Page 7 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 7

OPINION                                                                                                                PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023 - P7
           n By Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai    New Caretaker Government of Pakistan:                                                   If  a  person  genuinely  believes  that  the
               Washington, DC                                                                                                 Four Point formula is the only way out,

          t is reported that Ambassador Jalil   Was Jalil Abbas Jilani Misquoted?                                             let him announce in Lal Chowk (Times
                                                                                                                              Square of Srinagar) that this form of self-
          Abbas  Jilani,  new  foreign  minis-                                                                                governance is not what we were striving
       Iter of Pakistan, told The Express                                                                                     for.  Self-governance  is  neither  freedom
       Tribune on August 17, 2023, that ‘im-                                                       The drafters of the four-point formula  nor  independence.  Self-governance  is
                  provement in relations                                                        have been quite conscious of the senti- the  declaration  that  Azad  Kashmir  is
                  with India was contin-                                                        ments  of  the  people  of  Kashmir.  They  an integral part of Pakistan and Jammu
                  gent upon the resolu-                                                         knew that the resistance to foreign occu- & Kashmir that of India. Let there be a
                  tion of all outstanding                                                       pation that began in 1931 and continues  referendum and the people of Kashmir
                  issues,  including  the                                                       until now does not accept de facto rule  should get a chance to decide. If they vote
                  long-standing   issue                                                         by any country over Kashmir. Therefore,  in favor of the formula that verdict must
                  of  Jammu  and  Kash-                                                         they wanted to play a linguistic game and  be final and acceptable to all.
       mir. But his public position aside, the                                                  came up with the idea of self-governance   Agha  Shahi,  one  of  the  most  rec-
       sources said, Jilani was of the view that                                                which is a deceptive and misleading term  ognizable  diplomats  of  South  Asia,
       Pakistan should explore different op-                                                    that gives an appearance of sovereignty  wrote in his letter to me on November
       tions paving the way for resurrecting                                                    without  any  substance.  It  is  purely  a  8,  2004,  “Reversion  to  our  principled
       the peace process during Musharraf-                                                      mask. It prohibits further discussion on  stand need not be impediment to im-
       Manmohan time.’ I hope and pray that                                                     the  subject  of  independence  and  pro- provement  of  relations  with  India  to
       Ambassador Jilani, a seasoned diplo-                                                     motes  internalization  of  the  Kashmir  the  extent  possible,  short  of  full  nor-
       mat and truly a well-wisher and great                                                    dispute.  Without  actual  sovereignty  for  malization. We have lived with such a
       friend of the people of Kashmir was  Those who believe that the people of Kashmir should accept Musharraf’s Four-  Kashmir, under the Four-point formula,  situation for decades (1972-1999) and
       deliberately misquoted.       point formula should be bold enough to say exactly what it is, i.e., that the for-  the people of Kashmir will have to ac- can live with it in the hope of a change
         India is not pretending.  It has not  mula gives the people of Kashmir only choice and that is to be part of India.   cept  the  supremacy  and  rule  of  India  on the geopolitical landscape. At least
       raised  the  issue  of  Kashmir  and  does  There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it     over their lives, and the possibility of that  the present status quo does not call for
       not  intend  to  raise  it  at  any  interna-                                            being eroded by whatever whim, fancy  the sacrifice of our vital interests.”
