Page 12 - Pakistan Link - October 20, 2023
P. 12
China Ready to Boost Ties but Urges further read with relevant provision of pear before multiple courts in Islamabad days. urge Pakistan to work with us to resettle
Security Guarantee Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003, the starting Oct 24 to face his remaining le- Had the assemblies been dissolved qualifying individuals in the US, not
(Continued from page 1) Order said: “Under this production or- gal cases. - AP on time, the electoral body was consti- send them back to Afghanistan where
over recent years, killing Chinese per- der, respondent shall be produced only tutionally bound to hold polls in 60 days. they face certain doom,” the letter said.
sonnel. before Election Commission of Pakistan Pakistan Calls for Immediate Ceasefire at However, the ECP decided against It said Pakistan’s decision to deport
Xi on Thursday evening met Paki- on 24.10.2023 at 10am and, after culmi- OIC Emergency Meeting holding polls within the stipulated time Afghans would impact individuals, in-
stan’s caretaker prime minister, Anwar ul nation of proceedings, the respondent (Continued from page 1) as the Council of Common Interest cluding former interpreters, journalists,
Haq Kakar, who is in Beijing this week shall be returned to jail forthwith”. In his remarks, Mr Jilani appreciated the (CCI), days before the dissolution of the women leaders and others “who face sig-
for a forum on China’s Belt and Road The bench asked the office to convey efforts by Egypt, the UN and other coun- assemblies, approved the 7th Population nificant risks if returned to Afghanistan.”
Initiative (BRI). the directions to the Superintendent of tries and called for emergency supplies and Housing Census 2023. “These deportations would not be
Xi said both countries should pursue Adyala Jail, Rawalpindi, to make all nec- for the Palestinians in Gaza from all OIC The CCI approval made it mandatory consistent with Pakistan’s humanitarian
an “upgraded version” of a China-Paki- essary arrangements for producing the member states and the wider interna- for the commission to hold elections fol- tradition, and if pursued, would certain-
stan Economic Corridor, enhancing co- respondent before the ECP. tional community. lowing fresh delimitations in light of the ly adversely impact Pakistan’s relation-
operation in industrial parks, agriculture Inspector General of Police, Islam- He said that as always, Pakistan will results of the census. ship with the United States and could
and mining, new energy, as well as early abad, and Inspector General of Police, actively participate in this endeavor. He Subsequently, on August 17, the ECP cause lasting damage to Pakistan’s repu-
implementation of major connectivity Punjab, have been asked to ensure fool- said the entire population of Gaza, in- announced the schedule of new delimi- tation among the international commu-
projects. proof security arrangements for produc- cluding women, children, and elderly, tations to be carried out as per the new nity,” the letter added.
At the same time, he called for secu- tion of Mr Khan when the case comes was being collectively punished by ex- census approved by the CCI. “Further, it is simply inhumane to
rity for Chinese interests. up for framing of the charge against him. cessive and indiscriminate use of force But in September, the commission treat these vulnerable neighbors in such
“We hope the Pakistani side will The charge is to be framed against the by Israel. announced that general elections in a manner,” it said.
guarantee the safety of Chinese institu- former prime minister in two separate “The deliberate targeting of a large the country would take place in the last The letter also asks Pakistan to ap-
tions and personnel in Pakistan,” the cases — one for contempt of the Com- number of Palestinian children is par- week of January 2024. prove the International Organization
ministry cited Xi as telling Kakar. mission and the other for contempt of ticularly harrowing. It is the eleventh However, before the announcement, for Migration’s request to establish a Re-
Kakar said on Wednesday Pakistan Chief Election Commissioner Sikandar day of a relentless, disproportionate and multiple petitions were filed in the Su- settlement Support Center in Pakistan to
had completed more than 50 projects Sultan Raja. callous military campaign against civil- preme Court against the delay in polls. assist Afghans and verify their eligibility
worth $25 billion under the CPEC, a The ECP bench also issued bailable ians in Gaza. The Strip has been militar- Among the petitioners are the Su- for resettlement. - AP
flagship project under China’s BRI with warrants against former PTI leader ily sieged, and electricity, water, and all preme Court Bar Association, Jamaat-e-
more than $65 billion pledged for road, Fawad Chaudhry in the contempt of humanitarian aid channels have been Islami and the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Massive Relief:
rail and other infrastructure develop- ECP and CEC cases. cut off,” he said. (PTI). All three petitioners have been Govt Slashes Petrol
ments. One of the orders reads: “The pre- Occupation termed ‘root cause’ asking the apex court to ensure that polls
Xi said China was open to buttress- vious order dated 22.08.2023 was to be He said the root cause of this latest are held within 90 days. Price by Rs40
ing cooperation within the UN and complied with by respondent but he is violence lies in the prolonged and illegal These petitions were filed during the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization not in attendance despite direction for occupation of Palestine and the usurpa- tenure of former chief justice Umar Ata
framework and safeguard the interests personal appearance. Qamar lnayat, tion of the lands and properties of Pal- Bandial, however, they were not fixed for
of developing countries. China also wel- Advocate, appeared on behalf of Faisal estinians and accompanying oppression, a hearing.
