Page 14 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 14

P14 - PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023                                                                                                   COMMUNITY

        MPAC Co-Founder, Abdelhamid Youness,                                Hafiz Pasha Discusses Pakistan’s
                    Leaves a Lasting Legacy                                 Economic Situation on InferTalks

                                                                         n By Elaine Pasquini
                                                                           Washington, DC
                                                                       ormer Pakistani finance minister
                                                                       Dr  Hafiz  Pasha  discussed  Paki-
                                                                   Fstan’s  economic  situation  with
                                                                   InferTalks host Usama Nizamani on his
                                                                              August  4,  2023,  pro-
                                                                                 Currently,   Paki-
                                                                              stan’s  most  pressing
                                                                              economic  issue  is  the
                                                                              country’s  external  debt
                                                                              of $126 billion. On July
                                                                   12, however, the International Monetary
                                                                   Fund  approved  a  nine-month  standby
                                                                   arrangement for Pakistan in the amount
                                                                   of  $3  billion  to  assist  in  servicing  the
                                                                   country’s foreign debt obligation.
                                                                     This  year,  Pakistan  is  going  to  be  Dr Hafiz Pasha
                                                                   spending almost 60 percent of its federal
       LOS ANGELES, CA: To God we be- said Salam Al-Marayati, MPAC Presi- budget on paying the interest payments
       long,  and  to  Him  we  shall  return.  It  dent. "His vision and leadership have  on debt, Pasha said, and “this is hope-
       is with a heavy heart that MPAC an- shaped MPAC into the organization it  lessly unsustainable.” Restoring Pakistan’s
       nounces the passing of our co-founder,  is today, and we are committed to car- economy to the path of “rapid, inclusive
       Abdelhamid Youness.           rying forward his mission of fostering  and sustainable growth” is a top prior-
         A visionary leader and tireless ad- a more inclusive and equitable society,  ity for the government, requiring strong
       vocate,  Abdelhamid  Youness  passed  and making Islam a positive and inte- measures and reforms, he added.
       away peacefully on Sunday, August 20,  gral element in American pluralism."  Another dominating problem is the
       2023.  His  departure  leaves  a  void  in   Under  Youness'  guidance,  MPAC  large  imbalance  between  Pakistan’s  ex-
       our  hearts,  but  his  unwavering  spirit  remains at the forefront of advocating  ports  and  imports.  “There  have  been
       and  commitment  to  creating  a  more  for  the  rights  of  American  Muslims,  years  where  our  imports  were  nearly
       inclusive environment for Muslims in  promoting  religious  freedom,  and  double  our  exports,”  he  explained.
       America  will  always  be  remembered.  combating Islamophobia. His strategic  “Clearly that is unsustainable because it
       Mr Youness was a driving force behind  vision and ability to bring diverse com- leads to a very large trade deficit.”
       the establishment of MPAC more than  munities  together  is  instrumental  in   Large flows of remittances from Paki-
       35 years ago. His steadfast dedication  fostering  dialogue  and  understanding  stanis living abroad have helped Pakistan’s
       in establishing a presence in civic spac- between Muslims and people of other  economy,  but  there  are  years  when  the  Usman Nizamani
       es for Muslims in America earned him  faiths.               gap becomes too large. Two years ago, the
       respect  and  admiration  from  all  who   As we mourn the loss of a remark- economist noted, there was a gap of al- to 20 years, cotton, “through some very  stated,  praising  the  Pakistani  govern-
       knew him. He and his wife, the late Dr  able  leader,  we  also  celebrate  the  ex- most $17.5 billion in the current account  injudicious and interest-driven politics”  ment for working on climate and other
       Ehsan Youness, may God rest her soul,  traordinary life and legacy of Abdelha- deficit which led to a massive depletion of  was replaced by sugarcane, he continued.  programs. “We were fortunate when we
       opened their hearts and homes to host  mid Youness. His dedication to justice,  Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves.  “And  today  Pakistan  needs  to  import  went to the conference on financing of
       events  for  MPAC,  and  engage  stake- compassion, and equality will continue   In addition, climate change needs to  almost  40  percent  of  its  requirements  the  flood  reconstruction,  we  were  able
       holders on behalf of our community.  to guide MPAC's work as we strive to  be tackled immediately as global warm- of cotton. After independence, Pakistan  to mobilize about $9.5 billion, some of it
         “Mr. Youness was an inspiration to  create  a  society  that  values  diversity,  ing is beginning to have a serious impact  was the major exporter of cotton to In- diverted from other projects. There is a
       us all, and his legacy - including MPAC  human  rights,  and  upholds  the  prin- on  the  glaciers  in  Pakistan,  leading  to  dia. Today, indirectly, or otherwise, Paki- realization globally that Pakistan is one
       - will live on for generations to come,"  ciples of justice for all.   large outflows of water causing flooding  stan is a major importer of cotton from  of the most vulnerable countries and we
