Page 20 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 20
n By Wendy Díaz Ojalá or Oh, Allah! or an African from a Caribbean. Not only is
the resemblance in physical appearance strik-
W Chicago, IL ment emerged in commerce, architecture, art, lim and Jewish populations completely from ing, but also, the similarities in personalities
hen exploring the topics of cul- literature, science, and mathematics. It was Spain. Ironically, when the New World was and traditions. Latinos possess the God-con-
ture, faith, and spirituality in Lat- the Golden Age of Islam, and Islamic Spain just being “discovered,” the descendants of Is- sciousness, strength of family ties, spirit, and
in America, many are surprised became a beacon of knowledge and progress. lamic Spain were searching for a new home. determination typical of faithful Muslims.
to find there is an enormous connection to However, like all good things, eventually, this
Islam. The Islamic religion and the societies age of enlightenment came to an end. When Spain began to colonize Latin Hispanics Speak Arabic?
of North Africa and the Middle East greatly America, centuries of Islamic influence came From the 13th to the 15th century, when
influenced all aspects of Latinidad, or the “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean aboard ships, despite all efforts of the Catholic the Muslim rule in Spain was at its height,
Latino identity. For more than 800 years, blue!” is a rhyme children are taught in grade rulers to suppress it. Dozens of exiled Mus- Arabic was the official language in many parts
Spain, often called the mother of Latin school when learning about the explorer, lims, many hiding their religious identity, of Spain. Being bilingual, Arabic-Spanish, was
American nations, was inhabited by Muslim Christopher Columbus. What history books fled to the New World, taking their culture normal. In those times, Arabic was regarded
North Africans and their descendants, who fail to mention is that more than just Colum- and faith with them. Likewise, Muslim vic- as the language of the elite and the prestigious.
were referred to as the Moors. bus and his Spanish ships, the Nina, Pinta, tims of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade also Surprisingly, Spanish was written for a long
and Santa María, were leaving Spain that year. found themselves in the New World. Until period of time using Arabic script. This style
In 711, the Muslim general Tariq ibn It was also during this time that a massive this day, it is inevitable to travel anywhere in of writing was called Aljamiado or Aljamía.
Ziyad, accompanied by an army of 7,000 sol- exodus of Muslims and Jews was taking place. Spain or Latin America and not see the influ- Currently in the Spanish language there are
diers, crossed the Mediterranean into Spain. ence of Muslim culture. In the architecture, more than 6,000 words of Arabic origin. The
The North African Muslims found the perfect In 1492, the Catholic King Ferdinand street names, artwork, gastronomy, and even most famous Spanish expression in Spain,
opportunity to enter the Iberian Peninsula, and his wife, Queen Isabela, were successful in the DNA of its people. Latin Americans “¡Olé!” comes from the Arabic word “Wallah”
realizing that the Visigoth government of in conquering the final Muslim stronghold in are walking and breathing relics of Muslim which means “by God.”
King Rodrigo was weak and lacked support. Granada, Spain. What followed were a series empires. Even in appearance, sometimes it is Arabic terminology was adopted to de-
Many Spaniards had protested the incompe- of edicts that sought to criminalize the prac- difficult to distinguish an Arab from a Latino scribe the various things that the Moors intro-
tence of his reign, and their cries reached the tice of Islam, force conversions of Muslims or a North African from a South American duced to the Spanish. For example, words like
ears of the governor of North Africa. and Jews to Christianity, and expel the Mus- café (coffee), alfombras (rugs), jinete (horse
rider), tambor (drum), alcalde (mayor), aldea
It has been reported that when Ibn Zi- (village), algodón (cotton), arroz (rice), azú-
yad’s army reached Spain, they burned their car (sugar), aceituna (olive), and almohada
ships, determined to stay there for good and (pillow) have Arabic roots.
expand the Muslim empire. The strait that The Muslim religion also influenced the
separates the peninsula from North Africa use of certain words and expressions. One
still bears the name of General Tariq ibn Zi- such term is ojalá which means “I wish” or
yad – Jabal-at-Tariq or Gibraltar – which “I hope”, derived from either “insha’Allah,” or
means “the mountain of Tariq.” “lau sha Allah,” which means “God willing” or
“If God has willed it.”
After defeating the Visigoth army, the Latino Muslims in the United States
Moors continued their conquest to Toledo Could it be because of this undeniable
and established treaties with the Spanish. influence that today many Latinos or Hispan-
The land that was conquered by the Muslims, ics in Latin America and the United States
Southern Spain, was called Al-Andalus, now are returning to Islam as their religion? The
Andalusia. short answer is yes. Many Latino Muslims are
drawn to religion because of the connection
During the centuries that Muslims ruled to their culture. As they begin to question
Spain, a pluralist democracy existed where
people of all religions, mainly Christians, HISPANICS, P24
Muslims, and Jews, lived together in peace.
