Page 16 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 16

P16 - PAKISTAN  LINK - OCTOBER 20, 2023                                                                                                 COMMENTARY
                                         China Slows down                                       ting the high growth rates it used to.  decline by 200 million people.  How is
             n By Nayyer Ali MD                                                                 explains  why  China  is  no  longer  get- the working age population is going to

           rom 1980 to 2010 China under-                                                        Major Chinese real estate firms are go- China going to pay the pensions of the
           went a stunning transformation                                                       ing bankrupt.  For China, this slowing  massive number of elderly on the backs
       Fas it lifted up from one of the                                                         growth is a huge problem.  The only so- of  a  much  smaller  working  popula-
       most impoverished nations on Earth                                                       lution is to reduce investment to 25%  tion?  China cannot replace its missing
                  to an economic giant                                                          of  GDP  and  shift  the  economy  into  millions with immigration, it is not a
                  with many predicting                                                          consumption mode.  This will result in  country  that  is  willing  to  accept  tens
                  it would surpass even                                                         very slow growth of GDP but signifi- of millions from Africa.  The Chinese
                  the US as the world’s                                                         cantly higher standard of living for the  Communist Party has led China into a
                  largest economy.  But                                                         average Chinese.              dead end.
                  in  the  last  decade,                                                           Japan experienced decades of rapid   For the world, this means that this
                  the   China   model                                                           growth  that  eventually  slowed  down  century  will  still  be  dominated  by
       has gradually slowed and finally has                                                     around 1990.  Since then, it has grown  American power.  While China’s pop-
       stalled out, with huge implications for                                                  much  more  slowly.    The  big  differ- ulation  is  expected  to  decline  to  700
       who  will  be  the  dominant  power  in                                                  ence is that Japan slowed down when  million by 2100, the US is expected to
       the 21st century.             Instead of rapid growth continuing, the last decade has seen China slowdown.     its GDP per person had reached 60%  rise to 400 million.  But what makes US
         China’s  growth  was  driven  by  its  Growth is now only 3-4% per year and is predicted to fall even further - OMFIF  of the American level, while China is  power so dominant is not just its own
       shift  to  capitalism  from  the  Maoist                                                 slowing down after only reaching about  economy, but the fact that it has such a
       communism  it  had  suffered  under  was far better than life in the country- fuel economic growth.   25% of the US level.  The richest Chi- wide alliance system.  The US can rely
       since  the  Chinese  Communist  Party  side.  China’s economy grew at a break-  The  Chinese  growth  model  was  nese  province  is  still  poorer  than  the  on Britain, Australia, and Canada, along

       seized  power  in  a  civil  war  in  1949.  neck pace, sometimes more than 10%  based on massive investment paid for  poorest American state.  The gleaming  with NATO in Europe, and Japan and
       Mao’s  rule  was  marked  by  one  mas- in a single year.  Over the course of the  by economic policies that forced Chi- skyscrapers  of  Shanghai  obscure  the  South Korea and Taiwan in Asia, and
       sive  failure  after  another,  the  largest  last several decades, hundreds of mil- nese to save and to channel those sav- reality that China is still a rather poor  Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Middle

       was the Great Leap Forward.  This was  lions of Chinese were lifted out of ab- ings  to  companies  that  would  invest.  country by Western standards.  East.  Other nations that are not as close
       a  deeply  misguided  attempt  to  force  solute poverty.   While all economies need investment   The  Chinese  people  have  them- to the US, but perceive China as a threat
       Chinese peasants to turn their villages   The  Chinese  colossus  looked  un- to pay for economic growth, China has  selves  become  extremely  pessimistic  include the Philippines, Indonesia, In-

       into  centers  of  heavy  industry  in  the  stoppable.  If it continued to grow at  a  very  unbalanced  approach  to  this.  about  the  future.    Chinese  women  dia, and Vietnam.  Vietnam is actually
       early 1960’s.  The collapse of farming  7-10%  per  year,  it  was  just  a  matter  Most economies invest about 20-25%  have  basically  gone  on  a  baby  strike,  now looking to buy American military
       that resulted created a massive famine  of time before China overtook the US  of  GDP,  with  the  rest  going  to  con- the most tangible way in which young  equipment.    China’s  junior  partner,
       that took the lives of up to 50 million  as the world’s largest economy.  Many  sumption.  China has maintained in- people can make clear their dark view  Russia, is getting knocked down by the
       Chinese,  before  Mao  gave  up  on  his  observers  breathlessly  speculated  that  vestment rates of 40-45% of GDP and  of their own prospects.  New Chinese  war in Ukraine and has lost any claim it
       scheme.                       China  would  topple  the  US  as  the  done so by restricting household con- college  graduates  are  now  struggling  has to great power status.
         But  starting  around  1980,  and  ac- dominant global power as surely as day  sumption. This massive investment has  to  find  good  employment.    China’s   The  story  of  China’s  economic
       celerating in the 1990’s, China opened  follows night.      paid for high-speed rails, new airports,  birthrate  has  collapsed  from  17  mil- miracle is over.  It now faces very diffi-

       its  economy  to  foreign  investors  and   But this prediction has clearly failed.  homes  and  apartments,  roads,  power  lion  babies  per  year  back  in  2015  to  cult choices, and its dictatorship of the
       steadily  became  the  workshop  of  the  Instead of rapid growth continuing, the  plants,  bridges,  and  many  other  such  just 9 million in 2022.  This amounts  Communist  Party  has  concentrated
       world, with a massive expansion of low  last decade has seen China slowdown.  projects.  to  only  about  1  baby  per  lifetime  for  power in the hands of Xi Jinping.  Xi

