Page 10 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 10
Dar Slams 'Uncustomary' IMF Attitude, Snubs Supreme Court Bar Association Condemns
Demand for Abandoning Long-Range Missiles ‘Excessive Use of Force’ against Imran
ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court is incumbent upon all citizens to obey
the Prime Minister’s Office also issued Bar Association of Pakistan (SCBAP) orders passed by all courts,” the state-
a statement to clear the air about the has condemned all violations of the law ment said. SCBAP emphasized that
nuclear program and its safety. and “any excesses committed by law the state must focus on, and ensure
“Pakistan's nuclear and missile enforcement agencies or anybody who implementation of, the judgement of
program is a national asset, which is has taken the law in their own hands”. the Supreme Court and must make ar-
jealously guarded by the State,” said The statement, issued by SCBAP rangements for the holding of elections
the PM’s Office. The entire program is President Abid S. Zuberi and Secre- as per the directive of the top court and
totally secure, foolproof, and under no tary Muqtedir Akhtar Shabbir, said “not create unnecessary law and order
stress or pressure whatsoever, it added. the association stood for rule of law, situation under any pretext”.
The nuclear and missile program the constitution and the dignity of the The apex court’s judgement is
continues to fully serve the purpose for judgements issued by the courts. “Any binding on all and every authority
which this capability was developed, form of violence is not acceptable in a under the law and the constitution to
said the PM’s Office. democratic country governed by rule assist the Election Commission of Pak-
Finance Minister Ishaq Dar addresses the Senate on March 16 — Screengrab The Office stated that, in the wake of law and the Constitution. istan (ECP) to hold free, fair and trans-
of all recent statements, press releases, The use of excessive force against parent elections.
ISLAMABAD: Pointing out the "un- sadors of many nations. and queries, various assertions regard- the former prime minister of Pakistan The statement went on to state
customary" attitude of the Interna- It is for the first time that the fi- ing Pakistan's nuclear and missile pro- is highly condemned. Furthermore, the that the refusal of the state to provide
tional Monetary Fund (IMF), Finance nance minister has brought the issue of gram were being circulated on social method of service of warrants is also adequate funds and relevant support
Minister Ishaq Dar on Thursday the range of nuclear missiles into the and print media, wherein even a tra- highly arbitrary, vindictive and not in for the purpose of holding elections
snubbed the demand for abandoning public sphere. In private conversations, ditional routine visit of DG IAEA Ra- accordance with [the] law. Therefore, on the pretext of security concerns
long-range nuclear missiles. He said some Pakistani authorities had said fael Mariano Grossi was portrayed in a such violence must be stopped forth- amounts to an open violation of the
that nobody has any right to tell Paki- that there was a longstanding demand negative light. Dar also spoke about the with,” the statement said. “Every per- judgment of the Supreme Court as well
stan what range of missiles it can have. by a Western country to abandon the delay in reaching a staff-level deal with son must be treated in accordance with as the constitution. It is high time that
The minister’s highly unusual long-range nuclear missile program. the IMF, saying the delay was “not on [the] law and due process must be ad- all the stakeholders sit together and
statement came amid Pakistan’s re- Shaheen-III is Pakistan’s long- the part of the government”. opted. amicably resolve their political differ-
newed efforts to mend ties with China, range nuclear missile having the ca- “It looks like each time the review Law enforcement agencies must ences in accordance with the law in the
which has lately saved Islamabad from pability to take nuclear warheads to is a new program which is very uncus- not use excessive force and citizens best interest of the country, it added. –
default by refinancing two commercial 2,750-kilometer distance, covering the tomary with the IMF,” said Dar. must not initiate confrontation or The Express Tribune
loans. But Islamabad is still waiting whole of India and parts of the Middle The still-incomplete talks for the damage public and private property. It
for the rollover of a $2 billion Chinese East. ninth review began on January 31,
deposit that is maturing on March 23, Dar assured that “nobody is going which had to be finished on February
Pakistan Day. to compromise anything on the nucle- 9 but are yet to conclude. GB and Punjab Police Did Not Clash Outside
“Nobody has any right to tell Pak- ar or missile program of Pakistan — no “It has been an extensive engage-
istan what range of missiles it can have way”. His categorical statement may ment, unusual, too lengthy, too long, Zaman Park, Punjab IGP Reiterates
and what nuclear weapons it can have. end the debate whether Pakistan will and too demanding but we have com-
We have to have our own deterrence,” eventually compromise on its nuclear pleted everything,” said Dar while air-
said Dar while speaking during a spe- arsenals in return for the IMF program. ing his frustration regarding the IMF…
cial Senate session in front of ambas- Hours after Ishaq Dar’ statement, – The Express Tribune
Anti-democracy Conspirators party in the country had a leader like
Nawaz Sharif, when it came to bravery
Still Active, Says Maryam and vision.
