Page 15 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                                   SEPTEMBER 25, 2020 – PAKISTAN LINK – P15

India Threatening Military Aggression,                                                                                     Eight Years on, Ex-MQM Men Get
        Pakistan Tells OIC Group                                                                                           Death in Baldia Factory Fire Case

n By Anwar Iqbal

United Nations: Foreign Minister          the Urdu language through a new          and free arbitrarily detained Kash-     Karachi: An antiterrorism court         imprisonment each was awarded
Shah Mehmood Qureshi has alerted          legislation.                             miris.                                  on Tuesday sentenced two former         to the two former MQM activists
the OIC Contact Group on Kashmir                                                                                           activists of the Muttahida Qaumi        for attempting to murder 60 per-
that India has intensified its belliger-       Rejecting the Indian claim of            The foreign minister said that     Movement (MQM) to death and             sons (men and women, who suf-
ent rhetoric against Pakistan, includ-    “normalcy” in the occupied terri-        India must reverse new domicile         awarded life imprisonment to four       fered injuries) and ordered to pay
ing threats of military aggression.       tory, Mr Qureshi highlighted a joint     rules; remove draconian security        gatekeepers of the Baldia garments      Rs100,000 as fine each or undergo
                                          communication by 18 special man-         laws and prosecute military and ci-     factory, while acquitting party lead-   six months additional imprison-
     The OIC Contact Group met            date holders of the Human Rights         vilian personnel involved in massive    er Rauf Siddiqui in Pakistan’s deadli-  ment on default. They were further
on the sidelines of the UN General        Council issued last month. The state-    human rights violations.                est industrial blaze case.              sentenced to life imprisonment un-
Assembly in New York on Sunday to         ment noted that the human rights                                                                                         der the antiterrorism act for causing
discuss the worsening human rights        situation there was in a “free fall”          “Allow unhindered access to             Some 264 male and female           injuries to 60 people and ordered to
situation in India-occupied Jammu         and hundreds of young Kashmiris          fact-finding missions and the inter-    workers, including 16 who remain        pay Rs200,000 fine each or undergo
and Kashmir.                              were killed extra-judicially in “fake    national media to investigate human     unidentified, were burnt alive in       additional six months imprison-
                                          encounters” and “cordon and search”      rights violations in the occupied       an arson attack on the multistorey      ment on default. Another life-term
     Saudi Arabia, Niger and Azer-        operations.                              lands,” he said. Reaffirming OIC’s      Ali Enterprises garments factory in     was awarded to them for creating
baijan attended the meeting. Head                                                  principled position on the issue,       Karachi’s Baldia Town on Sept 11,       serious risk to the public, factory
of the OIC Observer Mission to the             It noted that the Indian secu-      all members of the Contact Group        2012.                                   owners, workers and employees in-
UN Ambassador Agshin Mehdiyev             rity forces continued to enjoy com-      expressed deep concern at the con-                                              side the factory, thereby preventing
represented the OIC Secretary Gen-        plete impunity under black laws          tinued human rights violations in            According to the prosecution,      them to get out of the burning fac-
eral.                                     like Armed Forces Special Powers         occupied Jammu and Kashmir. They        the accused persons acted on the        tory building. Similar punishment
                                          Act (APSPA) and the Public Safety        recalled OIC’s ministerial commu-       instruction of the-then chief of        was given to them for destroying
     On Monday, the UN General            Act (PSA). The foreign minister in-      niques of Sept 25, 2019, and June       the Karachi Tanzeemi Committee          the factory. The judge awarded a
Assembly also held the inaugural          formed the group that in 2020 alone,     22 this year, and fully endorsed the    Hammad Siddiqui after the fac-          collective sentence of 15-year im-
meeting of its high-level debate on       India had committed over 2,200           foreign minister’s recommendations,     tory owners failed to pay Rs250         prisonment each to Rehman and
world affairs. The United Nations         ceasefire violations.                    adding that they were essential for     million extortion or partnership        Zubair for threatening the fac-
had arranged hundreds of events                                                    immediate de-escalation.                in their business. Ten accused,         tory owners and extorting money
this year to commemorate its 75th              “There is a tangible threat of                                              including Mr Siddiqui, MQM’s            (“bhatta”) and ordered to pay a col-
anniversary but most of these events      further escalation as India might             The Contact Group also asked       then-Baldia Town sector in-charge       lective fine of Rs 250,000 each.