       tech and then medium tech manufac- Growth is now only 3-4% per year and   The problem for China is that it has  each woman, less than half the number  has  been  unable  to  handle  the  chal-

       turing.    Tens  of  millions  of  Chinese  is predicted to fall even further.  Chi- run out of useful investments.  Much of  needed to keep the population stable.  lenges of the last decade, and with him
       peasants moved to the cities to begin  na’s  working  age  population  peaked  the investment is going to homes and  China  was  passed  by  India  this  last  in power for the foreseeable future, it is
       working in these factories.  While pay  around 2015, and so it can no longer  apartments that sit empty and bridges  year and is no longer the world’s most  hard to paint a positive picture of what
       was still low by Western standards, it  rely on a rapidly growing work force to  to  nowhere.    This  useless  investment  populous country.  In the next 30 years,  awaits the Chinese people.

              n By Beena Sarwar      Sara Suleri: Beyond Borders
                Boston, MA

               ur bataiye” – tell me more,
               a polite invitation to keep
       “Atalking.  I  can  hear  her
       voice, perhaps naturally husky, made
                  deeper  with  years  of
                  cigarette smoking and
                  perhaps more recent-
                  ly with pain and other
                     She’d send her love
                  to  Pakistan  whenever
       I’d call before flying out from Boston,                                                    Azra Raza and Sara Suleri, May 28, 2020 – You Tube
       where we had both ended up around
       ten  years  ago  –  she  after  retiring  as                                             gaunt one I know reads from her chap- – I send her the fragrance of the Lahore
       Professor  Emeritus  of  English  from                                                   ter on older sister Ifat from her iconic  spring and nargis flowers.
       Yale University. I had transplanted my- Despite  her  frailty,  she  has  everyone  riveted  with  anecdotes  drawn  from   book Meatless Days.  In  September  2020,  Sara  sells  her
       self from my home city Karachi where  her long association with Asma in Lahore. There are poignant pauses and          Boston apartment and transplants the
       I was editing Aman Ki Asha, hope for  audience laughter. She speaks of Asma’s sincerity, courage and authenticity –   Covid rampant  contents to Bellingham, a suburb of Se-
       peace – between India and Pakistan.  traits that apply equally to Sara herself              Walking  across  the  Charles  River  attle. I’m moved by her call the day be-
         “Dream  on!”  I  hear  Sara  say.  And                                                 bridge on a cold February afternoon, I  fore she leaves. There’s a finality about
       yet, she agrees, it’s important to keep  strong,  despite  all  the  years  away.  If  lat, younger by five years.  call Sara. With Covid rampant, meet- the  goodbye.  Who  knows  when  we’ll
       going.  She’s  a  hundred  percent  sup- asked,  she’d  identify  herself  as  Paki-  There’s a recording of the event on- ings are impossible. Over the landline  meet again.
       portive of this, and our push for a re- stani – “never American-Pakistani”.                                               It’s a big move but she can now be
       gional approach – the South Asia Peace   When  I’d  call  Sara  after  returning                                       near  Tillat  in  Vancouver,  Canada,  an
       Action  Network,  or  Sapan,  the  more  from Pakistan, she’d be eager to know                                         hour-and-a-half  drive  away.  They  are
       recent  endeavor,  launched  last  year  what I did, where I went, who I met.                                          excited  about  being  so  close  to  each
       with  a  wonderful  group  of  inter-gen- On my return in February 2020 – B.C.,                                        other. Tillat could visit Sara in Boston
       erational, cross-border peace mongers. before Covid – I flew back from Islam-                                          only a couple of times a year.
         Sara’s  name  is  on  Sapan’s  Founding  abad,  having  recently  visited  Lahore                                       There’s no way of knowing when the
       Charter calling on Southasian nations to  where Sara grew up and where I lived                                         pandemic will end or that it will drag
       institute soft borders and visa-free South  for a little over a decade in the 1990s.                                   on  so  long.  Soon  after  the  move,  the
       Asia, to allow freedom of trade and trav- She  was  23  when  she  left  the  city  in                                 borders  closed  again.  Sara  and  Tillat.
       el to each other’s citizens, ensure human  1976.  I  was  just  a  little  older  when  I                              So near and yet so far.
       rights  and  dignity  for  all  their  citizens  moved there from Karachi in 1988.                                        Since the border reopened last sum-
       and to cooperate in all areas including   Sara spent most of her adult life in                                         mer,  Tillat  could  be  with  Sara  every
       public health, culture and legal reform,  America  but  made  frequent  visits  to                                     week  for  several  days.  Comfortingly,
       education and environment.    Pakistan, until health issues prevented                                                  she and other family members were by
                                     her travel back. Her last visit may have   Raza Rumi with Sara Suleri, February 2018 - Photo: Beena Sarwar  Sara’s side when she took her last breath
       Roots                         been at the Second Karachi Literature                                                    at home on March 20. She was 68.
         Her  roots  to  the  region  remained  Festival in 2011, guesses her sister Til- line.  A  more  filled-out  Sara  than  the  – she has stopped using her cell phone   (Continued on page 23)
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