Page 18 - Pakistan Link - September 25, 2020
P. 18
‘Digital Banking for Overseas South Asian Network’s Muslim Woman Files Federal Lawsuit
Pakistanis’ Webinar on September 30 Desi Vote 2020 Campaign over LAPD Officers Removing Her Hijab
“The United States Presidential
election is on Tuesday, No- A n By Kevin Rector that the shooting was justified, but
vember 3rd. Californians will Muslim woman has alleged the Police Commission disagreed,
also be voting on important local in a federal lawsuit filed saying the officer had violated de-
elections and propositions,” says Thursday that her civil partment policy.
a press release of the South Asian and religious rights were violated
Network (SAN). It adds: when Los Angeles police officers Mubarak’s lawsuit is against
…, only those who are regis- pulled her from a Police Com- the LAPD, the city of LA, Moore,
mission meeting and forcibly re- Det. Corey Harmon and four other
tered to vote will be able to partici- moved her religious head covering unidentified LAPD officers. It says
pate in one of the most decisive elec- last year. Mubarak is suing “to challenge il-
tions in our country’s history. legal LAPD behavior that callously
humiliated her, stripped her of a
It’s simple to do: Nusaiba Mubarak, now 26, said religious garment in front of others,
1. Go to https://registertovote. during an online news conference and erased her chance to address the where you can register to that she was standing in line at the public body that oversees the very
vote or check on your registration meeting, waiting to comment on officers who violated her rights.”
status. a deadly LAPD shooting the year The lawsuit alleges that a lack
That’s it! There is no step 2 (ex- prior, when she was “aggressively of LAPD policies that specifically
cept actually voting, of course). manhandled by three police officers protect individuals’ religious free-
In a press release, Los Angeles-based Consulate General of Pakistan Questions? Feel free to contact nearly twice my size, who with- dom to wear head coverings shows
stated: out any warning grabbed me and the city and the department permit
The Government of Pakistan has recently announced “Digital Bank- us at or call us pushed me to the wall, handcuffed such violations, and calls for the
at 562-403-0488 me, and shoved me into another LAPD to reform its policies for ar-
Today also officially launches
ing for Overseas Pakistanis” which will enable Overseas Pakistanis to digital- the South Asian Network’s Desi Vote room where I was stripped of my rests of Muslim women.
ly open up bank accounts in Pak Rupees, US Dollar, British Pound and many 2020 campaign, our voter mobili- hijab and humiliated.” Josh Rubenstein, an LAPD
other currencies. This initiative will also allow the account holders to buy zation efforts for the South Asian Mubarak, represented by attor- spokesman, said the department
dollar denominated certificates issued by Government of Pakistan as well as community in Southern California, neys from the Council on Ameri- could not comment on pending liti-
making investment in Pakistan Stock Market and Real Estate. which will consist of the following can-Islamic Relations chapter of Los gation.
In this regard, the Consulate General of Pakistan, Los Angeles, will non-partisan activities: Angeles, said police initially rushed Lena Masri, CAIR’s nation-
be organizing a Webinar on September 30, 2020 at 9 AM (Pacific Standard • Distributing information into the area where she was lined al litigation director and one of
Time), in which Representatives of Habib Bank Limited, Faysal Bank, MCB about California voting laws and up after another protester had gone Mubarak’s attorneys, said Mubarak’s
and Bank of Punjab will participate. voter rights, and the voting process over his allotted time to speak, but experience reflects a broader trend
The Webinar will be shown live from the Facebook of the Consulate in LA and Orange Counties; that there was no cause or reason in law enforcement.
General of Pakistan, Los Angeles. It is requested that this information may • Developing messaging given for her own detention and no “Muslim women across the
please be disseminated amongst maximum number of Pakistanis so that they around importance of exercising justification for the removal of her country are having their hijabs
could benefit from this Webinar. one’s right to vote; hijab in the presence of male officers senselessly removed by police of-
• Educating voters about rel- — a violation of Muslim religious ficers, during even traffic stops for
Bill Gates Praises Houses of evant ballot measures; tenets. minor traffic violations, in court
Pakistani Youngster as Bollywood Stars houses, in correctional facilities,
a Hero of Coronavirus to Be Conserved • Launching social media, She was released without and when having their booking
and SMS “get out the vote (GOTV)” charge. The episode left her “shocked photos taken,” Masri said.
Pandemic Peshawar: Left dilapidated for years activities; and quite terrified,” she said.
and lost in oblivion, the ancestral Such actions are in direct vio-
• Convening a Politics & Mubarak said she had attended lation of the women’s constitutional
Pakoras policy discussion prior to the Police Commission meeting last rights, and must be challenged,
Election Day; September to denounce the Octo- Masri said.