are being held virtually because of       conduct another false flag operation     the UN Secretary General, the UN        Abdul Rehman alias Bhola, activist
the Covid-19 pandemic.                    to justify renewed aggression against    Security Council and the UN Hu-         Mohammad Zubair alias Chariya,               ‘Gatekeepers abetted arson-
                                          Pakistan, posing a serious threat to     man Rights Council to call on In-       Hyderabad-based businesspersons         ists’
     At the OIC meeting, members          regional peace and security,” he said.   dia to halt human rights violations,    Dr Abdul Sattar Khan, Mst Iqbal
of the Contact Group reviewed re-         Mr Qureshi said it was imperative        rescind the unilateral and illegal      Adeeb Khanum, Umar Hasan Qa-                 The judge awarded life impris-
cent developments in Jammu and            for India to immediately lift its in-    measures taken on and after Aug 5,      dri, and the industrial unit’s four     onment to each of the four gate-
Kashmir, including the grave human        humane military siege and rescind        2019, and to implement the Secu-        gatekeepers were charged with set-      keepers namely Shahrukh Latif, Ali
rights and humanitarian situation in      all illegal actions taken since Aug 5.   rity Council resolutions calling for    ting fire to the readymade garments     Mohammad, Arshad Mehmood
the occupied territory and tensions       He also urged New Delhi to remove        a plebiscite to enable the people of    factory.                                and Fazal Ahmed for aiding and
along the LoC.                            restrictions on communications,          India-occupied Jammu and Kashmir                                                abetting Rehman and Zubair and
                                          movement and peaceful assembly;          to exercise their right to self-deter-       The judge of the ATC-VII,          their accomplices allowing them
     Pakistan’s Ambassador Munir          release incarcerated political leaders   mination. - Dawn                        who conducted trial in the judicial     entry into the factory to endanger
Akram read out the foreign minis-                                                                                          complex inside the Karachi Central      the life of workers, employees and
ter’s special message in the meeting,                                                                                      Prison, pronounced his verdict that     owners of the factory. They were
stating that the RSS-BJP regime in                                                                                         had been reserved after recording       told to pay Rs200,000 fine each
India was implementing the so-                                                                                             evidence and final arguments from       and on default suffer six-month
called “final solution” in the occu-                                                                                       both sides.                             additional imprisonment. The four
pied lands.                                                                                                                                                        gatekeepers were also given life im-
                                                                                                                                The judgement in the high-         prisonment for sharing common
     India, he said, was engaged in                                                                                        profile case comes after eight years    intention with Rehman and Zubair
systematically engineering a demo-                                                                                         of the tragic incident.                 and ordered to pay Rs100,000 fine
graphic change through its new do-                                                                                                                                 or undergo six months imprison-
micile rules.                                                                                                                   Finding the-then MQM’s Bal-        ment on default.
                                                                                                                           dia sector in-charge and the-then
     “The issuance of 1.6 million                                                                                          head of the ill-fated factory’s fin-         The judge exonerated the
domicile certificates since March is                                                                                       ishing department, Mohammad             MQM-Pakistan leader Abdul Rauf
meant to change the demography of                                                                                          Zubair alias Chariya, guilty of com-    Siddiqui and the three Hyderabad-
IOJK from a Muslim majority into a                                                                                         mitting an act of terrorism, the        based businessmen of the charges
Hindu majority territory,” he added.                                                                                       court handed down death sentence        of allegedly receiving Rs50.9 mil-
                                                                                                                           to each of them for causing death of    lion from the factory owners under
     The foreign minister pointed                                                                                          264 persons (both men and wom-          the pretext of giving compensation
out that in another attempt to oblit-                                                                                      en) through ‘arson’ and ordered         to the legal heirs of the victims.
erate the Muslim identity of occu-                                                                                         them to pay a fine of Rs200,000         They appeared before the court on
pied Jammu and Kashmir, India was                                                                                          for the death of each victim. The       bail and the judge cancelled their
also changing the official status of                                                                                       judge also awarded death sentence       bail and discharged their sureties.
