Page 12 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 12
Struggle Not against Imran but against The Scene in London before
Those Who Brought Him into Power Nawaz’s APC Speech
Islamabad: Addressing the much- ar prices. Will no reference be filed Democracy (MRD) in the past. “We n By Atika Rehman As some shared their reac-
hyped PPP-hosted multiparty confer- against him?” Aare standing with the decision this fo- tions, the PML-N leader listened and
ence in Islamabad on Sunday PML-N stone’s throw from the lush thanked the media for their support.
supremo Nawaz Sharif said that the He also repeated the opposition’s rum takes and are willing to fight till green expanses of Hyde Park, He appeared well-versed on all the
opposition’s struggle was not against allegation that the National Account- our last breath,” he said. Stanhope Place was buzzing tweets and analyses of his speech.
Prime Minister Imran Khan but ability Bureau (NAB), with the con-
against those who brought him into nivance of PTI, was carrying out only PML-N President Shehbaz Shar- Time and again, he hinted that
power through the 2018 elections. “selective accountability”. if took the mike next, saying that the with activity from the crack of dawn. he will remain active, engaged and
dictatorships in the country’s history It was here, inside the commercial of- connected with his supporters in the
He was addressing the confer- “If we don’t do it [take a step] had not only put a black mark on de- fices of Stanhope House, that Nawaz UK and representatives of the media.
ence, aimed at devising a strategy to today, when will we?” asked Nawaz. mocracy but also damaged the judi- Sharif broke his months-long silence Past 6pm, he departed from the venue,
oust the PTI-led coalition govern- ciary. to deliver an unreserved, scorching bringing a long and happening day to
ment, via video link from London. “I agree with Maulana [Fazlur Talking about the 2018 elections, speech against the military establish- an end.
The speech marked the deposed Rehman, chief of JUI-F] that we need he said: “Remember when a selected ment.
prime minister’s political comeback to make this conference purposeful government came into power and the As he arrived there, journalists As the crowd dispersed, residents
after more than a year. He has been in or people will be disappointed… selected prime minister promised the pressed Nawaz to share a precursor who live in nearby flats wondered what
the UK since November last year for nation that the discrepancy in the of what was to come. But he revealed all the fuss was about, and what this
medical treatment. “This conference should bring elections, the disappearance of the nothing, and simply said “you’ll see”, as animated group of people had gathered
forth a concrete plan of action for RTS system, and the pre-engineering he climbed the steps and disappeared for that warranted a nearly 12-hour
“Our foremost priority should saving democracy, a concrete policy of election results would be investi- into the staggering premises. wait. As reporters offered some context
be removing this selected govern- should be made for solving the prob- gated.” Inside, a green screen had been to curious passers-by, one exclaimed,
ment and this system. Our struggle is lem of ‘a parallel state’. Shehbaz claimed that the com- set up behind a wooden desk, where “Oh, so it’s a victory for democracy?
not against Imran Khan,” said Nawaz. mittee formed to investigate had not Nawaz sat before a camera and made Cheers to that.” - Dawn
“Today, our struggle is against those “I again urge this all-party con- made even “an inch of progress”. what will be remembered as one of
who installed Imran Khan and who ference to go beyond its traditional “[The government] alleges that his most historic and daring political Fazl, Bilawal
manipulated elections to bring an in- ways and form a plan of action.” the opposition did not cooperate. I statements. Meet to Discuss
capable man like him into power and am ready for a probe so what bigger Outside, tea was served with
thus, destroyed the country.” Opening Remarks lie can there be?” mithai and biscuits which were con- anti-Govt.
by Zardari sumed between collective gasps and Movement
“If change is not brought, it will jaw-drops.
bring irreversible loss to this country. Earlier, former president Zardari ‘Time for Action, In a speech that lasted well past Karachi: Two days after the op-
It is very important that our armed delivered the opening speech at the not Just Talk’ position’s multiparty conference
forces stay away from our govern- multiparty conference, also through half an hour, Nawaz launched an at- in Islamabad, seasoned politician
mental system according to our Con- video link. tack on “the forces that brought Imran and chief of his own faction of the
stitution and the Quaid’s speech, and Khan to power”. As the speech ended, Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam-Fazl (JUI-
not interfere with the people’s choice. In his remarks, Zardari criti- Addressing the participants of his son Hussain Nawaz, met the re- F) Maulana Fazlur Rehman held a
We have made this country a joke in cized the government over what he the conference Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam porters. “This is the beginning of a meeting with Pakistan Peoples Party
our own eyes and internationally as called were “tactics” to suppress the (Fazl) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman struggle — not against Imran Khan but chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari
well.” opposition and media. called upon the opposition parties against a parallel system.” on Tuesday and discussed with him
to “take concrete decisions” and re- “They will not have the luxury of the planned anti-government move-
Prior to a recess for lunch, the He welcomed Maryam, PML- sign from the assemblies. He said locking Nawaz away, of keeping him ment.
