Page 7 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 7

OPINION                                                                                                              PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 20, 2023 - P7
           n By Malinda Seneviratne                                                                                           translated  as  ‘miserable  joy.’  I  like  to
                 Sri Lanka               A World Cup without Boundaries                                                       believe that such people are a minority.
                                                                                                                                 Before the big day, 47 matches will
             n  Sunday,  November  19,                                                                                        have been played. Half the games will
             2023,  two  teams  will  face  derdogs would be the appropriate tag.   for.  Tons  of  consolation  scenarios  South Asian cricketing nation.  feature  at  least  one  Southasian  team.
       Oeach  other  at  the  Narendra   So  when  I  think  of  the  much  (in  the  unlikely  event  that  Sri  Lanka   The players carry the weight of each  The  final  may  very  well  feature  two
       Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, India.  talked  about  glorious  uncertainties  doesn’t go all the way to win it all).  country’s  expectations,  but  the  Paki- non-Southasian teams. In such a situ-
       The winner will lift the 2023 Cricket  of  cricket,  I  console  myself  in  the         stan team doesn’t appear to be carry- ation,  I  would  shelve  all  disappoint-
       One Day International (ODI) World  knowledge  that  any  team  can  have  Pakistan vs India  ing extra baggage on account of such  ments and find something that’s more
       Cup  (Men).  By  then,  eight  teams  a bad day in the office, and that Sri   Regardless.  I  am  thrilled  that  concerns.  That’s  thanks  to  the  Indian  than  ‘consolation’  in  enjoying  the
                                                                   Pakistan  will  be  playing  in  India.  I’m
                                                                   thrilled that this format allows an In-
                                                                   dia-Pakistan  encounter.  Obviously,  it’s
                                                                   something any cricket fan would look
                                                                   forward to. This is the World Cup and
                                                                   not a bilateral series, so it’s extra special.
                                                                     Pakistan and India have played each
                                                                   other on 134 occasions, Pakistan win-
                                                                   ning  73  to  India’s  56  with  five  ending
                                                                   with no-result or ties, I’m not sure. India
                                                                   and Pakistan are ranked No 1 and No 2
                                                                   in ODIs right now. Rankings do indicate
                                                                   relative strengths and form but again we
                                                                   have those glorious uncertainties.
                                                                     Pakistan  in  particular  has  a  rep-
                                                                   utation  for  swinging  between  the
                                                                   amazing and abysmal. A close game
       would have been eliminated.   Lanka could probably beat any of the  or one-sided affair, we really cannot  fans.  The  vast  majority,  at  least  those  cricket. I’d be backing the team less fa-
         Fans  of  all  competing  countries  other nine competing teams at least  tell.  This  doesn’t  detract  from  the  on the streets and not necessarily ham- vored to win, but will no doubt be no
       would  hope  their  heroes  will  still  be  twice in a 10-match series, and hope  adrenaline rush that their encounters  mering  keyboards,  seem  deaf  to  the  less delighted by the contest even if the
       taking the field that day, regardless of  that it’s one of those two days.   usually produce. These are two very  political  noise.  They’ve  welcomed  the  other team won.
       what the ranking and the form sheets   Come the 19th of November, we will  good  teams,  each  packed  with  mul- Pakistan team with the kind of warmth   I’m  pretty  sure  Sri  Lanka  will  win
       say.  They  may  or  may  not  have  a  all know. Speaking strictly for myself, I  tiple match-winners.  that  makes  us  wonder  what  borders  the  World  Cup,  but  I’d  be  no  less
       backup team to cheer for, if their team  would like a Sri Lanka vs Bangladesh   That’s  about  cricket.  India  and  and  boundaries  really  are,  what  they  pleased  if  the  trophy  returned  to  my
       doesn’t make it that far.     or Afghanistan final (I like underdogs).  Pakistan, whether we like it or not, are  are said to contain and what is clearly  neighborhood.
