Page 12 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
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P12 - PAKISTAN  LINK - MARCH 17, 2023                                                                                                       PAKISTAN

       Clashes Erupt in Lahore as Police Try to  Pakistan’s  dollar  bonds  due  in  2031  Council  of  Pakistan  Newspaper  Edi-  Expressing  his  concern  over  the  reek-i-Taliban Pakistan], but not with
              Arrest  Imran Khan     rose 0.2 cents on the dollar on Friday,  tors (CPNE) at the PM House.  grim  state  of  affairs  in  the  country,  the  thieves,”  said  Mr  Iqbal,  adding  if
          (Continued from page 1)    snapping seven days of losses.   However,  PM  Shehbaz  had  also  President  Arif  Alvi  has  already,  on  a  Mr  Khan  is  backtracking  from  this
       the  country’s  major  cities,  including   A pact with the IMF would also  lamented that he had invited PTI for  number of occasions offered his servic- previous  stance  then  it  was  good  for
       Karachi,  Islamabad,  the  garrison  city  open up access to other financing av- talks  on  two  occasions  in  the  recent  es for mediation to cool down political  the country.
       of  Rawalpindi,  Peshawar,  Quetta  and  enues for Pakistan, which only has re- past,  but  the  party  did  not  turn  up.  temperatures in the country.  However, he warned, talks could
       elsewhere in Pakistan.        serves for a few weeks of imports and  “Though  politicians  always  resort  to   “We are in a very grim and chaotic  not be held on gunpoint. He said if Mr
          For  18  hours,  police  were  firing  whose currency is one of the weakest  dialogue, PTI has a history of not re- situation. The onus is now on the gov- Khan  wanted  talks  only  on  his  own
       tear gas at the house as the 70-year-old  performers in Asia.  sponding positively in this regard,” he  ernment, and on those who have guns  terms  and  conditions,  then  it  would
       opposition  leader’s  supporters  hurled   Dar didn’t the name the countries  noted… - Dawn  and sitting in power, whether they have  become difficult for them to hold po-
       rocks and bricks at the officers. The up- who  made  commitments  but  Saudi             acquired  it  legally  or  illegally,  this  is  litical dialogue.
       scale area of Zaman Park where Khan  Arabia,  the  United  Arab  Emirates,  Court Declines to Suspend Imran Khan’s  another debate,” said Mr Faraz, adding:   Mr  Iqbal  refuted  the  impression
       lives  was  under  siege  since  Tuesday.  Qatar  and  China  have  helped  in  re-  Arrest Warrant  “It is not only the responsibility of the  that the government wanted to arrest
       The government was sending addition- cent months and weeks by rolling over   (Continued from page 1)  government  [to  respond  positively],  Mr Khan, stating that had the govern-
       al  police  to  tackle  the  situation  after  debts and giving dollar deposits and oil  It  further  said  that  many  people  had  it is incumbent upon it in view of the  ment been following an agenda of po-
       hundreds of Khan’s supporters showed  on  credit.  In  early  March,  the  Indus- been  injured  and  vehicles  had  been  country’s  political,  economic  and  so- litical vendetta it would have arrested
       unexpected perseverance.      trial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.  damaged in executing the arrest war- cial situation.”  Mr Khan much earlier.
          Early Wednesday, Khan emerged  released $500 million to Pakistan as the  rant and the PTI chief had “challenged   Realizing the gravity of the crisis,   Civil  society  representative  and
       from his house to meet with his sup- first installment of a $1.3 billion loan.  the dignity and writ of the state”.  the PTI senator said they had seen civil  president Pakistan Institute for Legis-
       porters, who faced tear gas and police   Pakistan’s  government  has  com-  “Brutal  force  has  been  used  in  wars  and  the  fragmentation  of  other  lative Development and Transparency
       batons  the  whole  night  to  save  him  pleted all IMF demands, Dar said. The  obstruction of police officials for dis- countries in the past.  (Pildat) Ahmed Bilal Mehboob termed
       from  arrest.  He  said  he  was  ready  to  government has taken tough measures  charge of their duty and after creating   He also regretted that everything  it a “pleasant change” in Mr Khan and a
       travel to Islamabad on March 18 under  including  raising  taxes,  energy  prices  such  [a]  state  of  affairs,  the  applicant  had  become  “Imran-centric”  in  the  “positive development” which, accord-
       his  arrest  warrant,  but  police  did  not  and  interest  rates  to  unlock  funding  may not claim suspension of the war- country. “Be it media, be it courts or  ing to him, was long overdue.
