Page 17 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 17
How to make Dua? Seven Ways to Revive Gems from the Holy Qur’an
the Power of Dua in Our Lives
From the translation Chapter 10, Verses 47-49
by Muhammad Asad Now every community has
(Leopold Weiss) had an apostle; and only after their
About the translator: apostle has appeared [and delivered
his message] is judgment passed on
Muhammad Asad, Leopold them, in all equity; and never are
Weiss, was born of Jewish parents they wronged.
in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in And yet, they [who deny the
1900, and at the age of 22 made his truth] are wont to ask, “When is
first visit to the Middle East. He that promise [of resurrection and
Halal Parenting later became an outstanding for- judgment] to be fulfilled: [Answer
eign correspondent for the Fran- this, O you who believe in it,] if you
n By Samana Siddiqui down some more caffeine, skip lunch work. It could be to cure an ill parent or furter Zeitung, and after years of are men of truth!”
Chicago, IL and finish the report on time. relative. But ask with full concentration devoted study became one of the Say [O Prophet]: “It is not
In all of these situations, we for- and your heart, deep with the convic- leading Muslim scholars of our within my power to avert harm
he Prophet Muhammad, get that it is really Allah who helped us tion that Allah answers all prayers and age. His translation of the Holy from, or bring benefit to, myself,
peace and blessings be upon find that snazzy laptop, calm the child has the power to do the impossible. Qur’an is one of the most lucid except as God may please. For all
T him, said, "There is nothing with cookies, or complete the report and well-referenced works in this people a term has been set: when
more dear to Allah than a servant on time. Everything is in His hands. 3. Make a Dua during moments of category, dedicated to “li-qaw- the end of their term approaches,
making Dua to Him." With this in Next time you're faced with a non- happiness min yatafakkaroon” (people who they can neither delay it by a single
mind, we offer these easy ways of threatening situation among the many It may the sound of birds chirp- think). Forwarded by Dr Ismat moment, nor hasten it.”
how to make Dua and to revive the mundane ones that make up life every ing during an unusually warm winter Kamal.
practice of Dua in our lives. day, consider making Dua first, then day. It could be the sudden cute attack Chapter 10, Verses 57-58
doing what you normally do. you have on a child. Or it could be en- O Mankind! There has now
1. Pray for one non-threatening situ- joying the company of a good friend. Chapter 10, Verses 25-26 come unto you an admonition from
ation daily 2. Take just one minute after Salah to Use these moments of happiness to And [know that] God invites your Sustainer, and a cure for all
Let's say you're in the market for make Dua make just one Dua, thanking Allah [man] unto the abode of peace, and [the ill] that may be in men’s hearts,
a new computer. Or your toddler is Making time for Salah every day for the blessing you're enjoying while guides him that wills [to be guided] and guidance and grace unto all
throwing his or her umpteenth tantrum is something important many Mus- perhaps asking for another. onto a straight way. who believe [in Him].
today. Or you need to finish a brief re- lims do, whether they work outside The Prophet Muhammad, peace For those who persevere in Say: “In [this] bounty of God
port at work before the end of the day. the home or not. But in the rush to and blessings be upon him, said: doing good there is the ultimate and in His grace – in this, then, let
In any of these three situations, we usu- squeeze in at least the Fard, Dua may "Whosoever desires that Allah answers good in store, and more [than them rejoice: it is better than all
ally rely on ourselves or others. We'll be skipped over. Next time you pray his Duas in unfavorable and difficult that]. No darkness and no igno- [the worldly wealth] that they may
ask friends and read reviews to find the during the weekdays, set a one-minute conditions, he should make plentiful miny will overshadow their faces amass!”
best laptop. We seek advice from expe- timer on your watch or cell phone Dua in days of ease and comfort." [on Resurrection Day]: it is they
rienced parents or read parenting blogs and ask for just one thing. It could be who are destined for paradise, Chapter 10, Verses 61-62
about how to tame tantrums. We gulp to complete that unfinished report at 4. Start an online Dua circle therein to abide. And in whatever condition
Tools like email and social net- thou mayest find thyself, [O Proph-
working sites like Facebook are effec- Chapter 10, Verse 37 et,] and whatever discourse of this
tive ways to reach and stay in touch Now this Qur’an could not [divine writ] thou mayest be recit-
with many people quickly and cheaply. have been devised by anyone save ing, and whatever work you [all, O
They are also ideal methods of reviv- God: nay, indeed, it confirms the men] may do – [remember that] We
ing the practice of making Dua. truth of whatever there still remains are your witness [from the moment]
Start an online Dua circle by [of earlier revelations] and clearly when you enter upon it: for, not even
making a list of family and friends you spells out the revelation [which an atom’s weight [of whatever there
feel close to. Send them an email or comes] – let there be no doubt is] on earth or in heaven escapes thy
tag them in a note explaining that you about it – from the Sustainer of all Sustainer’s knowledge; and neither
are asking them nothing more than the worlds. is there anything smaller than that,
one minute of their time once a week or larger, but is recorded in [His]
to make a Dua for yourself or another Chapter 10, Verse 44 clear decree.
person on the list. It could be for a sib- Verily, God does not do the Oh, verily, they who are close
ling to do well on an upcoming exam. least wrong unto men, but it is men to God – no fear need they have,
It could be for someone's surgery to be who wrong themselves. and neither shall they grieve.
successful. Then, set a day and time
when everyone will make Dua for that
one minute for that shared item. traveling to looking for a lost item. lish - Culmination of prayer. Licensed
Once a month, memorize one of these under Creative Commons Attribu-
5. Start the practice of "bedtime Dua" Duas and practice using them daily tion-Share Alike 2.0 via Wikimedia
Bedtime stories are a staple in until they become a habit. Commons -
many households with kids. Make a
short Dua part of the nightly routine 7. When you hear the wail of a siren, of_prayer_-_Flickr_-_Al_Jazeera_
too. And even if you don't or no lon- make Dua for those it's for E n g l i s h . j p g # m e d i a v i e w e r /
ger have small kids, spend not more Making Dua for others in pain File:Culmination_of_prayer_-_
than five minutes to make a "bedtime or trouble, even when we don't know Flickr_-_Al_Jazeera_English.jpg
Dua" before you sleep. them, makes us sensitive to others'
difficulties and more empathetic in article/7-ways-to-revive-the-power-of-
6. Learn the Sunnah duas general. It also offers us a way to help dua-in-our-lives?eType=EmailBlastCo
There are plenty of books and someone who we may have no other ntent&eId=fc681cab-0624-44e0-bf03-
websites that offer information on the way of assisting. a12ffef78e31&eType=EmailBlastCon
Duas the Prophet used to say in daily "Culmination of prayer - Flickr - tent&eId=5a50fd54-058a-457a-8ae3-
situations, from leaving his house, to Al Jazeera English" by Al Jazeera Eng- 922b90aac87c