Page 17 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 17
If You Are True in Your Love of Muhammad Gems from the Holy Qur’an
be demonstrated by a life of integrity
and compassion, discipline and dig-
nity, excellence and achievement. That
was what he provided as an example
throughout his life. True love for the
Prophet, one would have to agree, is
expressed more through deeds than
through words of praise.
The insanity of Hollywood love
is what we have come to adopt in
the community, as our love for the
Prophet has become a noun not a
verb, where it is a feeling to enjoy
not a sacrifice to make. Is it any great From the translation by Muham- that will inherit the paradise; [and]
mystery then that our condition mad Asad (Leopold Weiss) therein shall they abide.
among the nations of the world and
our plight among the people of the About the translator: Chapter 23, Verses 72-75
planet are as pathetic and as deplor- Muhammad Asad, Leopold Or dost thou [O Muhammad] ask
able as it has ever been. Weiss, was born of Jewish parents of them any worldly recompense?
As people of faith and as vicegerents in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in But [they ought to know that] a rec-
What a way he showed us to live. What a way we have learnt to live. He showed of Allah we were given a sacred trust to 1900, and at the age of 22 made his ompense from thy Sustainer is best,
us the way for unity, establishing a fraternity of Arabs and non-Arabs. Today shoulder. Unfortunately, this responsi- first visit to the Middle East. He since He is the best of providers!
we are divided in the name of language, culture and geographic origins. Our bility we have long abdicated. We have later became an outstanding for- And, verily, thou callest them
tribalism has surfaced under new names – Photo Green Dome chosen to live lives of indifference and eign correspondent for the Fran- onto a straight way – but, behold,
irrelevance. We have decided to follow furter Zeitung, and after years of those who will not believe in the life
n By Azher Quader hear the stories of his awe-inspiring the beaten track, the road more easily devoted study became one of the to come are bound to deviate from
Chicago, IL life, and more recently, in slogan traveled, and the path less hazardous leading Muslim scholars of our age. that way.
chanting marches that help create a for our feet. Yet he, in whose love we His translation of the Holy Qur’an And even were We to show them
Ki wafa too ne Muhammad se to spectacle of our love for the media to gather and march so often, did show us is one of the most lucid and well- mercy and remove whatever distress
ham terey hain behold. For if we were to be truly in another way. referenced works in this category, might befall them [in this life], they
Ye jahan cheez hai kya loh o qalam love with our Prophet (pbuh) our cel- That was the way he traveled, dedicated to “li-qawmin yatafak- would still persist in their overween-
I f you are true in your love of Mu- into a performing love, the results of hardly knew, bloodied by the stones warded by Dr Ismat Kamal. and fro.
terey hain - Iqbal
karoon” (people who think). For- ing arrogance, blindly stumbling to
ebratory love would transform itself picking the burdens of people he
which would be easy to witness.
of people who hated him, accepting
hammad then We are with you
Chapter 23, Verses 91-92
Chapter 23, Verses 1-11
Today even with one eye strug- the boycott and blockade of his clan
This world is nothing; We will
give you Our pen and tablet to write gling to blink open and look above that denied him, standing up for the Truly, to a happy state shall at- Never did God take unto Himself
your own destiny the sand in which our heads are bur- rights of the poor and deprived while tain the believers: those who humble any offspring, nor has there ever been
When Iqbal ied, the sorry state of Muslim life belonging to a community of privi- themselves in their prayer, and who any deity side by side with Him: [for,
penned this verse on would be clear to see. Far from the leged, keeping true to his promises turn away from all that is frivolous, had here been any,] lo! Each deity
behalf of the Creator, promise of having the power to write even when it hurt his own self-inter- and who are intent on inner purity; would surely have stood apart [from
he probably had in our own future, we can hardly keep est, unfailing in the pursuit of justice, and who are mindful of their chas- the others] in whatever it had creat-
mind a state of love our present condition from falling forgiving his enemies, demonstrating tity, [not giving way to their desires] ed, and they would surely have [tried
and adoration for the apart and being tossed around at the humility in victory and patience in with any but their spouses – that is, to] overcome one another!
