Page 17 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 17

COMMENTARY                                                                                                            PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023 - P17
           Keeping Our Iman Strong with Dhikr                                                     Gems from the Holy Qur’an

                                                                   that remind us of Allah. More specifi-
                                                                   cally, they are the words we say in re-
                                                                   membrance of Him.
                                                                     Throughout  the  Qur’an,  Allah  re-
                                                                   minds  us  to  regularly  say  words  that
                                                                   praise  Him,  The  All-Hearing.  Allah
                                                                   commands  us  to  be  mindful  of  Him.
                                                                   He says:
                                                                     “So remember Me; I will remember
                                                                   you. And be grateful to Me, and do not
                                                                   deny Me.”
                                                                     (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:152)
                                                                     Allah has ordered us to remember
                                                                   Him frequently. He says:       From the translation by Muham-  “Who, now, is this Sustainer of you
                                                                     “O you who have believed, remem-  mad Asad (Leopold Weiss)  two,  O  Moses?”  He  replied:  “Our
          n By C. Islaah Abd’al-Rahim
                                       “You do not have faith, but rather  ber Allah with much remembrance.”                   Sustainer  is  He  who  gives  unto  ev-
                 Baltimore           say 'We have surrendered in Islam,’ for   (Surah Al-Ahzab, 33:41)  About the translator:   erything [that exists] its true nature
                                     faith  has  not  entered  your  hearts.  If   Dhikr, however, goes beyond mere-  Muhammad   Asad,   Leopold  and  form,  and  thereupon  guides  it
               uslims believe that Allah is  you obey Allah and His Messenger, He  ly  thinking  about  our  Lord.  This  re-  Weiss, was born of Jewish parents  [towards its fulfilment].”
               the  Creator  of  everything  will not diminish anything from your  membrance can be achieved internally,   in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in   Chapter 20, Verses 80 – 82
       Mthat  exists.  We  believe  He  deeds.  Verily,  Allah  is  Forgiving  and  in the heart, but it is also manifest ex-  1900, and at the age of 22 made his
       is our Lord and Sustainer, and we be- Merciful.’"           ternally, with the tongue and limbs.  first  visit  to  the  Middle  East.  He   O  children  of  Israel!  [Thus]
       lieve He manages the affairs of His en-  (Surah Hujurat, 49:14)                            later  became  an  outstanding  for- We  saved  you  from  your  enemy,
       tire creation. We profess belief in Him   Iman  consists  of  a  belief  in  the  What Should We Say?  eign  correspondent  for  the  Fran- and  [then]  We  made  a  covenant
       with our tongues, but then we must  heart,  a  statement  of  the  tongue,  and   The best dhikr is that which is from   furter  Zeitung,  and  after  years  of  with  you  on  the  right-hand  slope
       strive to feel it in our hearts, and allow  the actions of the limbs of our bodies.  the  book  of  Allah  because  the  book   devoted  study  became  one  of  the  of  Mount  Sinai,  and  repeatedly
       that feeling to be the catalyst for our  One of our goals as Muslims must be  of Allah is the best speech that exists.   leading Muslim scholars of our age.  sent down manna and quails unto
       actions. Although our verbal profes- to acquire, maintain, and increase our  After that, there are words and phrases   His translation of the Holy Qur’an  you, [saying,] “Partake of the good
       sions may remain relatively constant,  iman. Our faith must be nurtured and  that have been singled out in the Sun-  is one of the most lucid and well- things  which  We  have  provided
       the  level  of  our  iman  (or  faith)  can  protected.  It  must  be  fed  the  things  nah to be beneficial dhikr. For exam-  referenced  works  in  this  category,  for  you  as  sustenance,  but  do  not
       and  does  change.  It  ebbs  and  flows.  that can sustain it. We should be con- ple,  Jabir,  may  Allah  be  pleased  with   dedicated  to  “li-qawmin  yatafak- transgress  therein  the  bounds  of
       We, then, have to do the righteous ac- stantly concerned about it like the early  him, reported that the Prophet, peace   karoon”  (people  who  think).  For- equity  lest  My  condemnation  fall
       tions that will maintain and increase  Muslims who often asked the Prophet  and blessings be upon him, said:  warded by Dr  Ismat Kamal.  upon you: for, he upon whom My
       our iman.                     questions about the status of their faith.   “The  best  remembrance  of  Allah           condemnation  falls  has  indeed
                                     Abu  Huraira,  may  Allah  be  pleased  is to repeat ‘La ilaha ilAllah,’ There is   Chapter 20, Verses 25 - 35  thrown  himself  unto  utter  ruin!”
       Acquiring and Increasing Iman  with  him,  reported  that  the  Prophet,  nothing worthy of worship except Al-  Said [Moses]: “Open up my heart  Yet  withal,  I  forgive  all  sins  unto
         The majority of the scholars in Islam  peace and blessings be upon him, said: lah.”      [to Thy light], and make my task easy  any  who  repents  and  attains  to
       agree that iman is not static; it increases   “Renew  your  faith.”  The  compan-  These  are  the  same  words  we  say   for me, and loosen the knot from my  faith and does righteous deeds, and
       with  obedience  to  Allah's  commands  ions  asked,  “How  can  we  renew  our  when  we  accept  Islam.  These  are  the   tongue so that they might fully un- thereafter keeps to the right path.
