Page 5 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 5
n By Dr Aslam Abdullah Blasphemy against Islam and Its I shall exempt them from that which
Fontana, CA may disturb them, of the burdens paid
must not give anything of their income
nsanity has taken over Pakistan. Messenger by Pakistan's Religious Elites by others as an oath of allegiance. They
Religious bigotry is on the rise. but that which pleases them—they
IViolence is common, and Islam must not be offended, disturbed, co-
has failed to convince the country's erced, or compelled. Their judges re-
political, business, main in their offices, their monks will
and religious elites of exercise their religious order, or …
its universality, legiti- No one is allowed to plunder these
macy, and humanity. Christians, destroy or spoil any of their
What happened in churches or houses of worship, or take
Jaranwala, a historic any of the things contained within them
town in the district of and bring them to the places of Islam.
Faisalabad, was not only shameful for And he who takes away anything there-
Pakistan but a negation of everything from will have corrupted the oath of
Islam claims to stand for. God and, in truth, disobeyed His Mes-
A Muslim mob of alleged sup- senger. Jizya should not be put upon
porters of Tehreek Labbaik ransacked their judges, monks, and those whose
Christian homes and burned five occupation is the worship of God, nor is
churches because someone found a few any other thing to be taken from them,
torn and burnt pages of the Qur’an, Is- The original of the Covenant Prophet whether it be a fine, a tax, or any unjust
lam's scriptures, near the homes of two Muhammad made with the Christian right. Verily I shall keep their com-
Christians. The local mosques actively Monks of Saint Catherine in Egypt Saint Catherine’s Monastery – Ferrell Jenkins pact, wherever they may be, in the sea
incited the community. or on the land, in the East or West, in
Jarranwala is famous for its role in 0.5% professional education. Most of Prophet Muhammad in securing foreigners, the known and the unknown. the North or South, for they are under
fighting British colonialism. Bhagat Christians are converts from lower protection for religious minorities, es- This letter contains the oath given My Protection and the testament of My
Singh, a freedom fighter in British In- castes, known as untouchables in Hin- pecially Christians. The Ashtiname of unto them, and he who disobeys that Safety, against all things they despise.
dia, and Sir Ganga Ram, a Civil Engi- du scriptures. Prophet Muhammad, also known as which is therein will be considered a Saint Catherine's Monastery – Fer-
neer and a renowned architect, who Despite its claims, Pakistan did not the Covenant or Testament (Testamen- disbeliever and a transgressor. He will rell Jenkins
designed famous buildings like Lahore treat them well. Discrimination is com- tum), is a charter or writ granting pro- be regarded as one who has corrupted No taxes or tithes should be re-
High Court, Aitchison College, Hailey mon. Forced conversion of girls often tection and other privileges to the fol- the oath of God, disbelieved His Testa- ceived from those who devote them-
College of Commerce, Lahore Muse- takes place. Usually, the community lowers of Jesus given to the Christian ment, rejected His Authority, despised selves to the worship of God in the
um, National College of Arts, and The faces the sting of the blasphemy law. monks of Saint Catherine's Monastery. His Religion, and made himself de- mountains or from those who cultivate
Horse Train Ghangha Pur came from However, the real problem is the It has an imprint of the Prophet's seal. serving of His Curse, whether he is a the Holy Lands. No one has the right to
the town. But now, people would re- intolerant religious leadership and the Here is an English translation of the Sultan or any other believer of Islam. interfere with their affairs or bring any
member this town for Muslim intoler- manipulative political elites, primar- Covenant: It is a letter issued by Mu- Whenever Christian monks, devotees, action against them. Verily this is for
ance and bigotry. ily representing the army. The gener- hammad, Ibn Abdullah, the Messenger, and pilgrims gather together, whether aught else and not for them; instead,
Christians are only 1.27 percent of als and Pakistan's intelligence controls the Prophet, the Faithful, sent to all the in a mountain or valley, or den, or fre- in the seasons of crops, they should be
Pakistan's population. Divided into Pakistan's religious parties and use people as a trust on the part of God to quented place, or plain, or church, or given a Kadah for each Ardab of wheat
Catholics and Protestants equally, they them at will. all His creatures, that they may have no in houses of worship, indeed we are (about five bushels and a half) as provi-
make up 80 percent of menial work- Pakistan's laws against its religious plea against God hereafter. Verily, God is [at the] back of them and shall protect sion for them, and no one has the right
ers in the country. They are the most minorities are discriminatory. They Omnipotent, the Wise. It reminds Mus- them, and their properties and their to say to them 'this is too much', or ask
illiterate community. Six percent have violate the fundamental Qur’anic prin- lims of the Covenant given to the fol- morals, by Myself, by My Friends and them to pay any tax.
primary education. 4% a high school ciple of equality and dignity for all. lowers of Jesus the Nazarene in the East by My Assistants, for they are of My As to those who possess properties,
education. 1% college education, and They also go contrary to the policies and West, the far and near, the Arabs and Subjects and under My Protection. (Continued on page 23)
n By Abdullah Zahid and Beena Sarwar Pakistani Minority Rights Activists Renew Masih. Manzoor died under a hail of
Sapan News bullets from unknown assailants out-
anzoor Masih - will Demands for Justice after Attacks on Churches side a district court in 1994. After Ja-
hangir obtained acquittal for Salamat
be remembered!... The and Rehmat, they had to flee abroad.