Despite this, many residents converted to Is- short that period might be. The blossoming
lam willingly, as others had done in different of the flowers reminds one of the people who
parts of the Muslim world. A period of enrich- radiate beauty throughout their lives. Just
like there is sadness in seeing the leaves fall
n By C. Naseer Ahmad Worshipping through Gardening off, sorrow follows the passing of loved ones
who like everything in life pass away but leave
B Washington, DC wonderful memories of being the roses in our
elievers worship the Almighty lives.
through the ritual prayers every day
throughout the world. And, then During reflections while gardening, I am
there is “zikr” – the Arabic word for the de- visited by the spirits of a loved one like beloved
votional act remembering father and my late sisters who were so fond of
the Almighty - that preoc- having flowers planting in the house I grew up
cupies the minds of believ- in. Physically they are not present, but I see
ers. them in the garden every day while caring for
Researchers have found the roses near the front steps.
many practical benefits of
worship and having a belief “To everything there is a season and a time
system. They have deter- for every purpose in heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1)”
mined significant level of happiness and men- Perhaps, there was a purpose in my arriving
tal health compared to a state lacking a belief a bit early, around this time last year, for my
system. In fact, a US News article on July 28, meeting with my late friend Irfan ul-Haque.
2016, described how people in eight other Because I had about forty-five minutes before
countries stay healthy. Pakistan – “where going to his house, I went into a public library
prayers promote health” was listed sixth and the first book I picked was on “gardening”
among those countries. The article noted that – something I knew nothing about and with
Muslims pray five times a day. This practice very little interest due to my asthma and al-
– “an intense form of meditation combined lergies.
with yoga postures” – may do as much for
their health as it does for their spirits, said Dr Looking back on our forty years of friend-
Farha Abbasi, assistant Professor of Psychiatry ship which began with our work in the World
at Michigan State University for this article. Bank’s Economic Research Department, I re-
Gardening has a number of health bene- to ponder and meditate a bit, the chain of at the sky above. In these moments, the mind member our lunch outings after the Friday
fits, according to the American Association of thought progresses to other branches of sci- is awestruck by the fluidity of the design. prayers in Washington’s Dupont Circle area.
Retired People (AARP). It increases exposure ence. All these thoughts lead to the source of Interestingly, both of us as well as our spouses
Vitamin D, decreases dementia risk and gets Creation. As the eye notices a newly blooming offered Friday prayers along with fellow com-
one involved in enjoyable aerobic exercise. roses, which were just little buds a few days munity members in Geneva, Switzerland dur-
Additionally, working in the garden provides Curious observations of insects buzz- before, the mind becomes aware of rose petals ing a visit a few years ago. Though now we
another dimension of worship through ac- ing around the plants leads the mind to think falling off, some that were so enchanting re- can’t physically go for lunch outings in Du-
tion. about their purpose. In modern life, the mere cently. In time, the sadness of not seeing those pont Circle, the Creator enables these outings
Each morning or sometimes at sunset sight of an insect often provokes an instinct to enchanting roses which brightened one’s day in spirit while watering the roses every day.
while watering the mint plant, the vegetables grab the nearest can of insecticide. But when is made up by the blooming of the rose buds.
or the roses, some verses of the Holy Qur’an their “purpose” crosses the trigger-happy Like the little rose buds who blossom
come to the mind as effortlessly as the rain mind, the rush to kill the insects becomes less From a distance, they are all roses in a into beautiful flowers, I see the growth in my
drops from the sky above. One verse that urgent. bush, but a close view enables the eye to ap- grandson Raheem from a helpless creature
repeats in the mind so often is - Chapter 59 preciate their unique characteristics as well as into an amazing human being in the garden of
verse 24 which says: “He is Allah, the Creator, There are only a few steps from the door the similarities with those that are still on the life in his ancestors were resplendent.
the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the to the rose or mint plants, but the daily rou- bush and those that have fallen off.
best names. Whatever is in the heavens and tine is like a journey across the universe. Seasons change, as almost everything in
earth is exalting Him.” While observing the beauty in nature, one ap- Somehow one becomes attached to these life, except the Creator and:
Through gardening, a lot of which is preciates its Designer. The beauty is not just in flowers and plants. Maybe it is just being a hu-
the color of the roses but also in the patterns man because in some ways they enable one to Just remember in the winter
simply just watering the plants, one begins to in the mint leaves right in front of one’s eyes. connect with fellow human beings. Far beneath the bitter snows
appreciate botany. By taking a few moments The magnificence is in the clouds, their for- Lies the seed that with the sun’s love
mation and the movement when one glances While admiring the colors and how the In the spring becomes the rose
patterns unfold, one admires the Creator who
creates them and makes them bloom however