       and decreases with disobedience. Ac- faith?”    The  Prophet  replied,  “Say  al- words  we  hope  to  implement  in  our   derstand my speech, and appoint for
       quiring iman, therefore, is a process. It  ways, ‘La ilaha ilAllah’ (there is none  lives.  These  are  the  same  words  we   me, out of my kinsfolk, one who will   Chapter 20, Verse 131
       does not penetrate one’s heart simply  worthy of worship except Allah).” That  want to say as we lay dying,  inshaAl-  help me to bear my burden: Aaron,   And never turn thine eyes [with
       because one is a Muslim by birth or by  repeated  statement  is  an  example  of  lah, God-willing.  my brother. Add Thou through him  longing] towards whatever splendor
       conversion. Iman is granted by Allah,  dhikr.                 There are many other words to say   to  my  strength,  and  let  him  share  of this world’s life We may have al-
       as a result of His Mercy, to those who                      when we dhikr. The Prophet, peace and   my task, so that [together] we might  lowed so many others to enjoy in or-
       sincerely  strive  for  it.  When  the  no- Dhikr – The Remembrance of Allah  blessings be upon him, said:  abundantly extol Thy limitless glory  der that We might test them thereby:
       madic Bedouin tribes came to see the   Dhikr  of  Allah  is  one  of  the  most   “The most beloved speech to Allah   and  remember  Thee  without  cease!  for the sustenance which thy Sustain-
       Prophet, peace and blessings be upon  beneficial  behaviors  for  Muslims  In  consists of four. There is no harm with   Verily,  Thou  seest  all  that  is  within  er  provides  [for  thee]  is  better  and
       him, they proclaimed, “We have faith.”  their most general sense, adhkar (plu- which one you begin: ‘Subhana Allaa-  us!”   more enduring.
       But they were corrected and told:  ral  of  dhikr)  are  the  good  behaviors  hi, wal hamdu lillaahi, wa la illaah ila   Chapter 20, Verses 49 - 50
                                                                   Allaah, wa Allaahu akbar.’”      [But  when  God’s  message  was   Translator’s Notes
                                                                     (Sahih Muslim)               conveyed  unto  Pharaoh,]  he  said:   [ 1 ] I.e., the time of its coming.
                                                                     “Indeed the best dua is ‘alhamdulil-
                                                                   lah’ and the best dhikr is ‘la ilaha illAl-
                                                                   lah’.”                       and  earth.  Glory  be  to  Allah,  filling  people of understanding. He then con-
                                                                     (Tirmidhi #3383)           what He has created. Glory be to Al- tinues;
                                                                     "Whoever  says,  'Subhan  Allah  wa  lah, the number of what is written in   “Those who remember Allah stand-
                                                                   bihamdihi,' one hundred times a day,  His book.  Glory be to Allah filling all  ing,  sitting,  and  lying  down  on  their
                                                                   will be forgiven all his sins even if they  things.]       sides,  and  [who]  think  deeply  about
                                                                   were as much as the foam of the sea."   And then say       the  creation  of  the  heavens  and  the
                                                                     (Sahih Bukhari #6405)         ‘Al-hamdu lillah…” likewise.’”  Earth,  (saying),  'Our  Lord!  You  have
                                                                     Also, Abu Umamah, may Allah be   (Al-Silsilah al-Saheehah #2578)  not created this without purpose. Glo-
                                                                   pleased with him, said:         These  are  just  a  few  of  the  many  ry to You! Give us salvation from the
                                                                     “The  Prophet  saw  me  moving  my  adhkar  that  we  can  use  to  boost  our  torment of the Fire'” (Surah Al-Imran,
                                                                   lips and he said to me, ‘What are you  iman. What is most important is that  3:191)
                                                                   saying, O Abu Umamah?’ I said, ‘I am  the words we say are heartfelt and per-  When  we  witness  miracles  in  na-
                                                                   remembering  Allah,  O  Messenger  of  missible  according  to  the  Qur’an  and  ture, we should remember Allah. When
                                                                   Allah.’ He said, ‘Shall I not tell you of  Sunnah.         we are afflicted with trials, we should
                                                                   something better or greater than your                      remember Allah. When we are joyful
                                                                   dhikr of night and day (or of day and  When Should We Make Dhikr?  and celebratory, we should remember
                                                                   night)? You should say:         There are certain times during the  Allah. Dhikr must become our habit if
                                                                     ‘Subhan  Allah  ‘adad  ma  khalaqa.  day when dhikr is highly encouraged.  we are to increase our iman.
                                                                   Subhan  Allah  mil’a  ma  khalaqa.  Sub- Allah, the Almighty, said:
                                                                   han Allah ‘adad ma fi’l-ard wa’l-sama.   "Celebrate  (constantly)  the  praises  How Should We Make Dhikr?
                                                                   Subhan Allah mil’a ma fi’l-samai wa’l- of thy Lord before the rising of the sun   The  words  we  say  in  our  adhkar
                                                                   ard.  Subhan  Allah  mil’a  ma  khalaqa.  and before its setting."   must be said with the correct intention.
                                                                   Subhan Allah ‘adad ma ahsa kitabuhu.   (Surah Ta Ha, 20:130)  We  should  strive  to  not  only  say  the
                                                                   Subhan Allah mil’a kulli shay’in.’  Although dhikr may be associated  words with our tongues, but the words
                                                                     [Glory  be  to  Allah  (Subhanallah),  with certain times of the day, like those  should  come  from  our  hearts  and  be
                                                                   the  number  of  what  He  has  created.  that are offered after obligatory prayers,  followed up with actions that affirm our
                                                                   Glory be to Allah, filling what He has  dhikr is appropriate during many other  statements. In addition, Ibn al-Qayyim,
                                                                   created. Glory be to Allah, the number  times. Allah praises the ones who re- may Allah have mercy on him, classifies
                                                                   of what is in earth and heaven. Glory  member him in all of the situations of  these levels of dhikr, saying,
                                                                   be  to  Allah,  filling  what  is  in  heaven  their lives and describes them as being   (Continued on page 19)
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