Page 11 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 11

PAKISTAN                                                                                                              PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023 - P11

       High-Risk Rescue Operation Succeeds,                               n By Anwar Iqbal         Bolton Urges Congress to

        Chair-Lift Survivors Get ‘Second Life’                     WASHINGTON:  The  US  Congress   Take Closer Look at Cypher
                                                                   should  look  at  the  allegedly  leaked
                                                                   cypher  about  former  prime  minister
                                     lifts and rickety rope bridges are the fast- Imran Khan’s ousting when it returns
                                     est way to move from a village on one hill- from summer recess, says a former US
                                     side to its nearest neighbor across ravines  national security adviser John Bolton.
                                     and valleys. The schoolchildren, aged be-  In  an  interview  with  VOA  broad-
                                     tween 10 and 16, had been coming down  casting  service,  recorded  this  week,
                                     from their homes in Jhangri to a school  Mr Bolton said he “worries about” the
                                     in Battangi, two villages in the Allai valley,  Biden  administration’s  foreign  policy
                                     when the calamity struck at around 7am.  about  South  Asia  because  “it’s  not
                                     The journey by chair lift usually took just  clearly defined”.
       Children  receive  first  aid  after  they   a  matter  of  minutes,  whereas  travelling   Asked  if  the  language  used  in  the
       were rescued from the stranded chair-  on the rough mountain roads and tracks  cypher  was  usual  for  a  State  Depart-
       lift, in Battagram, August 22 - Reuters  takes hours. It would be 16 hours before  ment  official,  the  former  Trump  and
                                     the  high-risk  rescue  operation  brought  Bush  administrations  official  said  he
       PESHAWAR:  When  Pakistani  villager  everyone  safely  off  the  flimsy  chair  lift  saw  the  report  published  by  The  In-
       Gul  Faraz  rang  his  family  to  raise  the  as it dangled 183 meters (600 feet) above  tercept news site and noted that it was
       alarm that a cable had snapped and he  ground,  the  military  said,  reducing  the  about “an effort to get Pakistan’s sup-
       and seven schoolchildren were trapped  height  estimated  by  officials  earlier  but  port”  against  Russia’s  unprovoked  in-
       in a chair lift swaying in the wind high  making it no less deadly.  vasion of Ukraine.
       above  a  rocky  ravine,  he  doubted  he   There were fears the remaining cable   “I would be stunned if that’s exactly
       would ever see home again.    could  give  way  any  time,  and  cries  of  what they said. It would be remarkable  The Federalist Society
         "It is an unforgettable day," Faraz said  'God is Great' arose from people gathered  for  the  State  Department,  under  any
       on  Wednesday,  a  day  after  army  com- around to see the children brought down  administration, but particularly under  Minister. Otherwise, I think it will be  rent political situation in Pakistan, he
       mandos performed a miraculous rescue,  on harnesses by soldiers on a zip line.  the Biden administration, to be calling  tough going ahead.”  said: “I do not agree with Imran Khan
       winching two to safety with a helicopter,   "At some point, I had lost hope that  for Imran Khan’s overthrow.”  Mr Bolton said even if the text pub- on everything he has ever said, and he
       and bringing the rest down on a zip line  we would safely return home," Faraz told   The purported cypher that the Paki- lished  by  The  Intercept  was  “close  to  doesn’t  agree  with  me  but  when  the
       when it became too dark to fly safely in  Reuters  by  telephone  from  his  home,  stan Embassy in Washington sent to Is- being true”, it would be a problem. “So,  military take it to the point of disman-
       the gusting winds.            where  his  family  was  receiving  visitors  lamabad in March last year, contained  I hope that when Congress comes back  tling a legitimate political party (and)
         "I can't tell you what we experienced  from villages across the region, all offer- the  embassy’s  account  of  a  meeting  from summer recess in early Septem- putting … an elected leader like Imran
       yesterday when one cable of the chair lift  ing thanks for their survival.  between US State Department officials,  ber, perhaps they can take a look at that  khan  in  jail  for  no  apparent  reason,
       suddenly snapped and we were stranded   Having dreaded the worst, Pakistan  including  Assistant  Secretary  of  State  and find out how accurate that report  they are contributing to delegitimizing
       in the air," said Faraz, who at 20 years old  exulted with relief and pride over the  for  the  Bureau  of  South  and  Central  was.”   their own institution.”
       was the only adult aboard, and the only  daring rescue. "It was heartening to see  Asian Affairs Donald Lu, and Pakistani   ‘Confused and inarticulate’  Commenting  on  the  demand  by
       person with a cell phone.     the whole nation praying and standing  envoy Asad Majeed Khan.  In  reply  to  another  question,  Mr  some US lawmakers that Washington
         He called his family first, and then a  united.... in the hour of need," caretak-  It quotes Mr Lu as telling the Paki- Bolton  said  Biden  administration  of- should raise this issue with Pakistani
       private  news  channel,  whose  coverage  er Prime Minister Anwar ul Haq Ka- stani  envoy:  “I  think  if  the  no-confi- ficials “don’t know what their strategic  authorities,  Mr  Bolton  urged  the
       quickly drew the attention of the world's  kar told a news conference in Karachi.  dence vote against the Prime Minister  imperatives are. And it’s been confused  Biden administration to take a clear
       media to the drama unfolding in the re- Those prayers were answered for Faraz  succeeds, all will be forgiven in Wash- and  inarticulate  on  the  situation  in  position before the “terrorists, China
       mote mountainous region.      and  the  children.  "We  got  a  second  ington because the Russia visit is being  Pakistan”.  and  Russia  take  advantage”  of  the
         It is a part of the world where chair  life," he said. - Reuters  looked  at  as  a  decision  by  the  Prime   Explaining his position on the cur- situation. - Dawn

