Page 18 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 18

P18 - PAKISTAN  LINK - MARCH 17, 2023                                                                                                   COMMENTARY
                                        Coping with Mountains of Snow in the                                                  delivering medicine.
              n By Tim Arango                                                                                                 networks, shoveling out neighbors and

       CRESTLINE,  CA:  Goodwin  &  Sons                                                                                          Still,  there  was  growing  concern
       Market,  with  its  old-fashioned  soda      San Bernardino Mountains                                                  for  neighbors  still  trapped  and  fears
       counter  and  sweet  shop,  has  been  a                                                                               that more people might not be found
       hub of civic life in Crestline, high in the                                              residents  trickled  into  the  Stockade  alive. The San Bernardino Sheriff’s Of-
       San Bernardino Mountains, for nearly                                                     Grub  &  Whiskey,  open  in  the  town  fice said Thursday that it was investi-
       eight decades.                                                                           since 1954, for beers or bison burgers.  gating 13 deaths that happened during
          Now it’s starting over.                                                                   Farther  up  in  the  mountains,  the storm, although it had determined
          When a devastating storm swept                                                        along  winding,  narrow  passageways,  so far that just one, from a traffic acci-
       through  the  region  northeast  of  Los                                                 rescue crews were still reaching people  dent, was directly related to the storm.
       Angeles,  dropping  nearly  10  feet  of                                                 who had been trapped for more than  Officials were examining another eight
       snow, the roof of the market caved in                                                    a week, after a storm dropped a deep  deaths that were possibly linked to the
       one  snowy  night,  leaving  the  Good-                                                  blanket  of  snow  that  collapsed  roofs,  storm.
       wins  scrambling  to  save  the  family                                                  buried  houses  and  cars,  sent  trees   But  with  rescues  still  underway,
       business.                                                                                crashing down and left roads impass- and more bad weather bearing down,
          “We’ve  got  to  start  rebuilding,”                                                  able.                         a race was on to save people. A fam-
       Bridgett Goodwin said this week as she                                                       “They’re still getting people out,”  ily was rescued on Thursday after they
       cleared out the office to get ready for                                                  said  Paul  Holaday,  a  public  informa- were snowed in, and their roof partially
       bulldozers to raze the property. “We’re                                                  tion officer for the Orange County Fire  collapsed. (“They are outdoor people,
       the only market in town.”                                                                Authority.  “There  are  still  areas  they  so  they  had  food  for  a  month,”  said
          Snowstorms are a fact of life here.                                                   haven’t gotten to.”           Brandon Halle, a firefighter involved in
       During  winters  in  childhood,  Good-  Jeremy Cote, an employee at Goodwin & Sons Market, and Bridgett Goodwin, one of the   Jammie Kline, 54, trudged along  the rescue effort.)
       win would snowshoe to the store with   owners, carry out boxes after the roof caved in at the business, in Crestline, Calif., March 9,   Lake Drive on Thursday after picking   Crestline  was  developed  early
       her family to make sure marooned res-  2023 - Jenna Schoenefeld/The New York Times)      up her mail for the first time in a week  in the last century by a citrus grower
       idents could get food.        their  homes.  During  the  storm,  she   “You’re going to hear more stories  and a half. “We’re helping each other  who was looking to set up a sawmill
          “But  never  anything  like  this,”  said, her nephew, a firefighter in near- like that,” she said.  up here,” she said.  to  make  wooden  boxes  for  ship-
       she  said,  describing  the  moment  the  by  Lake  Arrowhead,  was  constantly   All along Lake Drive in the cen-  Kline,  who  bags  groceries  at  a  ping  oranges  around  the  country.
