Page 1 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 1

Vol.  33/42   Rabi Al Thani 5, 1445                                      Friday, October 20, 2023                                                                                      US & Canada $1.00

       PAGE  4                               PAGE  7                              PAGE  21

         Who Changed                              A World                               Urwa                           For news, updated
         the Priorities                            Cup                                 Farhan                          round the clock,visit
         in the Qur’anic                          without                             Expecting
          Guidance?                              Boundaries                             Child                          www.PakistanLink

                                                  Pakistan Calls for Immediate

                                          Ceasefire at OIC Emergency Meeting

                                        ISLAMABAD:  Urging  the  world
                                        to  hold  Israel  accountable  for  war
                                        crimes  against  Palestinians,  Paki-
       Interim  PM  Kakar  meets  President  Xi   stan  on  Wednesday  called  for  an                                      Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa —
       Jinping in Beijing               immediate ceasefire and the open-                                                   SC website
                                        ing  of  humanitarian  corridors  to
           China Ready to Boost         ensure food, water, medicines, fuel                                                   Supreme Court May Take
                                        and  other  essential  supplies  to  the
               Ties but Urges           Palestinians in Gaza.                                                                 up Pleas on Election and
            Security Guarantee            “The OIC and its member coun-                                                      Military Court Trials Soon
                                        tries should take a lead role in these
       BEIJING:  China  is  willing  to  strengthen   efforts,”  caretaker  foreign  minister                              ISLAMABAD:  Chief  Justice  of  Pakistan
       co-operation  and  promote  solidarity  with   Jalil Abbas Jilani said.                                             (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa on Thursday indicated
       Pakistan but has urged it to guarantee the   The 57-member bloc of Muslim- A joint communiqué outlining the collective stance of the Ummah on   that the apex court may take up the pleas
       safety of Chinese organizations and person-  majority countries “deplores the in- the situation in Gaza was adopted at the meeting  calling  for  timely  elections  and  challeng-
       nel working there, China’s foreign ministry   ternational positions that back the                                   ing the decision to try civilians in military
       said, quoting President Xi Jinping.  brutal aggression against the Pales- statement published after an emer- able  for  these  heinous  war  crimes  courts in the coming days.
         China  is  a  major  ally  and  investor  in   tinian people, and grant Israel im- gency meeting of foreign ministers.  against the Palestinian people”. It also   CJP Isa made the remarks while discuss-
       Pakistan  but  both  separatist  and  Islamist   punity, taking advantage of the dou-  The OIC, based in Jeddah, called  condemned the UN Security Coun- ing the adjournment of a case related to Pak
       militants have attacked Chinese projects   ble standards that provide cover for  on the international community “to  cil for failing to stop the violence.  Arab Refinery’s employees when lawyers
              (Continued on page 12)    the occupying power”, said an OIC  hold the Israeli occupation account-  (Continued on page 12)  (Continued on page 12)

                                          President Biden Wraps up Visit to Wartime Israel

                                         with a Warning against Being ‘Consumed’ by Rage

                                                                                                rage over the deadly Hamas attack
                                                                                                to consume them.
                                                                                                  “I  understand.  Many  Ameri-
         Imran’s Production Order                                                               cans understand,” Biden said as he   With Arrest Put on Hold,
                                                                                                wrapped  up  his  stay  in  Tel  Aviv,
         Issued in Contempt Cases                                                               likening the Oct 7 Hamas assault to   Nawaz to Land Freely on 21st
                                                                                                the attacks against the United States
       ISLAMABAD:  The  Election  Commis-                                                       on Sept 11, 2001, that killed nearly  LAHORE: A court in Pakistan on Thurs-
       sion of Pakistan has finally issued produc-                                              3,000  people.  “You  can’t  look  at  day granted several days of protection from
       tion orders for jailed PTI Chairman Imran                                                what has happened here ... and not  arrest  to  former  Prime  Minister  Nawaz
       Khan in contempt cases fixed for hearing                                                 scream out for justice,” he said.  Sharif  in  graft  cases,  clearing  the  way  for
       on October 24.                                                                             “But  I  caution  this:  While  you  him to return home from self-imposed ex-
         Advocate  Shoaib  Shaheen,  while  ap-                                                 feel  that  rage,  don’t  be  consumed  ile in London, where he went in 2019 for
       pearing on October 11 before a four-mem-  President  Biden  delivers  remarks  as  he  visits  Israel  amid  the  ongoing   by it,” he said. “After 9/11, we were  medical treatment.
       ber bench of the ECP, headed by Member  conflict between Israel and Hamas, Oct 18, 2023 - Photo Reuters  enraged  in  the  United  States.  And   The  decision  by  the  Islamabad  High
       Sindh Nisar Ahmad Durrani, had said the                                                  while we sought justice and got jus- Court is a major boost for Sharif and his
       PTI  chairman  was  in  jail  and  it  was  not   nBy Aamer Madhani & Colleen Long  day that produced a heaping dose of  tice, we also made mistakes.”  party and comes two days before he is to
       possible  for  him  to  attend  the  ECP  cases              vocal support, a deal to get limited   Biden urged Israel to step back  return to Pakistan ahead of parliamentary
       unless a production order was issued.  TEL  AVIV,  ISRAEL  (AP):  Presi- humanitarian  aid  into  Gaza  from  from  the  brink,  not  just  to  ease  elections  in  January  as  the  country  faces
         A written order shared with the media   dent Joe Biden swept into wartime  Egypt, likely by the end of the week,  growing tensions in the Mideast   deepening political and economic turmoil.
              (Continued on page 12)    Israel for a 7 1/2-hour visit Wednes- and a plea for Israelis not to allow   (Continued on page 4)  (Continued on page 12)

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