       tional forum.  There’s been no change  ders  of  Kashmir.  However,  people  of  lished permanently as an international  or  circumstance  may  intervene  in  the   However, I still believe that in order
       in its stance on Kashmir – that Kashmir  Jammu & Kashmir will be allowed to  border. Such an option is an insult to  future. Perhaps self-governance now, de- to reach an imaginative settlement of
       is frankly not in dispute and not up for  move freely across the Line of Control. the intelligence of the Kashmiri people. signed and managed by external powers,  the  Kashmir  dispute,  all  parties  con-
       discussion.  Otherwise, why lock up the   3.  Self-governance  without  inde-  Self-governance   undoubtedly  which is subject to the will of those for- cerned  –  Governments  of  India  and
       pro-resistance  leaders?    Why  to  have  pendence         has  broad  meaning.  Self-governance  eign powers without due respect for the  Pakistan  and  the  leadership  of  the
       900,00 miliary and paramilitary forces   4.  A  joint  supervision  mechanism  means  freedom,  independence,  and  sovereignty of Kashmir and all the inter- people of Kashmir - will have to show
       stationed in the Valley of Kashmir?  in Jammu and Kashmir involving In- autonomy.  It  means  that  the  people  national protections that accompany it,  flexibility.  But  in  the  Four-point  for-
         There  have  been  numerous  at- dia, Pakistan and Kashmir.  would be makers of their destiny. It also  has the appearance of a step in the right  mula the only party which becomes a
       tempts, certainly, in the past to present   Let us analyze these four points.  means that one has to be the shaper of  direction  but  on  an  extremely  slippery  sacrificial  lamb  and  shows  flexibility
       proposals  for  resolving  Kashmir  dis-  Demilitarization  is  an  option  that  one’s  future.  So,  the  term  self-gover- slope. Self-governance is a mere illusion:  and makes sacrifice are the people of
       pute, but none has seemed to take hold.  was  suggested  by  the  United  Nations  nance by itself is not an issue but the  what is given can be taken away, when it  Kashmir. That should not be an option.
       The  revival  now  of  Musharraf’s  Four  and in particular by Sir Owen Dixon  concept of self-governance within the  does not in fact include true sovereignty.  The demand for self-determination is
       Point Formula, which was widely dis- of Australia. This has been the demand  parameters of Four-point Formula is. It  Have we forgotten the abrogation of Ar- greater now than it has been in many
       cussed in 2006, has again been raised as  of the leadership of the Kashmiri resis- is problematic because under this plan,  ticle 370 and 35A?  years.  It’s time for all parties to recog-
       a solution that offers the most promise  tance  that  demilitarization  from  both  self-governance excludes the option of   Those  who  believe  that  the  people  nize the realities on the ground.
       of hope to those who have grown weary  sides of the Ceasefire Line will pave the  freedom  or  independence.  In  fact,  it  of  Kashmir  should  accept  Musharraf’s   The  United  Nations  still  has  the
       of the struggle and are willing to accept  way for a serious and thoughtful solu- clearly says that the people of Kashmir  Four-point  formula  should  be  bold  ability to persuade both India and Pak-
       serious compromises in the interest of  tion to the Kashmir dispute.  will  be  given  self-governance  with- enough to say exactly what it is, i.e., that  istan  to  resolve  the  conflict  once  and
       alleviating some suffering. Let there be   Yes,  the  Line  of  Control  is  in  fact  out  independence.  Will  India  retain  the formula gives the people of Kashmir  for all. It must also find the will to do
       no  doubt  that  Musharraf’s  four-point  a  line  of  conflict  which  needs  to  be  the power to tax the Kashmiris?  Will  only choice and that is to be part of India.  so. If that happens, peace and stability
       Formula does not want to resolve the  eroded so that the people of Kashmir  people have a hand in the politics and  There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  will be guaranteed not only in Kashmir
       Kashmir dispute but to dissolve it.  can move freely from one area to the  influence who has the mandate to rule?   Famed jurist and author A. G. Noora- but in the region of South Asia – home
         General  Musharraf’s  Four-point  other. But the problem arises when the  Will they pass new laws which infringe  ni was correct when he said on Novem- to one fifth of total human race.
       formula involves the following:  ‘Four-point Formula’ says that borders  on the limited self-rule the Kashmiris  ber 2, 2009 (The Hindu), “The solution   (Dr  Fai  is  the  Secretary  General
         1. Demilitarization or phased with- cannot  be  withdrawn.  That  is  a  very  possess?    Where  does  self-rule  begin  (of  Kashmir)  should  be  such  that  a  of  World  Kashmir  Awareness.  -  gn-
       drawal of troops              loaded  phrase.  That  means  that  the  and where does it end, if Kashmir does  Kashmiri leader could announce it in Lal,  www.kashmi-
         2.  There will be no change of bor- Line of Control should in fact be estab- not possess sovereignty over its land?  Chowk.” I totally agree with Mr Noorani.

