Page 17 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 17

COMMENTARY                                                                                                            PAKISTAN  LINK - MARCH 17, 2023 - P17
               Prophet Muhammad on Minimalism:                                                    Gems from the Holy Qur’an

        Seeking Inspiration from Our Beloved Prophet

                                                                   to walk with its support and jump onto
                                                                   his ride (camel or horse) using it. He
                                                                   would then hang it on the side of his
                                                                      6. A wooden bowl with hooks
                                                                      7. A glass bowl
                                                                      8. A bowl that he kept under his
                                                                   bed at night (for urinating)
                                                                      9. Water bottle (mushk) and a pot
                                                                   (made out of stone) for making wudu
                                                                      10. A pot for washing hands and a
                                                                   pot for washing his clothes
                                                                      11. A bottle of oil            From the translation     and nought do We bestow from on
                                                                      12.  A  bag  in  which  he  kept  his   by Muhammad Asad   high unless it be in accordance with
                                                                   mirror  and  comb  (made  out  of  teak   (Leopold Weiss)  a measure well-defined.
                                                                   wood)                             About the translator:        And We let loose the winds to
              n By Umm Ahmed         ing up in his presence or from kneeling   13. Kohl powder (Surma Asmad)                  fertilize [plants], and We send down
               Abu Dhabi, UAE        down to him in respect. He lived in a  and a vial for containing it (He would   Muhammad  Asad,  Leopold  water  from  the  skies  and  let  you
                                     simple house and ate simple food. De- apply it thrice in each eye, before going   Weiss, was born of Jewish parents  drink thereof: and it is not you who
            rophet Muhammad, peace and  spite being a prophet and a person of  to bed. And he encouraged his people   in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in  dispose of its source – for, behold, it
            blessings  be  upon  him,  had  a  significant following, he never used his  to use it, too.)  1900, and at the age of 22 made his  is We – we alone – who grant life and
       P simplistic and minimalistic ap- influence to live a life of ease. Rather,   14.  2  pairs  of  scissors  and  a   first  visit  to  the  Middle  East.  He  deal  death,  and  it  is  We  alone  who
       proach towards life, so much so that he  he lived a life not of affluence but of hu- miswaak  later  became  an  outstanding  for- shall  remain  after  all  else  will  have
       would confess to Allah that he would  mility and modesty.      15. A huge bowl with 4 hooks (so   eign  correspondent  for  the  Fran- passed away!
       rather fast one day and eat one day, so   Narrated  Abu  Huraira,  the  Mes- huge that it needed to be carried by 4   furter  Zeitung,  and  after  years  of   And  well  do  We  know  [the
       that on the day that he fasts, he would  senger of Allah, please and blessings be  people)  devoted study became one of the  hearts  and  deeds  of  all  human  be-
       call out to Him and on the day he chose  upon him, said:       16. Bed made out of leather filled   leading  Muslim  scholars  of  our  ings – both] those who lived before
       to eat he would thank his lord for His   "If I had gold equal to the moun- with date tree bark, its legs were made   age.  His  translation  of  the  Holy  you  and  those  who  will  come  after
       abundant favors and blessings. Subha- tain of Uhud, it would not please me  out of teak wood    Qur’an  is  one  of  the  most  lucid  you; and, behold, it is thy Sustainer
       nAllah, Glory be to Allah.    that anything of it should remain with   Although it is not entirely possi-  and well-referenced works in this  who will gather them all together [on
          "Indeed, in the Messenger of Al- me  after  three  nights  (i.e.,  I  would  ble to replicate the use of some of these   category,  dedicated  to  “li-qaw- Judgment Day]: verily, He is wise, all-
       lah, you have an excellent example for  spend all of it in Allah's Cause) except  items, in reality, the idea is to under-  min  yatafakkaroon”  (people  who  knowing!
       whoever has hope in Allah and the Last  what I would keep for repaying debts."  stand, learn and teach from the plain-  think).  Forwarded  by  Dr  Ismat
       Day, and remembers Allah often."  (Sahih al-Bukhari)        ness  of  the  character  of  our  Prophet,   Kamal.           Chapter 15, Verses 45-48
          (Surah al-Ahzaab, 33:21)      Reflecting  on  the  simplicity  of  may peace and blessings be upon him.                 Verily, those who are conscious
          From  the  obvious  beauty  of  his  our  beloved,  peace  and  blessings  be   Our  Prophet's,  may  peace  and   Chapter 15, Verse 9  of  God  [shall  find  themselves  in
       character to his appealing, humble and  upon him, leaves us in awe of where we  blessings  be  upon  him,  views  on  the   Behold, it is We Ourselves who  the  hereafter]  amidst  gardens  and
       simplistic outlook on life, there are in- stand.  There  is  indeed  much  to  learn  laws of Inheritance for his own family   have bestowed from on high, step by  springs,  [having  been  received  with
       deed many a lesson that we can borrow.  and seek inspiration from. Adding on,  were rigorous, too.  step, this reminder [ 1 ]: and behold,  the  greeting,]  “Enter  here  in  peace,
       In this article we will focus on the sim- it might be useful to know more about   Narrated Abu Huraira, may Allah   it is We who shall truly guard it [from  secure!”
       plicity of his possessions and also how  what it was that our Prophet actually  be pleased with him: "Allah's Messen-  all corruption].  And [by then] We shall have re-
       we can implement a minimalistic life- owned in terms of his personal assets.  ger, peace and blessings be upon him,    moved whatever unworthy thoughts
       style at home ourselves.      And, these were:              said,  ‘Not  even  a  single  Dinar  of  my   Chapter 15, Verses 19-25  or  feelings  may  have  been  [linger-