Prophet (pbuh) different from the mercy of forces beyond our control. defeat. those whom they rightfully pos- Limitless in His glory is God, [far]
love and adoration we practice for From Iraq to Morocco, from India What a way he showed us to live. sess [through wedlock] -: for then, above anything that men may devise
the Prophet (pbuh) these days. In- to Pakistan, from UK to US our love What a way we have learnt to live. behold, they are free of all blame, by way of definition, knowing all that
deed, ours is a celebratory love, that for the Prophet (pbuh) has sadly come He showed us the way for unity, es- whereas such as seek to go beyond is beyond the reach of a created be-
is usually evident in private parties to exist as a one-day celebration, not tablishing a fraternity of Arabs and that [limit] are transgressors; and ing’s perception as well as all that can
where we sing his praises, or in pub- a life-embracing phenomenon. True non-Arabs. Today we are divided in who are faithful to their trusts and be witnessed by a creature’s senses or
lic gatherings where we assemble to love for the Prophet (pbuh) would the name of language, culture and to their pledges, and who guard their mind – and, hence, sublimely exalted
geographic origins. Our tribalism has prayers [from all worldly intent]. It is is He above anything to which they
surfaced under new names. they, they who shall be the inheritors may ascribe a share in His divinity.
Sometimes we call it ethnic pride,
sometimes it goes as cultural diver-
sity. He showed us the power of see- endurance. We have learnt to whine lud can only be meaningful if we are
ing the big picture, the vision for a and wail at every thorn that is placed willing to make the tough choices for
brighter future, one that sacrificed in our path. building our lives in the image of his
the short term for the long term. Yet Our veneration for the Prophet life, striving to be undeniably good, to
today we are consumed with our per- (pbuh) can ring true only if we are be aware of our individual selves and
sonal agendas, intoxicated with the to mend our ways and embark upon our surroundings, to grow our capac-
gratification of the immediate, in- a journey of strength, that will follow ities to their fullest, to let go our fears,
different to the realities of the com- the map and markings he left for us to to become empowered and powerful,
munity’s future. He showed us to be pursue. Our celebrations of his Mau- to become a blessing for all humanity.
fearless in battle, to be fighting fit in
war and peace, to raise our arms in Jewish Pro-Palestinian Protesters Israeli forces, supported by US
defense of the oppressed, the weak Block White House Entrances warships, have positioned themselves
and the ones in bondage. Today we (Continued from page 13) along Gaza's border and drilled for
live in fear, threatened by our own But they also demand that the bombing what Israel said would be a broad cam-
inadequacies, abstaining to march of Gaza stop. paign to dismantle the militant group.
for the rights of others, oblivious of They sat in front of the White House A week of blistering airstrikes have
the silent cries of the unborn, refus- gates and demanded that Biden insist demolished neighborhoods but failed
ing to speak truth to power, indif- Israel stop its attacks on Gaza. to stop militant rocket fire into Israel.
ferent to the issues that concern our 'Three big groups of Jews and allies The war that began October 7 has
neighbors, ignorant of the plight of have shut down the major exit of the become the deadliest of five Gaza wars
the refugees. White House on 17th St,' they tweeted. for both sides, with more than 4,000
He showed us the way to con- 'We're not leaving until Biden calls killed.
quer and relent. We have learnt to for a ceasefire and neither should they.' The Gaza Health Ministry said
overcome and dispense justice in the More than a million people have fled 2,750 Palestinians have been killed and
streets by the mobs. He showed us their homes in the Gaza Strip ahead of 9,700 wounded.
to live as good neighbors. We have an expected Israeli invasion that seeks Iran's foreign minister has warned
learnt to live as strangers, barely ac- to eliminate Hamas' leadership. on Monday that 'preemptive action is
knowledging the existence of our Aid groups warn an Israeli ground possible' if Israel moves closer to its
neighbors. He showed us to bear offensive could hasten a humanitarian looming ground offensive in the Gaza
hurt and hostility with patience and crisis. Strip… Daily Mail