Page 23 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 23

CONTINUATION                                                                                                          PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023 - P23

        Why a Free Election ‘Seems Almost   rachi on Saturday to renew these calls  of  churches  torched  in  Peshawar.  The  CAICAP  (China,  Afghanistan,  Iran,  other faqirs, to Agra, Aligarh, Lucknow
             Impossible’ in Pakistan  after the Jaranwala attacks.  decision called for protection of minor- Central Asia and Pakistan) that would  and Faizabad. With a large following of
          (Continued from page 4)      Such activism is necessary and must  ities and freedom of religion. However,  be book-ended by China and Pakistan.  his disciples, he took control of Faiz-
       major  policy  decisions  were  taken  by  continue regardless of political turmoil  many of his recommendations have yet  This would eventually enable Pakistan  abad. He then proceeded to Lucknow
       the  Pakistan  army  and  defended  by  or  changes  in  government,  says  poet  to be implemented, notes Yusuf.  to negotiate with India on more equita- where he joined forces with Birjis Qa-
       the  civilian  facade  of  Mr  Khan’s  gov- and  scientist  Gauhar  Raza  of  Anhad      ble terms and enable the CASA region  der, the Vali of Lucknow. After the fall
       ernment.  Cracks  began  to  appear  a  India, watching the situation from New  Indigenous  (Central and South/Southwest Asia) to  of Lucknow, he continued the struggle
       few years later when Mr Khan tried to  Delhi.                 The  Minority  Rights  March  last  become a major force for peace, secu- from Muhammadi as an autonomous
       assert  his  constitutional  authority  as   “In  the  darkest  period,  we  need  week  included  theatre,  music  and  rity and development in Asia.  ruler but was assassinated by a rebel at
       prime minister, eventually leading to a  such  voices  to  keep  the  torch  alight,”  dancing.  A  troupe  from  Thar,  in  col-  Meanwhile, Pakistan needs to boost  Pawayan.
       complete  breakdown  in  civil-military  he tells Sapan News. “We need to give  orful  traditional  costumes  signify- its  own  credibility  by  dissuading  the   Bakht  Khan,  was  appointed  the
       relations. After Mr Khan’s government  credit to those who consistently stand  ing  the  cultural  diversity  of  Pakistan,  Taliban  government  in  Afghanistan  Commander  in  Chief  of  the  Mughal
       was removed in an army-backed vote  for  what’s  right,  whether  in  Pakistan,  danced the ‘dandiya’, clashing sticks to  —  through  incentives  and  disincen- army by Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last
       of no confidence in April 2022, the in- India, or elsewhere.”  the beat of drums and music lyrics. As  tives — from becoming a global pari- Mogul  emperor.  An  able  soldier  and
       coming coalition government adopted                         the rhythmic beat of the popular Dama  ah, even in the Muslim world. It would  administrator, Bakht Khan assisted the
       a  policy  of  appeasement  toward  the  Misusing religion  Dam Mast Qalandar’ sung by folk ar- need  to  make  the  Taliban  aware  that  emperor in military as well as civil ad-
       generals.                       The  Jaranwala  violence  on  16  Au- tiste  Shamo  Bai  faded,  participants  their  pretense  of  being  more  Muslim  ministration. When Delhi fell and Ba-
         As for Mr Khan and the future of  gust is a chilling reminder of how re- jumped in front of the stage to dance.  than the rest of the Muslim world, and  hadur Shah was arrested, Bakht Khan
       his  party,  supporters  remain  bullish  ligion continues to be misused in Paki-  A  tableau  by  young  girls  depicted  especially human rights policies, could  fled and continued to fight until he was
       that he will eventually prevail.  stan. The pattern is familiar. There’s a  the  “conversion  factory”  targeting  eventually lead to isolation within the  killed in the later stages of the Upris-
         “I  just  feel  Imran  Khan  and  PTI  quarrel  or  disagreement  between  two  Hindu girls in Sindh. Some reports es- OIC.  ing.