         Meanwhile,  the  organizers,  con- Second preference: Sri Lanka vs India  countries  which,  when  bracketed  to- uncontainable.  (Malinda Seneviratne is former Ed-
       cerned about profits, would no doubt  or Pakistan. In the unlikely event that  gether, make people go ‘uh oh!’ That’s   There’s  something  beautiful  about  itor-in-Chief of The Nation in Sri Lan-
       love  to  see  an  India-Pakistan  final.  Sri Lanka will not make it to the final  politics.  And  the  politically  inclined  borders  being  rendered  irrelevant.  ka, currently a freelance writer for var-
       The rivalry, political tensions and the  (yes,  I’m  a  diehard  fan),  I  would  like  or even fixated will, again whether we  To  me,  it  speaks  of  community  and  ious papers including the Daily Mirror
       sheer  number  of  fans  from  the  two  two of the following teams to play that  like it or not, talk about the match up  solidarity  where  people  momentarily  and Daily News in Colombo. He is also
       countries  would  be  the  dream  out- day:  Afghanistan,  Bangladesh,  India  as though it’s part of a war. The invec- perhaps recognize the true worth of a  an accomplished poet and translator,
       come for the ICC.             and Pakistan. If not me, then my neigh- tive  and  self-righteousness  expressed  cricketer.   who  has  received  Gratiaen  Prize  for
         I am Sri Lankan. Obviously, I want  bor, my brother, my cousin, someone in  on social media platforms is indicative   This  is  not  to  say  there  won’t  be  poetry and the H. A. I. Goonetilleka
       Dasun  Shank’s  boys  to  tear  the  form  the family or a friend. I’m like that.   enough.  For  me,  as  a  Sri  Lankan,  it’s  those who, if their team falters, won’t  Prize for the best literary translation,
       book  to  shreds,  but  Sri  Lanka  is  not   Overall  there  are  five  Southasian  mind-boggling. It’s probably the same  find consolation in some ‘enemy team’  both  awarded  by  the  Gratiaen  Trust
       among  the  favorites.  No  one  is  even  teams  competing  for  the  World  Cup,  for many cricket lovers from Afghani- being  bested.  In  Sinhala,  we  call  this  founded by Michael Ondaatje. This is a
       calling them the ‘dark horse.’ Rank un- out of 10. For me, that’s a lot to cheer  stan, Bangladesh and Nepal, the sixth  ‘Kaalakanni  sathuta’  which  could  be  Sapan News syndicated feature.)

              n By Kamran Abbasi       Pakistan Still Have Plenty                                  It was hard to conclude that Paki-  The limitations of those same all-

            akistan  crumbled  in  Ahmed-                                                       stan crumbled under oppressive pres- rounders  were  exposed  when  they
                                                                                                sure.  There  wasn’t  too  much  obvious  were  asked  to  defend  a  small  total.
            abad in the face of a high quali-  to Fight for after India Loss                    intensity in the early part of Pakistan’s  Again, a quality gap was evident in
       Pty all-round performance from                                                           innings.  Saud  looked  unusually  ner- Pakistan’s  support  bowlers,  espe-
       India, who confirmed their status as                                                     vous and some of the lower order lost  cially the spinners. Where is the suc-
       tournament  favorites.  Rohit  Sharma                                                    their heads, but the gap wasn’t one of  cessor to Saqlain Mushtaq and Saeed
       scored 86 runs in quick time to ren-                                                     mentality, it was one of quality, a lack  Ajmal?  Pakistan  needs  specialists,
       der Pakistan’s total meaningless.                                                        of specialism.                not jacks of all trades.
