Page 14 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 14

P14 - PAKISTAN  LINK - MARCH 17, 2023                                                                                                    COMMUNITY

       ISLAMABAD: The United States gov-  US Govt Announces 500 New Scholarships                                              ers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, and
       ernment  on  Tuesday  announced  500                                                                                   daughters. It is also a call to action to
       new  scholarships  for  Pakistani  uni-  for Flood-Affected Students in Pakistan                                       accelerate  gender  parity  and  to  dis-
       versity  students  from  flood-affected                                                                                mantle  gender  stereotypes,”  the  press
       districts to “assist them in completing                                                                                release quoted Ambassador Blome as
       their degrees”.                                                                                                        saying.
          The  calamitous  Pakistan  floods                                                                                       HEC  Chairman  Dr  Mukhtar
       of  2022  were  the  tenth  most  expen-                                                                               Ahmed remarked that the US govern-
       sive climate disaster to have buffeted                                                                                 ment’s support to strategic sectors in
       a  nation  over  the  last  decade.  The                                                                               Pakistan, especially the higher educa-
       floods  inflicted  an  estimated  loss  of                                                                             tion sector, was “commendable”.
       $3 billion on the country, caused over                                                                                     “Not only have these scholarships
       1,700 deaths and displaced eight mil-                                                                                  helped secure university education for
       lion people. In January, international                                                                                 many underprivileged students, lifting
       donors  met  in  Geneva  and  commit-                                                                                  themselves  and  their  families  out  of
       ted over $9bn to help Pakistan recover                                                                                 poverty, they have helped supply Paki-
       from the flood but the United Nations                                                                                  stan with crucial skills and knowledge
       said a day ago that so far donors have                                                                                 sets to drive the economy,” he added.
       fulfilled only 40 per cent of the pledg-                                                                                   “Pakistan  has  suffered  from
       es they made.                                                                                                          catastrophic  floods  where  millions
          A press release issued from the US                                                                                  of people lost their homes and liveli-
       embassy in Islamabad said US Ambas-                                                                                    hoods. The humanitarian response by
       sador  Donald  Blome  announced  the                                                                                   the United States and other donors is
       scholarships  at  an  event  “celebrating                                                                              commendable.  We  welcome  US  sup-
       the achievements of female scholars in                                                                                 port  for  flood-affected  students,”  the
       honor of International Women’s Day”                                                                                    press  release  quoted  the  planning
       at the Higher Education Commission                                                                                     minister as saying. Jennifer Andleeb,
       (HEC).                                                                                                                 a scholarship alumna, shared the chal-
          Present  at  the  event  were  Plan-                                                                                lenges  she  faced  in  attaining  higher
       ning  Minister  Ahsan  Iqbal,  HEC  A US embassy event to celebrate female scholars in Islamabad on Tuesday — US embassy in Pakistan website  education  and  how  her  scholarship
       Chairman  Dr  Mukhtar  Ahmed,  Na-                                                                                     “transformed  the  trajectory  of  her
       tional Disaster Management Author- chancellors, students and alumni.  It  added  that  in  partnership  part of the US government’s support  life”.
       ity  Chairman  Lieutenant  General   “The  United  States,  through  with  the  HEC,  the  US  government  for  women’s  higher  education,”  the   “She  emphasized  that  positive
       Inam  Haider  Malik,  HEC  Executive  USAID,  has  supported  scholarships  has  awarded  over  6,000  scholarships  press release stated.  changes  in  society  could  only  hap-
       Director  Dr  Shaista  Sohail,  United  for meritorious yet financially disad- through  the  Merit  and  Needs  Based   “International  Women’s  Day  not  pen  by  investing  in  education,  and
       States  Agency  for  International  De- vantaged  students  to  pursue  higher  Scholarship Program.  only  serves  as  a  day  to  celebrate  the  that empowered, educated women are
       velopment  (USAID)  Mission  Direc- education  at  top  Pakistani  universi-  “Sixty per cent of those scholar- social, economic, cultural, and politi- critical  to  ensuring  a  brighter  future
       tor Reed Aeschliman, university vice  ties,” the press release reads.  ships have been awarded to women as  cal achievements made by our moth- for Pakistan,” the press release reads.

