Page 13 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 13

Vol.  33/42   Rabi Al Thani 5, 1445                                      Friday, October 20, 2023                                                                                      US & Canada $1.00

        PAGE 14                              PAGE 14                              PAGE 22

           Americans Urged                      Sacramento Rally                      I Have Become                    For news, updated
           to Speak against                      Calls for Peace                   Source of Livelihood
           Hate after Young                  and End to Occupation                     for Scoffers:                   round the clock,visit
            Boy’s Murder                          in Palestine                           Meera                         www.PakistanLink

                                             War Puts US Muslims in a Tough Spot                                       right to exist,” he claimed.
                  n By Anwar Iqbal                                                                                     Mr  DeSantis.  “None  of  them  believe  in  Israel’s
       WASHINGTON:  A  weekend  of  protests                                                                             One of Mr DeSantis’s 2024 rivals, former Ar-
       brought tens of thousands of people out on US                                                                   kansas governor Asa Hutchinson, concurred with
       streets, with the majority demanding a halt to                                                                  him over not accepting refugees from Gaza but
       Israel’s military operation in Gaza.                                                                            warned  against  making  generalizations  about
         The  pro-Palestine  protesters  were  mainly                                                                  them. “It’s dangerous when you categorize people
       Muslims getting restless as Israel plans to ad-                                                                 like this.”
       vance  with  a  military  offensive.  Some  dem-                                                                  But the generalization has started, or at least
       onstrators also included Jews and Christians,                                                                   that’s how a group of Pakistanis felt who gathered
       albeit in small numbers.                                                                                        at a South Asian restaurant in Northern Virginia
         Pro-Israel groups, including those formed by                                                                  after a pro-Palestinian rally in Washington.
       Muslims, were also out in the streets, supporting                                                                 “This week, at least a dozen passengers asked
       the Israeli offensive.                                                                                          me ’Why do you Muslims support terrorists at-
         Almost  daily  protests  have  been  held  in                                                                 tacking  innocent  citizens,”  said  N.  Khan,  a  cab
       New York since Thursday as thousands of pro-                                                                    driver in Washington.
       Palestine demonstrators take to the streets to                                                                    “I told them those were Hamas fighters, not
       denounce Israeli bombings in the Gaza Strip.                                                                    ordinary Palestinians. I also told them all Mus-
       Calling for an end to Israeli occupation, pro-                                                                  lims are not terrorists.”
       testers  took  up  multiple  blocks  in  Times
       Square and other areas.                                                                                         FBI warning
         In  Washington,  one  group  was  hugely  out- Supporters of both Palestine and Israel face off in dueling protests at Washington Square Park on   The  growing  tensions  forced  FBI  Director
       numbered  by  pro-Palestine  demonstrators  —  October 17, 2023, in New York City — AFP                         Christopher A. Wray to warn Americans that he
       about 200 supporters of Israel gathered outside                                                                 expects a spike in domestic threats.
       Freedom Plaza near the White House, compared   “Not all of us hate Jews or Israelis,” said M. Na- Stereotypes     “In  this  heightened  environment,  there’s  no
       to an estimated 10,000 who marched around the  beel, a Palestinian. “But we too need a place to call   Concerns  about  the  fallout  of  the  ongoing  question  we’re  seeing  an  increase  in  reported
       White House supporting Palestinians.  home, a place to live peacefully.”   Israel-Hamas conflict also caused Florida Gover- threats, and we have to be on the lookout, espe-
         Some protesters are also trying to dial down   In Los Angeles, thousands of demonstra- nor Ron DeSantis, a 2024 presidential front-run- cially  for  lone  actors  who  may  take  inspiration
       the  tensions.  At  the  White  House  rally,  some  tors  carrying  Palestinian  flags  and  signs  ner, to demand the US government not to accept  from recent events.”
       supporters  of  Palestine  urged  Americans  to  denouncing  Israeli  apartheid  were  seen  refugees from Gaza as “they are all radicalized”.  Fox  News  reported  that  Director  Wray  also
       “look  at  the  wider  issue”  instead  of  focusing  marching down Wilshire Boulevard on Sat-  “If  you  look  at  how  they  behave,  not  all  of  asked the public to continue sharing intelligence
       entirely on Hamas’ attacks.          urday afternoon.                      them are Hamas, but they are all antisemitic,” said  with them. - Dawn

       ish protesters were arrested on Monday for block- Jewish Pro-Palestinian Protesters                             complex while President Joe Biden held national
       WASHINGTON: At least 30 pro-Palestinian Jew-
                                                                                                                       security meetings inside.
       ing all the entrances to the White House.                                                                         IfNotNow,  the  group  organizing  the  march,
         Demonstrators  demanding  an  end  to  'geno-  Block White House Entrances                                    posted on X: 'We're prepared to put our bodies in
       cide' in Gaza and an Israeli ceasefire swarmed the                                                              the way of more slaughter — we're ready to stay
                                                                                                                       here until Biden forces a ceasefire. 'We're here be-
                                                                                                                       cause we know humanitarian catastrophe, mass
                                                                                                                       violence upon Gaza won't prevent more violence
                                                                                                                       or heal our pain,' they added in another post.
                                                                                                                         The Secret Service told they had
                                                                                                                       recorded 33 arrests on charges of unlawful entry, and
                                                                                                                       16 on charges of 'incommoding,' or obstruction.
                                                                                                                         The group shared video of their activists stag-
                                                                                                                       ing  a  sit-in  outside  the  White  House,  blocking
                                                                                                                       roads, and being arrested.
                                                                                                                         They  condemned  the  Hamas  attack  of  Oc-
                                                                                                                       tober 7, writing on October 10: 'Our shock and
                                                                                                                       grief  grow  as  more  gruesome  details  of  crimes
                                                                                                                       against  humanity  committed  by  Hamas  against
       IfNotNow, the group organizing the march, posted on X: 'We're prepared to put our bodies in the way of more slaughter — we're ready to stay   Israelis continue to emerge. We are counting our
       here until Biden forces a ceasefire - Anadolu via Getty Images / Demonstrators demanding an end to ‘genocide’ in Gaza and an Israeli cease-  own  loved  ones  among  the  victims.  These
       fire swarmed the complex while President Joe Biden held national security meetings inside – Anadolu via Getty Images / At least 30 pro-  crimes are indefensible and unconscionable.'
       Palestinian Jewish protesters were arrested on Monday for blocking all the entrances to the White House – Getty Images   (Continued on page 17)

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