Page 23 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
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CONTINUATION                                                                                                          PAKISTAN  LINK - MARCH 17, 2023 - P23

       Memoirs of Lt Gen Gul Hassan Khan –   creates space for others to do the same,”  by whites or other races who are not  become  known  among  the  true  fol- by affordable house prices.
            A Good Reference Point   she says. “It has that ripple effect within  Muslim. Movies, series, and television  lowers  of  our  beloved  Prophet,  peace   “We have all kinds up here,” said
              for Chaotic Times      our community.”               shows  also  continue  to  misrepresent  and blessings be upon him, in our final  Kline, ticking off “old-timers who have
            (Continued from page 4)     Other  approaches  to  addressing  Islam.  Additionally,  politicians  and  abode.  Ameen.  been up here 30 or 40 years”; “hippies
       Zia was in serious trouble for his con- communal or personal trauma can in- evangelical  fanatics  have  built  mil-  (Umm  Ahmed  is  an  early  child- and  our  potheads”;  and  “newcomers
       duct during a deputation to Jordan be- clude  things  like  radical  self-healing,  lion-dollar organizations dedicated to  hood  educator  and  mother  of  three  who  don’t  know  how  to  drive  in  the
       cause of which his commanding officer  community-based  care,  or  volunteer- spreading misinformation and demon- boys. Always on the quest to learn, she  snow.”
       (then)  Brigadier  Nawazish  Ali  Khan  ing, says Zhang. “It’s important for us  izing Muslims worldwide.   is passionate about seeking knowledge   Melissa  Johnson,  a  bartender  at
       wrote in a confidential document that  to honor our own particular styles of   Throughout all this, Muslims have  and  passing  it  on  to  others.  A  writer  the Stockade who grew up in Crestline,
       Zia  “is  not  fit  to  be  an  officer  in  the  self-care, and to keep in mind that be- remained patient, finding solace in the  in  the  making,  she  draws  inspiration  said  of  her  hometown:  “It’s  a  special,
       Pakistan  Army.”  Yet,  he  was  the  man  ing in community can be part of that.”  timeless  guidance  of  the  Qur’an,  in  through  deep  conversations,  laws  of  quaint place. You’re up in the moun-
       who held the levers of power in Paki-  This  community-centered  ap- which Allah says:   nature, and her own children. She and  tains, hidden away from the city.”
       stan for eleven years – perhaps the lon- proach  is  central  to  the  ethos  of   “They want to extinguish the light  her family are currently living in Abu   New  arrivals  include  Foxhound
       gest of anyone in that role.  AMHP,  which,  as  Zhang  says,  is  of Allah with their mouths, but Allah  Dhabi, UAE)  Productions,  a  film  company  that  re-
          And it probably won’t come as a  grounded  in  the  idea  that  “we  care  refuses except to perfect His light, al- cently  set  up  shop  in  an  old  theater
       surprise how Zia paid back the favor to  for each other.” This includes securing  though the disbelievers dislike it.”   article/on-minimalism-seeking-inspi- in  the  center  of  town.  “Not  in  recent
       Gul Hasan. He briefly imprisoned Gul  people’s material needs, such as food   (Surah At-Tawbah, 9:32)  ration-from-our-beloved-prophet?eT memory  have  we  benefited  from  a
       Hasan based on an arrest warrant is- and  housing  security,  and  providing   Although it may seem discourag- ype=EmailBlastContent&eId=201935 movie  production  company  moving
       sued by Bhutto whom Zia had already  language-informed, culturally compe- ing, it is important to recognize that Is- 4e-17e3-4dea-bf41-8484f52bf43f  from  Malibu  to  the  mountains,”  the
       overthrown.                   tent psychological care.      lamophobia has always existed for the                      local  newspaper,  The  Alpine  Moun-
          An important character trait in a   Zhang says that this combination  Muslim community – even before the   Balochistan Misunderstood  taineer, reported last month, before the
       leader, especially a military command- of  professional  and  communal  sup- word was coined. Indeed, true believ-  (Continued from page 16)  storm. The snow collapsed Foxhound’s
       er,  is  to  take  responsibility  for  out- port, plus a broader cultural shift to- ers have always been tested with rejec- for  cranes,  gantries,  heavy  vehicles  roof as well.
