Page 13 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 13
Vol. 33/11 Shaban 25, 1444 AH Friday, March 17, 2023 US & Canada $1.00
US Govt Announces Afghanistan’s Inside
500 New Scholarships Humanitarian Malala’s For news, updated
for Flood-Affected Dilemma Oscar round the clock,visit
Students in Pakistan Continues Journey www.PakistanLink
The Citizens Foundation Colorado Consul General
n A Pakistan Link Report
he growing Pakistani Ameri- Asim Ali Khan
can community in the mile Chapter Fundraising Gala
T high city of Denver, Colo- r Amir Ali Khan, beloved
brother of the Consul
M General of Pakistan in
Los Angeles, Mr Asim Ali Khan,
passed away in Rawalpindi, Paki-
stan, on February 25, 2023, at the
age of 47. His sudden demise has left
a deep void in the hearts of his loved
ones and the community.
Mr Amir Ali Khan is survived by
his wife and two young sons, who
will always remember him for his
kindness, generosity, and unwaver-
ing affection. His untimely demise
has come as a shock to his family,
friends, and colleagues, who mourn
his loss and celebrate his life. Mr
Asim Ali Khan recently took over as
Consul General of Pakistan in Los
Angeles. After assuming charge, he
rado recently added its own chapter attended inaugural fundraising gala TCF-USA now has close to 40 access to quality schools and life- had to abruptly leave for Pakistan
of The Citizens Foundation (TCF). event at the picturesque Denver Chapters in the United States, all changing education. due to the untimely demise of his
This effort was launched with a Botanical Gardens on February 26, with the aim of helping children of According to the TCF-USA web brother. He returned just this week.
glamorous, tastefully done, and well 2023. struggling families in Pakistan gain (Continued on page 15) Pakistan Link shares the monumen-
tal loss of the Khan family and the
community. May his soul rest in peace,
ChildLife Foundation Holds Impressive Event in Sacramento and may his family find solace in the
memories of his beautiful life. (Ameen)
n By Ras H. Siddiqui
ducation in Pakistan has The
Citizens Foundation which has
E taken over a number of strug-
gling government schools, improved
education there, and
has been providing
kids from financially
challenged families
an opportunity to
learn in quality class-
rooms. Similarly, the
ChildLife Foundation is engaged in a
large-scale effort, but its emphasis is on
children’s health. It has succeeded in
successfully transforming or upgrading lives of many little ones, the future of stani community through fundraising a large crowd for a Tuesday night. And ing Dr Rana Mahfooz Ali Khan to the
the children’s wards of many running our country of origin. And although events like the one held in Sacramento, it started on time too though some at- stage as first speaker. Dr Mahfooz of-
government hospitals, thus improving most of this effort has been funded California on Tuesday March 7, 2023. tendees did come in a bit late (includ- fered a short introduction to the Sac-
the quality of services that they are able from within the country, a growing Held at the Platinum Room of the ing this writer). Upon entry I heard ramento ChildLife effort including an
to provide all over Pakistan. In other percentage of financing is being gen- Town & Country Event Center in Ran- event emcee Khydeeja Alam (who did event which was held last year to start
words, they have been able to save the erated from within the overseas Paki- cho Codova, the fundraiser drew quite a great job here) introducing and call- (Continued on page 15)