comed more high-quality agricultural Fareed Chaudhry, Senior Counsel for racial apartheid, and massive violations Military court trials
imports from Pakistan, the ministry said respondent…” - Dawn of human rights. The other petition that CJP Isa hinted
in a statement late on Thursday. - Re- Any response to the current conflict about is related to the trial of civilians,
uters With Arrest Put on Hold, Nawaz to Land must be based on UN resolutions that who were arrested in connection with
PM seeks Chinese investment Freely on 21st recognize the inalienable right to self- attacks on army installations during the The finance ministry also reduced tariffs
Earlier in the day, Kakar met a num- (Continued from page 1) determination of the Palestinian people May 9 protests, in military courts. of high-speed diesel by Rs15 per liter
ber of Chinese corporate executives, Sharif has been a fugitive from justice and the elimination of Israel’s illegal In response to the move, PTI Chair-
state-run Radio Pakistan reported. since failing to appear before a Pakistan occupation of Palestinian territories in- man Imran Khan, former chief justice ISLAMABAD: The federal govern-
During the meetings, the premier court in 2019. He traveled from London cluding Al Quds Al Sharif. Jawwad S Khawaja, lawyer Aitzaz Ahsan, ment has reduced the price of petrol by
encouraged Chinese firms to explore the to Saudi Arabia last week and is to return “Any attempt to create a false equiva- and five civil society members, including Rs40 and high-speed diesel (HSD) by
“vast investment potential in Pakistan, home on a special plane from Dubai on lence between the aggressor and the Piler Executive Director Karamat Ali, Rs15 in line with fluctuations in global
especially in information technology, Saturday, according to his Pakistan Mus- victims would be naive. The struggle of requested the apex court to declare the oil prices and appreciation of the rupee
agriculture, renewable energy, textile, lim League party. peoples under foreign and alien occupa- military trials “unconstitutional”. against the US dollar.
digital economy and the mining sector”. In 2020, an anti-graft court in Islam- tion for self-determination and national The initial hearings were marred by A finance ministry statement said:
According to the report, the PM ap- abad issued a warrant for his arrest after liberation is legitimate under interna- objections on the bench formation and “Owing to the decreasing trend of
prised Chinese businessmen of Paki- he failed to return home. The same court tional law. Equating this struggle with recusals by the judges. petroleum prices in the international
stan’s initiatives for economic and finan- on Thursday suspended the arrest war- terrorism would amount to gaslighting Finally, a six-member bench com- market and due to appreciation of Pak
cial stability. rant for him until Oct. 24. the real issue and deliberately ignoring prising the then CJP Bandial, Justice Ijaz Rupee against the US$, the government
Sharing Pakistan’s vision for sustain- Also on Thursday, the Islamabad the underlying cause of enduring insta- Ul Ahsan, Justice Munib Akhtar, Justice has decided to revise the existing con-
able and inclusive development, he out- High Court granted Sharif bail until Oct bility in the region,” he said. Yahya Afridi, Justice Sayyed Mazahar Ali sumer prices of petroleum products.”
lined Pakistan’s investor-friendly poli- 24, giving him protection from arrest At the conclusion of the meeting, the Akbar Naqvi, and Justice Ayesha Malik After the announcement, the price
cies, including the establishment of the until then, according to his legal team. Executive Committee adopted a Joint heard the petitions. of petrol was set at Rs283.38 per liter
Special Investment Facilitation Council, Sharif’s party hailed the court’s deci- Communiqué outlining the collective It had held multiple hearings of the while HSD is now available at Rs303.18
which he said would act as a one-win- sion. His special plane is to land at Islam- stance of the Ummah on the situation case but had not issued a verdict. per liter.
