Page 16 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 16

P16 - PAKISTAN LINK - JANUARY 20, 2023                                                                                                   COMMENTRY
                                       Runaway W. Antarctic Ice Sheet                                                         gether multiple observations and re-
            n By Kelly Macnamara                                                                                              comed the approach of bringing to-

            he  runaway  collapse  of  the                                                                                    cords, although the study period was
            West  Antarctic  Ice  Sheet    Collapse Not 'Inevitable': Study                                                   "the blink of an eye in ice terms".
       T --  which  would  trigger  cata-                                                                                         "I think we still have to live and
       strophic sea level rise -- is not "inevi-                                                                              plan and do our sea level projections
       table", scientists said Monday follow-                                                                                 and coastal planning with a hypoth-
       ing research that tracked the region's                                                   which we could influence in a posi- esis that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
       recent response to climate change.                                                       tive  way  by  reducing  greenhouse  is destabilized and we will get three
          As global temperatures rise, there                                                    gas emissions."               and a half meters of sea level rise just
       is  mounting  concern  that  warming                                                         The  researchers  observed  that  from this area of the planet alone," he
       could trigger so-called tipping points                                                   while in one region, in the Belling- said, adding however that this would
       that set off irreversible melting of the                                                 shausen Sea, the pace of ice retreat  happen "over centuries to millennia".
       world's  massive  ice  sheets  and  ulti-                                                accelerated  after  2003,  it  slowed  in   The United Nation's science ad-
       mately  lift  oceans  enough  to  drasti-                                                the Amundsen Sea.             visory panel for climate change, the
       cally redraw the world map.                                                                  They  concluded  that  this  was  IPCC,  has  forecast  that  oceans  will
          New research  published  Mon-                                                         down to changes in the strength and  rise up to a meter by the end of the
       day suggests a complex interaction                                                       direction  of  offshore  surface  winds,  century, and even more after that.
       of  factors  affecting  the  melting  of                                                 which can change the ocean currents   Hundreds  of  millions  of  people
       the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which                                                      and  disturb  the  layer  of  cold  water  live within a few meters of sea level.
       is  home  to  the  enormous  and  un-                                                    around Antarctica and flush relatively   While  cutting  planet-warming
       stable  Pine  Island  and  Thwaites                                                      warmer water towards the ice.  emissions is seen as the first and most
       glaciers -- nicknamed the "Dooms-                                                            Both the North and South pole  important way to halt the melting of
       day  glacier"  --  that  together  could                                                 regions  have  warmed  by  roughly  the  West  Antarctic  ice  sheet,  scien-
       raise global sea levels by more than                                                     three  degrees  Celsius  compared  to  tists have also come up with an array
       three meters (10 feet).                                                                  late 19th-century levels, nearly three  of hi-tech suggestions for saving the
          Using  satellite  imagery  as  well  "That means that ice-sheet collapse is not inevitable," said co-author of the report   times the global average.  gargantuan ice shelf and staving off.
       as  ocean  and  climate  records  be-  Professor Eric Steig from the University of Washington in Seattle - RFI  Scientists  are  increasingly  con-  Levermann has researched ideas
       tween  2003  and  2015,  an  interna-                                                    cerned  that  the  Pine  Island  and  including  using  snow  cannons  to
       tional  team  of  researchers  found  caused  by  changes  in  ocean  tem- ocean  and  atmospheric  conditions  Thwaites glaciers have reached a "tip- pump trillions of tons of ice back on
       that  while  the  West  Antarctic  Ice  peratures that were caused by off- playing a key role.  ping point" that could see irreversible  top of the frozen region.
       Sheet continued to retreat, the pace  shore winds, with pronounced dif-  "That  means  that  ice-sheet  col- melting irrespective of cuts to green-  Other suggestions have included
       of  ice  loss  slowed  across  a  vulner- ferences  in  the  impact  depending  lapse is not inevitable," said co-author  house gas emissions.  constructing  Eiffel  Tower-sized  col-
       able region of the coastline.  on the region.               Professor Eric Steig from the Univer-  Anders  Levermann,  a  climate  umns  on  the  seabed  to  prop  it  up
          Their  study,  published  in  the   Researchers  said  that  this  raises  sity of Washington in Seattle.  scientist at the Potsdam Institute for  from below, and a 100m-tall, 100-ki-
       journal  Nature  Communications,  questions about how rising tempera-  "It  depends  on  how  climate  Climate  Impact  Research  who  was  lometre-long  berm  to  block  warm
       concluded that this slowdown was  tures  will  affect  the  Antarctic,  with  changes over the next few decades,  not  linked  to  the  latest  study,  wel- water flowing underneath. – AFP

        India is about to Pass China as the                                                  Deceased US Presidents

