Page 15 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 15

COMMUNITY                                                                                                             PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023 - P15
             n By Ras H. Siddiqui      Kaifi Khalil and Arsalan Rabbani Band                                                  song  called  Kana  Yaari  (Coke  Studio,
                 California                                                                                                   Season 14), and from then on, we were

            he Bankhead Theater in Liver-     Perform in Livermore, California                                                hooked.  In  this  song  he  collaborated
                                                                                                                              with  the  veiled  Eva  B  and  turbaned
            more, California, is a relatively                                                                                 Abdul  Wahab  Bugti.  The  song  cur-
       Tsmall venue. It has seating for                                                                                       rently has many million views on You-
       roughly 500 people but when popu- it locally was CNY Desi Entertainment  including  Atif  Aslam,  Ali  Zafar,  Ju- many  came  to  see  because  he  is  fast  Tube and has made Kaifi a known per-

                  lated by South Asians  (Hasan  Shaikh)  with  national  pro- noon’s Salman Ahmad, Sajjad Ali, Ali  becoming  a  sought-after  artist.  Kaifi former.   And then came the superhit
                  it seems much larger.  moter, Houston-based Rehan Siddiqui,  Haider, Humaira Channa, and Fareeda  Khalil  is  one  of  the  latest  sensations  romantic Urdu language ballad Kahani
                  At  least  that  is  what  media partner HUM TV Network, and  Khanum, to name just a few. But seeing  to  emerge  out  of  Coke  Studio.  From  Suno  2.0,  a  collaboration  with  super-
                  it  felt  like  on  Friday,  aided  by  Shahab  Siddiqui,  who  inci- him perform solo here for a prolonged  humble beginnings in a struggling sec- star Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, one which
                  August  18,  2023,  as  dentally  is  promoting  an  Atif  Aslam  period of time proved to be quite en- tion of Karachi named Lyari, Khalil has  has sealed Kaifi’s success.
                  Desis  from  the  San  show in nearby Oakland on November  tertaining.        overcome many obstacles and odds to   Kaifi  Khalil’s  performance  at  this
                  Francisco  Bay  Area  3rd while partnering with Instant Kar-  Arsalan  started  off  on  piano  with  be  able  to  come  and  perform  for  us  event  was  limited  but  well  worth  the
       and further inland came to listen to  ma and CNY Desi. It was no surprise  Wohi Khuda Hai a soulful ballad origi- here in Livermore. The rich and famous  wait. He sang solo and played the guitar
       two vocalists from Pakistan who are  that representatives of all these outfits  nally by the late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan  of Karachi do not live in Lyari and as a  with little other support. Starting with
       slowly making a name for themselves  were here at the Livermore show. The  and  then  proceeded  to  sing  about  14  matter of fact not many of them even  Kana Yaari and more than one version

       here in North America.        co-emcees  of  the  event  were  Sohab  more songs already made famous by re- care to venture there. It is a very densely  of Kahani Suno interspersed with med-
         The first amongst the two is the ver- Mushtaq and young Daanish Shaikh.  nowned artists such as Arjit Singh, Rafi  populated underprivileged community  leys, he shared his talents to the delight
       satile Arsalan Rabbani and the second,   Going  into  a  show  with  two  rela- Sahib,  Rahat  Fateh  Ali  Khan,  Sajjad  made up primarily of Baloch, Sindhi,  of the audience. What was surprising
       a young sensation by the name of Kaifi  tive unknowns can be considered risky,  Ali, Arif Lohar, Abida Parveen and Atif  Gujarati,  and  Kutchi  speakers,  along  was that Kaifi did not even have to ask
       Khalil. Both hail from different back- but coming out thoroughly entertained  Aslam. And he performed all of them  with the African origin Sheedi people  the audience to sing along because they
       grounds but a common factor amongst  was  a  great  feeling.  Arsalan  Rabbani  well, while seeking audience participa- locally known as Makranis. They may  were already doing that on their own.
       them is in their launch at Coke Studio  on  vocals,  accompanied  by  two  band  tion often. He ended his performance  be poor, but they are plucky and resil- His performance here can be best de-
       (Pakistan) which has incubated several  members,  one  on  keyboards  and  an- with Tajdar-e-Haram, a Qawwali made  ient. And they have a passion for three  scribed  as  short  and  very  sweet.  This
       young singers and musicians. The Stu- other on guitar, put on a long, high en- famous by two generations of the Sabri  things:  1)  Football  (soccer),  2)  Good  young man is just getting started and
       dio has also developed a fan following  ergy and very satisfying performance.  clan and reproduced with great success  Music, and 3) Progressive Politics. It is  he possesses genuine talent. Hopefully,
       in  India  and  Bangladesh  and  within  He is no stranger to the entertainment  by Atif Aslam. If there was any doubt  from this background that young Kaifi  there will be more appearances by him
       the  South  Asia  Diaspora  worldwide,  industry but till now has mainly been  in  our  minds  whether  Arsalan  Rab- Khalil  emerged  –  with  demonstrable  in California in the years to come.
       thanks to YouTube.            known  as  a  backup  or  collaborating  bani could carry a solo show, they were  talent and abounding promise.  (Our  thanks  to  OnF  Photography
         But  coming  back  to  the  event  in  musician.  He  has  played  music  with  erased here in Livermore.  Kaifi first came to our attention with  for permission to use their pictures for
       Livermore, the main promoter behind  and  accompanied  well-known  artists   The next performer is the one who  his  Balochi  vocal  delivery  (Rap)  in  a  this article)

           Pakistanis Abroad Express    Embassy  informed  the  briefing  that  the innocent.”     In a message for the ‘International  even their lives. Hatred stirred on and
       Frustration, Heartbreak over Jaranwala “the culprits have been identified and             Day  Commemorating  the  Victims  of  offline is often the cause.
           (Continued from page 13)  will  be  punished  in  accordance  with   ‘Faith should not attract violence’  Acts  of  Violence  Based  on  Religion   He added, “Together, let’s honor the
       “We will raise this issue in the US Con- the law”.            Meanwhile, the United Nations Sec- or  Belief’,  observed  on  Aug  22,  Mr  victims of violence by striving to build
       gress, the United Nations and with the   Pastor  Azhar  Alam  of  the  Trinity  retary General, Antonio Guterres, has  Guterres said: “Faith and belief should  a more inclusive, respectful, and peace-
       US  administration,”  Victor  Gill,  who  Church,  Haddington  Valley,  Pennsyl- urged all governments to prevent and  never attract violence. Yet, around the  ful world — one where diversity is cel-
       chairs  the  US-based  Christian  Voice  vania, urged Pakistani Muslims not to  address acts of violence based on reli- world,  people  and  communities,  par- ebrated.”
       of Pakistan (CVOP) group, said at the  react to allegations. “Don’t just blame  gion and belief, stressing that freedom  ticularly  minorities,  face  intolerance,   Anwar  Iqbal  in  Washington  and
       briefing.                     and punish. Probe and prove first,” he  of religion and belief is an inalienable  discrimination and threats — to their  Amin  Ahmed  in  Islamabad  also  con-
         A  representative  of  the  Pakistan  said. “Do not victimize the weak and  human right.  places of worship, their livelihoods and  tributed to this report. - Courtesy Dawn.
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