Page 1 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 1

Vol.  33/34  Safar 9, 1445                                                    Friday, August 25, 2023                                                                                      US & Canada $1.00

       PAGE  4                               PAGE  6                              PAGE  21

          Why a Free                            American                            Ayesha Shares                      For news, updated
        Election ‘Seems                          Civility                             Fun Clicks
       Almost Impossible’                           at                                With Stars                       round the clock,visit
          in Pakistan                           Greenbrier                            from USA
                                             Let People Decide Future Government, US

                                        Ambassador Tells Chief Election Commissioner

                                        ISLAMABAD:  US  Ambassador
                                        Donald Blome met with Chief Elec-
                                        tion Commissioner (CEC) Sikander
                                        Sultan Raja on Thursday to reaffirm
       The FIA has already arrested both Khan   the  United  States’  support  for  free                                   President  Alvi  has  sought  input  of  the
       and Qureshi in the case          and fair elections conducted in ac-                                                Law Ministry on the present situation
                                        cordance  with  Pakistan’s  laws  and
         Cypher Trial against IK,       Constitution.                                                                      President Seeks Law Ministry’s
                                          A  statement  issued  by  the  US
            Qureshi May Start           embassy spokesperson said the am-                                                     Advice on ECP Stance over
            within a Fortnight          bassador  reiterated  that  choosing                                                     Fixing Election Date
                                        Pakistan’s  future  leaders  is  for  the
       ISLAMABAD: The trial of PTI Chairman   Pakistani people to decide and that                                          ISLAMABAD:  President  Arif  Alvi  on
       Imran Khan and his deputy Shah Mehm-  Washington  remains  committed  US ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome (left) and Chief Election  Thursday approached the Ministry of Law
       ood Qureshi in the cypher case under the   to working to broaden and deepen  Commissioner (CEC) Sikandar Sultan Raja – The News International and  Justice,  via  a  letter,  to  seek  its  input
       Official  Secrets  Act  is  expected  to  start   the  US-Pakistan  relationship  with                              on the Election Commission of Pakistan’s
       within a fortnight.              whomever the people choose.   The  Election  Commission  of  months, meaning elections this year  (ECP) response regarding a meeting with
         Official sources said the FIA is trying to   The  US  ambassador’s  remarks  Pakistan (ECP) has already decided  may not be possible.  him to fix the polls’ date.
       complete the challan by next week for the   came  against  the  backdrop  of  un- to  go  ahead  with  the  delimitation   There  are  also  concerns  that  a   In a statement on X, formerly known as
       initiation of trial in the special court   certainty over the timing of the gen- exercise  before  the  next  polls.  The  level playing field may not be avail  Twitter, the President House said that Alvi
            (Continued on page 12)      eral elections.             entire exercise will take up to four   (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

                                           Pakistanis Stand by Their Christian Brothers and Sisters

                                        during This Traumatizing Time: Ambassador Masood Khan

                                                                                                United States, met with members of
                                                                                                the region’s interfaith community to
                                                                                                condemn  the  recent  attack  on  the
                                                                                                Christian community in Jaranwala,
       The latest wave of depreciation will fur-                                                   “August 16 was a dark day for  The  OIC event was held to  highlight
       ther fuel inflation                                                                      Pakistan,” the ambassador said. “We  human right violations in IIOJK
                                                                                                strongly  condemn  the  horrendous
        Rupee Reaches New Low:                                                                  incidents  of  Jaranwala.  Our  hearts   OIC Calls on India to
           Greenback Trades for                                                                 go out to those who were affected   Reverse ‘Illegal, Unilateral’
                                                                                                and  displaced.  Islam  doesn’t  allow
              around Rs314/$                                                                    any  discrimination  and  persecu-  2019 IIOJK Measures
       KARACHI:  The  Pakistani  rupee  reached                                                   The  ambassador  went  on  to  ANKARA:  The  Organization  of  Islamic
       a  record  low  against  the  US  dollar  on     “We  strongly  condemn  the  horrendous  incidents  of  Jaranwala.  Our   note that Pakistani Prime Minister  Cooperation  (OIC)  on  Wednesday  called
       Thursday after the greenback was traded at   hearts go out to those who were affected and displaced. Islam doesn’t   recently  visited  Jaranwala  on  the  upon India to reverse all “illegal and unilat-
       Rs300.26 in the interbank market.  allow any discrimination and persecution,” said Ambassador Masood   outskirts  of  Faisalabad  to  express  eral measures” taken on or after August 5,
         The open market also saw an increase   Khan – Photo Embassy of Pakistan                solidarity  with  the  victims  whose  2019, and to stop the gross, systematic and
       in the dollar’s value after it gained Rs2 and                                            churches  were  burned  and  homes  widespread human rights abuses in Indian
       was being traded at around Rs314/$.    n By Elaine Pasquini  August  23,  2023,  at  the  Pakistan  vandalized. The entire leadership of  Illegally  Occupied  Jammu  and  Kashmir
         The difference between exchange rates                      Embassy  in  Washington,  Masood  Pakistan, civil society, and religious  (IIOJK).
            (Continued on page 12)      WASHINGTON: In a meeting on  Khan, Pakistan’s ambassador to the   (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

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