Page 16 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 16

P16 - PAKISTAN  LINK - MARCH 17, 2023                                                                                                   COMMENTARY
            he Russian invasion of Ukraine  Ukraine Will Go for                                 be  impassable  due  to  mud,  and  men  May.  Ukraine knows that the Western
             n By Nayyer Ali MD
                                                                                                and  equipment  will  be  able  to  oper- appetite  for  a  struggle  with  Russia  is
                                                                                                ate more effectively.  Ukraine has been  not limitless.  They need to show that
            is now just over a year old, and                                                    training and equipping a strike force of  they can not only hold off the Russians
       TPutin  is  running  out  of  cards    Victory in May                                    about 30,000 soldiers.  The transfer of  but can actually defeat them on the bat-
       to play.  His attempt to seize control of                                                Western tanks and personnel carriers,  tlefield.  Ukraine has resisted any calls
                  Ukraine in a lightning                                                        in particular German Leopard 2 tanks  for negotiations in which Russia keeps
                  strike of armored forces                                                      and  the  American  Bradley  Infantry  parts  of  Ukraine  permanently.    The
                  was blunted in the first                                                      Fighting Vehicle, will give the Ukraini- Ukrainians will probably strike toward
                  few weeks of the war by                                                       ans the advanced equipment needed to  the south, between the Crimea and the
                  a combination of poor                                                         go on the offensive.          Russian-held  territory  in  the  Donbas
                  planning,   Ukrainian                                                             The Russians have been using this  to the east.  Such a move, if successful,
                  courage,  and  Western                                                        winter to create a belt of fortifications  will isolate Crimea and lead to its re-
       anti-tank weapons, particularly Ameri-                                                   along the frontlines.  These entrenched  capture by Ukraine.  At that point the
       can Javelin and British NLAW missiles.                                                   positions  are  supposed  to  make  a  Russians will have clearly lost the war,
       After  withdrawing  from  the  northern                                                  Ukrainian offensive fail.  But fixed po- and will look to end it.
       regions  of  Ukraine  last  spring,  Russia                                              sitions can be a deathtrap if an oppo-  A Russian defeat is a key US pri-
       has  suffered  one  defeat  after  another.                                              nent  can  conduct  powerful  precision  ority.  With Russia defeated, the US will
       The sinking of the cruiser Moskva, the                                                   strikes.  The Ukrainians have used the  be free to pivot entirely to containing
       flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet,                                                 HIMARS rocket system to great effect,  China.  Once this defeat happens the
       was the biggest symbolic loss.  But Rus-                                                 but it does not have the power or range  fate of Russia will be hard to predict.
       sian forces were pushed out of the re-                                                   that  airstrikes  could  give.    While  the   The  Soviet  Union  collapsed  into
       gions near Kharkhiv in the fall, and the                                                 US has so far not been willing to give  15  different  countries  in  1991.    But
       west bank of the Dnieper in the south as                                                 Ukraine  F-16  fighters,  it  has  allowed  Russia  is  not  purely  Russian.    It  has
       winter was setting in.          Ukraine  has  resisted  any  calls  for  negotiations  in  which  Russia  keeps  parts  of  Ukraine   Ukraine to have access to JDAM guid- large  minority  populations  scattered
          For the last three months the front   permanently.  The Ukrainians will probably strike toward the south, between the Crimea and   ed bombs.  These are powerful weap- throughout  its  landmass.    Chechnya
       lines have been basically static.  But un-  the Russian-held territory in the Donbas to the east.  Such a move, if successful, will isolate   ons and can be carried by existing MiG  is  perhaps  the  best  known,  but  there
       derneath what looks like stasis a lot of   Crimea and lead to its recapture by Ukraine – Harvard Gazette  29 Ukrainians fighter jets.  The planes  are several others.  Will Russian defeat
       furious  activity  has  been  taking  place.  how  to  detect  and  destroy  the  Iranian  ily on the small town of Bakhmut, and  can approach a target, go into a climb,  lead to the collapse of the Putin regime

