Page 8 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 8

P8 - PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023                                                                                                        OPINION
         n By Professor Nazeer Ahmed  Muslim Contributions to India’s Freedom                                                 forces  was  in  favor  of  Europe.  There
                Concord, CA                                                                                                   was  widespread  resentment  in  India

            The First War of India’s         Struggle - A Different Narrative - 2                                             and  its  former  ruling  classes  of  the
                                                                                                                              loss  of  power  and  increasing  poverty
             Independence (1857)                                                                                              thanks to the rapacity of the East India
                                                                                                                              Company. These tensions were inher-
            he  uprising  of  1857  has  been                                                   to consolidate its hold on India by force  ent in the relationship between the col-
            the subject of numerous books,                                                      as with the Anglo-Maratha wars (1803- onizer and the colonized as well as the
       Tarticles, and analyses. What is                                                         1818) in Central India and the Anglo- unbridled capitalism of the East India
       astonishing  about  the  uprising  was                                                   Sikh wars (1845-49) in the Punjab. The  Company. But what finally ignited the
                  not that it took place                                                        other method was the dispossession of  spark of uprising was religion.
                  in 1857 but it took so                                                        Rajas,  Nawabs  and  potentates  under   Increasing wealth tilted the balance
                  long for it to happen.                                                        the so-called Doctrine of Lapse under  of power in Europe towards the Protes-
                  The British East India                                                        which a kingdom would be taken over  tant North (England, Holland, Germa-
                  Company  came  to                                                             by the British if there was no male heir  ny) and away from the Catholic South.
                  India  to  trade.  Then,                                                      for the king. Examples of this were the  There was a Protestant resurgence and
                  as the Mogul Empire                                                           kingdoms of Jhansi, Satara and Oudh.  its  impact  was  felt  as  far  away  as  In-
       disintegrated, they started to meddle                                                       As India and much of Asia contin- dia and China. What seemed to have
       in Indian affairs.                                                                       ued  its  political  retrenchment  in  the  ignited the spark of uprising in India
         After  winning  a  protracted  strug-                                                  19th  century,  colonialism  enjoyed  its  appears to be the increasing aggressive-
       gle with the French for supremacy in                                                     heyday.  The  technology  gap  between  ness of Protestant ministers to preach
       Southern India, the British had a clear                                                  Asia  and  Europe  continued  to  in- their faith in India. In one of her proc-
       field  for  their  political  aspirations.  What is astonishing about the uprising was not that it took place in 1857 but it   crease thanks to the industrial revolu- lamations,  Begum  Hazrat  Mahal  of
       Their first win came with the historic  took so long for it to happen -  tion and this increasing gap was used  Oudh, one of the principal leaders of
       Battle of Plassey in Bengal (1757). As                                                   by the Europeans to consolidate their  the Uprising, describes her grievances
       a military event, it was only a skirmish.  only by the greed for profits from the  famines  and  thousands  perished  in  hold  on  Asia  and  Africa.  The  Dutch  against the Company (quotation from
       In its political impact, it was a pivotal  Company stakeholders in London. The  Bengal and Bihar.  captured Indonesia and French estab- William Dalrymple, The Last Mughal,
       event in world history, a hinge around  well-known episode of how Governor   There  was  resistance  in  Southern  lished themselves in Indo China. Even  Viking Penguin 2006):
       which the destiny of Asia revolved, a  General  Warren  Hastings  starved  the  India from Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan  mighty China was forced to bow down   "To eat pigs and drink wine, to bite
       milestone that changed the history of  Begums of Oudh and compelled them  but  the  British  successfully  navigated  when a combined expeditionary force  greased cartridges and to mix pig's fat
       the world.                    to  part  with  their  jewelry  is  now  an- the balance of power in their favor, en- consisting of British and French naval  with  sweetmeats,  to  destroy  Hindu
         The  East  India  Company  had  a  cient  history.  The  peasants  of  Bengal  ticing the Nizam and the Marathas to  squadrons  shot  its  way  up  to  Beijing  and Mussalman temples on pretense of
       taste  of  real  wealth  in  Bengal.  Soon,  went from prosperity to penury. Cheap  side with them. Tipu fell in the Battle  and forced the Chinese emperor to ca- making roads, to build churches, to send
       they  turned  from  trade  to  loot.  The  cotton cloth was imported from Eng- of Srirangapatam (1799) and the gold  pitulate and permit the sale of opium  clergymen into the streets to preach the
       victory  at  the  battle  of  Buxor  (1764)  land,  and  discriminatory  taxes  were  from Tipu’s treasury as well as the prof- in his vast realm as well as opening up  Christian  religion,  to  institute  English
       brought  them  total  financial  control  imposed to drive the weavers of Bengal  itable  spice  trade  from  the  Malabar  Chinese  hinterland  to  foreign  influ- schools, and pay people a monthly sti-
       of Bengal, Bihar and Eastern UP. This  and  eastern  UP  into  poverty.  Malad- coast fell into British hands.  ence (1839-60).  pend for learning the Eng lish
       they exercised with a rapacity matched  ministration brought about successive   The East India Company continued   The aggregate thrust of geopolitical   (Continued on page 23)

              n By Phil Pasquini     Fukushima Radioactive Water Release is Set to Begin                                      effects of such a release.
