Page 11 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 11
ISLAMABAD: The top Pakistani Former Ambassador Rues ‘Loss of Dr Majeed, Defense Attache Brig Nau-
diplomat who sent a controversial ci- man Awan, Deputy Chief of Mission
pher to the foreign ministry believes Naveed Bokhari and Counsellor Politi-
that the disclosure of a confidential Credibility’ in Cipher Episode cal Qasim Mohiuddin.
diplomatic cable “undermined the He stated that “both sides were
integrity of our communication sys- aware that the conversation was being
tem” and eroded the credibility of witnesses with the defense counsel. minuted” adding that the communica-
Pakistani diplomats. Dr Majeed testified: “As a foreign tion was sent to Islamabad through a
This was a contention in the testi- service professional, I believe that the secret coded communication system
mony of Dr Asad Majeed Khan, former cipher episode has undermined the in- used for correspondence between for-
ambassador of Pakistan to the United tegrity of our communication system, eign missions of Pakistan and the Min-
States, recorded before the investiga- the credibility of our diplomats and istry of Foreign Affairs.“
tion officer of the Federal Investiga- diplomacy, which has adverse implica- He clarified that “sending cipher is
tion Agency (FIA) in connection with tions for our future diplomatic report- a routine practice of diplomatic mis-
cipher case. ing culture.” sion abroad”. There was no reference
The statement was handed over to Dr Majeed, a BS-22 officer of the to words “threat” or “conspiracy” in the
the counsel of former prime minister Foreign Service of Pakistan, is one of secret cipher telegram, “nor did I make
Imran Khan and former foreign min- 30 witnesses the prosecution cited in any suggestion on the existence of any
ister Shah Mehmood Qureshi. the challan submitted in the cipher conspiracy”.
Both top leaders of the Pakistan case. The statement said the then leader-
Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) have been nomi- He stated that his meeting with the ship in Islamabad has drawn the politi-
nated as prime suspects in the first in- Assistant Secretary for South and Cen- cal conclusion.
formation report (FIR) registered un- tral Asian Affairs of the US, Mr Donald It said that Pakistan responded with
der the Official Secrets Act for making Lu, was preplanned. a demarche and after reviewing the ci-
the confidential contents of the secret According to him, the other par- pher telegram, it was concluded in the
communication public. ticipants of the meeting were Deputy meeting of the National Security Com-
During proceedings of the Special Assistant Secretary of State Lesslie mittee that there was no foreign con-
Court (Official Secrets Act) on Tues- day, the prosecution shared copies of the challan and the testimonies of the Viguerie, from Pakistani side besides spiracy. – Dawn
wo major political parties — PML-N, PPP Assured of 'Conducive' the caretaker government.
the Pakistan Muslim League- The minister assured both the lead-
TNawaz (PML-N) and the ers that the caretaker government would
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) — were Environment ahead of Polls ensure that elections were conducted in
assured Wednesday by the caretaker fair, transparent, and impartial manner.
government of a conducive environ- Despite being partners in the last
ment as the country heads towards government and demanding PML-N
general elections. supremo Nawaz Sharif's return, PPP
The Election Commission of Paki- has raised concerns that the former
stan (ECP) has already said that the prime minister might get a "special re-
general polls will be held in January lief".
next year, prompting political parties to Nawaz will return to Pakistan on Oc-
begin their campaigns for wooing voters tober 21, with the PML-N's legal team
and strengthening party ranks. being hopeful that he will not have to
However, apart from the PPP, the go to jail despite being a convict and an
Imran Khan-led Pakistan Tehreek-e-In- absconder. Solangi's meeting with both
saf (PTI) and other political parties have the politicos comes after he met PTI
demanded the authorities to provide a leader Shafqat Mahmood to evolve a
"level-playing field" for all. consensus on the general elections and
Interim Minister for Information ease the prevailing tense political envi-
and Broadcasting Murtaza Solangi, in ronment in the country.
his meetings with PML-N and PPP Although Solangi said no political
leaders, said the fundamental responsi- discussion took place, the PTI said
bility of the caretaker government was conducting transparent elections, en-
to provide a conducive environment suring equal opportunities to partici-
for elections and monitor the electoral Interim Minister for Information and Broadcasting Murtaza Solangi (first left) meets PML-N leader Musadik Malik pate in the polls for political parties,
process. and PPP's Syed Akhunzada Chattan (right) — X@MoIB_Official evolving greater national consensus,
State-run APP reported that the and other matters of mutual interest
minister held separate meetings with PPP's Syed Akhunzada Chattan. tual interest — including upcoming Solangi said that the peaceful trans- came under discussion during the
PML-N leader Musadik Malik and During the meetings, issues of mu- general elections — were discussed. fer of power was the topmost priority of meeting. – The News
N supremo Nawaz Sharif, PPP Chairman Bila- Democracy, Elections in Pakistan Stalled ter late than never,” he added.
KARACHI: In an apparent reference to PML-
Bilawal demanded that the Election Com-
wal Bhutto-Zardari on Wednesday said Paki- mission of Pakistan should promptly announce
stan’s Constitution, democracy and elections for Return of One Person: Bilawal the election date.
have been stalled “for the return of one person”. “If the PPP has to swallow the bitter pill of
Nawaz left for London in the middle of his a delay in elections beyond the 90-day period,
seven-year jail term in the Al-Azizia corrup- then we hope that all democratic parties will
tion case on “medical grounds” in 2019 after stand behind the PPP’s demand for an imme-
the Lahore High Court granted him bail for diate announcement of the election schedule,”
four weeks. During the course of these four Bilawal said.
years, he was declared a proclaimed offender The delay in elections, he went on to say,
in Al-Azizia and Avenfield graft cases for his was “not a show of respect for the vote but
continuous absence from the proceedings. rather a disrespect for it.”
The elder Sharif is currently staying in The PPP chairman further emphasized
Saudi Arabia and is scheduled to return to the the need for everyone to contribute to Paki-
country via Dubai on October 21. According stan’s development and denounced “politics
to the PML-N, Nawaz will address a public of hatred”.
gathering at Minar-i-Pakistan upon his arrival. “People have lost interest in your politics,”
Addressing a gathering in Karachi today, he claimed, adding that the only way to solve
Bilawal, without naming Nawaz, said: “The Pakistan’s problem was by way of unity among
16-month tenure of the previous government the people.
has shown that the country cannot be run Bilawal added that the PPP would initi-
from London, and it is imperative for everyone ate a nationwide electoral campaign with
to be physically present among the people and the sole objective of pressing for an election
be accountable to them.” date and allowing the people to decide who
“As far as this return is concerned, it is bet- PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari addresses a rally in Karachi on Wednesday — DawnNewsTV to vote for. - Dawn