       will  succeed  one  way  or  another  be- parties. Some hours or days later, there  timate the figure of young Hindu girls,   Finally,  an  Afghan  public  opin-  Rae Ahmed Nawaz Khan Kharal was
       cause he’s just got tremendous support  are accusations of ‘blasphemy’ ampli- some  barely  13  or  14  being  forcibly  ion that regards Pakistan much more  head  of  the  Khurrul  tribe  in  Western
       everywhere  in  the  country,”  says  Mr  fied  through  mosque  loudspeakers,  converted to be around 1,000 annually.  favorably  will  be  far  less  disposed  to  Punjab. In September 1858, he led the
       Bukhari,  the  PTI  official.  “I’ve  always  followed by the violence.  There was some relief when the Sindh  accept Indian policies aimed at under- Uprising against the British in Neeli dis-
       categorically  said  that  in  Pakistan,   Such  accusations  against  two  Assembly  passed  an  Anti-Conversion  mining Pakistan’s interests in Afghani- trict.  After  some  initial  successes,  Rae
       we’re overdoing it and it’s not so bad.  brothers  from  the  Christian  faith  in  law in November 2016, but the Stand- stan. Accordingly, instead of relying on  Ahmed laid down his life in battle with
       Other countries have fixed themselves,  Jaranwala, broadcast through mosque  ing  Committee  of  Religious  Affairs  installing  a  ‘friendly  government’  in  a contingent of British Punjab cavalry.
       but what you need is five to seven years  loudspeakers,  incited  the  recent  vio- overturned it in 2021.  Afghanistan, Pakistan should concen-  The names of Begum Hazrat Mahal,
       ...  to  turn  Pakistan  around.”  –  The  lence. Mobs armed with stones, sticks   Sanitary workers in Pakistan, most- trate on cultivating a friendly people in  Molvi Ahmedulla, Commander Bakht
       Christian Science Monitor     and daggers, including children armed  ly Hindu and Christian, risk their lives  Afghanistan.  Khan and Rae Ahmed stand tall along
                                     with  sticks,  attacked  and  set  ablaze  daily,  working  in  unsafe  conditions.   (The writer is a former ambassador  with  the  names  of  more  commonly
         Blasphemy against Islam and Its   churches, homes, and the office of the  They are forced to enter sewage holes  to the US, India and China and head of  known heroes of the First War of In-
       Messenger by Pakistan’s Religious Elites assistant commissioner of Jaranwala, a  “with zero equipment,” says Chaudhry  UN missions in Iraq and Sudan. Dawn) dependence  (1858-59)  such  as  Baha-
           (Continued frompage 5)    Christian, who was not on the prem- Waris,  who  represents  the  sanitary               dur Shah Zafar, Jhansi Ki Rani, Tantya
       the wealthy and merchants, the poll tax  ises at the time. They desecrated Bibles  workers  of  Union  District  East  Kara-  Muslim Contributions to India’s   Tope and Nana Saheb.
       to be taken from them must not exceed  and vandalized a cemetery.   chi.                     Freedom Struggle - A Different   The First War of Independence was
       twelve drachmas a head per year (i.e.,   This  was  not  the  first  attack  on   (Abdullah Zahid is an aspiring jour-  Narrative - 2  crushed, and its aftermath was brutal.
       about 200 modern-day US dollars).  Christian colonies, most of which are  nalist  studying  mass  communication   (Continued on page 23)  Several reasons may be advanced as to
         They shall not be imposed upon by  situated in prime land eyed by the land  at the University of Karachi. On X @ sciences, while the places of worship of  why  it  did  not  succeed.  First,  a  great
       anyone to undertake a journey or to be  mafia.              AbdullahZahid.  Editor  Sapan  News  Hindus and Mussalmans are to this day  undertaking  such  as  a  national  war
       forced to go to war or to carry arms;   In  2009,  eight  Christians  were  Beena Sarwar is a longtime journalist  entirely  neglected;  with  all  this,  how  of liberation requires a national focus
       for the Muslims have to fight for them.  killed  and  almost  50  houses  torched  who  has  extensively  reported  on  the  can people believe that religion will not  and a great leader. These were absent.
