Page 25 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                                     SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 – PAKISTAN LINK – P25

                                          Issues and Questions

Distribution of Sadqah Money, Non-Muslims Relatives, Wudu

n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi                                                                                                                                          Day of Judgment and we shall be
                                                                                                                                                                     recognized by our Wudu’ inshallah.
     Q 1. I have a question regard-       in Islam (i.e. not to wail, etc., etc.)       4. Although the face of a wom-       and do not admonish people for          To answer the arguments against
ing the distribution of Sadaqah.          and that invites others to Islam?        an, whether alive or dead is not          asking questions. The following         Wudu that you mentioned, let me
Can Sadaqah be given to a hospi-                                                   “awrah” (something that must be           issue was raised in our tarbiyah        say:
tal for construction and meeting               A 2. As a general answer to         hidden), for the sake of modesty          program and we could not arrive
its running expenses?                     your questions, let me say that Is-      only close relatives should be al-        at any conclusion.                           1. The purpose of Wudu’ is not
                                          lam does not forbid Muslims from         lowed to see her face after death. It                                             only to wash dust and dirt, it is to
     A 1. There is no prohibition or      having good relations with their         should not be viewed by common                 Making Wudu’ with water            keep us clean and fresh. Washing of
restriction in giving sadaqah mon-        non-Muslim relatives and friends.        public. Non-Mahrams (any non-re-          is totally inconvenient and unre-       face and hands several times during
                                          Allah says in the Qur’an, “Allah for-    lated males including ex-husband)         alistic. When we do not see dust        the day makes a person very clean
                  ey for the construc-    bids you not those who warred not        should not touch a female’s body.         around, unless one uses micro-          and healthy. Wudu’ also prepares
                  tion and running        against you on account of your reli-                                               scope, it is not a convincing ar-       us in a spiritual way to stand before
                  expenses of a hospi-    gion and have driven you not from             5. For the sake of Da’wah or         gument that Wudu’ is for cleanli-       our Lord. Cleanliness of the body
                  tal. Muslims always     your homes, that you should show         to give information to the non-           ness. Secondly, a lot of people use     is only one aspect of Wudu’. It has
                  give their charity for  them kindness and deal justly with       Muslim relatives about Islam and          make-ups, most of the women use         many other benefits and blessings.
                  building hospitals,     them. Indeed, Allah loves those          Islamic funerals, it is good to dis-      it, and those people whose skin
                  schools, orphan-        who do justice.” (al-Mumtihinah          tribute some flyers, but one should       is dry, use some kind of cream.              2. Muslims should be moderate
ages, etc. This is the best use of        60:8) Following are the answers to       not make it a custom. It should only      For them putting on make-up             in their make-up. Too much make
Sadaqah and it becomes a Sadaqah          your specific questions:                 be done if there is a need and some       and cream every two hours is            up is not good - neither for the skin,
Jariyah, i.e. a charity that brings                                                benefit in it.                            not possible. Thirdly, one can-         nor for the soul, and certainly not
the blessings and reward of Allah              1. A Muslim should have an                                                    not go in the office bathroom and       for the budget. If one really is con-
subhanahu wa ta’ala always as long        Islamic burial. If a Muslim convert           Q 3. Is it compulsory to fast        wash the face. Fourthly, there is       cerned about savings, it is better to
as people benefit from this char-         has some non-Muslim members              on the day of Mi’raj?                     no place in the washroom where          save on make-up rather than on the
ity. Unlike Zakat, which has some         in his/her family and they want to                                                 a person can remove shoes and           water of Wudu’. Those who make
restrictions, Sadaqah is a general        help in his/her Islamic funeral and           A 3. There is no compulsory          stand up at a religiously clean         Wudu’ have such a noor - light on
charity and it can be used to help        burial, there is no prohibition on       or recommended fast for the day of        place and cleanse the feet. Fifthly,    their faces - that they do not need
any needy person or institution.          them to do so. Thus, a non-Muslim        Mi’raj, i.e., 27th of Rajab. Actually     because of the cold weather, it is      much make-up any way. One does
     However, since Sadaqah is for        son is allowed to lower the body of      there is no special ceremony rec-         cumbersome to remove the lay-           not need to remove the make-up
poor people only, it is important         his Muslim father or mother.             ommended in the Qur’an and Sun-           ers of clothes to wash our hands.       every two hours for Wudu’. One
that when rich people or people                                                    nah for the day of Isra’ and Mi’raj.      Sixthly, some people use gels on        can put whatever make-up is nec-
who do not need charity use a hos-             2. The non-Muslim sister is         Muslims may gather together to            their hairs. They cannot use gels       essary after Fajr, then make Wudu’
pital or school that is built by char-    also allowed to shroud the body of       remember the great miracle of Isra’       whenever they do masah in their         at Zuhr time. One can easily pray
ity they should pay for its services,     her Muslim sister.                       and Mi’raj, learn its significance in     hair. In other words, the argu-         Zuhr and ‘Asr with one Wudu’, and
or they should make a donation to                                                  Islam, and especially remember the        ments are unlimited. The system         similarly Maghrib and ‘Isha’, if there
this institution when they use its             3. Viewing of the face of a de-                                               of Wudu’ was perfectly fine 1400        is a problem with the use of water.
services.                                 ceased person is allowed in Islam.                              importance of      years ago or still can be a little bit
     Q 2. I need some help in re-                                                                         the city of Jeru-  justified in the Arab countries              3. A Muslim should not be
gards to the rights of my non-                                                                            salem in Islam.    because of their weather and at-        ashamed of washing his face in the
Muslim family over me, i.e. my                                                                            It is good to re-  tire. Conversely, in North Amer-        office bathroom. People stand up
funeral (and every soul shall taste                                                                       mind us on this    ica and Europe, it is unrealistic.      and urinate in the office bathroom
death). My oldest son is not a                                                                            occasion of our    Can some kind of tayammum be            talking to each other; if they are
Muslim, please make du’a that Al-                                                                         duty as Mus-       used as an alternative?                 not ashamed of that, why should a
lah t’ala opens his heart to Islam.                                                                       lims to Jerusa-                                            Muslim be ashamed of washing his
Ameen. My questions are as fol-                                                                           lem and to do           A 4. Islam is for all places and   face? There is nothing un-civilized
lows:                                                                                                     something to       for all times. There are millions of    about washing one’s face. Muslims
