Page 13 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 13

Vol. 33/3 Jamada Al-Thani 27, 1444 AH                                    Friday, January 20, 2023                                                            US & Canada $1.00

        PAGE 14                              PAGE 14                              PAGE 22
          US Extends Visa                    Shirley Weber Is Sworn                  Bushra Ansari
        Interview Exemption                  in as California’s First                Reports to FIA                    For news, updated
            for Pakistani                        Elected Black                        against Fake                     round the clock,visit
              Citizens                         Secretary of State                       Accounts                       www.PakistanLink

        Anti-War Activists Reflect on                             several days, some of whom handed  Human Rights Defenders Call
                                                                  in  organizing  events  over  the  past
       Martin Luther King Jr’s Legacy                             out pamphlets to passersby advocat-  for Closure of Guantanamo
                                                                  ing  their  positions  on  stopping  all
                                                                  wars and other related issues.
                                                                      Among  their  slogans  are  “Stop
            n Report and pictures    olence  and  peace  have  inspired  and  Washington’s war moves toward Rus-
               by Phil Pasquini
                                     influenced people the world over. In  sia and China! Stop endless US wars:
                                     his  quest  of  utilizing  non-violence  Iraq,  Syria,  Somalia,  Palestine,  Ye-
       WASHINGTON:  On  what  would  as a tool for change he issued many  men....  everywhere!  No  to  NATO!
       have been Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s  warnings about the dangers and con- Money  for  human  needs,  not  war!
                  94th  birthday,  sev- sequences of war.         Not one more penny for Ukraine!”
                  eral  ceremonies  to    Among them he made the pro-  Citizens’  Covid  Origin  Inquiry
                  honor the fallen Civil  foundly  dithyrambic  proclamation  (  addressed  their
                  Rights  Era  icon  and  that  “It  is  no  longer  a  choice,  my  concerns  over  bioweapon  develop-
                  his  legacy  were  held  friends,  between  violence  and  non- ment,  especially  “gain-of-function”
                  at  the  King  Memo- violence.  It  is  either  nonviolence  or  (GoFR)  research  on  dangerous
                  rial on January 17. At  nonexistence.”  His  foreboding  of  pathogens.  The  group  highlighted
       the  base  of  the  massive  and  impos- nuclear war was summed up in 1968  King’s denouncement of bioweapon-

                                                                                                       n By Elaine Pasquini   to  close  the  prison  and  torture  site.
                                                                                                         Washington, DC       Activists wore orange prisoner jump-
                                                                                                      Photos by Phil Pasquini  suits and black hoods while holding
                                                                                                                              signs displaying a prisoner’s name.
                                                                                                WASHINGTON:  Twenty-one  years      Since  the  US  government
                                                                                                after the opening of the US detention  opened the Guantanamo Bay Deten-
                                                                                                            center  at  Guantana- tion Center on January 11, 2002, 779
                                                                                                            mo  Bay,  activists  are  Muslim men and boys have been in-
                                                                                                            still calling for its clo- carcerated there, said Herb Geraghty
                                                                                                            sure.  On  January  11,  of  Witness  Against  Torture.  “Since
                                                                                                            as they do every year,  then, nine of them have died.”
                                                                                                            human rights defend-    Maha  Hilal,  co-director  of  the
                                                                                                            ers  gathered  in  La- Justice  for  Muslims  Collective,  a
                                                                                                fayette Square across from the White  group  dedicated  to  closing  the  US

       Dr King’s wisdom, impact and enduring legacy along with his espousing universal values of non-violence and peace have inspired and
       influenced people the world over

       ing white granite statue of Dr King,  when he observed that “…our earthly  ry and use of biological weapons. Dr
       attendees  of  the  various  programs  habitat would be transformed into an  King noted in 1959 at the Thirty-sixth
       reflected  on  his  life  and  all  that  he  inferno that even the mind of Dante  Annual Dinner of the War Resisters
       achieved before he was cut down by  could not imagine.”    League in New York that “…through-
       an assassin’s bullet in 1968.    As  a  national  holiday,  Martin  out the nation and the world, we live
           Dr King’s wisdom, impact and  Luther King, Jr Day this year falls on  in an age of conflict, an age of biologi-
       enduring  legacy  along  with  his  es- a Monday, creating a three-day week- cal weapons, chemical warfare,   House to demand that President Joe  prison in Guantanamo, noted after
       pousing  universal  values  of  non-vi- end that anti-war activists have taken   (Continued on page 15)  Biden uphold his campaign promise   (Continued on page 15)

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