         A  remarkable  collapse,  eight                                                           The  truth  staring  into  the  face  of   None  of  this  means  that  Pakistan
       wickets  for  36  runs,  when  Pakistan                                                  Pakistan cricket, and it is one that has  don’t  have  enough  to  venture  deep
       seemed  well  set,  turned  the  game                                                    been peering in for over a decade or  into this tournament but, at present, it
       into  a  no  contest.  In  a  Pakistan-                                                  more, is that India produces high qual- seems a long shot that they can mount
       India  match,  to  fail  to  compete  is                                                 ity batsmen, performing at the top end  a serious challenge.
       worse than losing. Worse still, it was                                                   of  international  cricket.  It  produces   To  do  so,  they  will  need  to  bat
       a  harsh  reality  check  on  Pakistan’s                                                 high quality spinners.        smarter  around  their  top  players  be-
       prospects in this World Cup.                                                                Pakistan,  by  contrast,  struggles  to  cause  small  totals  won’t  be  defend-
         India  showcased  the  excellence  of                                                  field six batsmen capable of dominat- able. They will require the individual
       their  bowling  attack,  but  a  stronger                                                ing  in  international  cricket.  When  it  brilliance of their top batsmen to be-
       batting line-up than Pakistan’s would                                                    comes  to  batting,  Pakistan  relies  on  come  consistent  brilliance.  And  they
       have increased the pressure on India.                                                    Babar  and  Mohammad  Rizwan,  they  will need more penetration from their
       Instead, Pakistan let them off the hook                                                  occasionally  muddle  through  with  a  bowlers,  particularly  Shaheen  Shah
       and exposed their own flaws.                                                             one off effort from another player, or  Afridi who seems to have lost his zip.
         For  thirty  overs  Pakistan  looked                                                   the bowlers get them out of a hole.  This is a tall order although not
       serene,  playing  with  an  unexpected                                                      It’s an approach you can get away  impossible.  A  regulation  defeat  in
       calm  given  the  circumstances.  The  India’s Mohammed Siraj celebrates after taking the wicket of Pakistan’s cap-  with in T20 cricket, but in either of the  Ahmedabad  and  Pakistan  would
       top four silenced the home crowd. A  tain Babar Azam during their ICC Cricket World Cup match at Narendra   longer forms it won’t deliver consistent  have  shrugged  their  shoulders  and
       ripple  of  reluctant  applause  greeted  Modi Stadium, on Saturday in Ahmedabad — Reuters   or long-term success. This is an area of  moved on. Instead, Pakistan will re-
       Babar Azam’s half century, but it might                                                  urgent focus after this World Cup.  quire a psychological reboot, a per-
       have been mistaken for the fluttering  to navigate the fifty overs, but it col- have sufficed.                         formance  to  make  them  believe  in
       of a hundred thousand handheld fans  lapsed horrifically.     And here is how Pakistan assisted  Depth of batting order  themselves again.
       in the Gujarat heat.            The pitch was doing nothing except  their  opponents.  Abdullah  Shafique   The other issue apart from the gen-  The manner of the defeat and the
         Pakistan  needed  a  big  innings  occasional low bounce. Little moved  played  around  a  straight  ball.  Imam- eral  quality  of  Pakistan’s  batsmen  is  flaws  it  has  brought  into  full  view,
       from one of their top order, who all  off the straight. It wasn’t a pitch that  ul-Haq opened his blade too much to  the depth of the batting order. Yes, the  when pitted against the quality of their
       got a start, but it didn’t come. Partic- allowed  carefree  stroke  play,  it  lost  a  straight  ball.  Babar  and  Saud  Sha- lower middle order can contribute but  fiercest rivals, will be hard to recover
       ularly disappointing was Babar’s fail- pace and life as the ball grew old, but  keel just missed straight ones. The all- the best teams have players capable of  from,  but  these  are  early  days  and
       ure to build on a fluent half century.  it wasn’t demonic. Nonetheless, Paki- rounders were out of their depth and  a major innings lurking down the or- Pakistan have plenty of opportunity to
       Pakistan needed its middle order to  stan seemed to misread it, pushing for  didn’t  apply  themselves.  The  innings  der.  Pakistan  don’t  have  such  players  make critics eat their words and they
       build on a firm if meagre foundation,  300 when something above 250 might  was done, a bits and pieces effort.  with their crop of all-rounders.  still have plenty to fight for. - Dawn
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