                                        1. An armor                property  should  be  distributed  (after   And the earth – We have spread  ing] in their breasts, [and they shall
       His Simplicity in Possessions    2. Bow and arrow           my deaths to my inheritors, but what-  it out wide, and placed on it moun- rest] as brethren, facing one another
          Prophet  Muhammad,  peace  and   3. Spear and shield     ever I leave excluding the provision for   tains firm, and caused [life] of every  [in love] upon thrones of happiness.
       blessings be upon him, did not like be-  4. 3 robes (used on account of ji- my wives and my servants, should be   kind to grow on it in a balanced man- No weariness shall ever touch them
       ing  treated  like  any  superior  human- had)              spent in charity’."            ner, and provided thereon means of  in this [state of bliss], and never shall
       being. He forbade people from stand-  5. staff (stick) (The Prophet used   (Sahih al-Bukhari)  livelihood  for  you  [O  men]  as  well  they have to forgo it.
                                                                      For  further  clarity,  reported  Ai-  as for all [living beings] whose suste-  ___________________
                                                                   sha, may Allah be pleased with her:  nance does not depend on you.  Translator’s Notes
                                                                      The Prophet, peace and blessings   For,  no  single  thing  exists  that   [ 1 ] I.e., the Qur’an.
                                                                   be  upon  him,  said,  "Our  (Apostles')   does  not  have  its  source  from  Us;
                                                                   property should not be inherited, and
                                                                   whatever  we  leave,  is  to  be  spent  in
                                                                   charity."                        1. Live within your means.  He does not like the wasteful."
                                                                      (Sahih al-Bukhari)            The first step is to ensure that we   (Surah Al- A'raf, 7:31)
                                                                                                are utilizing our resources wisely and   Again, we will be questioned and
                                                                   Practicing Minimalism Ourselves  living within our means. As mentioned  held  accountable  for  every  resource
                                                                      Prophet  Muhammad,  peace  and  in the Qur’an:          that is in our possession, and for how
                                                                   blessings be upon him, was ever cau-  "Let  the  man  of  wealth  provide  we put it to good use.
                                                                   tious and mindful of his acts, despite  according to his means. As for the one   4.  Say no to hoarding.
                                                                   being the Messenger of Allah, because: with limited resources, let him provide   There  is  absolutely  no  harm  in
                                                                      •   He  knew  he  would  be  held  according to whatever Allah has given  spending money on that which is ben-
                                                                   accountable  for  his  own  actions  and  him. Allah does not require of any soul  eficial  or  needed,  in  fact,  Allah  and
                                                                   that  this  world  was  just  a  temporary  beyond  what  He  has  given  it.  After  His  messenger,  peace  and  blessings
                                                                   abode.                       hardship, Allah will bring about ease."  be  upon  him,  have  encouraged  us  to
                                                                      •   He  was  entrusted  with  the   (Surah at-Talaq, 65:7)  spend for the greater good, i.e., in char-
                                                                   responsibility of guiding the people to-  2.  Check your intention.  ity, on our family, neighbors and that
                                                                   ward the teachings of Islam, by virtue   In order to find the right balance,  which serves the purpose of fulfilling
                                                                   of his character.            it is imperative that you question your  our basic needs.
                                                                      As parents, it is important for us  intention before spending on any kind   “The  best  Dinar  that  a  man  can
                                                                   to reflect deeply on these pointers and  of goods or services. Ask yourself, is it  spend is a Dinar that he spends on his
                                                                   remind ourselves of the significance of  for mere show or for personal satisfac- family,  a  Dinar  that  he  spends  on  a
                                                                   our role as parents and guardians for  tion?  If  it  is  for  personal  satisfaction,  horse in the cause of Allah, and a Dinar
                                                                   our  children.  And,  this  is  where  we  do you desperately need it or can you  that a man spends on his companions
                                                                   need to step up and set an example for  make do with an alternative that you  in the cause of Allah.”
                                                                   our future generations, i.e., the future  already possess or can, may be, borrow   (Sunan Ibn Majah)
                                                                   role models from amongst the follow- from someone?             5.  Share your blessings.
                                                                   ers of our beloved Prophet, peace and   3.  Say no to wastage.  Prophet  Muhammad,  may  peace
                                                                   blessings  be  upon  him.  Here  are  five   "O  Children  of  Adam!  Dress  and  blessings  be  upon  him,  was  not
                                                                   suggestions  to  help  you  implement  a  properly whenever you are at worship.  only against the idea of extravagance
                                                                   minimalistic lifestyle at home.  Eat and drink, but do not waste. Surely   (Continued on page 23)
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