dow platform to facilitate foreign invest- abad’s airport on Saturday, and he will in Gaza. In the last hearing, the case was ad- Petrol is mainly used in motorbikes
ment. travel to Lahore the same day to address On the sidelines, the foreign minister journed indefinitely after Attorney Gen- and cars and is an alternative to com-
Meanwhile, Chinese entrepreneurs a rally to be held at a public park under also held meetings with the foreign min- eral for Pakistan (AGP) Mansoor Usman pressed natural gas (CNG), especially
briefed the premier on their business tight security. isters of Gambia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Awan assured the CJP that the military in Punjab, where locally produced gas
portfolios in Pakistan and expressed Sharif, who served as prime minister Iran and Türkiye. The meeting was co- trials would not proceed without in- is not available at CNG filling stations.
interest in working with Pakistani part- three times, was convicted in 2018 and convened by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. forming the apex court. – The News HSD is primarily used in agricul-
ners. sentenced to 10 years in prison by the - Dawn ture and transport sectors and any re-
PM Kakar also invited the executives anti-graft tribunal in a corruption case Former US Officials Ask Pakistan duction in its price may have a positive
to Pakistan to discuss their business in- involving purchases of luxury apart- Supreme Court May Take up Pleas on Not to Deport Afghans impact on inflation.
terests with the relevant ministers, Radio ments in London. Election and Military Court Trials Soon Seeking Relocation to US On October 1, the caretaker gov-
Pakistan added. – Dawn Pakistan has been in deep political (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 9) ernment had reduced the price of pet-
turmoil since Khan’s ouster last year. for the petitioners asked the top judge to taker Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq rol by Rs8 -- from Rs331.38 per liter to
Imran’s Production Order Issued in Shehbaz Sharif hailed the granting of adjourn the hearing for 15 days. Kakar, dozens of former US officials and Rs323.38.
Contempt Cases bail to his brother by the Islamabad High “Cases seeking timely general elec- representatives of resettlement organiza- Similarly, the rate of HSD was re-
(Continued from page 1) Court. tions and trial of civilians in military tions asked Pakistan to stop its plan to duced by Rs11 -- from Rs329.18 per
on Thursday says “it is matter of record “The elected prime minister, Nawaz courts will be fixed soon. Difficult cases deport Afghans who entered the country liter to Rs318.18.
that the matter was pending adjudication Sharif, was disqualified based on a ficti- are about to come in the Supreme Court, following the withdrawal of US forces The Pakistani rupee on Friday cre-
since August 2022 and has to be decided tious and fabricated story. He was impli- and it will be tough to schedule other from Afghanistan in 2021. ated history by maintaining its win-
without any further delay. cated in absurd cases and subjected to cases [during this period],” remarked “We want Afghans to know that pow- ning streak for 27 consecutive working
“Since the respondent is in jail and mistreatment. Any fair hearing would CJP Isa. erful people in the US and Americans days for the first time in three years.
his personal appearance is mandatory to have established his innocence,” he He further stated that they would fix from across the nation stand with them,” It hit over a three-month high be-
proceed further with the matter. ln such wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. the employees’ case after two months. said Shawn Van Diver, president and low Rs278 against the US dollar in the
view of the matter, there is no alternate The Pakistan Muslim League is cur- Uncertainty around polls founder of #AfghanEvac, a nonprofit inter-bank market.
except to issue production order of re- rently widely unpopular because Sheh- The Shehbaz Sharif-led government organization. In the past 27 working days,
spondent namely Imran Ahmed Khan baz Sharif’s government failed to contain dissolved the National Assembly on “We appreciate Pakistan for provid- the currency has cumulatively
Niazi.” inflation, though he says he managed to August 9, while Sindh and Balochistan ing refuge to our allies following Amer- regained 10.62%, or Rs29.48,
Issuing the production order under save the country from default. The party assemblies were also prematurely dis- ica’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, but compared to the record low of
Section 10 of Elections Act, 2017, read wants Nawaz Sharif to head its election solved to allow the electoral authority to this decision would only cause chaos Rs307.10/$ hit on September 5,
with rule 4 of Elections Rules, 2017, and campaign, although he is expected to ap- hold elections in the country within 90 and make a bad situation worse. We 2023. – The Express Tribune