                                                                                                                           to the two activists under Section
Phase 3 Clinical Trial of Chinese                                                                                          302(a) (premeditated murder)                 While the judge sent a refer-
   Vaccine Begins in Pakistan                                                                                              and 34 (common intention) of the        ence to the Sindh High Court for
Islamabad: The National Command           months.                                  immunogenic.                            Pakistan Penal Code for killing 264     confirmation of all the sentences,
and Operation Center (NCOC) on                 Addressing a press conference            “Then there is a phase 1 trial     persons.                                the case against proclaimed offend-
Tuesday announced the launch of                                                                                                                                    ers Hammad Siddiqui and Ali Has-
phase 3 clinical trials in Pakistan for   alongside NIH Executive Director         which was again conducted in Chi-            According to the verdict, both     san Qadri was kept on dormant file
a potential vaccine being developed       Maj Gen Aamer Ikram on Tuesday,          na and its results were good. In this   Rehman and Zubair were also giv-        until their surrender or arrest for
by China’s CanSino Biologics for the      Special Assistant to the Prime Minis-    phase, the safety and efficacy [of      en life imprisonment for participa-     which the court issued perpetual
novel coronavirus.                        ter on Health Dr Faisal Sultan termed    the vaccine] on the human body is       tion in the offence likely to cause     non-bailable warrants.
                                          the trial an “important step” in which   looked at.                              the death and endanger the life of
     Trials for phase 1 and 2 for the     Pakistanis would also take part.                                                 factory workers/employees present
vaccine were held in China. Pakistan,                                                   “The phase 2 trial was conduct-    inside the factory. Besides, 10-year
under a public-private partnership             Maj Gen Ikram said it was an        ed on 508 people — which is con-
between the National Institute of         “honor” for the country that it was      sidered a big trial — and when the
Health (NIH) and CanSino, is among        participating in the phase 3 trial of a  results were found to be good, [the
the countries which will carry out        vaccine for the first time.              study] was published in scientific
phase 3, the NCOC statement said.                                                  journals,” he said.
                                               “The entire world is looking to-
     The country’s drug regulator         wards a vaccine right now. There are          He added that the technology
last month gave the go-ahead for the      seven vaccines for which trials are      for the CanSino vaccine was similar
country’s first phase 3 clinical trial    being conducted — three of them de-      to that of the Oxford vaccine being
for CanSino’s vaccine.                    veloped in China. This CanSino vac-      developed by AstraZeneca. A chim-
                                          cine is based on recombinant tech-       panzee adino-vector was used in the
     Planning, Development and            nology in which an adino-vector is       AstraZeneca vaccine while a human
Special Initiatives Minister Asad         made deficient. The virus vector and     adino-vector was used for this vac-
Umar said that 40,000 people will         cell culture has been procured from      cine, he disclosed.
participate in the trial, which is be-    Canada,” he said.
ing held in seven countries across                                                      He said a phase 3 trial was the
the world. Around 8,000 to 10,000 of           Speaking about how the study        biggest and most difficult stage.
these will be from Pakistan, he said.     is conducted, he said that in the pre-   “[The NIH] has accepted this chal-
                                          clinical phase, the vaccine is tried on  lenge and we are grateful to the pa-
     Umar said initial results of         animals. “This was done in China at      tronage of the NCOC and the Minis-
the trial are expected in four to six     the start of the year. It was safe and   try of Health.”

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