       Do not dispute or argue with them, but  in a largely Christian neighborhood in  ‘blasphemy  laws’.    beena@sapannews. be interfered with?”  While some were fired by religious zeal
       deal according to the verse recorded in  Gojra in a pre-planned attack that the  com. This is a Sapan News syndicated   This  historical  document  provides  like  Maulvi  Ahmadulla,  others  were
       the  Qur’an:  ‘Do  not  dispute  or  argue  local administration was aware of, re- feature.)  one  of  the  few  first-hand  insights  of  fighting for privileges usurped by the
       with the People of the Book, but in that  ports the Human Rights Commission              what impelled the ruling classes of In- British.
       which is best’ [29:46]. Thus, they will  of Pakistan (HRCP).   The Taliban Govt in Afghanistan, Long   dia to take up arms against the British.  Bahadur  Shah  Zafar  was  an  old
       live favored and protected from every-  In March 2013, mobs attacked the   Considered Pakistan’s Protégé, Is No   The  uprising  started  from  Meerat  man, a weak ruler and clearly lacked
       thing  which  may  offend  them  by  the  Joseph Colony area of Punjab’s capital   Longer Friendly  and  spread  rapidly  through  Lucknow,  the skills required to lead a national
       Callers  to  religion  (Islam),  wherever  Lahore, burning some 200 houses. The   (Continued from page 7)  Kanpur,  Bareilly,  Jaunpur,  Gwalior,  uprising.  Secondly,  the  struggle  was
       they may be and in any place they may  day before the attack, police asked the  Asia is a détente with China rather than  Agra,  Bulandsher,  Bijnor,  Jhelum  and  confined to a small part of India, no-
       dwell.                        Christians  to  vacate  their  houses,  re- an  option-limiting  strategic  alliance  Sialkot.  Many  were  the  gallant  men  tably,  Rajasthan  and  Uttar  Pradesh.
         (Dr Aslam Abdullah is a resident  ports the HRCP.         with the US against China. Such a dé- and  women  who  fought  in  that  First  Many  rajas  and  nawabs  either  re-
       scholar  at  and  editor-  There are numerous such incidents,  tente would incline China to view In- War  of  Independence  and  laid  down  mained  aloof  or  supported  the  Brit-
       in-chief  of  the  Muslim  Observer  with  the  culprits  rarely  brought  to  dian hegemony in South Asia with less  their lives. Here we briefly highlight the  ish.  Notable  among  these  were  the
       newspaper. He is also the Indian Is- book. However, over the past few years,  alarm  and  allow  it  to  concentrate  on  names of some of the heroes of that war. Nizam  of  Hyderabad,  the  Rajas  of
       lamic Heritage Project director of the  the government has begun to respond  countering US hegemony in East Asia.  Begum Hazrat Mahal of Oudh was  Bikaneer and Kashmir as well as the
       American  Federation  of  Muslims  of  more effectively.      Once a détente develops between  the wife of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah. In  Sikhs  in  the  Punjab.  Bengal  and  the
       Indian origin and the interim Presi-  This  time,  police  moved  to  arrest  India  and  China  its  momentum  the  uprising  of1857,  after  Wajid  Ali  South were largely quiet. Even in the
       dent of the World Council of Muslims  over  100  suspects  and  register  cases  could  carry  it  forward  towards  a  Shah  had  been  exiled  to  Calcutta  by  centers of the Uprising such as Luc-
       for Interfaith Relations, WCMIR.)  against  leaders  of  extremist  groups  possible  entente  cordiale  and  Paki- the  British,  she  and  her  supporters  know  there  were  internal  tensions
                                     Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) and  stan would be strategically isolated.  led by Raja Jailal Singh took control of  between  the  Shias  and  the  Sunnis.