     1. Is it permissible for him                                                                         help our broth-    Muslims in the West and in cold         should be bold and proud of their
(my son) to help lower my body in                                                                         ers and sisters    countries making Wudu’ and per-         values and principles. Those who
the grave?                                                                                                who are suffer-    forming their prayers for centu-        feel ashamed of making Wudu
     2. Would my blood-sisters be                                                                         ing in Palestine,  ries. Those who want to argue and       in front of others will feel more
allowed to help shroud my body?                                                                           but there are no   find excuses can always do so. But      ashamed of offering prayers also.
(I am a female.)                                                                                          special prayers    as Muslims we have to remember
     3. Is there a “viewing” in Is-                                                                       or fasts associ-   that it is Allah who has given us            4. One does not need to re-
lam? (Not at prayer, like night be-                                                                       ated with this     these rules of ‘Ibadah. He knows        move socks and wash the feet for
fore at funeral home)                                                                                     day or night.      everything, every time, and ev-         every Wudu’, it is allowed in Islam
     4. Who is allowed to see my                                                                                             ery climate. His Messenger - may        to make Masah on the socks for one
face, besides my immediate fam-                                                                                              peace and blessings be upon him         day and night (and during journey
ily, if any? For example, non-Mus-                                                                                           - told us that we should perform        for three days and nights), if one
lim family, former co-workers,                                                                                               Wudu’ before the prayer. It brings      puts them on after Wudu’ first time
ex-non-Muslim husband, those                                                                                                 blessings upon us. The Wudu will        and does not remove them in be-
I called friends in the Dunya, or                                                                                            be our distinguishing mark on the       tween.
any non-believer.
     5. Would it be permissible                                                                                                                                           5. We are living in such a com-
to have a leaflet distributed (at                                                                                                                                    fortable environment of heated
janazah) that explains about death                                                                                                                                   buildings and bathrooms and yet
                                                                                                                                                                     we complain of cold weather and
                                                                                                            Q 4. I read                                              removing clothing. Just think of
                                                                                                       your columns                                                  Muslims in Afghanistan, Turkistan,
                                                                                                       with interest                                                 Tajikistan, Albania, Bosnia, and
                                                                                                       and respect.                                                  how they have been making Wudu
                                                                                                       You put things                                                for centuries. Some of them make
                                                                                                       in perspective                                                Wudu with snow and frozen water.
                                                                                                                                                                     The Prophet - peace be upon him -
                                                                                                                                       said that those who make Wudu in
                                                                                                                                                                     spite of difficulties will have a spe-
                                                                                                                                                                     cial reward from Allah.

                                                                                                                                                                          6. Too much gel is not good
                                                                                                                                                                     for the hair anyway. Use good qual-
                                                                                                                                                                     ity gel and the Masah will not af-
                                                                                                                                                                     fect it very much. Masah is only to
                                                                                                                                                                     spread wet hands over the hair, it is
                                                                                                                                                                     not meant to wash hai ror to make
                                                                                                                                                                     them wet. Actually, your hair may
                                                                                                                                                                     look more shiny and fresh after a
                                                                                                                                                                     little Masah, so do not worry too
                                                                                                                                                                     much about gels.

                                                                                                                                                                          Tayammum is a substitute for
                                                                                                                                                                     Wudu only when one is sick or
                                                                                                                                                                     when water is not available. Oth-
                                                                                                                                                                     erwise there is no substitute for
                                                                                                                                                                     Wudu’. Feel happy that you belong
                                                                                                                                                                     to the Ummah of Purity and clean-
                                                                                                                                                                     liness. May Allah help us to spread
                                                                                                                                                                     cleanliness to our surroundings as
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