       Month, Assemblywoman Cottie Pet- Three Inspiring Orange County Leaders                                                  tie Petrie-Norris for the work that my
       IRVINE:  Marking Women’s History
                                                                                                                               team  and  I  have  been  deeply  com-
       rie-Norris has named Jennifer Friend                                                                                    mitted  to  providing  a  whole-person
       (Costa  Mesa),  Dr  Shaista  Malik  (Ir-  Honored as Women of the Year                                                  approach to patient care,” Dr Shaista
       vine) and Dr Samar Aziz (Tustin) as                                                                                     Malik  said.  “Receiving  this  award
       the 2023 Women of the Year Honor-                                                                                       is  a  testament  to  the  importance  of
       ees.                                                                                                                    whole  health  and  the  contributions
           Assemblywoman  Petrie-Norris                                                                                        of women in this field. I want to use
       hosted her 5th annual Women of the                                                                                      this recognition as an opportunity to
       Year  event  on  Thursday,  March  9,                                                                                   continue  advocating  for  healthcare
       2023. It is an annual recognition cer-                                                                                  quality, equity and access for all, and
       emony  where  community  members                                                                                        to inspire others to engage in integra-
       are  invited  to  celebrate  the  extraor-                                                                              tive whole person health.”
       dinary  leadership  and  contributions                                                                                     “I am very proud to be nominat-
       of three incredible women, one from                                                                                     ed and selected as the Tustin woman
       each city the Assemblywoman repre-                                                                                      of the year representative on interna-
       sents in the 73rd District.                                                                                             tional Woman’s Day,” Dr Samar Aziz
           This year’s event was hosted and                                                                                    said. “I’ve lived in Tustin for 30 years
       sponsored  by  Irvine-based  Alteryx,                                                                                   and  it’s  an  honor  to  be  serving  my
       the world’s leading data science and                                                                                    community and make a huge differ-
       analytics company serving the most                                                                                      ence in families’ lives. I am truly hon-
       influential global brands. Alteryx was                                                                                  ored to be visited by assembly mem-
       co-founded by Olivia “Libby” Duane                                                                                      ber Cottie Petrie Norris and give her
       Adams, who also serves as the com-                                                                                      a tour of Sabil USA. Sabil is a health
       pany’s Chief Advocacy Officer. Dur-                                                                                     and  human  services  nonprofit  that
       ing the event, Libby was also honored                                                                                   strives to improve families’ quality of
       by  the  Assemblywoman  for  her  ac-                                                                                   life  by  rapidly  providing  them  with
       complishments as one of handful of                                                                                      equitable  food,  health  and  financial
       female  founders  to  take  a  technol-                                                                                 security with dignity and respect.”
       ogy company public and for making                                                                                          Assemblywoman  Cottie  Pet-
       transformational  change  within  her                                                                                   rie-Norris  represents  California’s
       workforce and through the business   Assemblywoman Petrie-Norris joined by honorees Jennifer Friend, Dr Shaista Malik, Dr Samar Aziz and Alteryx co-founder Olivia   73rd  District  including  Irvine,
       community.                    (Libby) Duane Adams                                                                       Tustin  and  Costa  Mesa.  She  is  the
           The event was sponsored by the                                                                                      Chair  of  the  Accountability  and
       Girl  Scouts  of  Orange  County  who  and Tustin Council Member Rebec-  trailblazers  in  our  community  who  disruptive  work  being  done  by  my  Administrative  Review  Committee
       led  the  opening  of  the  program  by  ca Gomez, as well as corporate and  do so much work in our cities, mak-  colleagues  at  Project  Hope  Alliance  and  a  member  of  Banking  and  Fi-
       presenting  the  colors,  leading  the  non-profit  leaders,  educators  and  ing them a very special place to live.”  everyday as they walk alongside our  nance  Committee;  Jobs,  Economic
       pledge of allegiance and performing  law enforcement officials.  said  Assemblywoman  Cottie  Petrie-  community's children and youth fill-  Development,  and  the  Economy
       the National Anthem. Girls Inc. were   The  Assemblywoman  opened  Norris (D-Irvine). “These three hon-  ing  in  the  gaps  and  eliminating  the  Committee;  Revenue  &  Taxation
       also  sponsors  of  this  event  which  the event by recognizing the incredi-  orees are working each and every day  barriers that homelessness causes in  Committee  and  Veterans  Commit-
       served  as  an  opportunity  for  the  ble role women play in their commu-  to find a solution. I walked away from  their lives. Because of them, and our  tee. After working her way through
       young girls to meet and learn about  nities. She said that the Women of the  this event filled with so much inspira-  partners like the City of Costa Mesa  Yale  University,  where  she  double
       the incredible women in their com-  Year celebration is one of her favorite  tion and hope.”   and  Newport  Mesa  Unified  School  majored in Economics and English,
       munities  and  to  find  opportunities  events because she enjoys shining the   "I  am  humbled  by  this  recog-  District, together we truly are ending  Cottie had a successful 20-year ca-
       for mentorship.               light on women that deserve recogni-  nition  from  Assemblywoman  Cot-  the cycle of homelessness, one child  reer in finance and technology. She
           The  event  was  attended  by  tion  for  their  accomplishments  and  tie  Petrie-Norris,”  Jennifer  Friend  at a time."  helped to build businesses and led
       Costa  Mesa  Mayor  John  Stephens,  leadership.            said.  “This  award  reflects  the  deep,   “It  is  a  profound  honor  to  be  teams at Fortune 500 corporations,
       Irvine  Vice  Mayor  Tammy  Kim,   “We  have  so  many  incredible  transformational  and  generationally  recognized by Assemblywoman Cot-  small companies and start-ups.
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