Page 14 - Pakistan Link - January 20, 2023
P. 14

P14 - PAKISTAN LINK - JANUARY 20, 2023                                                                                                   COMMUNITY
            n Report and pictures    No Justice for Lt Alkonis Is Justice Denied                                              writes Japanese, his time in prison thus
               by Phil Pasquini                                                                                               far has been difficult and fraught with
                                                                                                                              adjustments both personal as well as to
       WASHINGTON:  On  Friday  the13th                                                         shimasa  met  with  Antony  Blinken  at  a life in solitary confinement.
       Brittany Alkonis, wife of imprisoned US                                                  the Department of State “…to reaffirm   The family of three young children
                  Navy Lt Ridge Alkonis                                                         the  vital  importance  of  the  US-Japan  for their part have also had to endure
                  who  was  convicted  in                                                       Alliance in promoting peace, security,  the  difficulty  of  a  forced  separation.
                  Japan of negligent driv-                                                      and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific re- Traveling from Japan back to Washing-
                  ing for his involvement                                                       gion and beyond.”             ton both with and without her children
                  in a traffic accident that                                                        While  there  has  not  been  any  to attend the White House demonstra-
                  took  the  lives  of  two                                                     public  movement  in  negotiations  for  tions has taken a financial toll on the
                  people,  demonstrated                                                         Alkonis’  release,  Brittany  has  been  family. Even more so when they were
       along with supporters outside the White                                                  told  that  the  administration  is  busy  told that when Lt Alkonis’ leave expires
       House seeking his release from a Japa-                                                   working on resolving the issue of his  while he is imprisoned, he would lose
       nese  prison.  Alkonis,  who  suffered  a                                                release.  She  spoke  highly,  too,  of  US  his pay and benefits because of “Penta-
       medical  emergency  and  passed  out                                                     Ambassador to Japan, Rahm Emanu- gon accounting rules” that would not
       while behind the wheel of his car as the                                                 el, who she described as engaged and  allow for any exceptions.
       family was returning from a hiking trip                                                  working  towards  a  resolution  in  the   Fortunately,  Republican  Sena-
       on Mt Fuji in October of 2021, caused                                                    case.                         tor  Mike  Lee  of  Utah  introduced  an
       an accident that resulted in the death of                                                    For Lt Alkonis’ part, he is still in  amendment to the 2023 omnibus ap-
       two people.                   year prison term. During the trial, the  she  learned  that  both  Japan’s  prime  solitary confinement at the prison and  propriation bill that directed the Navy
           At the time of the accident Japa- prosecutor convinced the court not to  minister  and  foreign  minister  would  is allowed two monthly 30-minute visi- to continue Alkonis’ pay and benefits.
       nese police, after arresting him at the  allow the results of extensive medical  be in Washington today for meetings.  tations with his wife. It was during one  It was unanimously adopted by voice
       scene, transported him to jail and de- tests which determined he blacked out  Ironically, too, she related how fate had  of those visits that he requested some  vote in the Senate keeping the vital fi-
       nied  him  access  to  medical  attention  due to “acute mountain sickness.”  intervened while she was in a cafe and  basic  personal  necessities  from  the  nancial survival of the family alive.
       in evaluating his condition. Later, on   Supporters  report  that  in  Japan,  noticed  that  Foreign  Minister  Yoshi- Navy such as toothpaste, socks, athletic   Hopefully, Lt Alkonis’ long ordeal
       the advice of Department of Defense  according  to  the  Ministry  of  Justice,  masa was also present. She approached  shoes and long underwear, to buttress  will  soon  be  resolved  with  his  release
       (DOD) lawyers and officials along with  “…more than 95% of similarly charged  him  wearing  the  t-shirt  emblazoned  himself against the penetrating cold of  and  repatriation  with  his  family  in  a
       his Japanese lawyer, he entered a “stra- defendants have gotten suspended sen- with “Bring Ridge Home Now” on it.  his cell. The Navy responded that they  tragedy of misfortune and suffering for
       tegic guilty plea” to stay out of prison.  tences.”  Since  that  time  his  wife  and   While President Biden held a bi- were unable to provide such due to a  all those involved.
       He was told that under the Japanese ju- supporters  have  held  numerous  pro- lateral  meeting  with  Prime  Minister  “lack of funds.” This from an organiza-  (Phil Pasquini is a freelance jour-
       risprudence system —that operates on  tests outside the White House calling  Fumio at the White House in the Oval  tion which this year requested $230.8  nalist and photographer. His reports
       a guilty until proven innocent ideology  for his release from prison and ques- Office and afterward during a working  billion for its operations.  and photographs appear in the Wash-
       — a not-guilty plea or his  defending  tioning the harshness of his sentence.  lunch in the Cabinet Room, supporters   Not one to be deterred, Brittany be- ington Report on Middle East Affairs
       himself  in  court  would  assuredly  re-  Brittany, who spoke with this re- of Lt Alkonis manned street barricades  gan purchasing the requested items for  and  He  is  the  author  of
       sult in his being sentenced to prison.  porter today, related how she flew from  outside holding signs calling for Lt Al- both her husband and 11 other prison- Domes, Arches and Minarets: A His-
       The  “advice”  was  wrong  however  as  Japan  where  the  family  is  living,  to  konis’ immediate release.  ers when suddenly the Navy found the  tory of Islamic-Inspired Buildings in
       the court sentenced Alkonis to a three- demonstrate at the White House when   For his part Foreign Minister Yo- funds. While Ankonis speaks, reads and  America.)