       (PTI) announced on Thursday that it  PTI Disassociates from UK Lawyers Assigned          said. It added that PTI will engage inter-  Initially,  PTI  leaders  condemned
       LONDON: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf
                                                                                                national legal representation if needed in  Yaqoob  for  launching  legal  action  but
       was  parting  ways  with  United  King-  to Take up Imran Khan's Case in UN              any matter only through the party secre- the evidence established that the lawyer
       dom-based lawyers who were initially                                                     tary general.                 was  indeed  hired  to  act  for  Khan  and
       directed to take former prime minister                                                      The News had revealed that the for- raise funds for international legal aid to
       Imran Khan's case to the United Na-                                                      mer prime minister, who was removed  fight cases in the UN and other forums.
       tions and other international courts.                                                    from power via a vote of no-confidence  It was also revealed that Yaqoob was ful-
         After  an  exclusive  investigation  of                                                in April last year, had instructed Yaqoob  ly authorized with a bulletproof letter of
       The  News  revealed  full  details  of  the                                              to seek legal recourse through the UN  instruction (LoI) on behalf of Khan and
       international  legal  engagement  by  the                                                and international courts for his cases. It  several other such documents from the
       former prime minister and some of his                                                    was also revealed that the lawyers were  PTI’s top leadership in Pakistan.
       aides, the PTI said it has revoked legal                                                 instructed  to  lobby  with  the  UN  and   A letter, obtained by The News, said
       engagements with UK solicitor Rashad                                                     international bodies to intervene on his  that Siddique was “retained” by the PTI
       Yaqoob, his organization Human Rights                                                    behalf at the international and Pakistan  chief on multiple criminal defense mat-
       Legal  Aid  Foundation  (HRLAF)  and                                                     levels over the events that followed after  ters in Pakistan to represent the former
       Azhar  Siddique,  the  Pakistan  Supreme                                                 the May 9 attacks on army installations  prime  minister.  The  letter  also  showed
       Court lawyer who is now based in Man-                                                    across the country.           instructions  given  to  HRLAF’s  Yaqoob
       chester.  The  former  ruling  party  said                                                  The  instructions  to  approach  the  “to initiate immediate and urgent inter-
       that  the  PTI  and  its  Chairman  Imran                                                UN were passed in a most confidential  national litigation to protect and defend
       Khan  “have  no  association/connection  or on behalf of the PTI and its chairman  nor are in any talks with them, and that  manner to HRLAF CEO to hire leading  the rights of Mr Khan, who has been ar-
       with the organization HRLAF or Mr Ra- is  hereby  revoked.  The  PTI  wants  the  no one, including Mr Azhar Siddique, is  English lawyers to take Khan’s cases to  bitrarily convicted, arrested and detained
       shad Yaqoob”.                 public at large to be aware that the PTI/ allowed to appoint any person or orga- the United Nations, UN Human Rights  following his recent trial in Islamabad”.
         “All  communication  and  engage- its chairman does not maintain any link  nization on the chairman PTI’s or PTI’s  Council, UN Special Rapporteur on Hu-  Yaqoob and Siddique did not com-
       ment, if any, with HRLAF or Mr Yaqoob  or association with this organization or  behalf for any purpose, including inter- man Rights and other international fo- ment on the PTI’s decision regarding the
       or any person associated with them by  person or anyone associated with them  national legal representation,” the party  rums, according to the evidence.  revocation of their services. – The News

               Pakistani Christians Hold Sunday

              Services at Churches Burnt by Mob

       LAHORE:  Pakistani  Christians  held  Akmal  Bhatti  said.  He  attended  one  pensation  of  two  million  rupees
       services  on  Sunday  at  churches  that  of the services, which drew hundreds  ($6,751.05)  has  been  approved  for
       were  vandalized  and  torched  by  a  of  Christians  whose  homes  were  each of the affected families.
       vigilante  mob  last  week  after  two  partly or completely destroyed when   Paramilitary  troops  have  been
       Christian  brothers  were  accused  of  the  mob  burnt  and  looted  them  on  guarding the sites of the arson attacks
       desecrating the Qur’an.       Wednesday.                    in Jaranwala in Punjab province. The
         The services at a handful of church-  The pastors later distributed food  sites  attacked  included  the  historic
       es in the city of Jaranwala in eastern  rations to those affected, Bhatti said.  Salvation  Army  Church  and  Saint
       Pakistan were led by the bishop of the   The  provincial  government  said  Paul  Catholic  Church,  three  smaller  Members of the Christian community condemn the attacks on churches and
       diocese, Christian community leader  in a statement on Sunday that com- churches and scores of houses.  houses in Jaranwala town, during a protest in Karachi
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