Page 4 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 4

P4 - PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023                                                                                                        OPINION
        Pakistan Link                       Humans Behaving Unlike Humans                                                     ister Modi was banished from the US
                                                                                                                              because of evidence of his complicity
                                                                                                                              during the 2002 Muslim massacres in
                                                                                                                              Gujarat. Now, there is a case of selec-
                Advisory Board
            Dr Sohail Masood            n By Mowahid Hussain Shah                                                             tive amnesia.
                                                                                                                                 In  the  United  States,  during  the
                  President          J  anuary 27, 2021, marked the 76th                                                      Trump  administration,  50  percent  of
            Arif Zaffar Mansuri         anniversary  of  the  liberation  of                                                  the populace was relatively undisturbed
   the  Auschwitz  death  camp  in                                                    when, between 2017-19, children were
                                     Poland. An eminent Surrey and Eng-                                                       snatched and separated from parents en-
         Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                  land  Test  cricketer                                                         tering the US from Mexico, juxtaposed
             and  dear  friend  sent                                                       with triumphal claims of the US being
                                                me  on  the  occasion                                                         the ‘greatest ever country in history.’
           Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief      a  video  link  to  the                                                          The Holocaust didn’t occur in hin-
                  (Pakistan)                    documentary  “Night                                                           terland  areas  of  Africa.  It  happened
              Shabbir Ghori
                    Will  Fall,”  shown  on                                                       in the heart of Europe, with survivors
                                                UK TV.                                                                        still there to provide living testimony.
             Resident Editor Urdu Link   It  starts  with  contemporaneous                                                    Underneath  the  façade  of  civiliza-
            & Director Video Operations  film footage shot in the spring of 1945                                              tion  lurks  the  human  beast,  enabling
             Anwar Khawaja
    documenting horrific scenes of human  50 years after WWII, similar scenes were repeated in Bosnia and Kosovo. The   humans  to  behave  unlike  human  be-
                                     carnage  witnessed  by  liberating  Brit- July 1995 genocide in the Bosnian Muslim town of Srebrenica of more than   ings. Hatred that is unchecked can run
           Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    ish  troops  of  thousands  of  dead  and  8,000 men and boys under the watch of Dutch UN troops, considered the   amok at any time.
     dying  inmates  at  Bergen-Belsen  Nazi  worst genocide in Europe after WWII, was one of the key catalysts radicaliz-  The  makers  of  “Night  Will  Fall”
                                     concentration camp in northern Ger- ing Europe’s Muslims. The West failed the test of ‘never again.’ –  present  “proof  that  it  actually  hap-
               Regional Offices
                                     many.  Soviet  photographers  captured                                                   pened” and that there was no falsifying
                  YKKB               the scene at other death camps includ- watch  of  Dutch  UN  troops,  consid- brazenly defend and exonerate Burma. of atrocity reports. Many of those who
           ing  Auschwitz.  Indescribable  horror.  ered the worst genocide in Europe af-  Looking at the big picture, mankind  survived “did not resemble human be-
                                     The  original  film  was  edited  in  1946  ter WWII, was one of the key catalysts  has  continued  its  sordid  tradition  of  ings” when camps were liberated. One
                Sacramento, CA       with famed moviemaker Alfred Hitch- radicalizing  Europe’s  Muslims.  The  turning  a  blind  eye  to  human  suffer- eyewitness  said:  “I  peered  into  Hell.”
  cock  as  one  of  the  supervising  direc- West failed the test of ‘never again.’  ing  occurring  under  its  watch  when  Another  eyewitness  depicted  scenes

            San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  tors. Footage was used as evidence at   In 1994, the international commu- an  intervention  would  have  mattered.  inside the death camp of Dachau near
  the Nuremberg trials, but the film was  nity stood idly by when up to 800,000  And then retrospectively bemoaning it  Munich as “most appalling Hell.” Out-
                                     not released to the public. In 2014, the  ethnic minority Tutsis were hacked to  when it hardly matters to the countless  side the nightmare, in the small town
                New York, NY
    1946  documentary  became  the  basis  death in 90 days by Hutus in Rwanda.  who already have lost everything. The  of  Dachau,  people  led  normal  lives.
