Page 20 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
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P20 - PAKISTAN LINK - JANUARY 20, 2023                                                                                                        SPORTS
       PSL 2023: PCB announces schedule for eighth edition                                         Pakistan Thrashes Zimbabwe by 10

                                                                                                     wickets in Women’s U-19 T20 WC
              The opening ceremony of the most-awaited cricketing
              tournament in the country will take place in Multan

                                                                      1 Mar - Peshawar Zalmi v Kara-
                                                                   chi Kings, Pindi Cricket Stadium
                                                                      2  Mar  -  Lahore  Qalandars  v
                                                                   Quetta Gladiators, Gaddafi Stadium
                                                                      3 Mar - Islamabad United v Ka-
                                                                   rachi Kings, Pindi Cricket Stadium
                                                                      4 Mar - Lahore Qalandars v Mul-
                                                                   tan Sultans, Gaddafi Stadium
                                                                      5  Mar  -  Islamabad  United  v
                                                                   Quetta Gladiators, Pindi Cricket Sta-
                                                                      6 Mar - Quetta Gladiators v Ka-
                                                                   rachi Kings, Pindi Cricket Stadium
                                                                      7  Mar  -  Peshawar  Zalmi  v  La-
                                                                   hore  Qalandars,  Pindi  Cricket  Sta-
                                                                   dium;  Islamabad  United  v  Multan
                                                                   Sultans, Pindi Cricket Stadium  ISLAMABAD: A quick-fire half-cen- uted 32 not out after scoring one and
       Pakistan Super League trophy. — PCB                            8  Mar  –  Pakistan  Women’s  tury by opener Eyman Fatima carried  25 in the previous two matches. Her
                                                                   League  Exhibition  Match  1,  Pindi  Pakistan into the Super-Six Stage of  30-ball innings included six fours.
            he  Pakistan  Cricket  Board  war Zalmi, Multan Cricket Stadium  Cricket  Stadium;  Peshawar  Zalmi  v  the  ICC  U19  Women’s  T20  World   By virtue of their second win in
            (PCB) Friday announced the   18 Feb - Karachi Kings v Quetta  Quetta Gladiators, Pindi Cricket Sta- Cup here Thursday.  three  matches,  Pakistan  have  quali-
       T schedule for the Pakistan Su- Gladiators,  National  Bank  Cricket  dium                   Eyman scored 62 not out off 35  fied for Super-Six Group 2 along with
       per League's (PSL) eighth edition.  Arena                      9 Mar - Islamabad United v La- balls with 10 fours and two sixes to  England,  Rwanda,  New  Zealand,
          The  schedule  for  the  series  —   19 Feb - Multan Sultans v Islam- hore  Qalandars,  Pindi  Cricket  Sta- help  Pakistan  overhaul  Zimbabwe’s  West Indies and Ireland. In the Super-
       which is set to start on February 13  abad  United,  Multan  Cricket  Stadi- dium        97  for  six  without  any  loss  in  10.5  Six Group 2, Pakistan will play back-
       and conclude on March 19 — will be  um; Karachi Kings v Lahore Qalan-  10  Mar  -  Pakistan  Women’s  overs.  Eyman  had  scored  65  not  to-back matches against Ireland and
       played in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpin- dars, National Bank Cricket Arena  League  Exhibition  Match  2,  Pindi  out  in  Pakistan’s  eight  wickets  vic- New Zealand 23 and 24 January, re-
       di and Multan.                   20 Feb - Quetta Gladiators v Pe- Cricket  Stadium;  Peshawar  Zalmi  v  tory  over  Rwanda  on  Sunday,  how- spectively. Earlier, Zimbabwe’s 97 for
          The  opening  match  will  be  shawar Zalmi, National Bank Cricket  Multan  Sultans,  Pindi  Cricket  Sta- ever, her early departure in Tuesday’s  six revolved around Kelis Ndhlovu’s
       played in Multan while the final will  Arena                dium                         match  against  England  left  Pakistan  42, while for Pakistan Anoosha Nasir
       be  played  in  Lahore  including  the   21  Feb  -  Quetta  Gladiators  v   11  Mar  -  Pakistan  Women’s  53 runs short of the target.  took two wickets for 21 runs. Laiba
       playoffs.  About  11  matches  will  be  Lahore  Qalandars,  National  Bank  League  Exhibition  Match  3,  Pindi   In an unbroken first wicket part- Nasir and Areesha Noor bagged one
       played  in  Rawalpindi  including  two  Cricket Arena       Cricket  Stadium;  Quetta  Gladiators  nership,  Shawaal  Zulfiqar  contrib- wicket apiece.
       double-header matches.           22 Feb - Multan Sultans v Kara- v Multan Sultans, Pindi Cricket Sta-
                                     chi Kings, Multan Cricket Stadium  dium
       Schedule PSL 2023                23 Feb - Peshawar Zalmi v Islam-  12 Mar - Islamabad United v Pe-  PCB Slams Fox Cricket for Covering
          13 Feb - Multan Sultans v Lahore  abad United, National Bank Cricket  shawar Zalmi, Pindi Cricket Stadium;
       Qalandars, Multan Cricket Stadium  Arena                    Lahore  Qalandars  v  Karachi  Kings,   Unverified Story About Babar
          14 Feb - Karachi Kings v Pesha-  24  Feb  -  Quetta  Gladiators  v  Gaddafi Stadium
       war  Zalmi,  National  Bank  Cricket  Islamabad  United,  National  Bank   15 Mar - Qualifier (1 v 2), Gad-
       Arena                         Cricket Arena                 dafi Stadium
          15 Feb - Multan Sultans v Quetta   26  Feb  -  Karachi  Kings  v  Mul-  16  Mar  -  Eliminator  1  (3  v  4),
       Gladiators, Multan Cricket Stadium  tan  Sultans,  National  Bank  Cricket  Gaddafi Stadium
          16 Feb - Karachi Kings v Islam- Arena; Lahore Qalandars v Peshawar   17  Mar  -  Eliminator  2  (loser
       abad United, National Bank Cricket  Zalmi, Gaddafi Stadium  Qualifier  v  winner  Eliminator  1),
       Arena                            27 Feb - Lahore Qalandars v Is- Gaddafi Stadium
          17 Feb - Multan Sultans v Pesha- lamabad United, Gaddafi Stadium  19 Mar – Final, Gaddafi Stadium