       building collapsed as being like an ava- checking  on  older  residents,  making  ter of Crestline, there was a beehive of  Stater  Bros  store  in  Lake  Arrowhead,  The town has long drawn a mixture
       lanche. “The whole roof went poof. My  sure  they  had  enough  food  and  de- activity this week. Crews of firefighters  said  that  like  many  other  residents  of  woodsy  types,  New  Age  seekers
       brother was blown a hundred feet.”  livering  medications  to  them.  When  in yellow pants shoveled snow from the  she  was  frustrated  by  the  slow  initial  looking to escape city life, and more
          As she worked, she thought of the  a neighbor, a man in his 80s who had  roof  of  the  post  office.  Traffic  moved  response to the storm from county au- recently,  blue-collar  workers  who
       rest of the community, and the many  health  problems,  died,  the  body  was  slowly, confined by high walls of snow  thorities, but that the community came  commute to warehouses around
       people  who  might  still  be  trapped  in  kept in the garage for days to stay cool. on each side of the street. A few weary  together, organizing food distribution   (Continued on page 23)

            n By Miriam Mohamed        Book Review: Nusaiba and the 5th Grade Bullies                                         defended the Prophet against physical
                 Chicago, IL                                                                                                  harm! This main character Nusaiba de-
                                                                                                                              fends her mother and the hijab!
          t is no secret that Islamophobia is                                                   cause the next day Nusaiba is still wor-  Nusaiba  and  the  5th  Grade  Bul-
          rampant  throughout  the  world  in                                                   ried the bullies will continue comment- lies is an exciting and engaging book
       I this day and age. Muslims and espe-                                                    ing on her mom and is self-conscious  about  self-acceptance  and  the  impor-
       cially children suffer from bullying and                                                 the entire day. After school her mother  tance of standing up to bullying. This
       alienation. According to recent studies,                                                 picks her and Emily up and takes them  book is a creative way to open the door
       Muslim students in public schools face                                                   shopping. It is at the store where Nu- to  important  conversations  about  the
       bullying at twice the rate of their non-                                                 saiba realizes that she loves her mother’s  challenges  of  Islamophobia  and  bul-
       Muslim peers. These days, being a prac-                                                  hijab and enjoys wrapping herself with- lying and to model the importance of
       ticing  Muslim  is  becoming  very  chal-                                                in them. With each hijab she tries on,  self-acceptance,  confidence,  standing
       lenging. It is crucial to building a young                                               Nusaiba is swept away to far off lands  up for one’s self, harnessing our imagi-
       Islamic identity from an early age.                                                      with amazing adventures. Through the  nation, and to focus on what matters
          In  Nusaiba  and  the  5th  Grade                                                     fantastical  journey  of  adventure  and  most in life.
       Bullies by Asmaa Hussein, third-grad-                                                    self-discovery,  Nusaiba  gains  the  con-  (Miriam  Mohamed  is  a  mother
       er Nusaiba enjoys going to school! She                                                   fidence necessary to embrace her iden- to seven children and a granny to two
       is skipping beside her mother excited                                                    tity and stand up for herself.   cats!  She loves trying new things and
       for today’s Show and Tell and cannot                                                         The book has an interesting twist  learning cool facts. She has taught in an
       wait to share a snail she found in her  such a weirdo!” one of them chuckles  her teacher asks if something is wrong  at the end, but it is a definite must read  Islamic school setting, has experience
       garden! She kisses her mother goodbye  to the other.        Nusaiba says no. Her best friend, Emily  for  all  young  Muslim  children.  The  assisting  children  with  special  needs,
       and hurries to her classroom when she   This  comment  affects  the  rest  of  reassures her that this is typical bully  main  character  Nusaiba  is  named  af- and  enjoys  volunteering  and  being  a
       hears muffled laughter from two fifth- little  Nusaiba’s  day,  she  cannot  stop  behavior, and that Nusaiba should for- ter the companion of the Prophet Mu- part of the community. Miriam lives in
       grade  boys  behind  her.  “Did  you  see  thinking about it, and assumes they are  get about it.   hammad, peace and blessings be upon  Chicago  with  her  beautiful  flowering
       what Nusaiba’s mom is wearing? She’s  referring to her mother’s hijab. When   But the damage has been done be- him,  who  fought  alongside  men  and  cherry tree and big family.)

