Page 16 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 16

P16 - PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023                                                                                                  COMMENTARY
             n By Ehtesham Khan       Female K-P Cop Helps Widow                                sildar and the district’s Patwari, under  ber  of  inheritance  cases  are  reported
             Mansehra, Pakistan                                                                 the court's orders, successfully handed  in Malakand, Hazara, and the merged
                                         Reclaim Encroached Land                                over the land to the deserving woman.  tribal districts, mainly attributed to the
          n a remarkable display of dedica-                                                        Talking  to  The  Express  Tribune,  absence of revenue records.
          tion and commitment, efforts of a                                                     ASP  Nayab  emphasized  the  effective-  Since  2019,  she  said  that  1,349
       Ifemale  police  officer  in  Khyber-                                                    ness of women police officers in resolv- complaints  related  to  property  and
       Pakhtunkhwa province helped in re-                                                       ing women's issues, and she underlined  inheritance have been registered, with
       claiming a widow's rightfully-owned                                                      the importance of women joining the  82 cases forwarded to the courts and
       plot in Mansehra.                                                                        police service.               20  successfully  resolved  through  ne-
         ASP  Nayab  Ramzan’s  resolute  ef-                                                       District  Police  Officer  Zahoor  gotiations. However, 905 cases remain
       forts not only challenged the land ma-                                                   Babar Afridi commended the ongo- pending.
       fia in the area but also spotlighted the                                                 ing campaign against land grabbers   Naz  explained  that  although  they
       significance of women police officers in                                                 in Mansehra, saying that numerous  don't  directly  resolve  inheritance  dis-
       addressing women's issues.                                                               pending  cases  have  been  resolved  putes, they forward the requests to the
         Despite  resistance,  Nayab  stood                                                     so far, leading to the arrest of doz- relevant deputy commissioner's office,
       firm  alongside  the  widow,  ultimately                                                 ens of individuals.           which then engages the police and oth-
       ensuring that the plot was restored to                                                      In Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and tribal  er departments.
       the  latter’s  possession,  thus  garnering                                              areas,  women  frequently  face  inheri-  With  the  passage  of  time,  women
       well-deserved  praise  on  social  media                                                 tance-related challenges after the pass- have learnt to raise their voice for their
       platforms.                    ASP Nayab Ramzan’s resolute efforts have not only challenged the land mafia   ing of their husbands. Speaking on the  rights; women used to think a hundred
         The efforts of the police force from  in the area but also spotlighted the significance of women police officers in   issue, K-P Ombudsperson Rukhshan- times before filing such complaints in
       Shinkiari,  in  collaboration  with  Teh- addressing women's issues - Express            da Naz revealed that a significant num- the past. – The Express Tribune

               n By Siraj Khan       A Spin on Cricket Greatness                                his yeoman services to Pakistan crick- to steal the thunder of Sir Viv’s amaz-
                Boston, MA                                                                      et.  Taking  the  exercise  further,  I  put  ing exploits with the willow. However, I
                                                                                                down  his  statistics  against  Sir  Vivian  believe that greatness is awarded more
           ir  Vivian  Richards  was  notori-                                                   Richards’  and  attempted  to  compare  to some than to others – often unfairly.
           ous for punishing bowlers that                                                       greatness from a different lens.  The media can make a hero of some-
       Sdared to sledge him, so much so,                                                           Adding to it, are following impres- body  and  make  another  appear  like  a
       that to avoid the wrath of Viv, many                                                     sive records that crown Younis Khan to  villain.  Cricket  was  never  expected  to
                  opposing   captains                                                           greatness:                    be  commercial  entertainment,  where
                  banned  their  play-                                                             Younis has made Test hundreds in  players  are  auctioned  and  have  a  bid-
                  ers from the practice.                                                        all 11 countries that have hosted Tests,  ding price for wearing colored clothes
                  However,  playing  for                                                        a world record.               and advertising chewing gum. We live
                  Somerset in a county                                                             His century conversion ratio is over  in a knowledge-based society and you
                  game  against  Glam- There are a lot of dedicated players out  Ian Botham, regarded as one of the   50%, making more Hundreds than Fif- do not have to be a cricket fanatic to see
                  organ,  Greg  Thomas  there in the field who are doing amaz- greatest  all-rounders  and  one  of   ties. Only a few batsmen can boast of  the overall performance of a sportsman.