                                                                   in  the  delta  region.  Last  year’s  historic  India.  That  is  the  extent  to  which  our  have to give top priority to investment in
                                                                   floods cost the economy $30 billion.  agricultural sector has not been able to  flood mitigation and management.”
         Memorable Sadequain Immersive   Sadequain from obscurity.   Amid  Pakistan’s  declining  GDP,  last  cater to the needs of our country.”  Pakistan  continues  its  efforts  to  in-
           Art Experience in Islamabad                             year over one hundred million people fell   On a positive note, however, over the  crease  foreign  direct  investment  in  the
          (Continued from page 13)                                 below the poverty line. “This has never  last  few  years  the  government  has  “re- country and to enhance the ease of doing
       gaging and intriguing while the color-                      happened before,” Pasha lamented. “The  stored the cotton support price and this  business with “one window operations”
       ful  mosaic  depicts  far  away  galaxies,                  unemployment rate in this country is ap- year we have offered a good price and we  provided by the Board of Investment, Pa-
       whirling  planets,  and  shooting  stars                    proaching nine percent and last year two  need now, however, to go to the other ex- sha explained.
       conjuring up an awe-inspiring sight.                        million workers lost their jobs.”  treme of withdrawing the support price   “Now this is a welcome step but for
         Sadequain  is  the  most  celebrated                        At one time, Pakistan was one of the  for sugarcane,” he said. “So, if we move  this to happen we will have to clearly im-
       artist  of  Pakistan.  He  was  recognized                  largest textile exporters, he pointed out.  out of sugarcane and increasingly move  prove  the  regulatory  functions  and  the
       in all five continents in his lifetime. The                 Now  that  position  goes  to  Bangladesh.  towards cotton, back it up with adequate  massive amounts of documentation that
       government  of  Pakistan  established                       “So, the problem is basically that Paki- fertilizer pricing and adequate credit par- are required…and the illicit transactions
       three  institutions  in  his  name,  and                    stan has not invested adequately in mod- ticularly to the farmers in south Punjab  that inevitably take place,” he said. “This
       awarded him the four highest civilian                       ernization of its industry to make it more  where much of the cotton is grown, and  could  be  reduced  by  stopping  human
       awards  in  the  field  of  arts;  no  other                competitive,” he said. Among other in- go with the proper set of economic and  face  contact  and  the  establishment  of
       individual can make these claims. His                       frastructure limitations, the cost of elec- financial policies, we should be able to  proper internet and other arrangements.
       work was recently featured on a newly                       tricity is reducing Pakistan’s competitive- once again come back to about 14 to 15  Pakistan  can  move  to  the  twenty-first
       issued 75-rupee note by the State Bank                      ness. “The power sector is the black hole  million bales of cotton.”  century in terms of transactions.”
       of Pakistan; an honor no one else can                       which has begun to restrict the economy   Pasha  agreed  with  Nizamani’s  point   In addition, we have to ensure that
       claim.                                                      and its financial viability,” Pasha noted.  that,  considering  climate-induced  haz- we have the “necessary financial where-
         Imarat  Builders’  tribute  to  Sad-                      “Pakistan has one of the largest losses in  ards that occur, some kind of insurance  withal”  to  meet  our  obligations  and
       equain  is  a  befitting  honor  bestowed                   this sector in the world,” with transmis- policy might be needed with respect to  other problems, he concluded. “Efforts
       upon  him.  SADEQUAIN  Foundation   Dr  Salman  Ahmad  is  an  electrical   sion, distribution and billing losses close  farmers’ crop production.  at trying to mobilize large amounts of
       USA was proud to have collaborated in  engineer by profession. He spent more   to 25 percent. “You can never sustain a   Pakistan  needs  some  measures  of  foreign  investment  particularly  from
       this worthy endeavor.         than  thirty  years  working  on  nuclear   sector with this kind of loss. We need to  crop insurance, he said. “This is some- the  Middle  East  in  our  mineral,  agri-
         Established in 2007, SADEQUAIN  missile  technology  in  senior  execu-  improve management of the sector.” But,  thing  we  have  never  really  worked  on,  cultural and IT sectors are welcome, but
       Foundation is a not-for-profit organi- tive positions in the United States and   he  added,  Pakistan’s  government  “has  but other countries have developed sys- they’ll have to be based on hardcore re-
       zation  dedicated  to  discovering,  pre- was  the  founder  and  president  of  an   taken the right decision to move toward  tems of crop insurance at relatively low  alism and on really facilitating one step
       serving, and promoting Sadequain’s art  electronics  communications  company   renewable energy and nuclear energy.”  cost  and  that  should  be  built  into  the  window operations.”
       globally.  To  that  end,  the  Foundation  for seven years. He founded the SAD-  Another “unfortunate problem,” Pa- financial arrangements particularly with   (Elaine Pasquini is a freelance jour-
       has published 25 books on Sadequain’s  EQUAIN Foundation in June 2007 to   sha said, is the demise of the cotton crop,  the medium-size and large farmers.”  nalist. Her reports appear in the Wash-
       life and work and curated more than  catalog  Sadequain’s  work  and  intro-  which is the “single most important raw   “We need to develop a resilience and  ington Report on Middle East Affairs
       100  seminars  and  exhibitions  around  duce it to the world. He has authored   material for our exports.” Over the last 15  action  plan  against  climate  change,”  he  and Nuze.Ink.)
       the  globe  resulting  in  resurrection  of  24 books on Sadequain.
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