ber 2018 killing of Albert Ramon “The callousness that the LAPD
• Collaborating with oth-
homes of legendary actors Raj Ka- er non-partisan/non-profit voter Dorsey. Dorsey was fatally shot by
poor and Dilip Kumar are among the rights/engagement organizations to an LAPD officer after punching an- officers exhibited towards Nusaiba
15 historical sites recently identified share resources and information. other officer in a locker room at a was a senseless attack against her
for restoration by the Khyber Pakh- If you would like to get involved, 24 Hour Fitness gym in Hollywood. religious liberty,” she said. – Los An-
tunkhwa (K-P) government. SAN, P28 LAPD Chief Michel Moore found geles Times
Located in Mohalla Khudadad
near the historic Qissa Khwani Ba- Dr Fauci Warns of New COVID Symptoms
zaar, Kumar’s residence was declared
protected heritage by the Directorate You Need to Know
of Archaeology and Tourism in 2013
and later a protected monument, un-
Bill Gates, one of the world’s der the Antiquity Act 1997. The Ka- n By Alek Korab that when you clear the virus, you
most active and wealthy per- poor Haveli in Mohallah Dhaki Mu- may have weeks or months or so in
sons for stopping the spread nawar Shah, inside the walled city, This week, the United States which you just [feel] not quite right.”
of the coronavirus and helping the was also said to be converted into a reached a grim milestone: “People with more severe infections
victims, shared a list of people who museum by the end of year 2012. Al- More than 200,000 deaths might experience long-term dam-
rendered the best services to soci- most eight years later, both historic attributed to the coronavirus. On age not just in their lungs, but in
ety in the days of the pandemic. residences despite the status granted last night’s The Daily Show with their heart, immune system, brain
to them, have existed in a dismal Trevor Noah, Dr Anthony Fauci, and elsewhere,” reports Nature.
A young hero from Balochistan state and no restoration or preserva- director of the National Institute “Evidence from previous coronavi-
Sikander Bizenjo has also been in- tion efforts have been made. Much of of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, rus outbreaks, especially the severe
cluded in the list of Bill Gates “7 un- this delay has been previously cited said that number was not, as has acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
sung heroes”. to stem from lack of funds and le- been said, overstated, and also you look at it, are getting into some epidemic, suggests that these effects
In an article published in the galities surrounding the buildings’ outlined some frightening cases of significant trouble, not a lot, not a can last for years. And although in
ownership. COVID among the living. Read on high percentage. That’s true.” “Last some cases the most severe infec-
Gates Notes, Bill Gates released a list to know what symptoms to watch month, the Centers for Disease tions also cause the worst long-term
of 7 unsung heroes who served their However, as per archaeology for, and to ensure your health and Control and Prevention said the impacts, even mild cases can have
countries, including young people department’s latest recommenda-
from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Af- tion forwarded to K-P Chief Minis- the health of others, don’t miss number and rate of coronavirus life-changing effects — notably a
rica. ter Mahmood Khan, the two historic these Sure Signs You’ve Already cases among children under 18 had lingering malaise similar to chronic
increased ‘steadily’ from March to fatigue syndrome.”
“When Covid-19 spread in Pak- buildings are to be bought by the Had Coronavirus.
istan, Sikander Bizenjo knew that provincial government paving the Three Newer Complications July,” reports the Washington Post. 3. And Fauci went on: “The
his native province of Balochistan way for restoration work. “The build- Trouble Fauci “The agency emphasized that while final thing is that they’ve recently
and the poorest parts of the coun- ings’ ownership had been a long- “I think the 200,000 deaths that COVID-19 remains more serious done a study that was published in
try would be devastated,” Bill Gates standing hurdle in the way of their you’re talking about are a good re- and prevalent among adults, a lack the Journal of the American Medical
wrote about Sikander in his notes. restoration. Certain individuals had flection of people that likely would of widespread testing prevents pub- Association Cardiology, where peo-
“70% of the population in this claimed their right over the historic not have died if they didn’t have this lic health experts from understand- ple who recovered, even from dis-
mountainous region of southwestern properties and there had also been infection,” Dr Fauci said when Noah ing the true incidence of infection ease that wasn’t that severe—when
Pakistan is living in poverty, without attempted demolitions in the past. asked him if the number was inflat- for American children. A CDC you do MRIs or imaging sensitive
access to education and health care,” But now that the Directorate of Ar- ed. “The thing that I think we need study found that young people of imaging, you can see things like in-
Gates wrote about Sikander Bizenjo, chaeology and Tourism has decided to be careful and humble about is, color, much like their older counter- flammation of the heart. Now they
giving him the title “The best of hu- to buy the buildings and start the we don’t know everything about this parts, have been disproportionately may not be symptomatic, but we
manity at a time of crisis.” long overdue renovation work, the infection, but when we’re starting to hospitalized from COVID-19 com- want to make sure that six months
Earlier, Gates lauded Pakistan’s buildings are also expected to open see right now, or a couple of things pared to their White peers.” or a year from now, they don’t wind
efforts in the fight against the out- their doors to tourists in the near fu- that are troubling to me.” Here’s 2. Fauci continued: “The oth- up with unexplained arrhythmias or
break of Covid-19 in a telephonic ture,” informed an Archaeology De- what he’s most concerned about: er thing is that when people get in- premature heart attacks or cardio-
conversation with Prime Minister partment source privy to the 1. “First of all, more and fected, we’re seeing more and more myopathies.”
Imran Khan. HOUSES, P28 more young people you see, when of lingering signs and symptoms, so FAUCI, P28