                                                                                                                                 The  premise  is  based  on  numerous
           an  Francisco:  Much  to  the  ag-                                                                                 historical  findings  made  by  scientists
           gravation  of  concerned  environ-                                                      Once that discharge begins and tri- and regulatory agencies who have pro-
       Smental  activists,  the  Japanese                                                       tium is introduced into the water it will  nounced as “safe” various levels of chem-
       government  has  approved  the  Tokyo                                                    be taken up by sea life in entering the  icals and other materials in the environ-
                  Electric  Power  Com-                                                         food chain. Migratory fish in the coastal  ment and for human exposure to them
                  pany  (TEPCO)  plan                                                           area of the plant will in turn transport it  only to later discover their findings were
                  to  begin  releasing  the                                                     across the ocean posing health problems  inaccurate, false, or misleading. The once
                  “treated”  radioactive                                                        including  an  increased  risk  of  cancer  ‘harmless”  miracle  insecticide  DDT  of
                  water  into  the  Pacific                                                     for people who may ingest large quanti- the1940s  was  banned  in  1972  while
                  Ocean that is stored at                                                       ties of the contaminated fish. One such  ozone  depleting  chlorofluorocarbons
                  the Fukushima nuclear                                                         migratory species used in sashimi and  (CFCs) were banned in 1972. These are
       power plant beginning later this month.                                                  sushi  is  the  ever-popular  Bluefin  Tuna  shining examples among a long laundry
         The water used to cool the radioac-                                                    (Thunnus orientalis). That species is al- list of chemicals and materials that were
       tive  fuel  rods  from  the  plant  that  was                                            ready  widely  known  to  contain  unsafe  later banned or listed as dangerous and
       damaged  in  the  9.0-magnitude  Great                                                   levels of mercury and/or PCBs that are  injurious to people and our planet.
       East Japan Earthquake and subsequent                                                     harmful to humans.               The  wonderful  modern  world  of
       tsunami on March 11, 2011, is presently                                                     Findings from the Proceedings of the  chemistry  has  time  and  again  reversed
       being held in 1,000 massive storage con-                                                 National  Academy  of  Sciences  journal  course to list one of its miracles or another
       tainers  on  site.  Presently,  the  massive  ment that the water is safe and clean –  the water to bring the tritium to below  article just five months after the Fuku- as harmful and dangerous or both, thus,
       water  storage  tank  farm  is  96  percent  not harmful – and that there is nothing  regulatory standards.” Tritium is a rare  shima plant disaster in 2012 revealed that  the  obvious  skepticism  by  activists  who
       full and is running out of space to store  wrong with dumping it into the Pacific  radioactive isotope that was once used  Bluefin Tuna caught near San Diego had  play  the  “canary  in  the  coal  mine”  role
       an additional 100,000 liters of contami- Ocean. Even if they release the water, if  to illuminate watch faces due to its abil- “Tiny amounts of caesium-137 and cae- of calling attention to such questionable
       nated water being added to it each day.  any major worldwide opposition is en- ity to emit light without an external light  sium-134.” They further elaborated that  shortsightedness, convenience, and inex-
         In all, the plan calls for the release of  countered the company could cease the  source. It can efficiently do so during its  the  fish  “…had  carried  the  radioactive  pensive solutions to complex problems.