       Putin  attempted  to  take  out  Ukraine’s  made drones that Russia has been using.  the  Ukrainians  have  reinforced  and  and  release  the  bombs.    The  JDAM’s  and the disintegration of Russia?  Can
       electric grid with precision missile and   Putin  called  up  several  hundred  resisted  rather  than  withdraw.    They  can then be sent to precise GPS guided  a liberal democratic Russia be rebuilt
       drone  strikes  on  power  plants.    While  thousand Russian recruits to reinforce  appear to think that Russian losses are  coordinates over 50 miles away.  With  from this collapse, just as the East Eu-
       that caused severe power outages, they  his army last fall.  But these raw troops  enormous in this battle and so are will- this  weapon  system,  Ukraine  can  hit  ropean  nations  transitioned  to  liberal
       were temporary, and Ukraine has been  have received little training or equip- ing to extend the fight for this other- Russian  positions  without  having  to  democracies  and  joined  the  West  in
       able to keep the lights on.  Meanwhile,  ment  and  have  been  used  as  cannon  wise strategically pointless location.  send its fighter jets into Russian con- the 1990’s?  Or will the most likely out-
       it appears that Putin has exhausted his  fodder in a series of pointless assaults   Where does the war go from here?  trolled airspace.  come be an authoritarian and corrupt

       stockpile of precision long range weap- that have gone nowhere.  In particular,  With winter weather lifting in the next   The  timetable  for  all  these  ele- state  that  continues  the  Putin  system
       ons, and the Ukrainians have figured out  the Russians have been pressing heav- six weeks, the open fields will no longer  ments coming together points toward  but without Putin?

        Javed Akhtar Believes Urdu                                                              separated from Hindustan. Now Paki- he  said  that  the  terrorists  responsible
                                                                                                stan said that Kashmir is ours… Will  for the 2008 Mumbai attacks were still
             Belongs to Hindustan                                                               you  believe  that?  I  think,  ‘No’!  Like- “roaming freely” in Pakistan.
                                                                                                wise, Urdu is a Hindustan[i] language
                                                                                                                                  “The  truth  is  that  blaming  each
                                                                                                and it remains [so].”         other  is  not  going  to  work.  We  need
                                                                                                    Akhtar  thinks  the  focus  of  the  to reduce tensions in the region. We’re
             fter  Indian  lyricist  Javed  saying  that  it  doesn’t  belong  to  Paki-        youth has shifted from Urdu and Hindi  from  Mumbai,  we  saw  how  our  city
             Akhtar attended the Faiz Fes- stan or Egypt but to Hindustan. “Urdu                to  English.  “We  must  speak  in  Hindi  was  attacked.  Those  people  weren’t
       A tival  in  Pakistan  last  month  hasn’t  come  from  any  other  place…               because it’s our national language,” he  from Norway, were they? Nor did they
       and left disaster in his wake after mak- It is our own language. It isn’t spoken         said, adding that language is not based  come from Egypt. They are still roam-
       ing some offensive statements, he ap- outside  Hindustan…  Pakistan  also                on  religion,  but  region.  “If  language  ing  around  in  your  country.  If  these
       pears to be ready to court controversy  came  into  existence  after  Partition          was based on religion, then the whole  complaints are in a Hindustani’s heart,
       once again with his recent comments  from India, earlier it was a part of India          of  Europe  would  have  one  language.  you shouldn’t take offence,” he said.
       on Urdu and where it is spoken.  only. So, the language isn’t spoken out-  The Indian lyricist said Pakistan came into   That’s why the language is not of reli-  Actor Resham who was also pres-
          Akhtar and his wife actor Shabana  side Hindustan…” he explained.  existence after Partition, and that language is   gion, but of the region.”  ent at Zafar’s dinner party condemned
       Azmi  recently  launched  an  Urdu  po-  He  highlighted  the  role  Punjab   not based on religion but region   He led the Indian delegation at the  the  lyricist’s  comments.  The  Teefa  in
       etry album called Shayarana — Sartaj.  played in the growth and prominence  leave this language? Because of Parti- Faiz Festival in Lahore in February and  Trouble  actor  himself  said  he  wasn’t
       According  to  Indian  Express,  during  of Urdu in the past. “Punjab has a big  tion? Because of Pakistan? Urdu should  was invited to a dinner hosted at singer  aware of what Akhtar’s “insensitive re-
       the  launch,  the  screenwriter  stressed  contribution  towards  Urdu  and  it  is  be given attention,” he said. “Earlier it  Ali Zafar’s home. A day or so later, a clip  marks” as he wasn’t present at the fes-
       the importance of the Urdu language,  the language of India! But why did you  was only Hindustan — Pakistan later  from his talk at the fest went viral where  tival. -Images