       attempted to sledge Richards after he  ing things quietly, without making a  England's  greatest  cricketers,  rates   such a record, one of which is  Sir Don   Just let the good old common sense
       had  played  and  missed  several  balls  big deal, but somehow do not get the  Richards as the greatest batsman he   Bradman.  Five  of  his  Test  centuries  guide you fairly and help you under-
       in  a  row.  He  took  a  jab  at  Richards  attention they truly deserve - Dawn  ever saw   have been made in the 4th innings of a  stand  the  playing  landscape  better.
       with this gem "It's red, round and it's                                                  Test, the most by any, all of which have  There are a lot of dedicated players out
       about  five  ounces,  in  case  you  were  of the post war era along with Sachin  part of the West Indies four-prolonged  played influential roles in bringing vic- there in the field who are doing amaz-
       wondering." Richards hammered the  Tendulkar to get featured in that team.  pace attack during the late 1970s-early  tory to Pakistan or have saved his team  ing  things  quietly,  without  making  a
       next  delivery  for  6,  straight  out  of   Several prominent cricket personal- 1980s,  rates  Richards  as  the  greatest  from defeat.  big deal, but somehow do not get the
       the grounds and into a nearby river.  ities including Imran Khan and writer  batsman  he  witnessed  in  the  last  50   Six  Test  double  hundreds  by  him  attention they truly deserve. We need
       Turning back to the bowler, he said:  John  Birmingham  are  of  the  opinion  years.  Australian  fast  bowling  greats  is the joint most by a Pakistan player,  to  make  the  right  judgment  call  and
       "You know what it looks like, now go  that  Richards  was  the  best  ever  bats- Jeff  Thomson  often  regarded  as  the  alongside Javed Miandad. One of two  ensure  that  they  get  applauded  and
       and find it.”                 man against genuine fast bowling. Wa- fastest bowler in cricket history along  Test players in cricket history to aver- cheered all the way.
         In 1999, Viv Richards was knight- sim Akram rates Richards as the great- with  Dennis  Lillee,  rates  Richards  as  age above 45 in all four innings.  If  I  remove  the  numbers  away  to-
       ed  for  his  contribution  to  cricket.  In  est batsman he ever bowled to, ahead  best batsman they ever bowled against.   His Test average in a winning cause  tally, I am left in awe that in his entire
       2000,  he  was  voted  one  of  Wisden's  of Gavaskar and Martin Crowe. Akram  Former  Australian  captain  Ian  Chap- is 75.89; the third best for any player in  career, Sir Vivian Richards those runs
       Five  Cricketers  of  the  Century  by  a  also rates Richards as the best and most  pell, who is regarded as one of the best  Test wins. (Min: 4,000 runs) Younis has  that he has racked up have been made
       100-member  panel  of  experts,  com- complete  batsman  he  ever  saw  ahead  cricket captains of all time, rates Rich- scored 4,857 runs in wins including 19  without  ever  wearing  a  helmet  and
       ing fifth behind Sir Donald Bradman,  of Tendulkar and Lara. Crowe himself  ards as the most intimidating and dan- centuries.  that no other cricketer has shown his
       Sir Garfield Sobers, Sir Jack Hobbs and  rated Richards as the best batsman he  gerous batsman he ever saw who often   70 sixes in Tests and comparatively  quality and class, when the opposition
       Shane  Warne.  In  December  2002,  he  played  against.  Ian  Botham,  regarded  changed the game simply by walking to  only  56  in  ODIs.  Most  batting  greats  and adversity has been the strongest, as
       was chosen by Wisden as the greatest  as one of the greatest all-rounders and  the crease. I could go on and on.  have it higher in ODIs.  Younis Khan did throughout his career.