            n By Saghir A. Aslam     Financially Speaking, What’s Your Money’s Worth                                          though the premium is going up every
             Rawalpindi, Pakistan                                                                                             year.  I  do  not  want  to  take  a  chance
                                                                                                                              to  use  my  savings  if  the  house  burns
          (The  following  information  is  pro- nor  retiree-friendly,  it's  legal  under         Someone asks a question that our  down, and the second part, if someone
       vided solely to educate the Muslim com- federal law, says St Louis attorney Jerry        house insurance goes up every year. We  sues you. You don’t know how large the
       munity  about  investing  and  financial  Schlitter. He should know; his firm has        own our home with no mortgage and  amount is going to be that you have to
       planning. It is hoped that the Ummah will  filed  more  than  30  lawsuits  alleging     we  have  saved.  We  are  in  our  70s.  Is  pay. It may be all of your savings and
       benefit from this effort through greater fi- that other types of plan fees are exces-    there a case in which not buying hom- much more.
       nancial empowerment, enabling the com- sive.                                             eowners insurance makes sense?    (Saghir  A.  Aslam  only  explains
       munity to live securely with dignity and   More bad news: That $50 charge is                 My answer is we all should know  strategies  and  formulas  that  he  has
       fulfill their religious and moral obligations  not only legal but is also commonplace.   that insurance is almost a necessity un- been  using.  He  is  merely  providing
       towards charitable activities)  Twenty-two  percent  of  403(b)  plans                   less one wants to ensure himself. This  information,  and  NO  ADVICE  is
                                     and 56 percent of 401(k) plans charge                      means  if  the  house  burns  down  you  given.  Mr  Aslam  does  not  endorse
            ast year, when one person, let’s  a fee for retirement plan distributions,          have  enough  money  to  rebuild  the  or  recommend  any  broker,  broker-
            call him Raza, took a required  according to the Plan Sponsor Council               house  and  at  another  point,  if  some- age  firm,  or  any  investment  at  all,
       L minimum  distribution  from  of America; the median cost for both  fees  you'll  be  saving  on  future  with- body falls down on your property you  nor does he suggest that anyone will
       my  403(b)  account,  I  was  charged  types of accounts is $50.  drawals - for example, if you'd have to  have plenty of amount to pay whatever  earn a profit when or if they purchase
                  a  $50  fee.  I  under-  So,  what  to  do?  If  your  former  pay a big surrender charge on a vari- the person deaminates or whatever the  stocks,  bonds,  or  any  other  invest-
                  stand  being  charged  employer won't drop the fee based on  able  annuity.  To  avoid  the  possibility  court decides that you should pay.  ments.  All  stocks  or  investment  ve-
                  for  other  withdraw- complaints  from  you  and  other  retir- of a big tax bill for a switch, do what's   You should evaluate yourself:  do  hicles  mentioned  are  for  illustrative
                  als  but  not  for  gov- ees,  you  could  roll  your  403(b)  over  called a direct rollover to an IRA. And  you want to take this chance and en- purposes only. Mr Aslam is not an at-
                  ernment-mandated  to an IRA at a brokerage that doesn't  make sure that the investments avail- sure  yourself  or  continue  to  pay  the  torney, accountant, real estate broker,
                  MDs. Is this legal?  charge for taking MDs. If you go that  able in the new IRA carry fees, or ex- ensure even though it does go up every  stockbroker,  investment  advisor,  or
                      Unfortunately,  route, however, don't do anything that  pense ratios, no higher than those of  year? Personally, I would prefer to buy  certified financial planner. Mr Aslam
       while this charge is neither employee-  will end up costing you more than the  the investments you're in right now.  insurance and pay the premium even  does not have anything for sale.)
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