Page 13 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 13
Vol. 33/34 Safar 9, 1445 Friday, August 25, 2023 US & Canada $1.00
MPAC Co-Founder, Kaifi Khalil and Hira
Abdelhamid Youness, Arsalan Rabbani Mani For news, updated
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MPAC Calls on Muslim Communities Pakistanis Abroad Express
to Protect Houses of Worship Frustration, Heartbreak over Jaranwala
WASHINGTON, DC: The Muslim Public Af- protected.
fairs Council (MPAC) is deeply saddened and It is important to emphasize that Islam,
alarmed by the recent mob violence targeting as a religion of peace, does not condone or
the Christian religious minority community promote violence. The actions of a few in-
in Pakistan. MPAC firmly upholds Islamic dividuals do not represent an entire Muslim
values of respect and deference for people of community. MPAC urges all individuals and
all faiths and beliefs. communities to condemn hatred, bigotry, vi-
Angry mobs, alleging that members of the olence, and discrimination, and instead foster
minority community desecrated the Qur’an, tolerance, respect, and compassion.
attacked a dozen churches and nearly two As an organization committed to promot-
dozen homes of Christians. MPAC stands in ing positive Muslim engagement and coun-
solidarity with the victims and their families tering anti-Muslim animus, MPAC continues
affected by these heinous acts of violence. to work tirelessly to build bridges of under-
Our prayers and support are with them dur- standing between Muslims and non-Muslims.
ing this difficult time. We believe that through education, dialogue,
We are encouraged by the Pakistani gov- and mutual respect, we can foster a more in-
ernment’s efforts to arrest 120+ of the per- clusive and equitable society.
petrators, and hope that they will be held MPAC calls upon faith and global lead-
accountable to the fullest extent of the law ers to unite in condemning these attacks and
to ensure the safety and security of all indi- work together to protect places of worship, Protesters carry banners and flags during a demo outside the Pakistan High Commission in Lon-
viduals and their places of worship, which ensuring the safety of all individuals, regard- don against Jaranwala attacks, on Monday — Dawn
are sacred spaces that are to be respected and less of their faith.
n By Atika Rehman Punjab. I fear for them. We want a Pakistan where
Christians can pray without fear.”
Memorable Sadequain Immersive LONDON: Hopelessness, fear, and frustration Javed Billa, who emigrated to the UK 25 years
— these were the main sentiments expressed by ago, also said he felt “heartbroken”.
Art Experience in Islamabad members of a large demonstration of Pakistani Asif Mall from the All Pakistan Christian Or-
Christians outside the Pakistan High Commis- ganisation said there was mounting frustration
sion on Monday. that no culprits were apprehended when it came
More than 100 Pakistani Christians living to crimes against Christians. “This is why there
ongratulations to Imarat across England travelled to London to demand is such a large crowd here. I have not seen such
Builders for paying a mag- better protection for Christians back home and a large gathering of Christians at a protest since
Cnificent tribute to Pakistan’s condemn the violence that took place in Jaran- the violence in Shanti Nagar, Khanewal, in 1997.”
greatest painter, calligrapher, and wala last week. He said he felt “hopeless” as politicians and
poet - by producing a first-of-its- Several carried Pakistan flags. There were ban- lawmakers had “failed Christians over the years”.
kind in Pakistan - an immersive ners demanding the abolition of blasphemy laws
art experience based on the latest and also placards saying “Christian Lives Matter”. White House vigil
digital technology, states an e-mail A delegation also met Pakistan’s high com- In Washington, Pakistani Christians and their
report. It adds: missioner to share their concerns and demand sympathisers held a vigil outside the White House
The immersive art experience, action. on Sunday evening and prayed for the safety of
titled The Saga of SADEQUAIN, is a Rehana Noreen, a nurse trained at Aga Khan those facing attacks over blasphemy allegations in
portrayal of Sadequain’s mural titled University Hospital in Pakistan, said she moved Pakistan.
Man and His Universe Positioned at to the UK in 2006 and has since worked for the “This is not acceptable, no one should be at-
the Center of the Universe. National Health Service. “I appeal to the UK gov- tacked for their beliefs,” said Peter John, a Paki-
Taking a cue from Iqbal’s famous ernment to allow British citizens to sponsor rela- stani Christian leader who organized the vigil,
verse Sitaroon say agay jahan aur bhi tives so they can immigrate here. I am concerned while commenting on the Jaranwala incident.
hein, Sadequain used balanced and for my family members back home.” Later, at a news conference in Northern Vir-
bold geometric shapes at regular in- She said she felt like “I was about to have a ginia, several Christian organizations demanded
tervals throughout the mural that heart attack” when she heard the news about the increased protection for blasphemy victims in
make the composition intensely en Jaranwala violence. “My mother, brother, sisters Jaranwala and elsewhere in Pakistan.
(Continued on page 14) and their family are all back home living around (Continued on page 15)