       Girl’s Cup Karachi: Empowering                                 Pakistan Go Down to

                Girls Through Cricket                                 England in Women’s
                                                                        U-19 World Cup

       KARACHI:  The  Australian                                   POTCHEFSTROOM:  Pakistan  lost
       High  Commission  supported                                 to England by 53 runs in their second
       a girls' cricket clinic and tour-                           match of the ongoing ICC Women’s
       nament  in  Karachi  in  col-                               U-19  World  Cup  in  Potchefstroom,   LAHORE:    There  have  been  recent  ed personal allegations which Babar
       laboration with the Jalaluddin                              South Africa. Chasing 157, Pakistan   accusations  against  Pakistan  cricket  Azam  has  not  deemed  worthy  of  a
       Cricket  Academy  (JCA)  and                                were bundled out for 103-5 as Eng-  team’s  skipper  Babar  Azam  on  so- response,” said PCB on Twitter. After
       Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).                               land’s Sophia Smale took two wickets.   cial  media.  Several  pictures,  videos,  PCB’s  rebuttal,  Fox  Cricket  deleted
            Australia  aims  to  pro-                              Pakistan  skipper  Syed  Aroob  Shah   and  screenshots  of  alleged  chats  the  tweet  and  the  published  article
       mote  gender  equality  and                                 was the pick of the batters for the side   with a girl have surfaced on Twitter,  from their website.
       empower  girls  through  en-                                34 off 36 balls. Aroob hit five bound-  claiming that Babar was involved in    The parody account that made
       abling them to participate in                               aries during the knock.Opener Sha-  inappropriate  behavior,  specifically  the  claims  and  allegations  on  Babar
       one  of  Pakistan's  favourite                              waal Zulfiqar’s 25 off 32 balls which   sexting  a  fellow  Pakistani  cricketer’s  also  came  forward  and  said  that  he
       sports – cricket. “The Austra-                              included four boundaries and contri-  girlfriend and being “honey-trapped”.  built the story in a satirical way, and
       lian  High  Commission  has                                 butions of 16 and 12 by Aliza Khan   Fox Cricket, which is a media partner  it  wasn’t  true.  He  further  replied  to
       been sponsoring girls’ cricket                              and Areesha Noor respectively down   of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB)  PCB, “If you want to sue Fox News,
       in Pakistan since 2016,” Aus-                               the order were helpful in saving Paki-  had  also  reported  the  controversy  reach me out in DMs. I am ready to
       tralia’s High Commissioner to Paki- barriers and stereotypes. Every time  stan from a defeat by a bigger margin.  and  shared  it  on  their  official  Twit- become a witness in this case for my
       stan, Neil  Hawkins  said.  “We  began  these girls hit a boundary or make a   Earlier,  England  were  lifted  by   ter  handle.  “Babar  Azam  is  being  fellow  lovely  Pakistani  people.”  The
       with  a  single  annual  tournament  catch, they are taking a step towards  Seren  Smale  and  Ryana  Macdonald-  accused  of  allegedly  sexting  team- deletion  of  the  Fox  Cricket’s  article
       in  Islamabad  but  then  expanded  to  greater equality.”  The girls attended  Gay after Pakistan had reduced them to   mate’s girlfriend after videos of voice  regarding the controversy surround-
       Lahore and in Karachi.” “Our coun- a five-day coaching clinic in the lead- 43-3 by the end of the sixth over. Smale   recordings  went  viral  online.”  wrote  ing Babar Azam, has been met with
       tries share a passion for cricket, and  up to the competition. “We are very  was involved in a 37-run partnership   Fox Cricket.  positive  reactions  from  netizens.
       a  key  interest  of  Australia  in  Paki- pleased  to  have  the  participation  of  with Niamh Holland for the third wick-  After  this,  PCB  slammed  them  They have praised PCB for their ac-
       stan  is  to  support  gender  equality  first-class cricket coaches who helped  et before combining for a fourth-wicket   for covering an unverified news about  tions. Despite the accusations, Babar
       so we’re very pleased to support this  to build confidence, foster team spirit  stand of 32 with Macdonald-Gay, who   the captain of Pakistani team. “As our  has  not  publicly  commented  on  the
       event,”  Mr  Hawkins  said.  “Cricket  and  encourage  the  girls,”  the  High  remained unbeaten at 35 off 22 balls,   media partner, you might have con- issue and has focused on his cricket
       and other sports can help tear down  Commissioner said.     hitting three fours and a six.   sidered ignoring such unsubstantiat- performance.
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