Page 6 - Pakistan Link - August 25, 2023
P. 6

P6 - PAKISTAN  LINK - AUGUST 25, 2023                                                                                                        OPINION
            n By Dr Akbar Ahmed                                                                                                   In the Islamophobic currents flow-
             American University                American Civility at Greenbrier                                               ing in parts of the land it was another
               Washington, DC                                                                                                 remarkable  act  of  vision  and  faith,  a
                                                                                                                              tribute to the American spirit of toler-
            o  invite  a  scholar  named                                                                                      ance. Here was genuine reaching out.
            “Ahmed” to this distinguished                                                                                     The  House  was  clearly  asserting  its
       T gathering of America’s politi-                                                                                       American  identity  based  in  the  prac-
       cal elite was an act of vision; to charter                                                                             tice of religious pluralism.
                  a plane and fly a man                                                                                          The  entire  gathering  boarded  the
                  called “Ahmed” to the                                                                                       special  train  for  Washington  and  6
                  gathering  was  an  act                                                                                     hours later it pulled into Union Station.
                  of faith.                                                                                                   It had been a fast journey. There were
                     I  made  these  re-                                                                                      no stops. The atmosphere on the train
                  marks to open my talk                                                                                       was that of a friendly family club. The
                  to  the  Congressional                                                                                      coach at the end had been given over
       Bipartisan Retreat in Greenbrier, West                                                                                 to children.
       Virginia,  on  March  1,  2003.  Through                                                                                  I  noted  on  arrival  that  there  were
       snow  and  fog,  I  had  been  flown  in                                                                               no trains on either side of ours. Before
       from the Dulles Airport when I arrived                                                                                 the  passengers  were  allowed  out,  the
       from O’ Hara in Chicago where only a                                                                                   Secret Service spent a couple of min-
       few hours earlier I had given the key-                                                                                 utes securing the area. Then, we walked
       note address at the annual banquet of                                                                                  through  the  main  station  flanked  by
       the  Averroes  Academy  where  500  of                                                                                 DC’s  finest.  The  police  were  facing
       the city’s elite had gathered. That was                                                                                the crowds who they held back so that
       mainly  a  Muslim  audience,  but  my                                                                                  the temporary corridor that they had
       theme was the same.                                                                                                    formed  would  allow  us  to  move  out
         My talk was called “American Val-                                                                                    quickly.
       ues -- Islamic Values”. Vision and faith  There could be no better location than the Greenbrier, which traces its origins to the middle of the 19th century. Well away   As  we  got  into  a  taxi  to  head  for
       were more important than ever before  from Washington (250 miles), and spread over 6,500 acres, it creates the atmosphere of being cut off from the real world.   home,  I  realized  what  an  extraordi-
       to build relations between the United  Little wonder that at the height of the Cold War, the United States government chose Greenbrier to construct the now   nary experience and privilege we had
       States and the Muslim world and pre- famous bunkers where the government could escape to and conduct business in case of a nuclear war – Golf Magazine  been  given.  I  wondered  whether  the
       vent the growing divide between them.                                                                                  weekend  had  been  a  dream.  Was  it
       We were on the threshold of a war in  acutely  aware  of  the  post-September  end had the air of a high-class interna- to music; this was after all an Ameri- another America, an America of civil-
       the Middle East and new uncertainties.  11 world. That is why they decided to  tional conference and a well-organized  can Retreat. Bering Strait, a new pop  ity and hospitality, from another time?
       These were dangerous times.   give the luncheon slot to a lecture on  family retreat at an exclusive club. The  band with a Russian background, sang  Was  the  “real”  America  here,  in  this
         In my talk, I pointed out the simi- Islam. The idea had come from Alcee  Secret Service and the police had sealed  haunting  melodies.    Members  of  the  city where the talk of terror levels and
       larities  in  American  and  Islamic  val- Hastings (Democrat Florida).   off Greenbrier during the Retreat.  group had recently migrated from Rus- war kept people in a constant state of
       ues, the differences and the way ahead.   The  Retreat  is  a  recent  initiative,   Perhaps  the  air  of  relaxed  civility  sia. They were on their way to becom- paranoia, panicking them into buying
       One of the suggestions was to develop  Cox,  my  host,  explained  to  me:  “The  was also encouraged by the absence of  ing  superstars.  Truly,  the  shibboleth,  duct tape and plastic sheets one day or
       Abrahamic  dialogue  which  would  need  was  to  better  educate  ourselves  the media which can become so intru- only in America, applies to them.   storing  up  food  on  another.    Having
       bring  Jews,  Christians  and  Muslims  on Islam. Too often, we get a distorted  sive in the lives of public figures.   A  karaoke  session  allowed  Con- glimpsed  another  side  of  America,  I
       closer together.              version in the media.”          In  spite  of  the  press  not  being  al- gressmen  to  indulge  in  nostalgia  by  felt deep sorrow at the damage Osama
                                                                   lowed, the story had leaked and was re-
                                                                   ported in the Financial Times, London
                                                                   (February 27, 2003). It had pointed out
                                                                   Tom Friedman of the New York Times
                                                                   and myself as the speakers. I also saw
                                                                   our friend the respected Karen Arm-
                                                                   strong  who  was  much  in  demand  to
                                                                   speak on Islam.
                                                                     My  wife,  Zeenat,  my  daughter
                                                                   Nafees  and  I  were  warmly  received.