       comes, both good and bad. If a leader  wards openly discussing mental health,  tion and persecution, starting with the  and forklifts. Later, upon googling, the   After  the  storm,  some  residents
       has the courage to take ownership for a  can  be  help  disrupt  cycles  of  trauma  Prophets and Messengers. Islamopho- per-piece  price  ranged  from  $30,000- were so frustrated by what they saw as
       negative outcome, then he has a great- and break down lingering taboos.  bia may be here to stay, but as long as  $50,000.  All  are  spanking  new,  still  a slow response by the county to clear
       er chance of earning the respect from   “One  of  the  things  that  we  find  believers remain steadfast, the help of  under plastic covers. On this vast but  roads  and  deliver  supplies  that  they
       those who are following. Both spoken  very important is how we break these  Allah is always near. He instructed in  desolate campus there are no teachers,  called  the  office  of  Gov  Gavin  New-
       and  written  words  become  worthy  of  cycles of violence, and in turn cycles of  the Qur’an:  students, or staff — only chowkidars.  som,  who  eventually  dispatched  the
       believing  if  there  is  honesty.  In  this  trauma,” Zhang says.  “Say, ‘Nothing will ever befall us  No one has a clue of how to get things  National Guard to the area. The Guard
       respect,  Gul  Hassan  will  have  earned   “And a lot of the answers lie in de- except what Allah has destined for us.  moving.  organized food drops from Blackhawk
       the respect of those who chose to read  stigmatizing talking about our feelings,  He is our Protector.’ So in Allah let the   This  is  development  gone  mad.  helicopters.
       the book in these chaotic times to find  and  also  providing  comprehensive  believers put their trust.”   But  who  is  to  blame  and  who  will   Chelsia  Martinez,  26,  a  stay-at-
       inspiration while practicing healthy in- community  care  initiatives  that  will   (Surah At-Tawbah, 9:51)  foot the bill? Was there a PC-1 plan- home mother living in Crestline, said
       trospection.                  address these from the root of the is-                     ning document, and what’s in it? Still,  she  called  the  governor’s  office  twice,
                                     sue.” – Ethnic Media Services Image via  End Notes         Gwadar’s  development  will  doubtless  and was told they would add her name
       Battle for the Soul of a Subcontinent - 3  Unsplash            1  Islamophobia.  (2023,  February  benefit  those  who  have  always  won.  to the growing list of residents who had
            (Continued from page 5)                                23). In Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia. Vast areas have been cordoned off with  phoned.
       cius,  that  without  a  correct  under-  Islamophobia: A Historic Timeline  org/wiki/Islamophobia  razor wire for various official organiza-  “I  always  wanted  to  live  in  the
       standing of the past there can be no be-  (Continued from page 8)  2 God’s Shadow: Sultan Selim, His  tions and their housing schemes. Colo- mountains,” said Martinez, who moved
       nevolent paths to the future. The sub- depicting  Muslims  as  barbaric  insur- Ottoman  Empire,  and  the  Making  of  nization, of course, is too strong a word  to town last year. “I’m getting the full
       continent  has  only  two  stark  choices:  gents. This negatively influenced pub- the  Modern  World  by  Alan  Mikhail.  to use here. Let’s just say it’s the familiar  experience now.”
