Page 22 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 22
A radiant star
n By Kaukab Jahan star in feature film ‘Teri Meri Kahani- I have done a lot of different roles in I have a fondness for depicting roles of
yan’. Besides her acting, Hira has a huge my dramas. Moreover, I am a full-time traditional Pakistani girls. If one were
following on social media. filmy person in my real life (laughs). to look at my body of work, they would
beauty This week You! is in conversation with find that I often gravitate towards roles
In the ever-evolving landscape of Paki- the gorgeous Hira Mani, about her act- You did your first drama with Mani that explore Sufism and possess pro-
stani entertainment, certain individuals ing preferences and future plans… and now your debut film is with found meanings. Both my projects,
have the ability to captivate audiences him, as well. Was it planned or just ‘Kashf’ and ‘Ibn-e-Hawa’, received criti-
with their talent and on-screen perso- With ‘Teri Meri Kahaniyan’, you are now coincidence? cal acclaim.
nas. Among these luminaries stands a film star. How was the experience? I was lucky to have both my televi-
Hira Mani, a multifaceted actress who We started it as a short film for You- sion drama and film debut alongside Most of your television roles are very
has carved a place for herself in the in- Tube but later, it turned into a feature my husband, Mani. Collaborating serious and meaningful but your film
dustry. The popular star is a true em- film. Honestly, I’ve never exerted my- with him feels like a privilege, given is a comedy. How did that happen?
bodiment of talent, and allure. Her self excessively to become a movie star. his prior film recognition. He holds I actually started television with come-
journey from humble beginnings to dy roles. Unexpectedly, a shift occurred
the glitzy world of showbiz mirrors the towards more mature characters. How-
essence of a blooming rose, unfolding ever, I believe that an actor should be
layer by layer to reveal a charming and versatile enough to tackle any role.
likable personality.
The actress, popular for her captivating Do you think that the stereotypical
beauty and sense of fashion, has a blend roles of women in our dramas need
of both classic elegance and modern to be changed?
flair. When it comes to fashion, Hira ef- I think I am not in the position to de-
fortlessly carries various styles, wheth- cide or change this pattern. But yes, if
er she’s donning a traditional shalwar I can change something different with
kameez with intricate embroidery or my acting, I would definitely do it. I
showcasing a chic ensemble. even alter many things in my script
Hira’s refreshing makeup and hair which I feel are inappropriate to go on
choices are equally noteworthy. Her ra- air, like some language or act. But ul-
diant beauty and flawless complexion timately, the overall content is in the
is enhanced through makeup typically My main focus has been on raising my seniority over me in all areas - TV hands of production houses.
characterised by a natural yet polished children and ensuring they receive a dramas, hosting, and films.
look, accentuating her features. Her quality education. Acting, for me, has Tell us about your next project.
hairstyles range from sleek and sophis- been more of a professional commit- Would you be interested in perform- My next drama is going to be on Geo
ticated to carefree and trendy, showcas- ment rather than a passionate pursuit. ing dance sequences in movies? TV soon. It is written by Mohsin Mirza
ing her versatility. This film came to me unexpectedly. So, The film didn’t require any dance rou- and revolves around women empower-
But she isn’t confined to just her fea- I am happy and consider it a milestone tines. Interestingly, there’s no specific ment.
tures, though they are undoubtedly en- in my career. Doing my first film with requirement for dancing nowadays.
chanting. It’s in the way her expressive an ace director is amazing. Even in dramas, actors are incorporat- Do you think being popular on social
eyes tell stories that resonate with the ing dance scenes. However, things like media brings a sense of achievement
hearts of audiences, conveying emo- How important is doing a wearing saris, performing dances, and or responsibility?
tions that words might struggle to ar- film for you? acting like a ‘heroine’, I frequently share Definitely, you enjoy your fame.
ticulate. To me, the platform of film is larger than all of this on my Instagram. Therefore, I Those who follow you on social me-
She has the ability to seamlessly slip life and has its importance, whether it is believe that I have enough diverse plat- dia must like something about you.
into the shoes of her characters, breath- an art movie, or commercial cinema. I forms where I can express myself. And these followers are mostly loyal.
ing life into each role with a natural au- see it with this point of view. Which character did you enjoy play- However, there are also individuals
thenticity. ing most, till date? who express criticism, and I find this
With her charismatic presence and re- So, when are we going to see you as a I enjoy most of my roles. My roles in to be acceptable. I feel trying to gather
latability, she is one of those actors of traditional filmy heroine? dramas like ‘Kashf’ and ‘Ibn-e-Hawa’ only love from everyone is boring. It
Pakistan who has worked in every genre I don’t know about the future, but, I present characters that could be con- is natural that there are always those
of performing arts that includes televi- am content with how things are going sidered typical girl-next-door personas. who might dislike you. If everybody
sion acting, presenter, VJ and singing. at the moment. I have no extreme de- I enjoyed portraying them, especially loves you, then there is something
This year, she has also debuted as a film sire to do something particular in films. since they contrast with my personality. you’re not doing right.