           n By Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy   Balochistan Misunderstood                                  visit circa 1960) I could not figure out  not  a  moment  in  worrying  about
             Islamabad, Pakistan                                                                which of a multiplicity of security or- Gwadaris,  the  original  inhabitants.
                                                                                                ganizations  has  the  top  charge.  Each  Pushed  away  from  the  harbor,  ar-
            ou  mean  they  actually  read  down high-school compound, the GBF  stop. For fear of weakening CPEC, au- protects its own turf and probably has  eas  permitted  for  their  fishing  keep
            books  in  Balochistan?”  My  was unlike the tepid, uninspiring Kara- thorities are hypersensitive about nega- its  own  extra-salary  income  sources.  shrinking. A proposed new road will
       Y Lahori  friend  sounded  skepti- chi-Lahore type of lit-fests. Held in five- tive news. Except for that cleared from  Along  all  highways  and  major  roads,  devastate the local boat construction
       cal.  For  him,  as  for  most  Pakistanis,  star hotels with abundant corporate and  ‘above’,  print  and  TV  media  may  not  hilltops bristle with Omani-style forts  industry.  The  old  town  looks  like  a
                  Balochistan  is  a  war  embassy  funding,  these  are  feel-good  touch Balochistan on anything.  and  fortifications.  Bunkers  and  check  dump, but Rawalpindi doesn’t care.
                  zone  where  people  events with lots of self-congratulations,   None  has  underscored  this  sad  posts are everywhere.  Those  building  the  port  —  the
                  want  guns  not  books.  but topics and speakers deemed contro- fact more brilliantly than a fisherman’s   Passing  through  the  dry-as-dust  Chinese  —  are  invisible.  Locals  hu-
                  But, just back from the  versial are carefully excluded.  son,  Maulana  Hidayat-ur-Rahman  town of Turbat, I wondered what made  morously  call  them  yajooj-majooj.
                  2023  Gwadar  Book    My  friend  was  pleasantly  sur- of  Gwadar’s  Haq  Do  Tehreek.  At  last  the local economy tick. Answer: smug- Instead of romping around the incred-
                  Festival, I told him he  prised to learn that more female stu- year’s  Asma  Jehangir  Conference  in  gling. No attempt — not even the flim- ibly beautiful beaches, they live inside
                  was  not  only  wrong  dents than male students asked ques- Lahore,  he  stole  the  show.  When  a  siest — is made to hide the free flow  that which from afar looks like a prison
       but as wrong as wrong could be. Young  tions  after  my  Gwadar  University  mouse  found  its  way  into  a  halwai’s  of petrol, oil and LNG from across the  camp.  Once  the  project  is  over,  I  am
       Baloch  are  thirsty  to  know;  they  buy  lecture. I had long complained to him  shop  in  Lahore,  he  thundered,  Paki- Iranian border. On their way to Kara- sure they will be anxious to get back
       nearly  three  times  more  books  than  that, over the past 35-40 years, female  stani media was set ablaze. But when  chi and parts of Punjab, pickup trucks  home and savor freedom.
       sold at literary festivals in Karachi, La- students at my old university in Islam- dead  bodies  appear  by  roadsides  in  loaded with fuel-filled jerry cans are the   A  near-accidental  visit  to  the
       hore, or Islamabad.           abad have taken up the veil and turned  Balochistan,  none  dare  whisper.  The  largest fraction of road traffic. Luxury  Gwadar Institute of Technology turned
          More  importantly,  this  festival  into passive listeners, rarely summon- redoubtable maulana, also a Jamaat-i- coaches to Karachi, I was told, have a  out to be a surreal experience. A plaque
       — and others I have attended in Balo- ing the courage to stand up and ask.  Islami leader, is currently under arrest  tank under the chassis containing eight  says this super-modern institution was
       chistan  —  was  organic,  energetic  and   But  if  my  well-read,  well-trav- and  charged  with  murder.  People  say  to ten thousand liters. Pre-assigned cuts  handed  over  by  China  in  2021.  The
       unfettered.  Thankfully,  I  neither  saw  elled, and well-meaning friend was so  he is at the center of a tussle between  warm pockets along the way.  auditoriums, lecture halls, classrooms,
       nor heard support for BLA/BLF terror- consistently wrong, what’s going on in  two agencies, one of which wants him   One fact — more than any other  and laboratories are picture perfect. I
       ists. With a shoestring budget, staffed by  other  minds?  When  news  is  blacked  in, the other out.  — strikes a visitor instantly. The men  counted over 60 training simulators
       young volunteers, and held inside a run- out,  good  news  and  bad  news  both   As  an  outsider  to  Gwadar  (last  who  designed  New  Gwadar  wasted   (Continued on page 23)
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