       nuclear  holocaust  which  the  buildup  lic opinion and the situation worsened  Liveright   Publishing   Corporation  desire for officer colonies.  She said she spent her cooped-up
       of vicious propaganda and hatred may  once  violence  found  its  way  to  the  (2020). (1st ed., pp. 2, 90).   An  unexpected  encounter  be- time  playing  board  games  including
       well  push  people  towards  or  to  pull  US.  Some  of  the  attacks  carried  out   3  Historic  Timeline:  National  tween  Quetta  and  Gwadar  led  to  a  Monopoly with her children. Finding
       back from the vitriol and violence and  on American soil were vehicle bombs  Counterterrorism  Center.  Retrieved  three-hour  conversation  with  a  ju- food was a daily adventure: She would
       begin the process of healing. If the lat- planted at Kennedy Airport, First Israel  March 7, 2023, from https://www.dni. nior  army  officer,  a  Kakul  graduate.  walk  to  food  distribution  sites  at  the
       ter is to succeed, the subcontinent must  Bank and Trust Company, and the Is- gov/nctc/timeline.html#1969  (n.d.)  Brilliant  and  likeable,  he  engaged  town’s library and at a church, the Jubi-
       stand  with  those  who  promote  peace  rael Discount Bank in New York City   4 Secretary-General Kofi Annan,  the  TTP  in  firefights  in  South  Wa- lee Mountain Fellowship. At one point,
       and  understanding  while  preserving  on March 7, 1973; a hostage situation  addressing headquarters seminar Wed,  ziristan. Well, how do they compare  she  said,  the  local  McDonald’s  was
       their  own  integrity  like  Vivekananda.  in Washington, DC involving a Mus- Confronting Islamophobia. United Na- against BLF/BLA? He laughed: these  clearing  out  its  supplies,  giving  away
       As someone committed to peace in the  lim  Hanafi  group  in  March  9,  1977;  tions, press release, 7 December 2004.  are  criminals  and  adventurists.  But  milk, cheese, and powdered eggs.
       subcontinent  and  harmony  between  and several attacks on US embassies in   Wendy  Díaz  is  a  Puerto  Rican  TTP are formidable hardcore terror-  Rim  of  the  World  High  School,
       its great faiths, I pray that the vision of  Muslim countries in the late 70’s and  Muslim  writer,  award-winning  poet,  ists. He then paused: he’d rather fight  perched  on  a  mountain  ridge  in  the
       peace succeeds.               early 80’s.3                  translator,  and  mother  of  six.  She  is  elsewhere where he would be liked by  town of Lake Arrowhead with majes-
          (Akbar  Ahmed  is  the  Ibn  Khal-  In  2000,  Former  Secretary-Gen- the co-founder of Hablamos Islam, a  people, not here.  tic views of the San Bernardino Valley,
       dun  Chair  of  Islamic  Studies,  School  eral  of  the  United  Nations,  Kofi  An- non-profit organization that produces   Intriguing! This begged my ques- has been open as an emergency shelter,
       of  International  Service,  American  nan,  declared  that  the  word  Islamo- educational  resources  about  Islam  in  tion  —  why  don’t  you  people  just  go  with cots set up in the gymnasium and
       University, and Wilson Center Global  phobia was a term that needed to be  Spanish ( She has  back  home?  Leave  law-and-order  to  library.
       Fellow,  Washington  DC,  and  was  the  used  to  “take  account  of  increasingly  written, illustrated, and published over  the local police and Baloch Levies? He   Rafaela Rendon, 79, has been stay-
       former  Pakistan  High  Commissioner  widespread bigotry.”4 Orientalism had  a dozen children’s books and currently  sighed. Yes, this should happen sooner  ing  there  since  being  displaced  from
       to the UK and Ireland.)       already set the stage for negative per- lives with her family in Maryland.)   rather than later. But both are under- her  home  by  the  storm.  Her  6-year-
                                     ceptions of adherents to Islam. Further equipped,  under-trained  and,  being  old dog, a cream-colored mutt named
       Recent Mass Shootings Deepen Stigma  anti-Muslim sentiment spread quickly  article/islamophobia-a-historic-ti locals, have families that terrorists can  Cookie, stayed close to her, cowering
          around Mental Health for Asian   after terrorist attacks occurred in New  meline?eType=EmailBlastConten target. This young officer doesn’t want  at her feet under her walker. “She’s so
                 Americans           York on February 26, 1993, and Sep- t&eId=f66f6bc7-bbdb-4d1e-9de6- to  be  seen  as  part  of  an  occupation  traumatized,” Rendon said of the dog.
