Page 23 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 23

CONTINUATION                                                                                                         PAKISTAN LINK - JANUARY 20, 2023 - P23

         The Prophet’s Three Cs of Success   Prophet’s Mosque.                         vador in Brazil pushes Harvard Uni-
           (Continued from page 6)                                 ticle/the-prophet-s-three-c-s-of-succe JULY                versity  to  repatriate  the  skull  of  an
       that s/he is lazy in his or her prayers.  Conclusion        ss?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=93  -Khizr Khan, who gained world- enslaved Muslim man who allegedly
       Taking  care  of  God’s  creation  along   Christian  missionaries  and  Is- 02a9bf-bf88-48ea-8497-6076b255afce  wide fame when he challenged former  took part in a famous uprising of Af-
       with  worshiping  the  Creator  are,  lamophobes  blame  the  Prophet  that              US president Donald Trump’s knowl- rican Muslims in the city in 1835. The

       therefore,  inextricably  linked  and  he  went  around  conquering  people,   This is What MLK Day is Truly about  edge  of  the  Constitution  during  the  skull  is  part  of  Harvard’s  collection
       twin tests of one’s faith.    spreading  Islam  with  sword.  Unfor-  (Continued from page 6)  2016  US  presidential  campaign,  re- of  human  remains  of  19  people  of
          God  expects  us  to  take  care  of  tunately, extremists like ISIS also be- God’s  peace  and  blessings  be  upon  ceives America’s highest civil award —  African origin likely enslaved in the
       others purely to please Him, without  lieve that.           him,  whose  message  of  Islam  con- The Presidential Medal of Freedom.  Americas.
       even expecting a thank you or reward   The fact is that Prophet Muham- tained  strong  social  justice  compo-             -Seventy-five  year  old  Saifullah
       in return (Qur’an 76:9). This Godli- mad spent only six days in his entire  nents  that  improved  the  conditions  AUGUST   Paracha,  Guantanamo  Bay’s  oldest
       ness is a requirement to carry God’s  life  of  22,000  plus  days  in  battle  as  of women, children, orphans, slaves,   Salman Rushdie is attacked while  inmate, is repatriated to Pakistan. He
       message of the Prophetic mission of  God  asked him to  defend his  peace  ethnic and tribal minorities, and peo- on stage in New York. He is stabbed  had been held on suspicion of ties to
       peace, justice, fairness, and equity in  sanctuary. From both sides less than  ple of all faiths.    and punched by Hadi Matar of New  al  Qaeda  since  2003,  but  was  never
       this world.                   400 people died.                 When  the  Prophet  affirmed  his  Jersey. Rushdie lost vision in one eye  charged with a crime.
          An  example  of  this  is  when  a   His main success strategies were  agreement with Hilf al-Fudūl, which  and the use of one hand. Iran, which   -Saudi  Arabia  announces  that
       stranger  approached  him  seeking  using  all  means  of  communication,  was a pledge by some of the clans of  issued a death threat in 1989 against  it  has  dropped  the  requirement  for
       help  because  Abu  Jahl,  the  tormen- being caring to all being, and devel- Makkah to protect anyone who was  Rushdie’s  book  “Satanic  Verses”,  de- women to have a Mahram (male rela-
       tor of Muslims, had taken his goods  oping  coalition  and  alliance  for  the  oppressed, regardless of their identity  nied any involvement in the attack.   tive related by blood or marriage) to
       without  a  payment.  The  Prophet  common cause of establishing peace,  or background, he demonstrated that   Asim Ghafoor, the former lawyer  perform Hajj and Umrah if they are
       could have turned him away, excus- justice, fairness, and equity, his Pro- we Muslims work to assist the mar- of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi,  not  traveling  in  a  group.  Hajj  and
       ing himself that he had no power to  phetic mission.        ginalized in society, and our alliances  is released from prison in the United  Umrah  Services  Adviser  Ahmed
       help him, given the desperate state of   Like  the  Prophet,  we  must  not  are not based on religious or tribal af- Arab  Emirates.  Ghafoor,  a  US  citi- Saleh Halabi said that it is now per-
       the Muslims at the time. But he did  just  pray,  but  act  as  well.  However,  filiation.  We work for the good of all  zen and civil rights lawyer, had been  missible for a woman to perform Hajj
       not. He approached Abu Jahl, who re- actions  must  be  well-thought  out,  humanity.    traveling through Dubai en route to  or Umrah without a mahram, accom-
       turned the money - despite his ongo- planned out, and put in place.  Let us Muslims not be idle on the  Istanbul for a family wedding when  panied  by  “trustworthy  women  or
       ing abuse of the Prophet.        Muslims are generous and good  National Day of Service.  he was detained. Emirati authorities  secure  company  to  perform  Hajj  or
          Muslims  were  the  poor,  needy,  people  Alhamdu  lillah.  Since  9/11, said they had investigated Ghafoor at  Umrah. This is the view of the Maliki
       and slaves. Yet Allah told them to take  the  number  of  Masjids  in  America  article/this-is-what-mlk-day-is-tru- the request of the United States gov- and Shafi’i scholars.”