       accept the offer.             from its IMF loan program.   rant […],” the order said.    the whole state machinery”, he said, all   “I think, it should be reciprocated
          The confrontation outside Khan’s   The  government’s  popularity  has   It further said: “Keeping in view  are focused only on Imran Khan, in- by  each  other  and  they  should  start
       house continued.              plummeted in an opinion survey with  [the] law and order situation created by  stead of paying attention to the other  talks immediately,” he said, adding that
          The  former  premier  has  avoided  the  majority  of  respondents  blaming  the applicant, he has lost some of the  major public issues, like devaluation of  no  one  should  discourage  Mr  Khan
       appearances  before  the  court  since  prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and his  normal rights granted by procedural as  currency, inflation and unemployment. over this “change” and he should not
       November, when he was wounded in a  ministers for the economic crisis while  well as substantive laws and he has to   Responding  to  a  question,  Mr  be  taunted  for  his  previous  U-turns.
       gun attack at a protest rally in the east- showing support for his arch-rival Im- actually surrender before the court due  Faraz said the government needed to  Instead,  he  said,  Mr  Khan  should  be
       ern Punjab province, claiming he was  ran Khan. The former premier’s grow- to his defiance of [the] court process.  take some concrete confidence build- encouraged.
       not medically fit to travel from Lahore  ing popularity may force Sharif’s coali- Such  eventuality  is  never  appreciated  ing measures (CBMs) to show its sin-  The  Pildat  chief  was  of  the  view
       to Islamabad to face indictment.  tion to boost welfare spending to woo  by the court and it is regarded as will- cerity. The biggest CBM, according to  that they had “somewhat lucky” to have
          Last week, he went to Islamabad to  voters ahead of elections later this year,  ful default.”  him,  would  be  withdrawal  of  all  the  averted a “serious mishap” as whatever
       appear before three courts, but he failed  Bloomberg  Economics  analyst  Ankur   The order said that law was equal  “bogus  and  concocted  cases”  against  happened  in  Lahore  over  the  past  few
       to appear before the fourth court to face  Shukla wrote last month.  for the powerful and weak segments of  Mr Khan as he said dialogue would not  days had the potential to create a “huge
       indictment in the graft case, which is a   And  that  would  break  its  com- society and “it is not a fun (sic) to ten- be  possible,  if  the  government  would  tragedy”, adding it would be good for the
       legal process for starting his trial.  mitments to the IMF on fiscal consoli- der such an undertaking after causing  continue to drag Mr Khan in courts.  country and democracy if this realiza-
          Khan has claimed that the string  dation  and  potentially  jeopardize  aid  such a great loss to the public exche-  “How  can  you  push  the  coun- tion on both the sides is genuine. - Dawn
       of  cases  against  him,  which  includes  from the institution, he added.  quer as well as damage to persons and  try’s biggest political party against the
       terrorism  charges,  are  a  plot  by  the   The  IMF  has  not  indicated  that  property”.  wall?” he added.           Pakistan, US Reaffirm Commitment to
       government  of  his  successor,  Prime  political uncertainty is causing any de-  The order said a “poor nation” had   Promote Economic Growth, Energy Security
       Minister  Shahbaz  Sharif,  to  discredit  lay in reviving the bailout, Sharif told  spent millions of rupees for executing   ‘Can’t close doors on dialogue’  (Continued from page 1)
       the former cricket star turned Islamist  reporters  earlier  this  week.  “We  have  the warrant due to Imran’s conduct. It   The government responded to Mr  He  encouraged  further  investment  in
       politician.                   accepted  all  the  conditions,  the  very  ended  by  saying  that  the  application  Khan’s apparent change of heart with a  the  country’s  energy  infrastructure,
          He said Khan could consider vol- tough  conditions  set  by  the  IMF,”  he  was “not justified by law as well as fact”  caution, stating that it is ready to en- adding  that  this  would  also  help  the
       untarily offering his arrest, “but let us  said. – Bloomberg  and was hereby rejected.   gage  the  cricketer-turned-politician,  transition towards clean energy.