          World's Most Populous Country                                                   n By Dr Khalid Siddiqui

                n By Marquise Francis
                  National Reporter                                              10. John Tyler (1841-1845): He was one of the
                                                                                 four presidents who were never elected to the
          ndia is expected to surpass China and be-                              Presidency. He is the first of the eight vice presi-
          come  the  world’s  most  populous  nation                             dents who became president upon their prede-
       I within  the  next  three  months,  according                            cessor’s death in office.
       to a recent report by the United Nations’ popu-                               President William Harrison had died only
       lation division, marking a seismic shift on the                           31 days after taking office. Tyler, therefore, had
       global  stage  in  a  trend  with  significant  social                    the shortest tenure as a vice president. The Cab-
       and economic impact for both countries.                                   inet met within an hour of the president’s death
          “Most people think India's economy is still a                          and decided that Tyler would be “vice-president  10. JOHN TYLER, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA
       fraction of what it could be in the future, which   Since 1950, India and China have accounted for an   acting president”. However, Tyler firmly and de-
       means  there's  so  much  promise,”  Dr  Audrey   estimated 35% of the world’s population growth.   cisively asserted that the Constitution gave him  she  became  the  first  First  Lady  to  sit  for  her
       Truschke, an associate professor of South Asian   Combined, the two population epicenters are a   full and unqualified powers of office, and had  photograph, posing at the Anthony Studios in
       History at Rutgers University, told Yahoo News,   significant slice of the world’s roughly 8 billion   himself sworn in immediately as president, set- New York.
       adding that much of the potential is due in large   people - Yahoo News   ting a critical precedent for an orderly transfer   John  Tyler  is  the  president  who  fathered
       part to India being “such a young country.”  face  economic  difficulties  caring  for  two  par- of power following a president’s death.   the most children, having fifteen children over
          Of the rapidly growing 1.41 billion people  ents and four grandparents. As a result, many   The opposition felt that Tyler should be a  two  marriages.  He  was  a  slaveholder,  at  one
       in India, about 1 in 4 are under the age of 15  elderly Chinese will be left to rely on a public  caretaker under the title of “acting president”, or  point keeping forty slaves; and he never freed
       and nearly half are under 25. By comparison,  pension system that is reportedly set to run out  remain vice president in name. It considered his  any  one  of  them.  During  the  American  Civil
       China’s  population  is  about  1.45  billion,  but  of money by 2035, despite recent efforts by the  presidency as a mere “regency”. He was referred  War (1861-1865) he sided with the Confederate
       those under 25 make up only a quarter of the  government to boost revenue.  to by many mocking nicknames, including “His  States of America. In other words, he rebelled
       population.                              “Without a quality pension support system,  Accidency”.    However,  Tyler  never  wavered  against the same country he was the president
          “The Indian subcontinent has always sup- young people would be reluctant to get married  from  his  conviction  that  he  was  the  rightful  of two decades earlier. He died in 1862 and was
       ported  a  robust  human  population,”  Truschke  and have children, [and] middle-aged people are  president.  When  his  political  opponents  sent  buried in Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond,
       said. “India has also long been compared to Chi- double-burdened to care for the young and the  correspondence to the White House addressed  Virginia next to the tomb of James Monroe.
       na, and they have for a long time traded with one  elderly,” Zhang Jingwei, a researcher at Chong- to the “vice president” or “acting president”, Ty-  His death was the only one in US presiden-
       another. So as much changes over the course of  yang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin  ler had it returned unopened.   tial history which was not officially recognized
       human history, that's something that recurs —  University, told the South China Morning Post.   Tyler  was  the  first  president  to  have  his  by Washington DC due to his allegiance to the
       both the dense population of the subcontinent,   Population  growth  in  China  is  flatlining,  veto of legislation overridden by Congress. He  Confederate  States  of  America.  Tyler  had  re-
       as well as the comparison with China.”  and its supply of cheap labor may follow suit.  played a major role in the annexation of Texas  quested arrangements for a simple burial, but
          Since  1950,  India  and  China  have  ac- Despite stubborn unemployment in pockets of  which  entered  the  union  in  1845  as  the  28th  Confederate President, Jefferson Davis, hosted
       counted  for  an  estimated  35%  of  the  world’s  the country, the shortage of skilled manual labor  state. In 1842 he began a process that led to the  a grand event complete with a Confederate flag
       population growth, with China emerging as a  is becoming more evident. India and its growing  eventual  annexation  of  Hawaii  by  the  United  draped over the coffin. He remains the only US
       global  industrial  power.  Combined,  the  two  population of more than a billion people could  States in 1959 as the 50th state.   president ever laid to rest under a flag not that
       population epicenters are a significant slice of  pick up some of the slack, but its growth rate is   He was one of the four US presidents who  of the United States.
       the world’s roughly 8 billion people.  also declining, and its industrial infrastructure  served  the  entire  tenure  without  a  vice  presi-  As of September 28, 2022, one of President
          In recent years, women have been allowed  is not as robust as China’s. And much of India’s  dent. His first wife, Letitia Christian Tyler, was  Tyler’s grandsons, Harrison Ruffin Tyler, 93, was
       to  have  up  to  three  children,  but  the  average  population growth is centered in its poorer re- the first of the three First Ladies who died in  alive and living in a nursing home in Virginia;
       birth rate still sits at 1.2. China's population is  gions, especially in the north.  the  White  House.  She  was  also  the  youngest  the president himself was born in 1790! Thus,
       set to peak in the coming years and projected   By 2050, data shows that India is expect- (51) First Lady to die in White House. After her  Tyler becomes the earliest former president of
       to decline. This means that the older, nonwork- ed to provide more than a sixth of the world’s  death, Tyler remarried Julia Gardiner in 1844,  the United States with a living grandchild.
       ing population will have to rely on individual  population of working age (15 to 64 years old).  thus becoming one of three US presidents who   I  found  John  Tyler  the  most  ‘interesting’
       single  children,  many  of  whom  will  probably  – Yahoo News           got married while in the White House. In 1844  US president.
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