                                     of “Night Will Fall,” directed by Andre  More recent is the holocaust inflicted  proclivity has been to remain bystand- They knew about it but did not care.
                 Houston, TX         Singer, which in an epilogue warns that  on Rohingya Muslims in Burma since  ers, to give lip service, and take the risk-  The unaffected often are indifferent
                                     this could be repeated if lessons are not  October 2016, which by 2018, had re- averse step of shedding crocodile tears.  to the suffering of the ‘Other.’ Reverting
                 Phoenix, AZ         heeded. Were they?            sulted in 24,000 deaths, 18,000 rapes,   A  household  where  its  members  back to the core burning issue, which
    50 years after WWII, similar scenes  and over 700,000 refugees. Nobel Peace  have  disappeared,  or  been  tortured,  to date has destabilized the world for
                                     were  repeated  in  Bosnia  and  Kosovo.  Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi didn’t  raped,  and  slaughtered  has  experi- 75  years,  one  would  be  hard-pressed
                Ontario, Canada
    The July 1995 genocide in the Bosnian  lift a finger to discourage it. Rather, she  enced  nothing  short  of  a  mini-ho- to find Western leaders who can freely
                                     Muslim  town  of  Srebrenica  of  more  led  a  legal  team  to  the  International  locaust.  Kashmir  is  a  classic  case  in  and  openly  express  empathy  for  the
          Letters to the Editor      than  8,000  men  and  boys  under  the  Court of Justice in December 2019 to  point. For 10 years, Indian Prime Min- embattled Palestinians. It will cost.
        Readers  are  welcome  to  express  their
        opinion in these columns. Please keep
        your letters brief and to the point.  Let-  n By Hasan Ali
        ters  without  full  name,  complete  ad-                      Why a Free Election ‘Seems                             above the law ... [and] what happened
        dress, and a daytime phone number will                                                                                on May 9 was not democracy but an at-
        not be published. Also, copies of letters   he people of Pakistan celebrat-                                           tack on the state,” he says. “Does Amer-
        sent  to  other  newspapers  are  not  en-  ed  76  years  of  independence  Almost Impossible’ in Pakistan
        couraged. Letters can be mailed, faxed                                                                                ica forgive the attack on Capitol Hill?”
        or e-mailed to the Editor at the Pakistan   Tfrom the British Raj Monday                                                 Observers point out that the reck-
        Link Headquarters address listed below.
                                     with  fireworks  and  commemorative                                                      oning  after  the  May  9  attacks  has  al-
        Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub-  ceremonies. But amid the pomp and                                             lowed the Pakistan army to reassert its
        lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   celebration, there was a palpable sense                                    control  over  the  country’s  fragile  de-
             DBA PL Publications, LLC.
                                     of unease about the country’s future.                                                    mocracy and that the civilian govern-
        Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA   After five years of instability, Paki-                                       ment has ceded space to the military as
           and additional mailing offices.
        POST MASTER: Send address changes to   stan’s fractious politics entered a new                                        an act of self-preservation.
        Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim,   phase  when  the  president  dissolved                                          But for veteran journalist Zebunni-
                  CA 92815           the National Assembly on the advice of                                                   sa Burki, the rolling back of democratic
        The  management  has  the  right  to  re-
        fuse to print any advertisement, news,   outgoing Prime Minister Muhammad                                             freedoms actually began in 2018, when
        article,  letter  or  any  other  material.  In   Shehbaz Sharif.                                                     the military establishment went out of
        case of any errors in advertisement the   The  constitution  stipulates  that                                         its way to bring Mr Khan to power.