         Pakistani Minority Rights Activists   Jamaat-Ahle-Sunnat.   To think the US would or could prop  Lucknow and expelled the Europeans.  Third, there was very little coordina-
         Renew Demands for Justice after                           up Pakistan against such a develop- When the British recaptured Lucknow,  tion among the leaders of the Upris-
             Attacks on Churches     Turning point                 ment would be foolish. It would still  she joined forces with Nana Saheb and  ing.  The  British  clearly  had  the  ad-
           (Continued frompage 5)      The turning point in how Pakistan  seek a close if less strategic relation- made Shahjehanpur her base. She held  vantage of technology. The telegraph
       Aurat  or  Women’s  March  launched  deals  with  this  issue  may  have  been  ship with India. It will not consider  the British at bay for more than a year  which had just been introduced into
       in 2016 outside the colonial-era Frere  when a Sri Lankan factory manager in  ‘balancing’  its  relations  with  India  but was ultimately forced to retreat and  India enabled them to maintain effec-
       Hall, Karachi. Other linked movements  Sialkot was lynched in 2021 after ‘blas- and Pakistan, leave alone tilting to- seek refuge in Nepal where she passed  tive communications. Lastly, by 1857,
       that  started  from  that  venue  include  phemy’ accusations.   wards Pakistan against India.  away in 1879.          the  British  Empire  was  well  estab-
       one in support of the transgender com-  “This  brought  international  focus   Accordingly, whenever Pakistan re-  Molvi Ahmedulla of Faizabad was a  lished and the British navy ruled the
       munity last year and a Climate March  to  the  issue,  and  the  government  of  covers from its current domestic pre- soldier, a patriot, who fought the Brit- oceans of the world. They were able to
       in June.                      the  day  felt  compelled  to  respond,”  dicament it should prioritize investing  ish valiantly and won the praise of his  draw reinforcements from as far away
         “Each march inspires more activism  observes  Zohra  Yusuf,  former  HRCP  diplomatically  and  economically  in  adversaries  for  his  courage,  chivalry,  as England and Australia. Lastly, from
       and  reminds  us  of  the  spirit  of  resis- Chairperson.  Afghanistan’s  stability  and  prosperity.  and code of honor. One of the British  a global perspective, the Indian Up-
       tance that continues to exist here,” says   Plus,  with  the  growing  economic  This  would  progressively  build  good- officers, Colonel G.B. Malleson, writes  rising marked the last gasp of the Age
       feminist sociologist Nida Kirmani who  crisis and as a signatory to various hu- will among the Afghan people, elimi- this about the Molvi, “The Molvi was a  of Soldiers, kings and rajas. It marked
       works on gender and urban marginal- man rights conventions, Pakistan must  nate the danger of a two-front pincer  very remarkable man. Of his capacity  the onset of the Age of Merchants and
       ity in Southasia and joined the Minor- align its laws with these international  situation,  and  restore  China’s  confi- as a military leader, many proofs were  Bankers. (Continued next week)
       ity Rights March in Karachi.  treaties in order to retain its GSP+ sta- dence in its preferred option of Paki- given during the revolt. No other man   (The  author  is  Director,  World
         The  demonstrations  also  remind  tus with the European Union, she says,  stan being able to counter India’s hege- could boast that he has twice foiled Sir  Organization for Resource Develop-
       the  authorities  of  their  responsibility  talking to Sapan News from Karachi.  monic aspirations in South Asia.  Colin Campbell (hero of the Crimean  ment  and  Education,  Washington,
       to protect the rights of all citizens, she   The status, reviewed annually, is up   This could incentivize China to fi- War)  in  the  field.”  The  Molvi  was  a  DC;  Director,  American  Institute
       told Sapan News.              for renewal this year.        nancially  and  diplomatically  support  Shaikh of the Qadariya Sufi Order. He  of Islamic History and Culture, CA;
         Activists have long been calling for   There was also the Supreme Court’s  Pakistan’s  much  more  welcome  influ- arrived in Lucknow in 1856 and one of  Member, State Knowledge Commis-
       the state to hold the culprits account- landmark judgement of 2014 by Justice  ence  in  Afghanistan  and  transform  the first to preach a struggle against the  sion, Bangalore; and Chairman, De-
       able. Many demonstrated again in Ka- Tasadduq Jilani, taking suo motu notice  the bilateral CPEC into a multilateral  British, traveling far and wide, as did  lixus Group)

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