speakers — PML-N’s Nawaz and N vice-president and daughter of the Sindh Assembly, where PPP is in silent,” he added, in response to a ques-
Shehbaz Sharif and PPP’s Asif Ali Nawaz Sharif, and said he was happy a majority, should also be dissolved. tion about Nawaz’s possible return to Maulana Fazl visited Bilawal
Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to see her at the conference. “We have Sindh is the only province where an Pakistan. House in Clifton along with his par-
— were united in underscoring the seen the difficulties she has faced and opposition party is in power. Social media erupted with hot- ty leaders Rashid Soomro, Maulana
“need for a plan of action”. we can understand because my own He also criticized the opposition takes on the speech as it unfolded. Obaidur Rehman and Aslam Ghori.
sister has gone to jail and my wife parties for “stepping back” and said: “Explosive,” said some journalists. “But Mr Bhutto-Zardari was assisted by
Nawaz started by thanking PPP went to jail [...] We pay tribute to her “You people are the reason they (gov- will it threaten the existing order?” PPP leader Naveed Qamar during
chairperson Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and we are with you, and will keep ernment) has survived for two years.” asked others. Similar questions were the meeting.
for hosting the conference as well as fighting for your cause and you will Rehman said that it was time to fervently discussed outside Stanhope
Zardari, saying he would not forget keep fighting for ours, I am sure.” take “practical steps”, adding that in House as the wait began for Nawaz to The meeting comes against the
the love with which the former presi- order to run a successful movement step out and take questions from jour- backdrop of reports that Maulana
dent spoke to him a day earlier. Bilawal for ‘Plan against the government, trust must nalists — a move that would have been Fazl was not happy with the PPP
of Action’ be established. a calculated change from his deliber- as it did not allow live telecast of
“I am thankful to the organiz- “The option of compromise is ate distance from the media during his his speech during Sunday’s MPC.
ers of the conference for giving me In his speech, Bilawal empha- not available,” he declared and called time in London. Maulana Fazl had himself protested
the opportunity to talk. Even though sized the need for the multiparty for a boycott of all government cer- Some PML-N workers gathered during the MPC over the “media
I am away from my country, I know conference to come up with a proper emonies, non-participation in legis- outside with boxes of Papa John’s pizza, blackout” of his speech and the PPP
very well what condition the country plan of action for “gaining freedom lative process, detachment from all an unsuspecting symbol of resistance claimed that the speech was not tele-
and the people are in. I believe this is for the people”. international agreements made by flaunted blatantly, hours after Nawaz cast live on his own party’s request.
a decisive turn; it is necessary to pro- the “unconstitutional government”. hit out at retired General Asim Bajwa
tect democracy [...] and take fearless “If [the people’s] elected repre- Referring to laws passed to curb who has alleged links to the pizza com- It appears that Tuesday’s meet-
decisions.” sentatives cannot even speak in par- money laundering, Rehman said: pany. ing between Mr Bhutto-Zardari and
liament and get their votes re-count- “Don’t you all know that whether it’s Hours later, reporters were invit- Maulana Fazl was aimed at quashing
In an all-encompassing speech, ed, what hope will the nation have?” black money or illegal money trans- ed inside for a strictly off-record con- rumors that the opposition’s newly
which centered on criticizing the he asked. He demanded that the op- fer; the actual budget of secret agen- versation and informal meeting. It had formed alliance — the Pakistan
Imran Khan-led government, Nawaz position be given a level-playing field cies comes from that. So, when we been a long day, and Nawaz did not Democratic Movement formed as a
spoke on the “poor state” of Pakistan’s — not only in politics and media but say that the money goes to terrorists, discuss anything political lest it eclipse result of Sunday’s MPC — had de-
economy, “deteriorating” interna- in parliament as well. the money that goes to support state- his APC speech. But he appeared re- veloped cracks moments after it was
tional relations, “muzzling” of media sponsored terrorism should also be laxed and resolute, as if a weight had launched.
and “corruption within the PTI and He urged the opposition to unite blocked.” been taken off his chest.
Bani Gala”. and launch a movement similar to
the Movement for the Restoration of
“The country’s leader keeps
harping on about accountability but
he himself is involved in raising sug-