                                                                   Members of the House and their spous-
                                                                   es would constantly stop us and invite
                                                                   us  to  share  meals  and  conversation.
                                                                   Considering  I  was  the  only  Muslim
                                                                   speaker on that—or any previous—oc-
                                                                   casion I never felt for a moment either
                                                                   alien or out of place.
       American historical figures from earliest times – Robert E. Lee – to the present   “Americans are such warm people,”
       – Kennedy and Clinton – have come to enjoy Greenbrier. –   said my wife again and again. “This is  UCF Libraries
                                                                   a side of Americans people need to see
         It was a sophisticated audience. This   Cox  introduced  me  and  Mark  more  of  these  days.  Thank  God  that  singing  their  favorite  old  tunes.  John  Bin Laden had inflicted.  His blow had
       after all was the cream of the Ameri- Udall (Democrat Colorado) gave the  Osama has not been able to change ev- Denver’s,  Country  Road  and  Elvis  been deadlier and darker than even he
       can political cream. I received a warm  vote of thanks – everything there was  eryone.”   Presley’s Don’t be Cruel were sung by  could have imagined.
       response.  There  were  many  questions  in the spirit of bipartisan cordiality.   There  could  be  no  better  location  America’s leaders. The younger genera-  We  would  all,  the  entire  world,
       and concerns.                 Mark recounted a story of a Muslim  than  the  Greenbrier,  which  traces  its  tion sang more contemporary tunes.  soon  be  on  a  roller  coaster  led  by
         A  few  weeks  earlier,  Congressman  woman in a hijab who was harassed  origins to the middle of the 19th cen-  Fittingly,  Sunday  began  with  an  America.  The  Afghan  war,  the  Iraq
       Christopher Cox (Republican Califor- by  a  woman  in  his  State.  She  com- tury. Well away from Washington (250  interfaith  prayer  service.  The  Gospel  war, the use of American drones to
       nia), Chairman of the Policy Commit- plained  that  her  son  was  in  Kuwait  miles), and spread over 6,500 acres, it  singers, the Edenton Community Male  kill  tribesmen  on  the  Afghanistan
       tee of the House majority, had written  for the war against Iraq and blamed  creates the atmosphere of being cut off  Chorus, sang beautifully. Congressmen  –  Pakistan  border,  the  rise  of  Chi-
       to me inviting me to the Greenbrier’s  her. The woman in the hijab pulled  from the real world. Little wonder that  read from the Hebrew Scriptures and  na and India at the very same time
       Retreat. His assistant Ms Sarah Petry,  out a photograph of a young marine  at the height of the Cold War, the Unit- the Gospels.   commentators  were  writing  of    the
       just  out  of  Princeton,  worked  on  the  and said, “So is my son”.   ed States government chose Greenbrier   Then,  Republican  Congressman  decline of America and the crazy as-
       almost impossible logistics with a for-  I talked of the essential philosophy  to construct the now famous bunkers  Mike  Pence  read  respectfully  from  sault of Russia on Ukraine exposing
       midable combination of efficiency and  of Islam based in notions of compas- where  the  government  could  escape  the  Qur’an.  It  was  a  thoughtful  and  its  weakness.  Add  to  that    the  out
       imagination.  I  had  to  get  from  Chi- sion and kindness, of the reverence Je- to  and  conduct  business  in  case  of  a  quietly powerful reading. He then in- of  control  climate  crisis,  the  arrival
       cago after dinner to Greenbrier before  sus and Mary have in Islam and some  nuclear war.   vited me to speak again about Islam.  of a virus that will not go away, the
       lunch.                        of  the  challenges  facing  the  Muslim   Golf  courses  (there  are  three  top  We  had  been  at  the  same  table  for  awareness of the dangers of AI and
         Cox  explained  the  purpose  of  the  community.         quality ones), hiking, rafting and riding  dinner the night before. Mike and his  the deadly persecution of the minor-
       Retreat:  “The  idea  was  to  know  each   Cox was pleased with the response  are  available  to  the  energetic.  Green- wife Karen were amiable and friend- ity  populations  on  every  continent
       other better. This would enable people  to the Islam lecture, he told me. It had  brier’s spa is renowned and the Sulphur  ly  and  insisted  we  join  them  next  and  you  have  the  measure  of  the

       to work together better. Also, to allow  served its introductory purpose.   in the water is said to cure all kinds of  morning for the prayer reading. A few  journey that lay ahead.
       us  to  explore  the  difficult  issues  that   About  one  third  of  the  House  of  ailments.  American  historical  figures  years  later  Mike  became  Vice  Presi-  (Distinguished  Professor  Akbar
       face our nation. Not to tiptoe around  Representatives of 435 came for the en- from earliest times – Robert E. Lee – to  dent of the USA. I kept my distance  Ahmed is the Ibn Khaldun Chair of
       them”.  The first gathering took place  tire weekend on a special Amtrak train  the present – Kennedy and Clinton –  and made no attempt to reach out to  Islamic Studies at the American Uni-
       in 1997 and it is now held every two  from  Washington  DC.  They  brought  have come to enjoy Greenbrier.    him.  Scholarship  is  best  served  at  a  versity  in  Washington  DC  and  Wil-
       years.  This  year,  the  planners  were  their spouses and children. The week-  Saturday  night  had  to  be  devoted  distance from the centers of power.   son Center Global Fellow.)
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