Page 9 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 9

PAKISTAN                                                                                                               PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023 - P9
                                                                                                         PM Kakar affirms election
       UN protection sought for Jaranwala victims                                                 ‘goalpost’ in meeting with US envoy

                n Anwar Iqbal          Christian  leaders,  who  organ-  They said that extrajudicial actions,
                                     ised  Wednesday’s  rally,  traveled  to  fuelled  by  allegations  of  blasphemy,
       UNITED  NATIONS:  Hundreds  of  Washing-ton on Friday to share their  have  generated  concerns  about  mi-
       Pakistani Christians protested outside  demands  with  Pakis¬tan’s  US  envoy,  norities’ rights to life, liberty, security,
       the  UN  headquarters  on  Thursday  Amba-ssador Masood Khan.  and  religious  freedom  enshri¬ned  in
       evening, urging the world body to take   Earlier,  Pakistani  Christian  lead- the Consti¬tution of Pakistan.
       decisive  action  to  protect  Christians  ers told the protest rally how an un-  “Such attacks instill terror and fear
       from mob attacks.             substantiated allegation of blasphemy  among the minority communities, fur-
         Although  it  was  a  working  day,  against two local youths was used as  ther undermining their sense of secu-
       about 1,000 Chris¬tians came from  an excuse to burn down churches and  rity  and  religious  harmony,”  said  the
       across  the  US  east  coast  to  “show  ransack homes in Jaranwala.  resolution shared with the UN officials.
       how  the  mob  attacks  in  Jaranwala   “Even crosses and holy books were   The  protesters  demanded  that  an  US  Ambassador  to  Pakistan  Donald  Blome  meets  caretaker  Prime  Minister
       have  hurt  every  Christian,”  said  not  spared,”  said  Aron  Bashir,  a  Re- FIR should be registered immediately  Anwaarul Haq Kakar at Prime Minister’s Office in Islamabad, on Friday.—Online
       James Cyprian, one of the organis- publican  leader  of  Pakistani  origin  against those who instigated the mob
       ers of the rally.             from Pennsylvania.            attacks and an impartial task force or   n By Saleem Shahid    continuity during the period of demo-
         The park outside the UN headquar-  “We  feel  insecure  in  our  own  joint investigation team should probe          cratic transition,” it added.
       ters,  which  is  reserved  for  protests  homeland,”  said  Ziba  Gill,  another  the incident.  ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Prime Min-  The  US  ambassador  called  on  PM
       and rallies, was filled to capacity while  Pakistani Christian activist. “We are   They  should  also  examine  the  ister  Anwaarul  Haq  Kakar  on  Friday  Kakar  and  congratulated  him  on  as-
       some  protesters  were  also  marching  now  seeking  protection  from  the  role  of  law  enforcement  agencies  assured  US  Ambassador  to  Pakistan  suming  office,  reaffirming  the  United
       on adjacent streets and roads.  United Nations.”            and their failure to intervene proac- Donald Blome that the caretaker gov- States’  commitment  to  supporting
         Usually,  such  protests  do  not  get   The  speakers  also  pointed  out  tively, they added.  ernment’s  main  responsibility  was  to  Pakistan’s economic and development
       more  than  100  to  200  people  on  a  how  Assistant  Commissioner  of   The protesters urged authorities to  assist the Election Commission of Paki- agenda. Meanwhile, in a social media
       weekday.                      Jaran¬wala Shaukat Masih was trans- take immediate action against all mis- stan (ECP) in holding general elections. post  on  X,  formerly  known  as  Twit-
         In  a  resolution  shared  with  UN  ferred  the  same  day  to  appease  the  creants, including any government of-  The  PM  reaffirmed  the  govern- ter,  Donald  Blome  stated  that  during
       officials,  the  protesters  urged  the  culprits.          ficials and/or law enforcement officers  ment’s  desire  to  further  strengthen  the meeting with PM Kakar, they reaf-
       world body to persuade Pakistan to   Pastors  from  different  churches  found complicit.  bilateral  cooperation  with  the  US  in  firmed their steadfast commitment to
       make laws to end future attacks on  in  New  York,  New  Jersey,  Pennsyl-  The  protesters  also  demanded  a  the key areas, including trade and in- the  US-Pakistan  relationship,  support
       minorities.                   vania,  and  other  states  addressed  thorough investigation into the involve- vestment, energy, security, and climate  for free and fair elections, and their de-
         The  resolution  dem¬a¬n¬d¬ed  the rally as well and offered special  ment  of  local  clerics  in  inciting  mob  change,  said  an  official  press  release  sire to work with and through the US
       legislation to stop the misuse of blas- prayers for the victims.  violence,  with  appropriate  legal  action  issued  by  the  Prime  Minister  Office  Pakistan  Green  Alliance  to  build  for
       phemy laws, and to end the practice   Leaders  of  other  communities  taken against any cleric found guilty.  (PMO).  the future.
       of  using  blasphemy  allegations  for  also  addressed  the  rally  and  ex-  They urged the Punjab government   “The  prime  minister  emphasised   He also emphasised the importance
       personal  interests.  It  also  urged  the  pressed  concern  over  a  gradual  in- to compensate those whose properties  that  the  caretaker  government’s  main  of protecting religious minorities and
       United Nations to play its role in guar- crease in attacks on minorities’ plac- were  vandalised  and  stolen  or  burnt  responsibility  is  to  assist  the  Election  maintaining  the  ongoing  partnership
       anteeing religious freedom and to stop  es of worship in Pakistan, including  and  renovate  the  damaged  churches  Commission of Pakistan in the elector- with the International Monetary Fund
       forced conversions.           churches and temples.         and properties.              al  process  and  provide  constitutional  for economic recovery.

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