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Pakistan Link
JULY 16, 2021 – PAKISTAN LINK – P1
The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
VOL. 31/29 6 Dhul-Hijjah 1442 AH Friday, July 16, 2021 US & Canada $1.00
A Great A Momentous Hudson Institute For news,
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Is Remembered Transform Kosovo Future Pak-US Ties
Pakistan Concerned at Situation in Afghanistan with US Being Finalized
New Roadmap for Ties
Islamabad: The Senate Committee
on Defense and National Security
was informed on Wednesday that a
new roadmap for broad-based ties
with the United States was being
Help Poor Nations with National Security Adviser Dr
‘Unutilized IMF Quota’ Moeed Yusuf, while briefing the
committee, said an effort was being
Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran made to expand the ties from just
Khan on Tuesday called upon the being Afghanistan-specific.
developed countries to mobilize NSA Yusuf and his American
adequate financial resources to en- counterpart Jake Sullivan are the fo-
able developing countries meet the cal persons for the respective sides
triple challenge of Covid-19 recov- for revitalizing the relationship. The
ery, implementation of sustainable two met in Geneva in May in which
development goals (SDGs) and real- they agreed on greater engagement
ization of environmental objectives. and economic cooperation.
Delivering a keynote address at The NSA said their focus
the United Nations High Level Po- was on putting in place an imple-
litical Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Prime Minister Imran Khan and President Shavkat Mirziyoyev discussed the security situation in Afghanistan during their meeting in Tashkent mentable and doable plan for taking
Development through a video mes- the ties forward. The roadmap en-
sage, Imran Khan said there were Tashkent: Prime Minister Imran war-torn country, where the Taliban announced that countries includ- visaged cooperation in commerce
synergies in the three challenges Khan said on Thursday that Af- are continuing a sweeping offensive. ing Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, and trade, investment, vaccine
which should be utilized to “build ghanistan’s neighbors, including Addressing a joint press confer- Iran, and Turkey “will try and help manufacturing, climate change, de-
back better”. Pakistan, were concerned at the de- ence with Uzbek President Shavkat facilitate a peace process in Afghani- fense, and regional economic conn-
QUOTA, P28 teriorating political situation in the Mirziyoyev in Tashkent, the premier AFGHANISTAN, P28 ROADMAP, P28
Delta Puts an End to Wishful Lina Khan, Pakistani-American Law Professor, behind Data Shows Fourth Wave
Thinking in Europe, Serves of Covid-19 Threatening
Warning to the US President Biden’s Pro-competition Executive Order Pakistan
Barcelona: Last month, as Europe son. Lina Khan, 32, is the Islamabad: People should mark
finally lifted COVID-19 restrictions, youngest FTC chairper- Eid-ul Adha in a “limited, closed en-
the mood was jubilant across the son in American history. vironment,” cautioned Special Assis-
continent. Outdoor mask mandates Biden’s executive or- tant to the Prime Minister on Health
and curfews were dropped, Ameri- der includes 72 initiatives Dr Faisal Sultan Thursday.
cans were cleared to resume travel for federal agencies, tar- As per a Geo News report,
to tourist mainstays, and hopes rose geting issues such as ex- the premier’s aide spoke about the
that life would quickly return to nor- cessive early termination alarming rise in the new Delta vari-
mal. fees charged by internet ant cases of the coronavirus, saying
The swift spread of the Delta companies, which hinder the data shows that the fourth wave
variant, however, has upended all of users from switching ser- is starting in Pakistan.
that wishful thinking and is offering vice providers. It calls for Dr Sultan informed that the
a warning to the US. the end of non-compete mutations in each new variant of
Fast becoming the dominant agreements that block the virus make it very easy to “jump
strain of the coronavirus across workers from moving to from one person to another”.
Europe, Delta is wreaking havoc rival employers, according “This variant is spreading at a
in Spain, Portugal and the United to Nikkei Asia. pace of 50-60%,” he said.
Kingdom. Spain alone reported “Capitalism without Speaking about the importance
nearly 44,000 cases on Tuesday, competition isn’t capital- of the coronavirus vaccines, Dr Sul-
doubling the number recorded one President Biden signs the landmark order within weeks of the appointment of young Pakistani-American law ism. It’s exploitation,” Mr tan said the present COVID-19 vac-
week ago. Trying to blunt the effect professor Lina Khan as the United States Federal Trade Commission Chairperson Biden said before sign- cines work on all types of variants of
of the strain that is expected by Au- n By Riaz Haq ing the order. “Without the virus.
gust to account for 70 to 90 percent competition in a wide in weeks of the appoint- healthy competition, big However, each vaccine has an
of all cases in the EU, countries on CA range of industries from ment of young Pakistani- players can change and efficacy rate and it is possible that
the continent are clamping on new Washington, DC: US big tech to telecommuni- American law professor charge whatever they people who have been previously
restrictions to counter a mutation President Joseph R. Biden cations, transportation, Lina Khan as the United want, and treat you how- vaccinated can contract the virus
that is at least twice as infectious as has signed a sweeping ex- banking and healthcare. States Federal Trade Com- ever they want. And for again.
DELTA, P28 ecutive order to promote This order has come with- mission (FTC) chairper- LINA, P28 WAVE, P28