           n By Ashraf Jehangir Qazi   The Taliban Govt in Afghanistan, Long Considered                                       pro  quo  that  India  move  away  from
                  Pakistan                                                                                                    military cooperation with Russia, neu-
                                               Pakistan’s Protégé, Is No Longer Friendly                                      trality on Ukraine, and economic co-
             fghanistan’s internal develop-                                                                                   operation with China.
             ments  are  of  importance  to                                                                                      Why would India object given the
       Aits neighbors, especially Paki-                                                            The rest of Afghanistan blames Pak- importance  of  being  a  de  facto  non-
       stan. But far more important is Paki-                                                    istan  for  having  imposed  the  Taliban  NATO  military  ally  of  the  US  which
       stan’s Afghanistan policy mess which                                                     on them and for the vicious regime that  would  significantly  advance  its  re-
       is  a  direct  consequence  of  Pakistan’s                                               oppresses  them  —  especially  women  gional  hegemonic  aspirations?  One,
       political situation.                                                                     — in the name of Islam. They prefer In- because India prizes its own status as
         Let us take a brief look at Pakistan’s                                                 dia to Pakistan — and not just because  an emerging great power which choos-
       external relations. Its relations with In-                                               of  India’s  economic  assistance.  Paki- es its own strategic options; and two,
       dia are hostile largely due to India. Its                                                stan’s  assistance  to  Afghanistan  on  a  because  ironically  a  closer  strategic
       relations with Afghanistan are strained                                                  per capita basis has actually been more  alliance  with  the  US  actually  reduces
       because of strategic short-sightedness.                                                  than India’s but it has not brought any  India’s options for regional hegemony
       Its relations with Iran are dubious be-                                                  political goodwill. This is the measure  in  South  Asia  despite  the  dwindling
       cause of US diplomatic and economic                                                      of the failure of Pakistan’s Afghanistan  strategic significance of Pakistan.
       leverage  over  Pakistan.  Its  relations                                                policy. It has allowed India to poten-  This  is  because  China  would  be
       with China are stable but static because                                                 tially develop a strategic pincer or two- compelled  by  the  US-India  military
       of  its  structural  inability  to  avail  of  Pakistan, is no longer friendly. It sees  which  has  fenced  almost  its  entire  front situation against Pakistan.  alliance  to  dramatically  raise  its  own
       transformation opportunities. Its rela- Pakistan’s policy towards it as wavering  border,  complains  of  terrorism  from   There is, however, a larger regional  strategic  profile  in  the  Indian  Ocean
       tions with Russia remain undeveloped  between furtive support and kowtow- Afghanistan?  Is  it  because  Pakistan  context that has to be considered. In- and among all the neighbors of India,
       due to Pakistan’s elite deference to the  ing  to  American  demands.  Its  enemy  cannot contain the TTP which actually  dia seeks regional hegemony in South  including Afghanistan which does not
       US and India’s continuing influence in  at home is the Khorasan branch of the  operates from inside Pakistan with on  Asia. As long as Pakistan was perceived  actually border India. Even with US as-
       Moscow. Its relations with the US, de- Islamic  State.  It  cannot  and  will  not  and off support from certain quarters?  as a viable state its relations with China  sistance, India does not have the capac-
       spite its elite deference, have declined  treat the TTP as an enemy even though  Or is it because the other neighbors of  presented  an  impossible  obstacle  to  ity to overcome such a Chinese chal-
       because of its diminished strategic rel- Mullah  Hibatullah  Akhundzada  has  Afghanistan  are  more  committed  to  India’s regional ambitions. This posed  lenge.  India’s  strategic  planners  know
       evance as well as India’s rising strategic  openly  declared  that  attacks  in  Paki- stopping  TTP  terrorism?  The  Taliban  a strategic dilemma for it. The closer it  this  and  unlike  their  counterparts  in
       profile in Washington.        stan are not jihad.           government  of  Afghanistan  denies  it  got to the US against China, including  Pakistan do not fool themselves.
         In this bleak situation, Pak-Afghan   Mullah Akhundzada also asks per- allows TTP terrorism against Pakistan  a quantum jump in critically important   Accordingly, they know India’s ‘effi-
       relations are crucial. The Taliban gov- tinent questions. Why out of Afghani- from its territory. However, it concedes  military  technology  cooperation,  the  cient path’ towards hegemony in South
       ernment, long considered a protégé of  stan’s  six  neighbors  only  Pakistan,  it has not been able to stop it altogether. more  the  US  would  demand  as  quid   (Continued on page 23)
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