                  US Extends Visa Interview                                            Shirley Weber Is Sworn in as California’s

           Exemption for Pakistani Citizens                                               First Elected Black Secretary of State

                                                                                            n By Ethnic Media Services
       KARACHI: The United States embassy on Thurs-
       day extended interview waiver eligibility for Paki-                                  n  Jan  9,  with  the  sound  of  Afri-
       stani citizens wanting to extend their tourist and                                   can drumming in the background,
       business visas.                                                                O Shirley Weber was sworn-in as the
          The US embassy made the announcement in                                     first-elected Black Secretary of State (SOS) of
       a statement released on Thursday.                                              California and the 32nd person to hold the
          “In an effort to improve customer service, the                              position.
       US government allows non-immigrant visa appli-                                    The  ceremony  was  conducted  at  the
       cants to apply for their visas without an interview                            SOS’ auditorium in downtown Sacramento,
       under  the  interview  waiver  program,”  the  state-                          one block south of the State Capitol.
       ment said.                                                                        Senate President pro Tempore Toni G.
          “This  process  is  not  for  first-time  appli- FM expresses gratitude     Atkins (D-San Diego) administered the oath
       cants. It only applies to certain applicants ap-  Foreign  Minister  Bilawal  Bhutto-Zardari  of office in front of Weber’s grandsons Kadir  beyond  imagination  with  all  of  the  good
       plying  for  their  visas,  and  some  restrictions  thanked US Secretary of State Antony Blinken for  and Jalil Gakunga.  things California has to give.”
       may also apply.”                       interview waivers. “Allowing interview waivers for   “I want to thank all of those who work     The  daughter  of  a  sharecropper  from
          The exemption is granted to citizens applying for  those who have already in the past held US visas  so hard to make this position, the Secretary  Hope, Ark., Weber said she is “not supposed
       the renewal of their B1/B2 tourist and business visas.  across all age groups is extremely helpful,” he said  of State — and all of those wonderful things  to be here” as the state’s chief clerk, oversee-
          According  to  the  US  embassy,  all  Pakistani  on Twitter.                                                  ing a department of 500-plus employees.
       citizens regardless of age, whose B1/B2 visas are   The minister added that this decision by the                      Weber  grew  up  in  a  two-room,  “clap-
       valid or have expired within the last 48 months  US embassy should expedite the visa process and                  board house” in Arkansas with her parents
       can benefit from the exemption.        will increase “people-to-people ties”. - Dawn                              and five other siblings before the family re-
                                                                                                                         located to Los Angeles where they lived in
            Madinah’s Islamic Museum Presents                                                                            Pueblo Del Rio, a housing project known as
                                                                                                                         the “pueblos.”
                                                                                                                             Weber said the “data” projected that she
        Virtual Reality Pavilion at Hajj Expo 2023                                                                       would not have a bright future. Still, she went
                                                                                                                         on to graduate from UCLA with a PhD, serve
                                                                                                                         on the San Diego Board of Education, teach
                                              at the Hajj Expo 2023 in Jeddah, the Saudi Press                           African American studies at San Diego State
                                              Agency reported on Thursday. Madinah’s Interna-                            University, and successfully ran for Califor-
                                              tional Fair and Museum of the Prophet’s Biogra-                            nia State Assembly in November 2012.
                                              phy and Islamic Civilization provided visitors with                            ‘My father came from Hope, Arkansas,
                                              a unique opportunity to learn about the Prophet                            because  there  was  no  hope  in  Hope,”  We-
                                              Muhammad’s life using the technology at its pavil-                         ber said. “He came to California because he
                                              ion at the Hajj and Umrah services conference.                             wanted his children to have a better chance
                                                  Virtual reality displayed scenes from the Proph-                       and a better life.”
                                              et’s Chamber, giving visitors the chance to immerse  Dr Shirley Webber poses at the podium after she   When  Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  appointed
      Madinah’s International Fair and Museum of the   themselves in Islam’s values and practices while also  is sworn in as CA. Sec. of State in Sacramento,   Alex Padilla the state’s junior US Senator in
      Prophet’s Biography and Islamic Civilization pavilion   exploring rare artifacts mentioned in the Qur’an and   Robert Maryland/California Black Media  Jan. 2021, he nominated Weber as SOS. Pa-
      at the Hajj Expo 2023 - SPA             the Sunnah. The display at the pavilion provided a                         dilla filled in for Sen Kamala Harris, who was
                                              glimpse  of  how  contemporary  techniques  will  be  that come with it — possible, and for being  elected US Vice President. Weber was
       JEDDAH: Virtual reality made a guest appearance  used to project Islam and its culture in the future.  in my life,” Weber said. “I have been blessed   (Continued on page 15)
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