Page 19 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 19

COMMENTARY                                                                                                            PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023 - P19

         Describing  America’s  national  pride  part of the celebration. Americans, Rus- oneering, new technologies and capabil- summary, there is no question that Proj- Space Task Group — America’s First True
       for NASA’s space exploration, the author  sians, Chinese, and Europeans all have an  ities required to achieve its current and  ect Mercury had a positive and long last- Space Pioneers by Manfred “Dutch” von
       notes: “Why do a million people crowd  emotional attachment to their astronauts,  future missions. This work takes place in  ing impact on American society that has  Ehrenfried  chronicles  the  accomplish-
       the roads to Cape Canaveral to see a rock- cosmonauts, taikonauts and spationauts;  all the NASA centers, academia, indus- been felt for generations. While the Atlas  ments of NASA, established in response
       et launch? Why do a million people watch  it’s a matter of national pride. The success  try, and both US and international part- and the Mercury capsule are primitive  to the launch of Sputnik. The author has
       astronauts parade down New York’s Can- of a ‘ticker-tape’ parade in New York is of- nerships. The program seeks to identify  by today’s standards, one could think of  done a wonderful job of researching and
       yon  of  Heroes?  Although  there  may  be  ficially  measured  by  the  Department  of  and rapidly mature innovative and high  them as the Model T’s. And although the  documenting details of NASA’s develop-
       some who do so on the off-chance of see- Sanitation that has to clean up the mess.  impact  capabilities  and  technologies… STG people who started it all are now old  ment and its various space missions. The
       ing a rocket blow up, most are there to join  John Glenn’s parade generated 3,474 tons  The world population in 1958 was about  or gone, they have inspired at least two  book is an essential reading for all techni-
       in the celebration of a human being going  of  paper,  making  it  the  largest  parade  2.8 billion people. One estimate by the  generations of space workers. Hopefully,  cal and non-technical minds interested in
       into  space.  They  celebrate  because  they  cleanup since V-J Day.”   United  Nations  for  2050  is  9.3  billion.  the spark of imagination for youngsters  discovering the history of NASA’s evolu-
       are proud of the astronaut, the team, and   Reflecting  on  the  impact  of  NASA  That’s a lot of people to feed, clothe and  will keep the space program going; be it  tion and its past, present and future space
       their country. Why do people remember  and STG on history, the author observes:  shelter.  But  the  space  age  technology  manned or unmanned spaceflight. I fear  exploration ventures.
       where they were and who they were with  “NASA set up an organization called the  spinoff  is  helping  farmers  to  be  more  that I will never live to see humans walk-  (Dr Ahmed S. Khan — dr.a.s.khan@
       when Armstrong and Aldrin walked on  Space  Technology  Mission  Directorate  productive  even  today.”  The  author  ing on Mars, but you might!”  —  is  a  Fulbright  Specialist
       the  Moon?  For  sure  American  pride  is  (STMD) to develop the crosscutting, pi- concludes the discussion by stating: “In   The Birth of NASA — The Work of the  Scholar)