       One  Day  International  batsman  who  one  of  England's  greatest  cricketers,   However, what I am writing is not   And if that isn’t enough, add to it  Try making a double-hundred against
       had played to that date and as the third  rates  Richards  as  the  greatest  bats- his biography. Yet, being a man of num- 139 catches in Tests, the highest by a  India in India!
       greatest Test cricket batter.  man he ever saw - ahead of Gavaskar,  bers, I have that natural inclination for  Pakistani  who  is  also  responsible  for   (Karachi-born,   Boston-based
         To  mark  150  years  of  Test  history  Greg Chappell, Martin Crowe, Sachin  quantifying greatness and accomplish- the highest number of run-outs of the  Siraj Khan is a connoisseur of South
       in 2013, Wisden named him in an all- Tendulkar  and    Brian  Lara.  Michael  ment. One day last year, I was reading  opposing team by his electric fielding.  Asian films and music. He believes in
       time  Test  World  XI  and  slotted  Viv  Holding, often regarded as one of the  an  article  on  Pakistan’s  Younis  Khan,   By  keeping  his  statistics  alongside  art  and  culture  as  essential  bridges
       Richards  at  no  3,  the  only  batsman  greatest  fast  bowlers  of  all  time  and  his superlative exploits on the field and  those of Richards, in no way am I trying  between people and places.)

            n By Saghir A. Aslam                                                                ones that take your individual circum- emergency  fund  for  unforeseen  ex-
             Rawalpindi, Pakistan     Setting Goals: The First Step in                          stances and those of your family into  penses?
       (The following information is provided                                                   account.  They  should  start  with  your   Is  there  a  community  program  or
                  solely  to  educate  the   Creating an Investment Plan                        goals and objectives and may encom- charitable  cause  you’d  like  to  support
                  Muslim   community                                                            pass  planning  for  investments,  retire- more robustly?
                  about investing and fi-                                                       ment, taxes, and wealth transfer.  (Saghir  A.  Aslam  only  explains
                  nancial  planning.  It  is  align tactics, proactively address risks,  the planning process. One of the most   As you map out your goals, consider  strategies  and  formulas  that  he  has
                  hoped that the Ummah  and chart our progress.    common  mistakes  is  thinking  your  the following:       been using. He is merely providing in-
                  will  benefit  from  this   Too  often,  however,  the  planning  situation  is  very  simple  and  straight-  Are you thinking of starting a busi- formation, and NO ADVICE is given.
                  effort  through  greater  that could be the most valuable is over- forward so you don’t need a plan.  ness?  Mr  Aslam  does  not  endorse  or  rec-
       financial  empowerment,  enabling  the  looked.  The  same  people  who  would   This misconception can stem from   Are you exploring buying a second  ommend  any  broker,  brokerage  firm,
       community to live in security and dig- not  dream  of  embarking  on  a  two- a  misunderstanding  of  exactly  what  home or is there another big purchase  or any investment at all, nor does he
       nity and fulfill their religious and moral  week vacation to Italy without an hour- constitutes a plan and an assumption  that you would like to make at some  suggest that anyone will earn a profit
       obligations towards charitable activities) by-hour itinerary may have just a basic  that planning ought to be comprehen- point in the future?  when or if they purchase stocks, bonds,
               e plan our weekends. We  outline of a plan for their retirement,  sive enough to meet the needs of the   Do  you  want  to  travel  extensively  or any other investments. All stocks or
               plan  our  weddings,  ca- which could last 20 to 30 years.  rest of your life. Planning should meet  after you retire?  investment vehicles mentioned are for
       W reers,  and  future.  Plan-                               you where you are and reflect your cur-  Have  you  promised  your  children  illustrative purposes only. Mr Aslam is
       ning not only helps set us up for suc-  What drives this disconnect?  rent  situation.  Your  investment  goals  or  grandchildren  that  you’ll  help  pay  not an attorney, accountant, real estate
       cessful outcomes in the future but can   Many of us are intimidated by the  and your plan will evolve with you over  for their college education or for them  broker,  stockbroker,  investment  advi-
       also help immensely in the present. It  thought  of  putting  our  plans  on  pa- time.  to study abroad?              sor, or certified financial planner. Mr
       helps us define and refine our goals,  per.  Others  fail  to  grasp  the  value  of   Effective  plans  are  generally  the   Do you need to build or rebuild an  Aslam does not have anything for sale.)
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