       talk first.”                                                   The sessions court was set to in- but  at  the  same  time  warned  that  it   Likewise, Pyatt appreciated Paki-
          Fawad Chaudhry, another senior   Imran ‘Ready to Talk  to Anyone’    dict Imran in the reference on Feb 28,  would  not  allow  anyone  to  challenge  stan  for  its  “forward-looking”  renew-
       party leader, said Khan’s legal team was   as PM Calls for Unity   but his lawyer had requested the judge  the writ of the state.  able energy policy.
       in the process of submitting a request   (Continued from page 1)  that he be exempted from the hearing   “Can  a  government  say  no  to   PM  Shehbaz  also  welcomed  the
       to the Islamabad High Court to have  democracy,” Imran tweeted today. “In  because  he  had  to  appear  in  several  talks?  No  democratic  government  ongoing dialogue and cooperation be-
       warrants  against  Khan  suspended.  this regard, I am willing to talk to any- other  courts.  His  indictment  was  de- can close the doors for dialogue,” said  tween the two countries in areas such
       Khan’s lawyers were also legally chal- one and take every step towards it.”  ferred multiple times before.  Pakistan  Peoples  Party  (PPP)  leader  as trade and investment, health, secu-
       lenging  the  warrants  before  another   “I  want  to  express  my  heartfelt   The  judge  had  subsequently  is- and  Climate  Change  Minister  Sherry  rity and climate change.
       Islamabad court Tuesday.      gratitude to the people of Pakistan who  sued  non-bailable  arrest  warrants  for  Rehman, when contacted.  Meanwhile,  US  State  Depart-
          From  inside  his  home,  Khan  joined us in the struggle for true free- Imran  and  instructed  the  police  to   “We need to think of the country  ment Assistant Secretary for Oceans,
       urged his followers to fight on even if  dom and to our workers from all over  present him in court by March 7. The  and not egos. Political divides are cre- Environment,  and  Science  Monica
       he is arrested. “They think this nation  Pakistan, including Lahore,” he added  PTI chief managed to dodge the arrest  ating  fault  lines  which  are  dangerous  Medina,  who  is  also  in  Pakistan  on
       will  fall  asleep  when  Imran  Khan  is  in another tweet.  and  later  approached  the  Islamabad  for the country particularly at vulner- an  official  visit,  informed  the  prime
       jailed,” he wrote on Twitter. “You need                    High Court (IHC) for the cancellation  able moment,” she said.  minister during the meeting that she
       to prove them wrong.”         Shehbaz calls for unity      of the warrants.                  Ms Rehman, however, showed her  was leading a delegation for meetings
          Police  said  reinforcements  were   Meanwhile,  PM  Shehbaz  called   However, when the police reached  reluctance in calling Mr Khan’s change  of the Pak-US Climate and Environ-
       on their way to Khan’s house to bring  for  national  unity  among  the  politi- Imran’s  Zaman  Park  residence  in  La- in the tone “a welcome development”,  ment Working Group.