        n By Farhat Javed in Islamabad &                                                                                      reported  that  12  children  had  to  be
          Antoinette Radford in London  What Is Pakistan's Homemade Cable Car System?                                         rescued  after  a  rope  snapped  in  Ab-
                                                                                                                              bottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Those
            ight  people,  including  chil-                                                     particular  cars  before,  they  were  a  children  were  on  their  way  to  school
            dren, were left stranded in a ca-                                                   good  option  for  people  trying  to  and  were  stranded  61m  over  a  river
       Eble car dangling above a ravine                                                         move around the region.       until they could be rescued.
       in  Pakistan's  north-western  Khyber                                                       "We pay only 10 rupees per person   Following   Tuesday's   incident,
       Pakhtunkhwa province on Tuesday.                                                         on a one-way trip. If we book a cab, this  Pakistan's  caretaker  Prime  Minister
         Footage  of  the  chair  lift,  dangling
       precariously  at  274m  (900ft)  above
       ground, is the stuff of nightmares for
         But makeshift cable cars are widely
       used  in  eastern  Mansehra  and  Paki-
       stan-administered Kashmir and stretch
       all  the  way  up  to  Pakistan-adminis-
       tered Gilgit-Baltistan in the north.
         With  little  infrastructure  in  the  There are many different designs of the makeshift cable cars (file image from 2007)
       area and long-distances between facili-
       ties like schools - the cable cars, often  leys in the mountains.  been  unable  to  independently  verify
       thrown together with scrap metal - are   In  Allai  -  the  mountainous  area  this.
       born from necessity.          where the group were trapped on Tues-  Strong winds made the rescue par-
         They are built by local communities  day - there is no road infrastructure or  ticularly difficult, as army soldiers dan-
       - mostly illegally, because it is cheaper  basic facilities.  gled from helicopters, trying to reach
       and there is no alternative infrastruc-  As a result, a local resident obtained  those trapped in the cable car  Strong winds made the rescue particularly difficult, as army soldiers dangled
       ture.                         permission  from  the  city  administra-  The affordability of the Allai cable  from helicopters, trying to reach those trapped in the cable car
         Sometimes  they  are  made  of  the  tion to build the cable car, police con- car also makes it an attractive mode of
       upper body of a pick-up truck. For ex- firmed to BBC News.  transport.                   will  cost  up  to  2,000  rupees  (£18.91;  Anwaar ul Haq Kakar ordered "safety
       ample, a Suzuki may be converted into   Known to locals as "Dolly", it links   It costs far less than road travel, and  $24.09)", he told the BBC.  inspections of all such private chairlifts
       a large cabin used to transport people  the village of Jangri to Batangi, where  while the fare varies depending on the   While this particular cable car had  to ensure that they are safe to operate
       and  cattle.  They  are  then  attached  to  the local school is located.  distance being travelled, it begins from  not  yet  encountered  any  challenges,  and use."
       the cable - which can also be scrap iron   What would usually be a two-hour  as little as 20 PKR (£0.053; $0.067).  others across Pakistan have.  But without significant investments
       - using ropes.                walk was reduced to just four minutes   One  local,  Mohabbat  Shah,  said   In  2017,  an  illegal  car  crashed  in  into  new  infrastructure,  the  lifts  will
         Though dangerous, people often use  in the cable car.     residents  were  willing  to  take  the  Murree, Punjab, killing 11 passengers  continue to be the main mode of trans-
       them to cross rivers and to shorten the   Police  said  they  checked  the  lift risk with the cable cars. Since there  as it plummeted into a ravine.  port for most people in the mountain-

       distance needed to travel between val- every month, however BBC News has  had  been  no  problems  with  these   And  last  December,  local  media  ous region. – BBC News