“MChristians of Shanti Na- In 2019, at least 40 were serving life
gar - will be remembered!... Rimsha ing religious sentiments’. Besides add- or on death row for ‘blasphemy’. From
Masih - will be remembered! ... ” ing harsh punishments, the critical 1987 to 2022, over 2,000 ‘blasphemy’
Activist and dancer Sheema Ker- words ‘malicious intent’ were dropped. cases have been filed. This year saw 57
mani led the chanting, evoking the Until then, Pakistan saw just seven cases of alleged blasphemy and four
names of a long list of Pakistani Chris- accusations of ‘blasphemy’ and two extrajudicial killings between January
tian individuals and communities extrajudicial killings. Now, anyone and May.
targeted by extremist elements in the can file a case against ‘blasphemy’ Of those imprisoned under these
name of religion over the years. transgressions, real or imagined. Inde- laws, 52% belong to religious minority
The latest violence took place on pendent investigations find that these communities, while 48% are Muslims
Wednesday in Jaranwala town in Fais- accusations often disguise personal from various sects.
alabad (formerly Lyallpur) district in vendettas. Pakistan’s religious minorities form
Punjab, the country’s largest prov- On 11 August 2023, demonstrations across the country brought together Section 295-C provides capital pun- about 5% of the country’s 220 million
ince, with the highest concentration diverse minority groups together with mainstream Muslim allies in a public ishment for insulting the Prophet Mu- strong population.
of Christians. The 2.6 million strong space – Sikhs, Christians, Zoroastrians, Hindus from different ethnic and hammad (PBUH). After the option of
community (1.27 percent of Pakistan’s linguistic backgrounds — Tamil, Maratha, Gujarati, Marwari, Kathiawari, life imprisonment became defunct in ‘Malicious intent’
220 million population) is the second- Sindhi, and Thari 1991, it stipulates a mandatory death What can be done to reverse the in-
largest religious minority after Hindus. penalty. justices?
Hundreds of demonstrators joined ly observed since 2009 as National Mi- The March presented an 11-point The first ‘blasphemy’ murder took To start with, “the words ‘malicious
Kermani on Saturday under a Karachi norities Day. This year, the date marked charter of demands, calling to amend place shortly afterwards. A Christian and deliberate intent’ need to be insert-
landmark, three marble ‘swords’ em- the 76th anniversary of Jinnah’s 1947 the ‘blasphemy laws’, stop forced con- poet and schoolteacher Naimat Ah- ed into the law as ordered by the Fed-
blazoned with the words ‘Unity, Faith, speech before the Constituent Assem- versions, protect minorities’ worship mar was killed in Faisalabad, after eral Shariat Court in 1990 citing the
Discipline’ - slogans attributed to the bly, in which he promised freedom of places, ensure equitable representation posters about his alleged transgression International Commission of Jurists,”
country’s founder M.A. Jinnah, revered religion to Pakistani citizens. The white in institutions, update the curriculum cropped up around town. Since then, at says Lahore-based researcher Arafat
as the ‘Quaid-i-Azam’ or Great Leader. stripe in Pakistan’s flag symbolizes the and curb violent religious groups. least 85 people have been killed follow- Mazhar, talking to Sapan News.
On Sunday, the Christian commu- country’s minorities. A street theatre play presented by ing such allegations. His long-term project Engage Paki-
nity in Jaranwala held services at the On 11 August 2023, demonstrations Sheema Kermani’s feminist group Teh- The late lawyer, UN rapporteur, and stan, based on years of solid research,
destroyed churches. And in Washing- across the country brought together rik-e-Niswan (Women’s Movement) at HRCP founder Asma Jahangir bravely includes a series of animated films to
ton DC several dozen Pakistani Chris- diverse minority groups together with the March during the march highlight- defended the several ‘blasphemy’ ac- create awareness about these issues. He
tians and Muslims gathered at a prayer mainstream Muslim allies in a pub- ed these issues. cused individuals in the spate of ac- also started a petition this year outlining
vigil in solidarity. lic space – Sikhs, Christians, Zoroas- ‘Blasphemy’ accusations have cusations that cropped up after the law steps to Stop the Abuse and Weaponiza-
trians, Hindus from different ethnic grown exponentially since 1987, when changed, facing threats and attacks. tion of Pakistan’s Blasphemy Laws.
Honor the white stripe and linguistic backgrounds — Tamil, the then military dictator Gen. Ziaul The defendants included the unlet- Many of the Minority Rights March
Pakistan’s first Minority Rights Maratha, Gujarati, Marwari, Kathi- Haq amended a previous colonial-era tered minor Salamat Masih, his father organizers are also part of the annual
March took place on 11 August annual- awari, Sindhi, and Thari. law dealing with the offence of ‘injur- Rehmat Masih, and uncle Manzoor (Continued on page 23)