       care of others. Not just Muslims, But  has  doubled.  We  have  donated  to  ly-about?eType=EmailBlastConten ernment. However, the US State De-
       everyone. Regardless of faith.  causes local and domestic, whether it  t&eId=04a96fc1-9a92-476d-a4c2- partment  said  Washington  had  not  NOVEMBER
                                     was to help those suffering from nat- b369dac97569         ordered Ghafoor’s arrest. Ghafoor is a   - FIFA begins in Qatar. It is the
       3. Coalition-building         ural disasters in our own cities, like                     board member of the Democracy for  first time a Muslim and Arab country
          Along  with  care  for  humanity  Hurricane Katrina, to those suffering   Muslim Year in Review 2022  the Arab World Now group, which is  hosts  the  international  competition.
       and using all means of communica- because of the war in Syria. Muslim   (Continued from page 7)  heavily  critical  of  the  authoritarian  Controversy  erupts  over  its  limited
       tions available to him, building coali- Americans have donated $1.3 billion   attempts  were  made  to  silence  UAE government.   alcohol ban, track record on women’s
       tions and alliances was another suc- to Syrian refugees.    him  in  his  fight  to  establish  human   -Maryland launches the Emmett  rights, LGBTQ rights, as well as the
       cess strategy of the Prophet. Here is   But we have no impact on public  rights and injustices in Kashmir.   Till Alert system. It will notify Afri- death and abuse of migrant workers
       what  author  Karen  Armstrong  says  policy, on what our government can                 can American leaders in the state of  who  built  the  infrastructure  for  the
       about it:                     do. And this is a tremendous waste of  JUNE                any  credible  racist  incident  or  hate  games since 2010.
          Prophet built a peaceful coalition  opportunity.  Living  in  a  democracy,   -Saudi  Arabia  cancels  travel  crime that happens there. It is named   -Pakistan’s  Climate  Minister
       of tribes and achieved victory by an  participation  is  key  to  influencing  groups for Western Muslim pilgrims  after  14-year-old  African-American  Sherry  Rahman  leads  the  push  to
       ingenious and inspiring campaign of  policy. And the way to do that is sim- just weeks before the Hajj season, re- boy  whose  1955  lynching  in  Mis- establish a loss and damage fund for
       nonviolence.                  ple:  Make  phone  calls,  send  emails,  quiring them to book their pilgrim- sissippi became one of the most no- countries  worst  affected  by  climate
          Prophet Muhammad, peace and  write letters. This makes a difference.  age  through  a  lottery  system  via  a  torious  examples  of  racial  violence  change  at  the  UN’s  COP27  confer-
       blessings be upon him, and the Mus- At minimum, it takes is ten minutes.  government  website, in  American  history.  The  system  is  ence in Egypt.
       lims  were  a  minority  in  Makkah  as   I  chair  Burma  Task  Force  as  a  sa.  This  leads  to  an  outcry  as  well  modeled after the Amber Alert.  -More  than  80  Muslim  candi-
       well as in Madinah almost all of his  volunteer. Alhamdu lillah, thanks to  after it is revealed that the company      dates in the US win local, state, feder-
       life.                         our coalition, Muslims and neighbors  running the website has ties to India’s  SEPTEMBER  al and judicial seats in over 20 states,
          Building  coalition  and  alliances  of  other  faith  working  together,  the  virulently  anti-Muslim  Hindutva   -US  government  releases  a  re- according to a report from CAIR and
       that crossed religious and tribal lines  US House of Representatives has fi- government.   port that finds that life expectancy in  the Jetpac Resource Center. A record-
       was  essential  to  the  Prophet’s  suc- nally declared Burma’s targeted rapes,   -Historic and devastating floods  the country dropped in 2021 for the  breaking 145 American Muslim can-
       cess.  He  reached  out  to  those  who  torture, and killing of our Rohingya  begin in Pakistan, ending in October,  second  consecutive  year.    Officials  didates ran for local, state and federal
       were not Muslim for assistance, even  brothers  and  sisters  a  genocide.  All  killing over 1,600 people, destroying  from  the  Centers  for  Disease  Con- office,  including  48  state  legislative
       as he sought help with Allah for his  we  had  to  do  at  Burma  Task  Force  hundreds of thousands of homes and  trol and Prevention blamed Covid for  candidates in 23 states.
       struggles.                    was  to  strategize,  develop  an  action  millions of acres of crops. Overall, the  about half the decline that year, when   -In  an  ongoing  crackdown  on
          Even at the time of strong con- alert  and  encourage  supporters  to  disaster affects more than 30 million  vaccinations  became  widely  avail- French Muslims, France shuts down
       flict God recommended Muslims to  call their elected representatives. Our  Pakistanis and causes billions of dol- able but new COVID variants caused  two  Islamic  schools  in  the  city  of
       cooperate in what is good and right:  government  has  also  upped  its  aid  lars  in  damage.  prompting  cries  for  waves of hospitalizations and deaths.  Montpellier.  A  controversial  law  in-
          And  do  not  let  the  hatred  of  a  to  the  Rohingya  from  $30  million  more action on climate change.   Other contributors to the decline in  troduced in France in 2021 has been
       people in shutting you out of the Sa- to  $400  million.  Same  results  were   -The first Hajj pilgrims from out- life  expectancy  were  listed  as  long- criticized  for  singling  out  Muslims,
       cred Mosque lead you to transgress.  achieved  in  Canada  where  the  gov- side of Saudi Arabia in two years ar- standing  problems:  drug  overdoses,  while  some  25  mosques  have  been
       Still  cooperate  in  righteousness  and  ernment has declared that Rohingya  rive from Indonesia. Foreign pilgrims  heart  disease,  suicide,  and  chronic  closed down in the country on vari-
       piety, but do not cooperate in sin and  face  genocide  and  has  increased  its  were barred in 2020 and 2021 due to  liver disease.  ous grounds.