        management will not be liable for more
        than the amount paid for the advertise-  general elections must be held within                                           “Nothing  is  in  a  vacuum.  Every-
               ment to the Link.     90 days of the dissolution, but it is dif-                                               thing  that  is  happening  right  now  is
        Advertisements  in  Pakistan  Link  are   ficult to find anyone who believes that                                     linked  to  what  was  happening  back
        placed in good faith. The newspaper is
        not responsible nor endorses the con-  will happen. Instead, it is expected that                                      then,” she says. “I wouldn’t lose hope
        tents of any advertisement. In case of a   a long period of technocratic rule by a                                    completely, but it’s very difficult to find
        frivolous lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear
        the total cost of the suit, including but   caretaker government will give the mil-                                   any  because  civilian  space  has  been
        not limited to the Link’s costs and the   itary  establishment  time  to  decisively  “And given that the military is so en- political arena will mean voters are de- ceded terribly.”
                attorney’s fees.     remove former Prime Minister Imran  trenched – its footprint is everywhere  prived of their freedom to choose.  The election of Mr Khan in the sum-
             Information for         Khan from the political process.  from business to politics to religion – it   “How can you classify something as  mer of 2018 was seen as the beginning
               Subscribers             Indeed, in its final month, the Na- seems  almost  impossible  for  Pakistan  a transparent democracy when you’re  of a kind of hybrid democracy, where
         The printing of Pakistan Link is un-  tional  Assembly  passed  more  than  a  to be free and truly independent.”  dismantling  the  largest  national-level   (Continued on page 23)
         failingly  completed  by  Wednesday   hundred  bills  without  debate  or  op-  In the aftermath of the May 9 riots  party ... and the most popular leader in
         every week and its copies are hand-                                                                                                 Views    and
         ed  over  to  the  mailing  house  for   position,  including  amendments  that  –  when  supporters  of  Mr  Khan  laid  the country is in prison?” he asks. “For
         prompt dispatch to the subscribers.   have  empowered  both  the  military  siege to military installations in a show  Pakistan to become a free and demo-  opinions  ex-
         The Link should reach its destination                                                                                               pressed    by
         on  time  if  there  is  no  delay  at  the   and  the  Inter-Services  Intelligence  to  of anger at his initial arrest this spring  cratic  country,  what  needs  to  happen   authors  and
         post office. If a delay is occasioned it   crush  dissent  and  persecute  civilians.  – the Pakistan army cracked down on  is  free  and  fair  elections.  The  people
         is in no way attributable to the per-                                                                                               contributors
         formance of Link’s management. In   Meanwhile, Mr Khan was convicted of  Mr Khan’s party, the Pakistan Tehreek- have to pick their leaders and the gov-  in   articles,
         case  of  delayed  receipt  of  Pakistan   corruption and transferred to a high- e-Insaf  (PTI).  Thousands  of  activists  ernment that comes in has to have the   letters,  opin-
         Link or missing issues, please contact
         your local Post Office and submit a    security prison.   were thrown behind bars, and virtually  mandate of the masses.”  ion pieces, reports, advertise-
             “Publication Watch” form.  Journalist  and  dissident  Taha  Sid- the  entire  top  leadership  was  forced   By contrast, members of the outgo-  ments, etc appearing in Paki-
               Tel: 714-400-3400     diqui, who is no fan of Mr Khan or his  to defect. With Mr Khan barred from  ing coalition government believe that   stan Link and Urdu Link are
               Fax: 714-400-3404     party, says these developments are evi- contesting  elections  for  the  next  five  the greater threat to Pakistani democ-  their own. The paper neither
           E-Mail:                                                                                      shares  nor  endorses  them
                                     dence that Pakistani democracy “exists  years,  prospects  for  a  PTI  comeback  racy would be a failure to prosecute Mr
            Pakistan Office          on paper but not in practice.”  are dim.                   Khan. That is the view of Ahsan Iqbal   and thus should not be held
                                                                                                                                responsible  for  the  views/
               42 Rehman Court         “Unless and until the military lets go   For Sayed Zulfiqar Bukhari – who  Chaudhary,  a  former  planning  min-  opinions of the writers & ad-
         Plaza Square,  Off  M. A.  Jinnah Road  of its hold over the country, it is diffi- served as a minister in the PTI govern- ister who served in the coalition gov-
             Karachi-74400, Pakistan  cult to see Pakistan being free,” he says.  ment  –  Mr  Khan’s  absence  from  the  ernment led by Mr Sharif. “No one is   vertisers.
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