Page 11 - Pakistan Link - March 17, 2023
P. 11
Another Fuel Shock as because of an increase in transport Security at Punjab Jails on High Alert
Petrol, Diesel Prices Go up changed at Rs184.84 per liter, the fi- RAWALPINDI: The Inspector Gen- “We have received information
While keeping the LDO rate un-
nance ministry said the per-liter price eral of Prison Punjab has put security through reliable sources that the su-
of petrol had been increased by Rs5 of jails throughout Punjab on high perintendents, deputy superinten-
and that of HSD by Rs13. alert and instructed all senior jail of- dents, and assistant superintendents
The major impact of the hike in ficials to not leave the jails and to be often leave the station in odd hours and
prices was mainly because of about there at all times. left the jail at the mercy of subordinate
Rs16 per dollar average depreciation The IG Prison Mian Farooq Nazir staff,” the IGP said in a letter to all Re-
over the last fortnight, i.e., since March has ordered Deputy Inspectors General gional Inspector Generals of Prisons
1. The ex-depot price of petrol has now of Prisons and Superintendents of Jails and superintendents of jails. To ensure
been fixed at Rs272 per liter for the next — including DIG Rawalpindi Region the safety and surveillance of jail in-
fortnight instead of Rs267 per liter, up and superintendent of Jail Adiala Asad mates, all the superintendents of jails
by Rs5 or 1.9pc. Likewise, the ex-depot Javed Warraich to further improve the have been directed to assign the se-
price of HSD has now reached Rs293 security of jails. curity staff duty at important points
per liter from Rs280, up by 4.6pc. He further directed the superin- instead of less important points.
The ex-depot price of kerosene tendents, deputy superintendents and The IGP further said that the jail
has increased by Rs2.56 (1.4pc) per assistant superintendents of jails to re- officers and officials should perform
liter to Rs190.29 from Rs187.73, while main present on the premises of jails. their duties with dedication, honesty,
ISLAMABAD: The government on With the latest review, the most that of LDO was kept unchanged at Due to the law-and-order situ- discipline to ensure the security of their
Wednesday raised the prices of all inflationary high-speed diesel (HSD) Rs184.68 per liter. ation in the country — the IG Prison respective jail. Negligence and slack-
petroleum products, except the insig- prices made a new record, reaching Since Jan 15, the government has imposed a ban on leaving the station ness in the execution of administrative
nificant light diesel oil (LDO), by up to Rs293 per liter. The HSD price adjust- increased the prices of HSD and petrol without prior approval of the compe- affairs will not be tolerated under any
Rs13 per liter for the next fortnight. ment directly impacts consumer prices by Rs65 and Rs62 per liter, respectively. tent authority. circumstances, said the IGP… - Dawn
FO Dismisses Khalilzad’s ‘Unsolicited Advice’
as Interference in Pakistan Affairs
ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on The former ambassador had sued a statement regarding reports of
Wednesday gave a shut-up call to for- called for setting a date for national Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zard-
mer special US envoy for Afghanistan, elections in early June to avert a melt- ari taking home gifts, saying that the
Zalmay Khalilzad, who clearly inter- down because Pakistan faces political, minister did not retain any gifts. These
fered in Pakistan’s internal politics, sug- economic, and security challenges and, gifts are given by foreign world capitals
gesting through Tweets that “sequential despite great potential, is underper- and organizations to Pakistani digni-
cannibalizing of its leaders through jail- forming and falling far behind its arch- taries when they travel there.
ing, executions, assassinations, etc. is rival India. “The foreign minister did not
the wrong path. Arresting Imran Khan Meanwhile, the 446-page docu- retain any gift and deposited all in
will only deepen the crisis.” ment revealing who benefited from the Toshakhana of the Cabinet Division, in
“Pakistan does not need lectures Toshakhana gifts in the past 20 years compliance with the government poli- Foreign Office building, Islamabad - The News
or unsolicited advice from anyone on continues to be the talk of the town, cy,” she said, adding that some gifts were
how to cope with the challenges we showing the greed of Pakistani rulers, returned to Bilawal according to rules. procedure,” she said. So far, the Foreign tion ordered by the court, Toshakhana
face today. As a resilient nation, we will both from the civil and military elite “However, some gifts that were assessed Office has not made any statement or documents have revealed that nearly
come out stronger from the present including members of the bureaucracy. by the Cabinet Division to be of value clarification about Hina Rabbani Khar Rs260 million foreign gifts were taken
difficult situation,” said the FO spokes- On Wednesday, a clarification came less than Rs30,000 were returned to or other senior officials of the ministry home free of cost or on a small token
woman. from the FO spokeswoman, who is- him in accordance with the laid-down in this regard. In an amazing revela- payment. – The News
‘None of Us Will Be Safe’ if Divisions Persist: Aitzaz More Cases Filed against
should record the names of those who Imran, Qureshi
suspended and subverted or sought to
legitimize its subversion.
Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani ISLAMABAD/RAWALPINDI: In the where no express provision is made for
presided over the session, which will wake of protests against the possible ar- its punishment), 188 (disobedience to
continue for three days. In his opening rest of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) order duly promulgated by public ser-
remarks, he emphasized the key role Chairman Imran Khan, the capital police vant), 153 (wantonly giving provoca-
played by the upper house of the par- booked the former prime minister and tion with intent to cause riot if rioting
liament in strengthening parliamen- his close aide, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, be committed; if not committed) and
tary democracy in the country. along with dozens of supporters in three 290 (punishment for public nuisance in
In his speech, Finance Minister separate cases pertaining to terrorism. cases not otherwise provided for).
Senator Ishaq Dar stressed the im- The capital police registered four Another FIR was registered at
portance of maintaining continuity in separate cases against PTI leaders, activ- Khanna police station on charges of
the democratic system while ensur- ists and supporters on different charges, ATA’s 11(X), and 21(i), along with Sec-
ing transparent fiscal discipline. He including Anti-Terrorism Act, and ar- tion 341, 353, 186, 506, 109, 188, 153,
ISLAMABAD: Former and sitting last week on graft charges. praised the Senate’s role in maintaining rested over two dozen people. Cases 290, and 382 of the Pakistan Penal Code.
senators on Wednesday took stock of Mr Ahsan said state institutions unity and solidarity among the prov- were registered at Bhara Kahu, Khanna According to the FIR, the protesters
the country’s political and economic were after one politician and tomorrow inces and providing equal representa- and Tarnol police stations. set tires on fire and blocked both sides
situation 50 years after the present they would be after someone else and so tion, despite facing challenges. According to an FIR registered of the Expressway. The Khanna police
Constitution was adopted. on. “None of us will be safe,” he warned. Former senator Raja Zafarul Haq with Bhara Kahu police station, Hamid also registered a similar FIR. It said lo-
Speaking at the inaugural sitting Register of ‘horror and shame’ suggested that there was room to in- Zaman Kiani, Naseem Abbasi, Shaikh cal PTI leaders along with 60 unidenti-
of the three-day special Senate session Farhatullah Babar, a former sena- crease the powers of the upper house in Liaqat and Chaudhry Tariq, along with fied persons gathered at the Expressway
to mark its golden jubilee, eminent le- tor known for his bold and blunt style, the financial matters of the country, as 40 unidentified persons were booked on near Zia Masjid and set tires on fire and
gal expert and veteran politician Bar- in his speech proposed that two na- at present, only the National Assembly charges of ATA 11-X (responsibility for blocked both sides of the Expressway.
rister Aitzaz Ahsan raised the alarm tional registers should be instituted could approve the budget. creating civil commotion), and 21(i) (aid The FIR registered at Khana and
over the rising political polarization. to commemorate those who rendered This suggestion was also seconded and abetment), along with Section 341 Bhara Kahu police stations blamed Im-
He regretted that the home of a sacrifices for upholding the Constitu- by Senator Bahramand Tangi and Mir (punishment for wrongful restraint), ran Khan and Shah Mehmood Qureshi
civilian politician was being raided on tion and to condemn those who sub- Jan Muhammad Khan Jamali, a former 353 (assault or criminal force to deter for the action of PTI activists. The com-
the orders of another civilian politi- verted it. Senate deputy chairman. public servant from discharge of his plainants stated that the PTI activists
cian. “This should not have happened,” He said a white “Register of Hon- Other senators who spoke on the duty), 186 (obstructing public servant intimidated shopkeepers and forcefully
he remarked. or and Fame” should list those who occasion included Attaur Rehman, in discharge of public functions), 506 shut down their shops. The PTI workers
He was referring to police action drafted the Constitution and defended Danesh Kumar, Hidayatullah and Faiz (punishment for criminal intimidation), announced that they were obeying the
in Lahore to arrest former premier Im- it with their life and liberty, whereas a Muhammad. They highlighted several 109 (punishment of abetment if the act orders of Imran Khan and Shah Mehm-
ran Khan for failing to appear in court black “Register of Horror and Shame” issues, including that of missing per- abetted committed In consequence and ood Qureshi, the FIRs added.