       aggression.  And  fear  God;  in-deed,  funding from $30 million dollars to  the coronavirus pandemic.   -US sanctions Iran’s Morality Po-
       God is severe in penalty. (Qur’an 5:2) a commitment of $380 million over a   -Disney’s first Muslim superhero,  lice in wake of Mahsa Amini’s death  DECEMBER
          The  prophet  began  developing  period of 3 years.      Ms. Marvel, hits the screens. The ori- earlier  that  month.  The  22-year-old   -Many  Muslim  fans  of  FIFA
       alliances  and  coalitions  even  before   All we did was make calls, write  gin story of Kamala Khan, a 16-year- was  detained  for  allegedly  wearing  cheered  on  Morocco  in  its  games
       he got to Madinah. While in Makkah,  letters,  and  contact  our  representa- old  Pakistani  American  from  New  her hijab improperly. Iranian authori- against Spain, and France, which the
       on his return from his trip from Taif,  tives. We donated time. And when we  Jersey is a six-part series that streams  ties have tried to blame her death on a  team lost to 2 to 0. Despite the loss,
       the Prophet was barred from the city  face Allah, it is going to be our dona- on Disney+.   heart attack. However, her family and  they  saw  it  as  a  psychological  vic-
       by  Abu  Lahab.  This  would  be  the  tion of time, not just money that He   Venice’s first mosque is inaugu- many in Iran have rejected that claim,  tory for Africa, Arabs, and Muslims
       modern-day  equivalent  of  stripping  will ask us about.   rated.  The  local  community  bought  saying  she  was  the  victim  of  police  against former colonial powers.
       him  of  citizenship  from  the  land  of   Anything we want to achieve we  the  building  with  proceeds  of  the  brutality. In addition to the Morality   -Muslims  express  concern  over
       his birth. He sought help for this. Fi- have to think, plan, and put our time  zakat  collected  by  Muslims  in  Ven- Police, the US also blacklists seven se- the  rise  of  Ron  Desantis’s  political
       nally, Mutam ibn Adi, a Mushrik who  and money into it. The rest is up to  ice and the nearby industrial port of  nior officials, including its head.   power after the Florida governor po-
       never  accepted  Islam  even  after  the  God.              Mestre.                                                    sitions  himself  for  a  run  for  the  US
       Prophet invited him to do so, stepped   So  let  us  each  ask  whether  we   Arizona’s  first  Muslim  pro  tem- OCTOBER  presidency.  This  is  after  a  landslide
       forward. He was his sponsor, and en- have  prepared  for  tomorrow.  The  pore  judge,  Laila  Ikram,  takes  the   -A New Jersey teacher sues Mus- victory in the midterms and reports of
       sured  that  the  Prophet  returned  to  tomorrow  that  includes  not  just  the  bench. Pro tempore judges fill in on  lim  Olympian  Ibtihaj  Muhammad  his views and behavior in relation to
       Makkah unharmed.              next 24 hours, but the one that we will  matters  when  full-time  judges  can- for  defamation  over  allegations  that  Guantanamo Bay, as well as his track
          The Prophet recognized Mutam,  encounter after meeting our Creator.  not.  The  position  can  be  a  starting  Ibtihaj  ruined  the  teacher’s  reputa- record off co-sponsoring a number of
       praised him, and the Muslims of Ma-  “O  ye  who  believe:  Be  mindful  point to making a leap to being ap- tion and career. This was after a now- bills that targeted Muslim communi-
       dinah  honored  him  in  the  best  way  of God! Each one of you must think  pointed  as  a  judge  on  a  permanent  deleted social media post where the  ties inside and outside the country.
       they  could  when  he  died:  with  the  thoroughly  what  have  you  done  for  basis. Ikram is the first judge in the  athlete said the teacher abused a sec-
       poetry of Hassan bin Thabit, the poet  the  future  (morrow).  Fear  God:  For  state’s history to wear a hijab on the  ond-grade Black Muslim student by  ticle/muslim-year-in-review-2022?eT
       of  the  Prophet,  who  recited  poetry  God  is  well-acquainted  with  what  bench and the first to swear the oath  yanking her hijab off her head.   ype=EmailBlastContent&eId=5de85d
       in  praise  of  Mutam  standing  in  the  you do” (Qur’an 59:18).   of office on the Qur’an.   -The Islamic community of Sal- ed-afad-4189-a029-2192b2526e11
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