Page 4 - Pakistan Link - October 13, 2023
P. 4

P4 - PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 13, 2023                                                                                                       OPINION
        Pakistan Link                   n By Mowahid Hussain Shah  Muslim Father; Two Americans                               authorized biography by Walter Isaac-
                                          wo  personalities  have  defined                                                       Although  not  a  technical  person,
                                          the  millennial  generation  and                                                    Jobs  was  a  big  picture  visionary  who
                Advisory Board
            Dr Sohail Masood         Tthe  shape  of  21st  century  US                                                       had the astute judgment to place peo-
                                     state  and  society.  Both  –  President                                                 ple  and  the  persuasive  skills  to  drive
                  President                     Obama  and  Apple                                                             them  to  actualize  his  central  vision.
            Arif Zaffar Mansuri                 founder  Steve  Jobs  –                                                       It led to Apple, Macintosh, and iMac
        are  American  men                                                            computers.
                                                with  Muslim  fathers.                                                           Co-founding  Apple  Computers
         Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                  Their  mothers  wed                                                           in 1976, he envisioned a world where
             when interactions with                                                        every person would own a computer.
                                                Muslims were rare.                                                            In  2001,  he  revolutionized  the  digital
           Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief   Obama’s  father  was  rooted  in  Ke-                                            music  market  with  the  iPod,  a  pock-
                  (Pakistan)         nya carrying the name Barack Hussein                                                     et-sized music player that could store
              Shabbir Ghori
         Obama. He was an African foreign stu-                                                    1,000 songs. In 2003, he connected it
                                     dent who married a Caucasian Ameri-                                                      with  iTunes,  an  online  store  of  more
             Resident Editor Urdu Link   can. He effectively abandoned the fam-                                               than 1 million songs. In January 2007,
            & Director Video Operations  ily  when  Obama  was  a  toddler,  and                                              he  introduced  the  iPhone,  a  smart
             Anwar Khawaja
    Obama saw him only once more when                                                      touchscreen  phone  with  email,  basic
                                     he was 10, in December 1971, when his                                                    camera,  browser,  and  mini-programs
           Manager  Sales  &  Advertising    father visited Hawaii.                                                           called apps. Email and Internet became
       The  second  marriage  of  Obama’s                                                     accessible 24 hours a day, and camera
                                     mother,  Stanley  Ann  Dunham,  was  When Steve Jobs died of cancer on October 5, 2011, Obama – with whom   phones  eventually  replaced  snapshot
               Regional Offices
                                     to  Indonesian  Muslim,  Lolo  Soetoro.  he had shared some commonality of background and Muslim parentage –   cameras.  In  2010,  Jobs  unveiled  the
                  YKKB               Obama  spent  a  formative  phase  of  marked Jobs’ death with this tribute: “Brave enough to think differently,   iPad, a tablet running apps with which
           his school-going years in Jakarta. But  bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough   iPhone users were already familiar, but
                                     Obama’s Muslim connection didn’t end  to do it.” – 9to5Mac                               which was much larger, making view-
                Sacramento, CA       here. His mother also lived in Lahore,                                                   ing  of  videos,  Internet,  and  movies
  ensuring an early Pakistani exposure.  love  with  Abdulfattah  Jandali,  a  Syr- people, including by then the famous  more practical to view. All of this now

            San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA  While  Obama  changed  the  direc- ian Muslim studying in Wisconsin. In  Steve  Jobs,  would  visit  a  California  dominates the routine of living.
  tion  of  American  polity,  Steve  Jobs  1954,  she  accompanied  Abdulfattah  restaurant  he  managed,  unaware  that   When Steve Jobs died of cancer on
                                     changed the way Americans live.  He  to  his  hometown  in  now  strife-torn  Steve Jobs was the son he abandoned  October 5, 2011, Obama – with whom
                New York, NY
    made complex technology seem simple  Homs.  Shortly  after  his  US  birth  in  at birth. Astonished at this news, Jobs,  he  had  shared  some  commonality  of
                                     yet  elegant.  He  imagined,  visualized,  1955,  Jobs’  parents  gave  him  up  for  having not forgiven, had no desire to  background  and  Muslim  parentage  –
                 Houston, TX         and  anticipated  what  people  wanted  adoption,  leaving  thereby  an  abiding  see him.  marked  Jobs’  death  with  this  tribute:
                                     well  before  people  knew  what  they  legacy of hurt and abandonment.  A movie, “Steve Jobs”, deals with the  “Brave enough to think differently, bold
                 Phoenix, AZ         wanted.                         Years  later,  Abdulfattah  recounted  enduring  legacy  of  his  revolutionary  enough to believe he could change the
    Steve  Jobs’  mother,  Joanne,  fell  in  casually  that  successful  technology  product launches. Its precursor was his  world, and talented enough to do it.”