       the situation under control.  cal leadership to address the country’s  hore to arrest him on Tuesday, they were  stating that the PPP would like to see   She praised the “commitment and
          TV footage showed tear gas shells  challenges. He made the remarks while  met with resistance, leading to two-day  “some  consistency”  in  his  behavior,  dedication with which the government
       falling inside Khan’s house.  speaking in the Senate during a session  pitched  battles  between  PTI  support- keeping  in  view  the  past  where  “one  of Pakistan had responded to the con-
          Angered over the expected arrest  to mark its golden jubilee celebration.  ers and law enforcement agencies. The  day he says one thing and then in the  sequences of the last year’s devastating
       of  Khan,  his  supporters  took  to  the   In  his  speech,  the  premier  said  clashes  ultimately  subsided  after  the  next 10 hours he says something else.”  floods”.
       streets across Pakistan, blocking some  economic  stability  could  not  be  courts intervened on Wednesday.  “So,  if  this  is  consistent  path  of   Principal Deputy Assistant Secre-
       key roads near Islamabad while asking  achieved without political stability. He          late  maturity  then  we  would  like  to  tary for South Central Asia Elizabeth
       the government to refrain from arrest- claimed the coalition government had   Can Newfound Flexibility Help    see some demonstration of it”, said the  Horst, Development Finance Corpora-
       ing Khan.                     sacrificed their politics for the sake of   Bridge Govt-PTI Gulf?  minister, while making it clear that no  tion Chief Climate Officer Jake Levine
          “We  will  arrest  this  man  on  the  the  country  by  taking  up  the  mantle   (Continued from page 1)  one could be allowed to challenge the  and US Ambassador to Pakistan Don-
       court order and he ran away to avoid  during tough economic times…  “uplift,  interest  and  democracy”,  se- writ of the state and the “behavior that  ald Blome also attended the meeting.
       arrest,”  said  Interior  Minister  Rana   Amid  unrest,  Shehbaz  offers  to  nior PTI leader Shibli Faraz termed Mr  we are above the law is unacceptable.”  The senior US diplomats affirmed
       Sanaullah Khan, who is not related to  parley with Imran   Khan’s tweet the result of a “change” in   On the other hand, Pakistan Mus- the Biden administration’s desire to en-
       the former premier. He said Khan will   A day earlier, PM Shehbaz had ex- the party policy, stating that the pres- lim  League-Nawaz  (PML-N)  senior  hance Pakistan-US cooperation in the
       be produced before the court. – AP   tended an olive branch to Imran Khan,  ent stalemate had paralyzed the coun- leader  and  Planning  Minister  Ah- areas of trade and investment, health,
                                     emphasizing  that  all  political  forces  try which was not moving forward and  san  Iqbal  “welcomed”  Mr  Khan’s  an- security and climate change.
        IMF Wants Friendly  Nations to Give   will have to sit for dialogue to rid the  was in “freefall”.  nouncement,  stating  that  the  present   The meeting was attended by Fi-
          Funds to Pakistan before Deal  country  of  the  ongoing  political  and   Mr Khan’s tweet came a day after  government  had  always  stressed  the  nance  Minister  Ishaq  Dar,  Economic
            (Continued from page 1)  economic crises.             Prime  Minister  Shehbaz  Sharif  had  need  for  resolving  political  disputes  Affairs Minister Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, Cli-
       stan that’s racing against time to avoid   “All political forces will have to sit  emphasized  that  all  political  forces  through dialogue.  mate Change Minister Sherry Rehman,
       a default. The country needs to repay  together to take the country forward,”  would have to sit for dialogue to rid the   “We  welcome  it.  Previously  he  Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal, Power
       about $3 billion of debt by June, while  the premier had said while addressing  country  of  the  ongoing  political  and  [Imran] used to say that he is ready to  Minister  Khurram  Dastgir  and  other
       $4 billion is expected to be rolled over.  a meeting held with a delegation of the  economic crises.  hold  talks  with  India  and  TTP  [Teh- senior officials. - APP
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