       1.3 million tons of water gradually over  discharge since they installed a shut off  half-life of 12 years.  materials across the Pacific Ocean faster   Add to all this the numerous nations
       the next 30 to 40 years to be dumped into  valve to the pipe.”  As a Berkeley resident, in her attempt  than those conveyed by wind or water.”  who  have  long  histories  of  regularly
       the Pacific Ocean, a volume that would   TEPCO for its part has stated that the  to condemn the dumping of the radioac-  Greenpeace stated that TEPCO has  dumping both high-and low-level radio-
       fill 500 Olympic-size swimming pools.  radioactive water being dumped has been  tive water that she characterized as a “vi- not revealed all and that “the water con- active waste in the oceans along with the
         In venting their aggravation and to  treated by an “advanced treating system”  olation of International Maritime Law”  tains  materials  (carbon-14)  that  could  numerous  nuclear  materials  generated
       inform the public of the ongoing Fuku- (ALPS)  to  prepare  it  for  release  and  as  (see  the1972  London  Convention,  in- potentially damage human DNA.”  during an era of atmospheric testing and
       shima disaster and its worldwide envi- such poses no threat to the ocean, marine  ternational treaty) Hamad attempted to   Another  finding,  however,  disputes  what we have today is a growing con-
       ronmental  and  health  consequences,  a  life or that of people. However, activists  enlist the Berkeley City Council to pass  the  danger  proposed  by  the  release.  centration of worldwide “nuclear soup.”
       small group of dedicated and concerned  refuse to believe the water’s release will  a resolution opposing and condemning  The UN’s International Atomic Energy  While the world’s oceans are extensive,
       activists held a morning protest outside  not be without consequences and refer to  the plan. Although she initially had the  Agency (IAEA) at the request of the Jap- covering a third of the planet, everything
       of the Japanese Consulate office sfor the  the entire matter yet as another chapter  support  of  two  council  members,  her  anese government studied the impact of  on Earth is finite. We truly live in an en-
       110th time.                   of the blatant disregard for the long-term  resolution  when  put  up  for  a  vote  did  the  water’s  release  concluding  that  the  closed terrarium. Once you put it in, you
         Speaking to the issue of the pending  health  of  people  and  our  planet  along  not  pass.  When  she  inquired  why  she  “…gradual  discharges  of  the  treated  can’t take it out.
       release  on  August  11,  organizer  Chizu  with that of future generations.  was  told  that  “The  Japanese  Embassy  water  to  the  sea,  as  currently  planned   Photos by Phil Pasquini
       Hamad responded to a question regard-  As  reported  earlier,  however,  a  re- had made phone calls to council mem- and assessed by TEPCO, would have a   (Phil  Pasquini  is  a  freelance
       ing  the  disbanding  of  the  protest  now  port in the Global Times published on  bers prior to the voting. I cannot myself  negligible radiological impact on people  journalist  and  photographer.  His
       that the Japanese government approved  March  27  of  this  year  stated  that  the  believe  that  the  Japanese  government  and the environment…the discharge of  reports and photographs appear in the
       that plan for the water’s release. Hamad  treated water “…still contains radionu- directly intervened into the voting. We  ALPS  treated  water  taken  by  Japan  is  Washington  Report  on  Middle  East
       responded that the group would not do  clides that are not able to be removed… were  fully  dismayed  and  disappointed.  consistent  with  relevant  international  Affairs and He is the author
       so because “People don’t know that Ja- Including ruthenium, strontium-90 and  We  hoped  that  ‘Nuclear  free  Berkeley’  safety  standards.”  That  conclusion  has  of  Domes,  Arches  and  Minarets:  A
       pan  will  release  the  radioactive  water.  iodine-129, in addition to tritium.” Part  would pass the resolution and when they  done little to create confidence in activ- History of Islamic-Inspired Buildings
       And,  also,  people  believe  the  govern- of the release includes the dilution of “… didn’t it was very painful” she stated.         ists who continue to warn of the possible  in America.)

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