                Ontario, Canada
                                         n By Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy                                                              per cent, that in the Ottoman empire
          Letters to the Editor            Islamabad, Pakistan      Is Pakistan Unusual?                                      was  a  pitiful  1pc.  Clerical  resistance
        Readers  are  welcome  to  express  their                                                                             also  delayed  banking  by  about  three
        opinion in these columns. Please keep   s Pakistan unlike the world’s Mus-                                            centuries. The very first bank in a Mus-
        your letters brief and to the point.  Let-
        ters  without  full  name,  complete  ad-  lim-majority  countries?  In  some  were suicide bombed by other Muslims.  have  imposed  their  military  domina- lim country was the Imperial Ottoman
        dress, and a daytime phone number will   Irespects, certainly, but not in oth- These ecstatic followers of Prophet Mu- tion upon the world. As for underde- Bank (1856) followed by the Egyptian
        not be published. Also, copies of letters   ers. While religious violence there is  hammad (PBUH) were celebrating his  velopment — none could have alleged  Arab Land Bank (1880).
        sent  to  other  newspapers  are  not  en-
        couraged. Letters can be mailed, faxed   on  the  higher  side,  it  birth,  a  centuries-old  tradition.  But  this  during  the  Islamic  Golden  Age.   Kuru  insists  that  the  ulema–state
        or e-mailed to the Editor at the Pakistan   shares  some  striking  their killers, no less pious, were from a  From the ninth through the 13th cen- alliance is neither an essential part of
        Link Headquarters address listed below.
                                                similarities with other  sect which decries such expressions of  turies — a period of roughly 400 years  the  Qur’an  and  hadith  nor  a  perma-
        Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub-  Muslim countries.  joyousness as irreligious.   —  Muslim  civilization  from  Baghdad  nent feature of Islamic history. He may
        lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,   Turkish author Ah-  While  particularly  grotesque  inci- to Spain sparkled with enlightenment  be right — Indonesia’s largest Muslim
             DBA PL Publications, LLC.
                                                met  Kuru  helps  situ- dents sometimes make it to the press,  and learning.  political  party,  the  Nahdlatul  Ulama
        Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA   ate  Pakistan  within  a  news of other brutalities generally does   The causes of Muslim decline have  with a membership of around 40 mil-
           and additional mailing offices.
        POST MASTER: Send address changes to   broader  context  of  authoritarianism,  not.  Non-Muslims  are  considerably  been  long  debated.  Mongol  invasions  lion,  has  a  manifesto  that  pledges  to
        Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238,  Anaheim,   underdevelopment, and ongoing con- worse off than Muslims. In August, 21  and the advent of 18th-century Euro- uphold  pluralistic,  democratic  values
                  CA 92815           flicts  in  Muslim  countries.  Kuru  is  a  churches were burned down in Jaran- pean  colonialism  remain  popular  ex- and seeks to “curb radicalism, extrem-
        The  management  has  the  right  to  re-
        fuse to print any advertisement, news,   professor of political science at San Di- wala by raging TLP-led mobs. Temples  planations.  While  Kuru  admits  their  ism and terrorism”.
        article,  letter  or  any  other  material.  In   ego State University and director of the  and Ahmadi places of worship are rou- importance, he contends the true rea-  The  ulema-state  alliance  exists  in
        case of any errors in advertisement the   Center for Islamic and Arabic Studies.  tinely desecrated with impunity.  son lies elsewhere.  its starkest form in Pakistan. Starting
        management will not be liable for more
        than the amount paid for the advertise-  Much of what is below derives from his   Author  Ahmet  Kuru’s  research   The  Islamic  Golden  Age  owed  its  in  the  1980s,  Pakistan’s  generals  and
               ment to the Link.     award-winning  book,  Islam,  Authori- reveals  that  many  Muslim  countries  vitality largely to independent scholars  clerics  became  symbiotically  linked
        Advertisements  in  Pakistan  Link  are   tarianism,  and  Underdevelopment  –  share Pakistan’s problems.  and Arab merchants who scoured the  via  the  Afghan  and  Kashmir  jihads.