            (Continued from page 6)  tember  11,  2001.  Although  both  at- 0032e0472027       force.  Though  troubled,  he  still  loves  “She’s afraid of people. She’s afraid of
       first  step  toward  providing  support.  tacks were purportedly committed by            the army.                     everything. She wasn’t like that before.”
       Those signs include disruptions to daily  Muslim  extremists,  the  latter  was  the   Prophet Muhammad on Minimalism:    Those  at  the  center  of  power   Dr Troy Pennington, who works
       functioning: unusual sleeping and eat- deadliest  –  with  nearly  3,000  people   Seeking Inspiration from   imagine Balochistan as some faraway,  with  the  county  fire  and  sheriff’s  de-
       ing patterns, being unable to get out of  losing their lives – leaving the nation   Our Beloved Prophet  barren land of tribals. Far too rich to  partment and specializes in emergency
       bed, social isolation, or mood swings.  shaken  with  fear  and  anger.  “Never   (Continued from page 17)  be left alone, they think it must be gov- medicine, has been treating patients in
       Signs that these symptoms have esca- forget” became the slogan for Ameri- but also detested miserliness. He would  erned from afar. Stunted development  an office at the school.
       lated into a crisis, however, include a  can patriotism and an endless vendetta  urge people to share their wealth and  springing from this regressive mindset   “In the first few days, we had some
       preoccupation with ideas of dying, or  against Islam.       blessings  with  others,  for  greater  re- is driving Pakistan back onto the rocks.  pretty sick people,” he said. There were
       speaking as if there’s no future.  Since  then,  Muslims  have  been  ward. As mentioned in the Qur’an,    Balochistan — and for that matter the  homeless people who had been living
          Wang stresses, however, that pres- publicly demonized by politicians, re-  “And do not let those who ‘greed- concept of Pakistan — will have to be  in tents in the woods, schizophrenics
       suring people to find professional help  ligious  fanatics,  and  the  mainstream  ily’ withhold Allah’s bounties think it  re-understood in very new ways. Else  in  need  of  medication,  burn  victims
       can  sometimes  be  counterproductive.  media.  The  entire  Muslim  world  was  is good for them—in fact, it is bad for  history will exact its awful toll as it did  whose  houses  had  burned  down  be-
       She suggests that as an alternative first  put  on  trial  for  the  actions  of  a  few.  them!  They  will  be  leashed  ‘by  their  once. But next time around, the price  cause of gas leaks.
       step community members can help to  Falsehoods  about  Islam  and  Muslims  necks’  on  the  Day  of  Judgment  with  could be still steeper.  Asked  about  the  frustrations  of
       undo prevailing mental health stigmas  continue to be perpetuated by the me- whatever  ‘wealth’  they  used  to  with-  The writer is an Islamabad-based  residents  who  believed  the  county
       by  being  more  “vulnerable  with  the  dia; in daily news, imbalanced cover- hold. And Allah is the ‘sole’ inheritor of  physicist and writer/ Dawn).  could have been better prepared for the
       more human aspects of who we are.”  age of criminal acts labeled as terror- the heavens and the earth. And Allah is    storm, he paused.
          She continues, “When we do that,  ism by individuals who happen to have  All-Aware of what you do.”  Coping with Mountains of Snow in the   “I  don’t  know,”  he  said.  “The  re-
       I believe that we give other people what  been born into Muslim families or who   (Surah Ali- Imran, 3:180)  San Bernardino Mountains,  ality  is,  it’s  so  overwhelming.  It’s  a
       I like to call the gift of going second.  are  Muslim  by  name,  and  the  dearth   May Allah help us all attain that   (Continued from page 18)  hundred-year storm.” - The New York
       When I go first and share my story… it  of coverage of similar acts committed  level  of  spiritualism  so  that  we  may  the Inland Empire and were attracted  Times Company
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