting prevent- their own laws do not permit such an was no flexibility on the other side.
mation resolves without incident.” tion that grew up in an independent able disease that’s developing score- act,” he said, Dawn newspaper report- “Therefore, he would have gone for
Pakistan. “I want to make it clear that cards to measure how the world’s ed. the second track, the public one,” he
“So the situation is not wrapped any attempt by the fascist totalitarian most powerful nations are contribut- Britain and Pakistan have recently maintained.
up about what is the full impact of RSS-led Indian government to ag- ing to vaccine equity. sought to tighten legal cooperation and
this, which means we have to take gress against Pakistan will be met by “It’s not enough for only some agreed to work more closely to stop TODD FROM P1
it very seriously,” says Fauci. “Even a nation that will fight for its freedom G20 countries to realize that an eq- criminals fleeing their jurisdictions.
among people who are obviously in to the end,” he declared. uitable vaccine is the key to ending tune moment in our relationship to
trouble and die. There’s other people this virus and reopening the global CALL FROM P1 work together on shared goals.”
that we need to be concerned.” As “The Security Council must pre- economy,” she said. military spokesman Major General Babar
for yourself: if you feel any of the vent a disastrous conflict and secure With weeks remaining before a Iftikhar in a TV talk show. The new US envoy said that co-
symptoms above, contact your medi- the implementation of its own reso- deadline for countries to join Covax, Both meetings, he said, were held on operation between the two countries
cal professional immediately, and to lutions [on Kashmir] as it did in the which is co-led by the UN’s World Mr Zubair’s request. was also essential for bringing peace
stay safe during this pandemic, wear case of East Timor,” he said. Health Organization, many heads of “In those meetings he (Mr Zubair) and stability to Afghanistan.
a face mask, social distance, avoid state are using the UN meeting as a talked about Mr Nawaz Sharif and Ms
crowds, wash your hands and don’t The warning follows heightened high-profile chance to wheedle, per- Maryam Nawaz,” the director-general of “Peace in Afghanistan is in both
visit places you’re most likely to tensions between the two South Asian suade and even shame. Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) our countries’ best interests, and ef-
catch Covid. neighbors that began last year when Ghana’s president, Nana Akufo- said. fective US-Pakistani cooperation is
India bombed an abandoned school Addo, pointed out the illusory nature The disclosure by the DG ISPR came essential to achieve that objective,”
NARCISSISM FROM P11 in Balakot. India followed up the of borders and wealth: “The virus has just hours after PML-N’s senior vice-pres- he said.
bombing with more aggressions that taught us that we are all at risk, and ident and former prime minister Shahid
Greek civilizations were extremely fer- ended only when Pakistan brought there is no special protection for the Khaqan Abbasi told a news conference in Ambassador Todd referred to
tile as well. Relatively speaking, sci- down an Indian aircraft and arrested rich or a particular class.” Lahore that none of the party members a speech his boss, Secretary of State
ence in Islam was a latecomer that its pilot, Wing Commander Abhinan- The president of the Covid-free had held one-on-one meeting with the Michael Pompeo, made in Islamabad
began with the translation of Greek dan Varthaman. Pacific island nation of Palau, Tom- army chief in the recent past. in 2018, telling his hosts how to reset
works about 150 years after the death my Remengesau Jr., warned against This is the second time this week the relationship across a broad spec-
of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Mus- Pakistan returned the pilot on selfishness: “Vaccine hoarding will that opposition leaders’ secret con- trum — economic, business, com-
lims added many new and brilliant March 1, 2019 as a gesture of peace, mercial.
ideas but their science is just one part but on Aug 5 that year India illegally
of pre-modern science. annexed held Kashmir and since then But to do so, “we need ... to
it has been constantly firing across the develop a peaceful resolution in Af-
Some signs of hope are finally LoC. ghanistan that benefits certainly Af-
emerging in the Arab world. The ab- ghanistan, but also the United States
ject failure to modernize — except Referring to these incidents, and Pakistan,” Mr Pompeo said.
very superficially — is making GCC Prime Minister Khan told the 75th
countries realize that insularity won’t UNGA that there would be no du- Recently, several senior US of-
work. Several are moving up the rable peace and stability in South Asia ficials acknowledged that Pakistan
learning curve and absorbing univer- until the Jammu and Kashmir dispute played a key role in arranging a peace
was resolved on the basis of interna- deal between the US and the Taliban
earlier this year. .. Dawn