        placed in good faith. The newspaper is
        not responsible nor endorses the con-  A Global and Historical Comparison.   Kuru’s  other  statistical  data  covers  world for trade and brought back new  Madressahs became jihad factories that
        tents of any advertisement. In case of a   The rest comes from my public conver- 48 Muslim-majority countries. One can  ideas.  Broad-minded  caliphs  of  that  successfully forced out the Soviets and
        frivolous lawsuit, the plaintiff will bear
        the total cost of the suit, including but   sation with him this week over Zoom  see where Pakistan fits in. On average,  era welcomed such individuals to their  eventually installed the Taliban in Ka-
        not limited to the Link’s costs and the   before an audience in Islamabad.  Muslim countries have lower GNP per  courts. Muslim, Christian, and Jewish  bul. But this alliance devastated Paki-
                attorney’s fees.       Countries where Muslims are in the  capita, smaller literacy rates, fewer years  scholars filled the royal courts.  stani society. The 2007 Lal Masjid in-
             Information for         majority, says Kuru, have significantly  of  schooling,  fewer  examples  of  func-  But  around  the  11th  century,  rul- surrection turned Islamabad into a war
               Subscribers           higher  levels  of  violence  than  others.  tioning democracy, authoritarian lead- ers  and  usurpers  discovered  the  use- zone leaving hundreds dead. It showed
         The printing of Pakistan Link is un-  Statistics tell a compelling story: two- ership  is  more  common,  rates  of  cor- fulness  of  clerics  in  endowing  legiti-  (Continued on page 23)
         failingly  completed  by  Wednesday   thirds (eight out of 12) of the protago- ruption are higher, and the tax-to-GDP  macy  to  their  rule.  An  ulema-state
         every week and its copies are hand-                                                                                                 Views    and
         ed  over  to  the  mailing  house  for   nists in recent wars, and two-fifths of  ratio is smaller. The last fact means that  alliance emerged, hugely empowering
         prompt dispatch to the subscribers.   the  sides  in  relatively  minor  conflicts  governments derive their revenue most- the ulema. The number of clerics sur-  opinions  ex-
         The Link should reach its destination                                                                                               pressed    by
         on  time  if  there  is  no  delay  at  the   (24  out  of  60)  were  Muslim-majority  ly  from  rent,  meaning  exploitation  of  rounding the caliph shot up but that of   authors  and
         post office. If a delay is occasioned it   states  or  Muslim  groups.  These  rates  some naturally endowed resource such  merchants  and  independent  scholars
         is in no way attributable to the per-                                                                                               contributors
         formance of Link’s management. In   are  disproportionate  because  Mus- as oil or geographic location. A smaller  dwindled. By the 12th century, clerics   in   articles,
         case  of  delayed  receipt  of  Pakistan   lims constitute only one-quarter of the  industrial  base  means  smaller  value- were firmly in the saddle.  letters,  opin-
         Link or missing issues, please contact
         your local Post Office and submit a    world’s population and Muslim-major- added production. No Muslim country   The impact on Muslim society was   ion pieces, reports, advertise-
             “Publication Watch” form.  ity countries are only one quarter of the  produces high-level technology.  catastrophic.  As  just  one  example,  in   ments, etc appearing in Paki-
               Tel: 714-400-3400     world’s countries.              What  explains  these  negative  fea- Turkey,  influential  ulema  decried  the   stan Link and Urdu Link are
               Fax: 714-400-3404       This thesis is buttressed by Pakistan’s  tures?  Kuru  rejects  suggestions  that  printing press, invented by Gutenberg   their own. The paper neither
           E-Mail:                                                                                      shares  nor  endorses  them
                                     case. A steady, unchanging component  Islam is the cause, deeming this essen- in 1436, as the devil’s machine. It was
            Pakistan Office          of  its  national  life  is  Muslim-Muslim  tialist  and  unsupported  by  evidence.  finally  deemed  Sharia-compliant  in   and thus should not be held
                                                                                                                                responsible  for  the  views/
               42 Rehman Court       violence. Last week, on Rabi-ul-Awwal  Indeed,  violence  is  a  general  human  1727  —  a  whopping  293  years  later!   opinions of the writers & ad-
         Plaza Square,  Off  M. A.  Jinnah Road  12,  over  60  Muslims  in  Mastung  and  problem and for the last two centuries  Consequently, while the literacy rate in   vertisers.
             Karachi-74400, Pakistan  Hangu  met  a  bloody  end  when  they  Western powers, not Muslim countries,  Europe of the 1800s stood at around 31
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