Later, talking to the party’s youth
wing and social media representatives,
she said the youth was the backbone of
the PML-N and if elections were de-
layed, she would start organizing the
youth wing from Phoolnagar.
Rana Sanaullah said the country
was on the road to rapid progress in the Punjab Inspector General of Police (IGP) Usman Anwar
90s, but today it was facing the worst
crisis of its history due to a “person who LAHORE: Punjab Inspector General of ing to ARY News today, stating: “Let
is working on someone else’s agenda,” Police (IGP) Usman Anwar on Thurs- me clarify that those who wear the
in a reference to PTI chairman. day again denied that Gilgit-Baltistan uniform of the state do not fight one
The interior minister said terror- (GB) Police and Punjab Police clashed another.”
ism was eliminated during the era of outside Imran Khan’s Zaman Park resi- “The state is one unit, and all
Nawaz Sharif. dence in Lahore as claimed by the fed- the institutions who don the uniform
PML-N chief organizer and Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz addresses a party He said the current wave of infla- eral government a day earlier. protect every inch of the state and will
convention at Phoolnagar, Kasur, on Wednesday — PML-N/Twitter tion in the country was the outcome of On Wednesday, Federal Informa- continue to do so. I want to be very
the “wrong policies” of the PTI govern- tion Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb clear that no police [force] can or ever
KASUR: PML-N chief organizer and Chairman Imran Khan, nothing could ment and the agreements signed with alleged that the GB police personnel has gone against the police of [another
Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz stop his arrest. IMF during the party’s tenure. were being pitted against the Punjab province],” Anwar said.
has said the country was yet to get rid She also said PML-N was strug- He claimed that PML-N would police as the latter attempted to arrest “The state is not weak. Pakistan’s
of the characters hatching conspiracies gling and was in the arena not to win take the country out of the present cri- PTI chief Imran Khan from his Zaman two forces have not clashed with each
against democracy, and the followers of the elections, but to save the country. sis. Park residence in Lahore. other. This nation is one and the state is
‘Baba Rehmat’ have now replaced the The PML-N leader said that Im- Presiding over a meeting which The then GB IGP, Muhammad standing strong. All uniformed forces
RTS (result transmission system), her ran Khan was using his party workers reviewed the organizational structure Saeed, was subsequently transferred are united and one.”
party blames for its defeat in 2018 elec- to avert his arrest “like a coward”. and performance of the PML-N’s La- from his post despite Punjab IGP hav- However, he said that the security
tions. Lamenting clashes between police hore division chapter, she said: “We ing already deemed claim of confronta- detail assigned to a chief minister or
She was addressing a workers’ and the PTI workers, she asserted that will contest and win election as we tion between police personnel from the a minister was duty-bound to protect
convention at Phoolnagar, the constit- the followers of Imran Khan were not have never accepted selection.” two provinces as “baseless”. them.
uency of former speaker of the Punjab injuring police personnel, but insulting She said Nawaz Sharif was the The Punjab IGP had told Dawn Meanwhile, GB Chief Minister
Assembly Rana Iqbal, on Wednesday. courts of law and the country’s judicial leader, who always protected his work- that no clash or confrontation oc- Khalid Khurshid also denied the al-
Interior minister Rana Sanaullah, local system. ers. “He (Nawaz) has been a shield to curred with GB police anywhere in Za- legations put forward by Aurangzeb
PML-N leaders and office-bearers were Ms Nawaz said her party was the workers, unlike the man hiding man Park, adding that GB policemen in her address. “I am surrounded by
also present. striving to balance the scale of justice behind the workers, women folk and had not pointed their guns at Lahore responsible officers who understand
Referring to the PTI, she said her and that was the “true honor of the children,” she said referring to Imran police personnel. what court orders are and they know
party was facing a “terrorist outfit” vote”. Khan. “When Lahore police was en- what is the color of the rangers uni-
rather than a political party. She claimed that only the PML-N Meanwhile, Hamza Shahbaz on gaged for the purpose, the GB police form,” he said.
She said nothing was more pow- had the potential to protect the inter- Wednesday submitted his nomination had gone (back),” he had said. “The security that went there were
erful than the state or government and ests of Pakistan and its federating units. papers for three city constituencies – Punjab IGP Anwar today again my own officers who were there to pro-
if, the states decided today to arrest PTI She also claimed that no other PP-146, PP-147 and PP-163 . dispelled that allegation while speak- tect me.” he said. - Dawn