        Keeping Our Iman Strong with Dhikr  (Surah Az-Zukhruf, 43:36)  hammad, peace be upon to him, as a  then  envelop  them  (the  people)  with   2  Kitab  al-Arba‘in  fi  Usul  al-Din.
           (Continued from page 17)    When  we  fail  to  remember  Allah,  Prophet.”          their wings reaching up to the sky. Their  Jeddah: Dar al-Minhaj, 2006, p. 87
       “Dhikr is sometimes performed:   we are vulnerable to the whispers of the   (Sunan of Abu Dawud #318)  Lord asks them, yet He is more knowing   (Candice  “Sister  Islaah”  Abd’al-
         1. with  the  heart  and  the  tongue,  Shaytan. If we sit in gatherings and don’t   “O,  Allah!  Rectify  my  religion  for  than  they  are.  “What  are  My  servants  Rahim  reverted  to  Islam  in  1976,
       which is the best dhikr       mention  Allah,  the  gatherings  will  be- me,  which  is  the  safeguard  of  my  af- saying?”  The  angels  reply,  “They  are  and  considers  herself  a  student  of
         2. with only the heart, which ranks  come devoid of blessings. Abu Huraira  fairs.  Rectify  my  worldly  [affairs],  glorifying  you  (saying  Subhan  Allah),  knowledge. She has deep education
       second                        reported  that  the  Messenger  of  Allah,  wherein  is  my  livelihood.  Rectify  my  declaring Your greatness (saying Allahu  credentials which include an MA in
         3. with only the tongue, which ranks  peace and blessings be upon him, said:  afterlife,  to  which  is  my  return,  and  Akbar), praising You (saying: Alhamdu- Teaching, a Certificate of Advanced
       third.”1                        “No  people  sit  in  a  gathering  in  make life for me [a means of] increase  lillah), and exalting You.” He asks, “Have  Studies - Post-Masters - in Admin-
         Imam  al-Ghazali,  may  Allah  be  which  they  did  not  remember  Allah,  in every good and make death for me  they seen Me?” They reply, “No, by Al- istration  and  Supervision,  a  BS  in
       pleased with him, similarly wrote that  nor send blessings upon the Prophet,  as a rest from every evil.”  lah, they have not seen You.” He asks,  English, and experiences as a prin-
       the remembrance of Allah “starts with  but that it will cause them grief on the   (Saheeh Muslim #2720)  “And  what  if  they  saw  Me?”  The  an- cipal  (in  fact  the  first  hijab  public
       dhikr of the tongue, then by the heart  Day  of  Resurrection,  even  if  they  are   4. Be around the people who dhi- gels reply, “If they saw You, they would  school principal in Maryland!), cur-
       being pressed into remembering, and  rewarded with entry into Paradise.”   kr. Allah, the Exalted, says:  be  even  stronger  in  worshipping  You,  riculum  and  staff  developer,  men-
       then by the heart remembering spon-  (Musnad Aḥmad #9965)    "And  keep  yourself  patiently  with  stronger in glorifying and praising You,  tor, and classroom teacher of grades
       taneously.”2                    To  not  remember  Allah  with  our  those who call on their Rabb (i.e., your  and they would exalt You even more.”   pre-K  through  12.  She  is  a  former
                                     words and deeds is a cause of misery  companions who remember their Rabb   (Riyadus Saliheen #1447)  adjunct  professor  at  Johns  Hop-
         What  is  the  opposite  of  remem- and sadness.          with glorification, praising in prayers,   ‘Antarah reported:  kins  University’s  Graduate  School
       brance?                                                     and  other  righteous  deeds)  morning   “I  asked  Ibn  Abbas,  may  Allah  be  of Education and is a doctoral can-
         One  way  to  understand  a  thing  is   Let's  Dhikr  to  Strengthen  Our  and  afternoon,  seeking  His  Face;  and  pleased with him, ‘Which deed is best?’  didate  in  Islamic  Sciences  at  the
       by looking at its opposite. Surely, if the  Iman            let not your eyes overlook them.”   Ibn Abbas said, ‘The remembrance of  International  Online  University.
       remembrance  of  Allah  improves  our   If we want to strengthen our iman   (Surah Al-Kahf, 18:28)  Allah is greatest.’”   Islaah’s  contributions  to  the  field
       iman, then its opposite – forgetfulness  through dhikr, we should:  5. Attend gatherings where Allah   (Surah Al-Ankabut, 29:45 and Mu- have earned her honors in the Who’s
       and neglect – has the opposite effect.   1. Recite the Qur’an often.  is  remembered.  Abu  Hurairah    nar- sannaf of Ibn Abī Shaybah #34777)  Who of Distinguished JHU Alumni.
       When we fail to remember Allah with   2. Repeat often the adhkar that are  rated that the Prophet, peace and bless-  Our faith is a precious gift from  She is a wife, daughter, mother, and
       our words and deeds, we become sus- found in the Qur’an and Sunnah.   ings be upon him, said:  Allah. May Allah increase us all in  grandmother and is an active mem-
       ceptible to the whisperings of the Shay-  3.  Ask  Allah,  through  prayer  to   "Allah has angels that go from place  it  through  dhikr  and  other  righ- ber of several Muslim communities
       tan. Allah warns us:          facilitate that behavior for us. Say the  to place searching for people [engaged  teous acts.  in the Baltimore area.)
         "And whoever is blinded from the  prayers that are meant to increase iman  in] the remembrance of Allah. So when
       remembrance  of  the  Most  Merciful,  and to facilitate our task, such as:  they find a particular people mention-  End Notes  cle/keeping-our-iman-strong-with-dh
       We appoint for him a devil, and he is to     “I  am  pleased  with  Allah  as  a  ing Allah, they call out (to other angels),   1  Al-Wabil  al-Sayyib,  Damascus:  ikr?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=8
       him a companion."             Lord, and Islam as a religion and Mu- “Come  here  to  your  objective.”  They  Maktabah Dar al-Bayan, 2006. P.176  78f1ff1-24da-423e-b3c4-e4d67e95ce14
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