Page 20 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 20
PSL 8: Simon Doull FIFA 2026: Teams that will feature in World Cup
Criticizes Rizwan Again
LAHORE: Kiwi commentator, Si- The third over was his last boundary.
mon Doull, has once again criticised You’ve got to take more risks than
a Pakistani batsman and it is not Ba- that,” Doull said. “This is a game
bar Azam. Doull was critical of Mo- where you get a second chance, so
hammad Rizwan’s innings during the this is the game you take risks. This is
Qualifier between Multan Sultans and the game you try and put the side un- Argentina's forward #10 Lionel Messi lifts the World Cup trophy during the Qatar 2022 World Cup trophy ceremony after the football final
Lahore Qalandars yesterday in La- der pressure, in case you have to play match between Argentina and France at Lusail Stadium in Lusail, north of Doha on December 18, 2022. — AFP
hore in PSL 8. While speaking during them again. This is where you show
commentary, Doull said that Rizwan your wares, because if you do lose go- KIGALI: The expanded 2026 men's the tournament in Qatar convinced feature 32 teams in France four years
could have been more aggressive in ing for it, it doesn’t matter. The point World Cup in North America will FIFA that a rethink to its original 2026 later.
the powerplay. is, this is a game where you can ex- start with 12 groups of four teams in blueprint was needed. The number of venues for the
“33 off 29 and he’s out in the press yourself, do whatever you want a change from the originally planned "The groups of four have been ab- 2026 finals will double, from eight sta-
14th over. It’s just not acceptable. to do, and that power play was just format of 16 groups of three, foot- solutely incredible until the last minute diums in Qatar last year to 16.
He didn’t hit a boundary in 10 overs. not good enough,” he added. ball’s world governing body FIFA an- of the last match," FIFA president Gi- Eleven venues will be in the USA,
nounced. The next World Cup in the anni Infantino said in December. with three in Mexico and two in Cana-
United States, Canada, and Mexico will Tuesday's decision was an- da. FIFA has projected a huge increase
PSL 2023: Multan Sultans Qualify for Final be the first to feature 48 teams, a sharp nounced following a FIFA Council in revenues in the four-year cycle lead-
increase from the 32 sides at last year's meeting in the Rwandan capital Kigali, ing up to 2026, up to $11 billion from
After Victory Against Lahore Qalandars tournament in Qatar. at which it confirmed the next men’s $7.5 billion in the four years up to 2022.
"The revised format mitigates the World Cup final will be played on Sun- The body is also hoping that a
risk of collusion and ensures that all the day, July 19, 2026. new, expanded 32-team Club World
teams play a minimum of three match- FIFA said that the total number Cup will boost revenues too.
es while providing balanced rest time of days between when clubs must stop FIFA said Tuesday the competi-
between competing teams," FIFA said. playing and release players for interna- tion will start in June 2025 and will be
It means that there will be 104 matches, tional duty, and the final, would be 56, held every four years with club rank-
a huge rise compared to the 64 games identical to the previous three tourna- ings determining qualifiers.
played in the 2022 tournament, and an ments. Nevertheless, the World Cup it- However, an annual competition
increase even on the original plan that self may be played over a longer period, will also be held, similar to the existing
the 2026 World Cup would feature 80 after Qatar 2022 was held over just 29 seven-team Club World Cup which is to
matches. days. be discontinued after the 2023 edition.
FIFA's initial plan for 2026 was for Expanded Club World Cup The yearly competition will in-
16 groups of three teams, from which Infantino is expected to be waved volve the six continental club cham-
the top two countries would advance to in for a new four-year term as president pions and conclude with a final at a
the last 32. as he stands unopposed for re-election neutral venue between the winner of
LAHORE: Multan Sultans yesterday bowlers with figures of 3-20 in three The new format means the top at Thursday’s FIFA Congress. the UEFA Champions League and the
qualified for the final of the eighth sea- overs. two in each group will go through to Expanding the World Cup had winner of the play-offs between the
son of the Pakistan Super League (PSL) First innings the knockout round along with the been a priority for Infantino following other teams.
after defeating Lahore Qalandars in a Earlier, after deciding to bat first, eight best third-placed sides. As a re- his election in 2016, when he took over The annual tournament was ap-
thrilling qualifier at the Gaddafi Stadi- Multan scored 160-5 in their allotted sult, the finalists, and the teams finish- from the disgraced Sepp Blatter at the proved "given the need expressed by
um in Lahore. Chasing the target of 161 20 overs. Multan made a decent start ing third and fourth, will play a total head of world football. the confederations for the champions
runs, Lahore were rolled over for only in the powerplay with 46 runs on the of eight games instead of the current The last World Cup in North of their premier club competitions to
76 runs in 14.3 overs. Lahore lost Mirza board without losing a wicket. Lahore seven. The decision comes after a dra- America, in the United States in 1994, play each other annually to stimulate
Tahir Baig (8) early after Sheldon Cot- got their first breakthrough in the matic and entertaining group stage at featured just 24 teams before it grew to competitiveness", FIFA said.
trell enticed a huge swipe from the bat- eighth over after Haris Rauf cleaned up
ter, who edged one through to Rizwan. Usman Khan, who scored 29 runs in
trap Abdullah Shafique (0) in front of wicket with skipper Mohammad Riz- Hazara Academy Defeated Karachi Girls by 1 Goal
Cottrell struck in the same over to 28 balls. He added 53 runs for the first
the stumps. Lahore were hoping that wan. Zaman Khan bagged the prized
opener and star batter Fakhar Zaman scalp of Rilee Rossouw after he tried to KARACHI SUPER WOMEN
would lead the run-chase but that was smack a slower ball over long-on but FOOTBALL CUP 2023
not the case after the left-hander was was caught by Rauf. He scored 13 runs
clean-bowled by an inswinger from in 12 balls. KARACHI: In the second match of
Anwar Ali. He scored six runs in seven Meanwhile, Rashid Khan dis- Super Women Football Cup organized
balls. Cottrell also sent Shaheen Shah missed Mohammad Rizwan after the by Marta Women Football Club with
Afridi packing for a duck in the fifth latter missed a googly while trying to the support of High-Q, Shafaq Cook-
over of the match. play a heave towards the leg side. The ing Oil and DKT International, Hazara
Hussain Talat (4) was sent back Multan captain scored 33 runs in 29 Academy beat Karachi Girls by 1 goal.
to the hut after a direct hit from Us- balls with the help of three fours. La- Faiza Batul from Hazara Academy
man Khan left him short of the crease. hore's good bowling, coupled with scored a goal in the 10th minute of the
Sikandar Raza (0) also departed soon a lack of intent from the Multan bat- first half of the match to give victory to
after as Abbas Afridi took a stunning ters, ensured that the middle overs be- her team.
catch in the deep on the bowling of longed to the fielding side. However, Before the match, a minute's si-
Kieron Pollard. This left Qalandars Lahore fluffed some chances in the lence was also observed for football
reeling at 43-6 in the 10th over. The re- death overs which allowed Kieron Pol- player Shahida Raza, who suffered a
maining wickets also fell without much lard to take the attack to the bowling boating accident in Italy.
resistance as Multan completed a com- side. The hard-hitting West Indies bat- The match referees were Islam
prehensive victory over the defending ter notched up 57 runs in 34 balls with Ansari, assistant Wasif and Saleh and
champions. Cottrell was the pick of the the help of six maximums and a four. the match commissioner Hafs.